Honors Chemistry - Central Bucks School District

Honors Chemistry Mrs. Buzin

Course Requirements

Welcome to a new semester and to Chemistry. In order for you to have the best possible experience in this class, I expect that you will:

1. Show courtesy and respect for others in the classroom, and demonstrate good sense and self-discipline

at all times. It is essential for you to follow all of the special practices pertaining to lab safety including:

• NO FOOD or DRINK at the lab stations.

• NO HORSEPLAY or PRACTICAL JOKES during labs (this will result in a

zero for the lab that day and a phone call home).


during lab. Sandals with socks may not be worn. (safety contract attached)



Note: Cell phones may not be used during class for texting or phone calls.

• ACADEMIC INTEGRITY POLICY – Refer to the student handbook. (excerpt attached)

2. Understand and follow the attendance and lateness policies in the Student

Handbook. REGULAR ATTENDANCE IS CRITICALLY IMPORTANT in Chemistry class, where new

thinking skills are developed every day. Frequent absences/tardies have been shown to hinder progress in

this course.

• Lateness to class will be recorded - once three tardies are accumulated, the student

will undergo disciplinary actions.(Refer to the student handbook for consequences.)

• For a short absence, assignments are due in class on the day you return.

• Tests/quizzes should be made up within 3 days after returning.

During an extended absence, you should keep in touch with a classmate, and continue

with assignments. When you return to class, labs/tests must be scheduled for

after school on a timely basis - rule of thumb is that you should plan to complete

your make-up work within as many days as you were absent. If appropriate

arrangements are not made in a timely manner, work missed will be graded as “zero.”

For "planned" absences (vacations, field trips, etc.), you should continue with regular

assignments while you are away and be prepared to schedule labs/tests promptly when

you return. Absences due to family emergencies will be discussed individually.

• Late Work: Any work submitted after the deadline is late. This includes work submitted after the initial collection occurs within a given class period. **There is a 20% per day penalty for all late work.

3. Come to class prepared to participate to the best of your ability.

Bring the following to class daily:

Chemistry notebook with sufficient paper (three ring binder).

Chemistry textbook (covered by the end of the first week) when requested.

Pencil/pen and a calculator (only scientific calculators are permitted on tests and

quizzes - no graphing calculators).

Complete assignments.

4. Complete assignments on time and to the best of your ability. Homework is assigned

often, in order to provide essential practice with new concepts, to “bridge” between

topics, or to reinforce “old” skills. Homework may include reading and note-taking,

problem-solving exercises, preparing a lab report, studying for a test, completing

classwork, etc. Whatever form it takes, TAKE HOMEWORK SERIOUSLY! If homework

is neglected, your success will be less than it should be.

5. Be aware of your own performances and evaluations. Grades in this course are

determined on a “points earned” basis in order to arrive at a percent value.

All grades are posted on Parent Portal

Marking Period Semester

Primary Grades 60% Marking Period 1 40%

Unit Exams, Unit Tests

Secondary Grades 30% Marking Period 2 40%

Most quizzes, labs, small projects

Support Grades 10% Core Assessments 10%

Most classwork, homework Must test to proficiency

Final Exam 10%

TESTS are announced, and include labs, classwork, and text material.

Material from previous chapters can appear on any test.

QUIZZES will be planned more often to assess new learning.

LAB ACTIVITIES will always include a written component.

HOMEWORK will be evaluated. Incomplete homework will be given a zero.

NOTE: All work must be shown on homework, class work, tests, quizzes, and labs to

receive credit.

6. Seek help whenever you feel you need it – the sooner the better. It is never difficult for me to arrange

extra time before or after school to help you with your work. Don’t wait for a progress report or an

eligibility problem to indicate that you should be seeking extra help!

7. Select a “study buddy” in class who will be able to provide you with missed note and assignments

during absences.

8. Remember Chem – is – TRY! Chemistry presents many new opportunities to grow as student. Study skills

that have served you well in the past will continue to serve you well now, but you need to be open to some

new strategies as well.

Important Internet Sites:

Contact Information: hbuzin@ (best way)

267-893-3000 ext 6110

Personal Electronic Communication Devices

Terms of Use Summary

• Devices are permitted:

o before/after School, in the Cafeteria at Lunchtime, in the hallways during the passing of classes,

o on busses if permitted by bus driver,

o in the library if authorized by the teacher.

• A teacher MAY authorize the use of devices in the classroom for educational purposes.

• Unless directed otherwise, devices must be turned off upon entering any instructional area and remain off during instructional time.

