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Misdiagnosed: The Adrenal Fatigue Link (Zodkoy, Steven), 2014Loc. 92-93 | … contributing lifestyle factors, including high stress levels, poor diets, and lack of downtime==========Loc. 123-125 | This mistake (focusing on the pain instead of the causes) was the way western medicine trained physicians to practice. It was not the way that eastern medicine trained physicians practice. I found that I was chasing the patients’ pains around their bodies and often offering only temporary relief.==========Loc. 164-164 | … anxiety, depression, and chronic transient pain.==========Loc. 299-300 | … signs and symptoms of adrenal fatigue occur only when the body cannot meet the stress needs put on it by emotional, physical, and biochemical factors.==========Loc. 304-304 | Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)==========Loc. 310-312 | One of the easiest ways to diagnose adrenal fatigue sufferers is by the number of physical, emotional, and general complaints they have. The sheer volume and variety of their complaints clearly indicates that a weakness in their core system, and not numerous separate problems, is causing the majority of their issue.==========Loc. 412-414 | A key sign of adrenal fatigue is when you find yourself changing your normal patterns to avoid aggravating or causing pain. The vast variety and systemic nature of the signs and symptoms from which a person suffers is the key to diagnosing adrenal fatigue.==========Loc. 1028-1030 | Research now shows that large amounts of cortisol trap negative memories in the brain. When the traumatic event ends, the protective fight-or-flight hormones should drop and the production of the productive adrenal hormone DHEA should begin. It is the lack of the adrenal hormone DHEA following the traumatic event that leads to PTSD.==========Loc. 1030-1031 | My research indicates that DHEA is not released in PTSD cases due to adrenal fatigue.==========Loc. 1200-1201 | Every illness is not caused by adrenal fatigue, but every illness is helped by addressing adrenal fatigue.==========Loc. 1313-1317 | … transient pain, arthritis, headaches, fibromyalgia, joint pain, sprains, spasms, and strains. These physical complaints occur because the person’s ligaments are not strong enough to stabilize the joints of the body. This ligament instability has the dual effect of causing inflammation in the joints as well as muscle fatigue and strain. Ligament laxity forces muscles to work harder, which leads to strain, spasms, and fibromyalgia. It also makes joints loose, leading to sprains, tendonitis, and bursitis.==========Loc. 1881-1882 | The human body was designed to be nourished and healed naturally by the environment. Fruits, vegetables, water, and even animals are a part of that process.==========Loc. 1949-1950 | Adaptogens, as a group, are the most powerful nutritional supplements to help rebuild the fatigued adrenal glands.==========Loc. 2012-2014 | The body is designed to heal itself with what is found in nature. All you need to do is help it along with a good diet, proper physical activity, and some general nutritional supplements. The body will do the rest.==========Loc. 2019-2024 | One of the first problems to occur in adrenal fatigue is ligament laxity. Ligament laxity is when the ligaments, tendons, muscles, and joints are too loose to keep a joint stabilized. This instability leads to several problems, including muscle strain, ligament and tendon sprain, and joint inflammation. Continued joint inflammation can then turn into arthritic changes, tendon tears, and more serious conditions. Interestingly, when you address adrenal fatigue, many of the “untreatable” ailments like arthritis, torn ligaments, and chronic pains will abate. This miraculous recovery is due to the increased stability in the associated joint.==========Loc. 2158-2160 | Generally, acid-forming foods are traditionally associated with increasing inflammation throughout the body, and inflammation is associated with most health challenges that people suffer from today. Alkaline-forming foods are traditionally more oxygenating foods and are more likely to assist in recovery and maintenance of good health.==========Loc. 2252-2254 | Dr. Guyton states, “The first step to maintaining health is to alkalize the body. The cells of a healthy body are alkaline while the cells of a diseased body are acidic. Since our bodies do not manufacture alkalinity, we must supply the alkalinity from an outside source to keep us from being acidic and dying.”==========Loc. 2400-2402 | When you eat acidic foods, it can send the body into a fight-or-flight response, causing it to store the excess acid as fat. When you eat alkaline foods, your body tends to emulsify fat (take big fat and turn it into little fat), making it easier for your body to better digest and eliminate.==========Loc. 2589-2590 | Do something that brings you joy each day.==========Loc. 2670-2670 | There is an old Chinese proverb that states, “Don't wait until you're thirsty to dig a well,”==========Loc. 2699-2703 | Treating adrenal fatigue requires the patient to attack the problem on both an emotional and a physical level. Adrenal fatigue treatment will only be effective when a patient can deal with the emotional and physical stressors that brought the condition out and then dedicate themself to rebuilding themself physically and emotionally. This provides an opportunity for a person to reset their lifestyle and learn to put themself first. Many adrenal fatigue sufferers learn to see their condition as a blessing, changing their lives from stress and excess to rest and accepting their best.========== ................

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