Universal Screening Plan

Columbine Middle School Return to Learn2020-2021Dear Columbine families and students,Welcome back to school!Columbine Middle School believes that our staff and students are part of a larger family made up of the Montrose community who benefit from the social interaction of the in-person school environment. We believe that we are able to meet the challenges associated with planning for in-person instructional operations because our staff is a disciplined, committed, caring and professional group of educators who are most concerned with the health and welfare of our staff and students. Additionally, we believe our community is a powerful, thoughtful, respectful, and compassionate family that will support our schools, as they always have, and help our students by giving them a special place where they can learn and grow. Columbine is committed to doing everything in our power to conduct school operations in a safe manner and to provide students with the rigor and quality of education to which our community has always been accustomed to. Columbine is committed to making this a positive experience for students and families. In-person learning plays a vital role in a child’s academic and social-emotional development. We recognize that in-person learning may not be each family’s preference until there is a viable treatment solution or a vaccine to COVID-19. The purpose of the Return to Learn Plan is to provide our students, families and staff with information about learning options.Columbine will continue to monitor the Return to Learn plan and make modifications as needed to best meet the needs of our students with guidance from our district and local/state officials.If you have any questions about the Columbine Return to Learn Plan, please contact the school office at (970) 249-2581. Don’t forget to check out the CMS website and sign up for REMIND to get updates throughout the year. Registration and iPad Checkout Dates & Times August 207:00 - 10:30: 6th grade Last Name A - L 10:30 - 2:30: 7th grade Last Name A - L 2:30 - 6:00: 8th grade Last Name A - L August 217:00 - 10:00: 6th grade Last Name M - Z 10:00 - 2:00: 7th grade Last Name M - Z 2:00 - 5:00: 8th grade Last Name M - Z August 248:00 - 4:00: 100% online student registration and iPad checkoutOnly one parent and the enrolling student/s may enter the building at the same timeStudents and parents must wear a mask/face covering during registrationTemperature screening at the front doorFor new students, bring birth certificate, proof of residence, and immunization recordFeesiPad: $30Art: $15Family and Consumer Studies: $15Computers/Careers: $10Music: $15Band (optional): To be determined***Please remember during registration, in order to practice social distancing, only a limited number of students and parents will be allowed in the building at any one time***Learning Models Hybrid Learning (In-Person and Learn from home) Students will have great opportunities to learn in the 20-21 school year! CMS has two sessions in the hybrid learning model. There is an in-person school week and a learn from home week. See below the exciting things that will occur during each session. During In-person Week Students will…During Learn at Home Week Students will…See teachers every day"See" teachers virtually everydayAttend 5 - 70 minute blocks a dayAttend a 30 minute zoom lessons for each class Monday-Friday(Social Studies and study hall will not have remote instruction)Attend school Monday - FridayLearn from home Monday - FridayHave exploratories!Participate in exploratories virtually! Students will be divided into 2 cohorts (A & B) within their grades. Cohort A students will come to school in-person for week 1 while all cohort B students will participate in the learn from home session during that same week. The cohorts will switch the following week. Therefore, during week 2, cohort A will be in learn from home session while cohort B will come to school for their in-person session. Cohorts will rotate between in-person sessions and the learn from home session weekly.***Cohort A & B will remain separate. They will not attend school at the same time*** Sample Schedules 6th Grade Sample Schedule In-Person Session-Schedule applies to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday (Wednesday is early release day) Time of DayClass 8:13 - 9:25Language Arts/Reading 9:29 - 10:39Math 10:43 - 11:53Study Hall11:53 - 12:13Lunch 12:18 - 12:38Recess12:43 - 1:03Ram Time1:07 - 2:17Music2:21 - 3:35Social Studies/Sci Learn from Home Session- Schedule applies to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday (Wednesday is early release day) Time of DayClass 8:13 - 8:43Language Arts/Reading9:29 - 9:59Math1:07 - 1:37Music2:03 - 2:33Work Time7th Grade Sample ScheduleIn-Person School Session Schedule applies to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday (Wednesday is early release day) Time of DayClass 8:13 - 9:25Language Arts/Reading 9:29 - 10:39Math 10:43 - 11:53Study Hall11:53 - 12:13Ram Time 12:18 - 12:38Lunch12:43 - 1:03Recess1:07 - 2:17FACS2:21 - 3:35Social Studies/Sci Learn from Home Session Schedule applies to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday (Wednesday is early release day) Time of DayClass 8:13 - 8:43Language Arts/Reading9:29 - 9:59Math1:07 - 1:37Music2:03 - 2:33Work Time8th Grade Sample ScheduleIn-Person School Session Schedule applies to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday (Wednesday is early release day) Time of DayClass 8:13 - 9:25Language Arts/Reading 9:29 - 10:39Math 10:43 - 11:53Study Hall11:53 - 12:13Recess 12:18 - 12:38Ram Time12:43 - 1:03Lunch1:07 - 2:17Art2:21 - 3:35Social Studies/Sci Learn from Home Session Schedule applies to Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & Friday (Wednesday is early release day) Time of DayClass 8:13 - 8:43Language Arts/Reading9:29 - 9:59Math1:07 - 1:37Music2:03 - 2:33Work TimeBell SchedulesBell Schedule Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, & FridayPeriodTime67818:13 - 9:2529:29 - 10:39310:43 - 11:53Lunch11:53 - 12:13LunchRam TimeRecess12:18 - 12:38RecessLunchRam Time12:43 - 1:03Ram TimeRecessLunch 41:07 - 2:1752:21 - 3:35Wednesday Bell SchedulePeriodTime67818:13 - 9:1329:17 - 10:15310:19 - 11:17Lunch11:17 - 11:37LunchRam TimeRecess11:42 - 12:02RecessLunchRam Time12:07 - 12:27Ram TimeRecessLunch 412:31 - 1:2951:33 - 2:35***If all or part of the school is closed due to COVID-19, the following plan will be followed: Students will follow their learn at home schedule from the hybrid learning model if all or part of the school is closed. ***Attendance will be taken during the learn from home (zoom lessons)*** Remote Learning (If you chose 100% online learning for your student) Middle school students opting for MCSD Learn from Home (Online) will participate in daily live lessons that follow their course schedule. Students will be enrolled with MCSD Online teachers whose dedicated job is to teach MCSD Online coursework and students. Students will receive personalized support, instruction, and connection from MCSD teachers. There will be opportunities for students to interact with one another in collaborative, meaningful ways each day. School Start DatesCMS will be staggering cohort start dates in order to provide orientation for technology, safety protocols, schedule, etc. and to foster a sense of community among the cohort. Students will find out which cohort they are in at registration. August 27: Cohort A: First day of in person learning ( YOU COME TO SCHOOL!! )Cohort B: Students are not in school on this dateAugust 28: Cohort A: Students are not in school on this dateCohort B: First day of in person learning ( YOU COME TO SCHOOL!! )August 31: Cohort A - In personCohort B - Learn from homeSeptember 1: Cohort A - In personCohort B - Learn from homeSeptember 2: Cohort A & B - Learn from homeSeptember 3: Cohort A - Learn from homeCohort B - In personSeptember 4: Cohort A - Learn from homeCohort B - In person**The week of September 8 will begin the alternating week schedule with cohort A participating in in-person learning and cohort B participating in learn from home. **Picture Day ScheduleCohort B - September 4thCohort A - September 8thTrimester ScheduleTechnology iPads will be checked out during registration. For a student to receive a new iPad, they must pay the $30 fee, have their old iPad turned in, as well as turn in the iPad Usage Agreement and the Technology and Internet Student Use Agreement.Students will be expected to know how to use the following apps this year at Columbine. Students will receive training on how to use the apps at the beginning of the school year. There will also be tutorial videos posted on Columbine’s YouTube channel. Google Classroom Office Apps - Google Docs, Google Slides, NotabilityCommunication - Zoom, Remind, GMailLearning Apps - EdPuzzle, Nearpod, Achieve 3000, Flipgrid, Padlet, Explain Everything, DoceriMath Apps - CPM, Desmos, DreamboxScience Apps - Gizmos, PHetPE Apps - SworkitPlanner App - Google CalendarAssessment - Kahoot, Edulastic, Google Forms, SocrativeVideo Recording/Editing - iMovie Gifted and Talented Education (GATE) Gate classes for Columbine students will begin in January 2021. GATE Google Classrooms will be used for each grade level to provide programming options, assignments, lessons, resources as well as ALP collaboration, which will provide the same access and opportunity for in-person and remote studentsGATE families will have the option to participate. Parents may choose to opt their student out of programming on a semester by semester basis; if they opt out of one semester, they may rejoin at the start of the next semester. This does not change their gifted identification and the student