• If a device is loaned or borrowed, the owner shares equal responsibility for all policy violations.

• No personal devices should be hard-wired to the district-owned network.

• Students and employees are prohibited from establishing a mobile hotspot.

• The district is not liable for theft, loss, or damage of any personal devices.

• Students are strictly prohibited from making audio or video recordings of any type without permission.

• Taking a picture of any student or faculty member without consent is strictly prohibited.

• Using an electronic device in any way during an assessment without permission is considered cheating.

• Using a filter or 3G/4G to gain access to blocked content such as social media sites is strictly prohibited.

• Electronic devices may not be used in locker rooms, bathrooms, dressing rooms, or swimming areas.

• To create, send, share, view, or disseminate sexually explicit/lewd content is illegal and will be prosecuted.

• Students and staff should have no expectation of privacy while utilizing the district’s wireless network.

• Any authorized wireless access is subject to content filtering and may have a higher level of security.

• If a device is suspected of being stolen it will be turned over to law enforcement.

• If there is reasonable suspicion that an individual violated this policy or other district policies:

o The personal device can be confiscated.

o The device can be lawfully searched.

o The device can be turned over to law enforcement when warranted.

o Parents shall be notified.

• Staff members and IT support staff are prohibited from performing work on a personal device.

• Building administrators have the right to revoke this policy if it is harmful to the learning environment.

• Building administrators may prohibit individual students from bringing a device as a result of a violation.

Student Laptop Agreement


You will be using CFF laptops and internet resources as valuable educational tools in our classroom. Throughout the semester, you should adhere to some guidelines. If you cannot follow the guidelines provided, you may lose computer privileges for the semester.

Laptop Guidelines

1. Use two hands when carrying the laptop.

2. Laptops should be on the desks and not on your laps.

3. Before you close the computer you must exit all open windows and shut down.

4. If you become a distraction with the laptop, you will lose privileges (sounds, banging… etc).

5. If you are using software or navigating a website that is NOT the assigned class activity, you will lose privileges.

6. When you return the laptop, you must plug in the charge cord appropriately. If this is not done consistently, you will lose privileges.

7. Do not place anything on tops of the lap when it is closed.

8. Do not place food or drink anywhere near the laptop.

Internet Guidelines

1. Viewing inappropriate material on the internet is not acceptable. If while on task and researching appropriate material and something inappropriate appears, contact the teacher immediately.

2. Never share personal information on any sites used in the classroom. Use your blog name and login names that the teacher assigns.

3. Do not use another site’s ideas, images, or information without citing appropriately.

4. DIGITAL CITIZENSHIP must be practiced at all times.

Science Department Academic Integrity Policy

Excerpt from the CB South Academic Integrity Policy:

Academic Integrity involves helping maintain a culture of honesty, trust, fairness, respect, and responsibility in all aspects of learning. Academic integrity means avoiding cheating and plagiarism in all forms and taking responsibility and ownership of your own work.

Student Responsibilities: During assessments and class-

• Make sure your paper cannot be seen by anyone else.

• Keep your eyes on your own paper.

• Do not talk, text, or otherwise communicate with other students.

• Do not use unauthorized notes, resources, computer print-outs, or other information sources.

• When directed by a teacher, a student may copy lab data (not calculations or questions) from a peer. There is no other time when providing/accepting course materials from another person is appropriate. To be safe, you should never be in possession of another person’s materials.


Syllabus Receipt

I, __________________________, have received and understand the policies and procedures outlined within the syllabus. I understand that the disciplinary actions Mrs. Buzin will take, and I understand that any questions about its content should be directed to Mrs. Buzin. I also affirm that I will make every effort to learn in this course, and that I will respect the opportunities of others to do the same.

Student Signature: _______________________________________________ Date: _________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________Date: _________

Lab Safety Agreement Receipt

I, ____________________________________, agree to abide by the safety regulations whenever performing a science activity/lab.

Student Signature: _______________________________________________Date: __________

Parent/Guardian Signature: ________________________________________Date: __________

Personal Electronic Communication Devices Policy Receipt

I, _____________________________________, agree to abide by the usage policies outlined regarding personal electronic communication devices.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________Date: _________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________Date: _________

Student Laptop Agreement Receipt

I, ______________________________________, agree to abide by the usage policies outlined regarding CFF student laptops.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________Date: _________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________Date: _________

Academic Integrity Policy Receipt

I, ____________________________________, agree to abide by the academic integrity policies given to me at all times.

Student Signature: ________________________________________________Date: _________

Parent/Guardian Signature: _________________________________________Date: _________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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