College of Agriculture & Natural Resources


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St. Joseph County | |

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|Centreville, Michigan 49032 |Fax: 269-467-5641 |

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|November 2009 |

Local groups offer “Salute to the American Farmer”

To recognize those who provide the best food in the world, “A Salute to the American Farmer” was held during the 2009 St. Joseph County Grange Fair this September.

The program was the result of efforts by more than 25 individuals who came together to plan an event that would provide an opportunity to give recognition and thanks for all that farmers contribute to our society and community. They included representatives of banks, agri-business, insurance companies, the fair board, FFA and the St. Joseph County Farm Bureau.

This program was not aimed at a particular type or size of farm, but intended to recognize anyone who produces food. One committee was charged with putting together 200 gift baskets that were handed out to some of the over 730 in attendance.

These gift baskets contained more than 20 products grown by farmers and donated by Michigan commodity groups. Those baskets served as positive reminders of the many raw products that are grown in Michigan and just a few of the many ways they are used.

“Agriculture is the top industry in our state, and its future is assured in the global economy where food production will be as important as manufacturing,” said State Rep. Matt Lori. “Specifically, we should be proud that Michigan farmers provide food here and abroad and we should be eternally glad that we have the American farmer.”

The program included a full schedule, with many events going on both in the morning and the afternoon. At noon the Honor Color Guard from the Veterans of Foreign Wars, Captain John J. Kelly, Post 1355 presented colors and the Centreville FFA chapter led participants in the Pledge of Allegiance.

Brad Neumann, MSU Extension land use educator, recognized two area farmers (Max and Beverly Benne and Henry and Martha Miller) who have dedicated their farms into the St. Joseph County Land Preservation program.

Keynote speaker Orion Samuelson, longtime farm broadcaster with WGN TV and radio in Chicago, spoke on the many contributions the American farmer has made to society and the safe and plentiful food produce.

“This kind of program is long overdue and it is my hope that programs like this are duplicated throughout the country,” Samuelson said. “The farming community’s contributions to our country are by and large overlooked and the need to share that story needs to be emphasized.”

One person in attendance said, “I have never been so proud of being a farmer as I was today. Thanks for taking the time to recognize our contributions to society.”

Fred Henningsen, retired MSUE educator, said, “I welcome the opportunity to say thank you to all Michiana farmers. Farmers work endless hours to assure the quality and quantity of the food we too often take for granted. Many of our businesses would not even exist were it not for our agriculture community.”


Contact: Maury J. Kaercher

County Extension Director



Orion Samuelson addresses the audience.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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