will continue to have an up-to-date ALP shared with their teachers and parents. Each middle and high school will communicate their specific plan with students and families when they are enrolled and scheduled.As safety protocols permit, enrichment activities may be offered to students outside of classALP goal setting and progress monitoring will continue; this can be done in-person or virtually for remote students *some GATE sponsored activities may or may not be held this year, depending on safety protocols. For example, the District Spelling Bee may need to be modified, held virtually or not held at all this year. Special EducationConsiderations for Special Education and Related Services: When making considerations for special education and related services, school personnel, to the greatest extent feasible, MCSD will build instructional programming with a foundation of equity, equal access, and with services provided in the least restrictive environment. Special education services (location, scheduling, mode of service delivery, etc.) will be delivered in such a manner that protects student confidentiality and maintains student and staff health and safety. School personnel, in their efforts to minimize student contacts with multiple adults, will also ensure appropriate access to individualized services provided by special education and related service providers. Determinations about whether virtual or face-to-face delivery of services are most appropriate given current health recommendations have been considered when developing district Return to Learn plans. What will In-Person Services look like for my Special Education student? The large majority of Special Education students will be able to be served by the same in-person model as their general education peers with consideration being given to special educators and related service providers delivering IEP goal specific services to their students. In each and every case, the individual needs of special education students will be at the forefront of the planning process. For questions specific to your child’s educational plan, please contact your child’s case manager. What will online services look like for my Special Education student? The large majority of Special Education students will be able to be served by the same online model as their general education peers with consideration being given to special educators and related service providers delivering IEP goal specific services to their students via the same online platform. In each and every case, the individual needs of special education students will be at the forefront of the planning process. For questions specific to your child’s educational plan, please contact your child’s case manager. Health and SafetyThe Colorado Department of Education (CDE) and Colorado Department of Health and Environment (CDPHE) have developed guidance for opening schools based on three phases: Stay at Home, Safer at Home, and Protect Our Neighbors. The CDE & CDPHE guidance was used in developing the Columbine Return to Learn Plan. In order to provide collaborative, student-centric learning opportunities within the classroom, the Columbine Return to Learn Plan includes aggressive mitigation strategies at multiple levels. This concept of layering mitigation strategies is structured in a way that Columbine will follow the guidance to the greatest extent possible in order to approach teaching and learning the way that it is meant to be: with social interaction, collaboration, and engagement. This will be achieved through implementing the layered mitigation strategies and related modifications to in-person learning outlined in the graphics below:Universal Screening Plan-100010223838This Universal Screening Plan starts each day with a temperature check at home. Students should have their temperature taken at home each morning before coming to school. If any symptoms are present at home (shortness of breath, elevated temperature, cough, or worsening symptoms), parents/guardians need to notify the Columbine Main Office (970) 249 - 2581, and NOT send the student to school. Students and staff will be screened prior to entering school each day. This will include a touchless thermometer and a series of symptom questions. Anyone with a fever, defined as a temperature of 100.4 or greater, will be screened again within 3-5 minutes to allow for confirmation of a correct temperature. If the temperature remains high, CMS has procedures in place to safely and comfortably quarantine students until parents/guardians can retrieve them from school. The second layer of these procedures is to self-quarantine as a staff member or student. Symptomatic staff members or students will be quarantined for 10 days following the onset of symptoms and 72 hours following the resolution of fever. The final layer includes contact tracing as a measure to ensure that Public Health (PH) can work in concert with MCSD in determining who else may be at risk of contracting COVID-19. 