Professor Robert B. Thompson

The Top 10 Corporate and Securities Articles of 2018The Corporate Practice Commentator is pleased to announce the results of its twenty-fifth annual poll to select the ten best corporate and securities articles. Teachers in corporate and securities law were asked to select the best corporate and securities articles from a list of articles published and indexed in legal journals during 2018. Just short of 400 articles were on this year’s list. Because of the vagaries of publication, indexing, and mailing, some articles published in 2018 have a 2017 date, and not all articles containing a 2018 date were published and indexed in time to be included in this year’s list.The articles, listed in alphabetical order of the initial author, are:Yakov Amihud, Markus Schmid & Steven Davidoff Solomon. Settling the Staggered Board Debate. 166 U. Pa. L. Rev. 1475-1510 (2018).Tamara Belinfanti & Lynn Stout. Contested Visions: The Value of Systems Theory for Corporate Law. 166 U. Pa. L. Rev. 578-631 (2018).James D. Cox & Randall S. Thomas. Delaware’s Retreat: Exploring Developing Fissures and Tectonic Shifts in Delaware Corporate Law. 42 Del. J. Corp. L. 323-389 (2018).Jill E. Fisch. Governance by Contract: The Implications for Corporate Bylaws. 106 Cal. L. Rev. 373-409 (2018). Jill E. Fisch, Jonah B. Gelbach & Jonathan Klick. The Logic and Limits of Event Studies in Securities Fraud Litigation. 96 Tex. L. Rev. 553-618 (2018).George S. Geis. Traceable Shares and Corporate Law. 113 Nw. U. L. Rev. 227-277 (2018).Cathy Hwang. Deal Momentum. 65 UCLA L. Rev. 376-425 (2018).Dorothy S. Lund. The Case against Passive Shareholding Voting. 43 J. Corp. L. 493-536 (2018).Edward B. Rock & Daniel L. Rubinfeld. Antitrust for Institutional Investors. 82 Antitrust L. J. 221-78 (2018).Mark J. Roe. Stock-Market Short-Termism’s Impact. 167 U. Pa. L. Rev. 71-121 (2018). ................

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