Car best buy


Screen Fields ? Car Company ? provides an option of a variety of different car companies. ? Car Type ? Drop down menu allowing you to search a specific car type. ? Special Equipment - Drop down menu to search car rental agencies offering baby strollers, bike racks, booster seats, etc. ? Pick up/Drop Off Date (ddMMMyy) ? Pick Up/Drop Off Time (24h clock) ? Pick Up/Drop Off City ? Client ID ? Is the client's phone number. This will read from the PNR if open in Smartpoint. ? CD Number ? Field for Corporate discount code ? Airline code/Flight Arrival # - Will read from PNR

Process to Book Car Best Buy Once flights are booked Car Best Buy will read information from PNR and use those parameters to search for car rental. Once you find a rate for your clients move mouse over the rate ad click "book" this will send reservation directly to Smartpoint. Review information, complete file finishing and invoice PNR.

If you are booking car only fill in the appropriate information to retrieve pricing and proceed the same booking process.


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