2743200314325 Modifications to In-Person LearningIn addition to the layered mitigation strategies, CMS plans to make modifications to in-person learning in accordance with the CDE/CDPHE guidance. Three major modifications will be in place for the upcoming school year. This graphic highlights these three modifications:- Social distancing & Face Masks- Cohorting- Manage MovementSocial Distancing:Columbine Middle School will practice social distancing as much as possible. There will be times when appropriate social distancing cannot be attained. In cases such as these, staff and students will be trained in appropriate behavior and practices. Face Masks for Students:Students at Columbine are required to wear masks/face coverings (that cover the nose and mouth) throughout the school day when moving about the building and participating in in-person instruction. Students are required to wear a cloth face covering while on school property (from the time of arrival to departure at the end of the day). Special Considerations / Exceptions:Special education services: staff and families should plan for the viability of masks, personal protective equipment, and social distancing wherever possible for instructional activities involving students with severe disabilities (e.g. significant support needs, intellectual disabilities, Autism Spectrum Disorder).Mask Breaks: CMS will designate periods of time and locations for students to have a safe space to remove their masks and have “mask breaks”.Meal Times: CMS students will not have to wear masks during meal and snack times and schools will encourage social distancing during these times.Physical Activity: CMS recognizes that during periods of moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (PE) students will need to remove their masks. CMS expects those activities to take place outdoors whenever possible.Face Masks for Staff● Staff are required to wear a cloth face covering at all times while on duty and will have a mask on their person at all times, even in their classrooms, offices, etc.○ When working in a space without other staff members, it is not expected that staff wear a mask. However, when another individual joins the workspace (i.e. visits a staff member’s desk, classroom, or office) both staff members are expected to don their mask.Instructional Considerations / acknowledgements:● Direct Instruction: We will continue to monitor CDC guidance and provide expectations for mask use during direct instruction.● Staff PPE use during meetings or in private offices: In general, staff should keep their masks on at all times. However, MCSD acknowledges that there may be times where wearing a mask inhibits the ability to communicate effectively.○ Small groups of staff (less than 10), if in a space that allows for more than 6’ of social distancing and good ventilation, may drop their masks when stationary. Again, as in the examples above, the mask must still be on their person so it can be raised in the event they need to sneeze or cough. Additionally, at no time will a staff member be required to lower their mask.Cohorting:CMS will strive to maintain students in cohorts to facilitate contact tracing in the event of a COVID positive or presumptive positive case in our schools. Cohorting allows CMS to limit spread of COVID-19 across cohort groups and limit the incidences of entire school closures / transition to remote operations. At the secondary level, there is an assumption that there is a higher risk of contagion spread by children over the age of 10. Therefore, cohorting numbers will be larger in order to facilitate the scheduling constraints inherent in their instructional practices.Manage Movement:Movement Management will focus on limiting the in-building movement to periods of less than 10 minutes at a time. It will also keep hallways directional, prevent cohort mixing, and ensure that families understand the plan. Generally speaking, CMS will only accept visitors by appointment if they pass the screening and are wearing a face mask. Visitors will be limited to accessing spaces like the front office, counseling office, and Special Education staff. Classroom volunteers will be prohibited at this time. Parents who pick up their child will remain in vestibules or outdoors as much as possible. Cohorts, as explained above, will be allowed to move between classrooms. Any cohort that moves to a communal space (like the cafeteria) cannot do so unless that space has been cleaned and sanitized.***Lockers will not be issued for students at this time. Students will be required to carry all of their belongings with them throughout the day.*** Morning Procedure: CMS students can be on campus beginning at 7:45am. Specific procedures are listed below, depending on how students arrive at CMS.Drop off, walking, and biking:Students will enter the playground through the front (west) gate, wearing their mask/face covering and report to their designated grade level areaStudents eating school breakfast, will enter the building through the main entrance to be screened prior to heading to the cafeteriaAll other students will line up to be screened prior to entering the building through the grade level doorsStudents will use the hand sanitizer stationed at the doors as they enter the buildingScreening will begin at approximately 8:00amBus: Students arrive at the bus loop and walk to the playground, wearing their mask/face covering and report to their designated grade level areaStudents eating school breakfast, will enter the building through the main gym entrance to be screened prior to heading to the cafeteriaAll other students will line up to be screened prior to entering the building through the grade level doors on the playgroundStudents will use the hand sanitizer stationed at the doors as they enter the buildingScreening will begin at approximately 8:00amInclement Weather: Students will be admitted into the building beginning at 7:45am on days the weather is not nice enough to be outside. Lunch Protocol:Each grade will have a separate lunch period and tables will be sanitized between each grade levelStudents will need to wash hands or use hand sanitizer prior to eating lunchHand Sanitation Stations will be at each building entrance, in all classrooms and in the cafeteriaSocial Distancing protocol will be followed and masks do not have to be worn while sitting and eating (no more than 4 students per table)Lunch Recess Protocol:Playground equipment will be closed for the time beingSchool supplied sports equipment will be provided for each grade levelStudents engaged in moderate or vigorous physical activity will not be required to wear a mask/face coveringStudents not engaging in moderate or vigorous activity will need to wear masks if closer than 6’No personal sports equipment from home will be allowed Afternoon Dismissal:Grade level cohorts will be dismissed at staggered intervals Students will be required to leave campus immediately after dismissalAthletics MCSD, in collaboration with the secondary school Athletic Directors, believes in the power of sports and activities to develop our students both emotionally and physically and is committed to doing everything possible to conduct sports this fall in a safe manner. In order to ensure that goal is accomplished, with the exception of the three CHSAA approved Fall sports, MCSD will not allow sports or intermural activities at the Middle School or High School until the 28th of September. MCSD’s main effort for the first month of school must be focused on in-person, and learn from home instruction. CHSAA has allowed for 3 MCSD sports to continue this fall at the high school level: Softball, Boy’s Golf, and Cross Country. MCSD will support and conduct all three safely in accordance with the MCSD Return to Play guidelines as well as those given to us by CHSAA. However, this leaves a lot of questions for the District related to open gyms, out of season workouts, clubs, activities, and Middle School Athletics. MCSD Athletic Directors and District Administrators will work collaboratively to develop and publish an updated ‘Return to Play 2020-2021’ plan the week of 14 September that will address all these concerns. We are committed to finding a way to keep our students and student athletes developing academically, emotionally, and athletically in this unprecedented school year. Look for our plan the week of 14 September. Until 28 September, no sports or activities, other than the 3 allowable CHSAA sports mentioned above, will be allowed to congregate outside of their assigned cohorts. Any meetings, workouts, or open gyms that occur must follow the published Return to Play guidelines and be confined to the school’s scheduling cohort.Frequently Asked QuestionsCan students bring their own hand sanitizer? YES. We encourage students to bring and use their own hand sanitizer. The school will have dispensers in every classroom, hallway and entrance/exit to the school. Will there be times during class my child can take off their mask? YES. Each classroom will have a designated area for students to take off their mask. Teachers will take students outside throughout the day for mask breaks as well.Will my child dress out for PE? At this time we are not requiring students to dress out during PE. Tennis shoes are required to participate in class each day. Will my child have a locker? No. Lockers will not be issued at this time. Will my child move from class to class? Yes. Students are assigned grade level cohorts and will have passing periods to move from one class to another. ................

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