Request for Proposal - Moffitt Cancer Center

-752475552559H. Lee Moffitt Cancer CenterRequest for ProposalWholesale Services Solution00H. Lee Moffitt Cancer CenterRequest for ProposalWholesale Services Solution-762000-76200000Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u 1Executive Summary PAGEREF _Toc472681650 \h 41.1Moffitt Overview PAGEREF _Toc472681651 \h 41.2Wholesale Services Overview PAGEREF _Toc472681652 \h 42Request for Proposal Process PAGEREF _Toc472681653 \h 42.1RFP Purpose PAGEREF _Toc472681654 \h 42.2RFP Contents PAGEREF _Toc472681655 \h 52.3RFP Timeline PAGEREF _Toc472681656 \h 52.3.1Vendor Pre-Submission Conference PAGEREF _Toc472681657 \h 52.4Response Requirements PAGEREF _Toc472681658 \h 52.5Award Criteria PAGEREF _Toc472681659 \h 62.6Scoring and Evaluation Criteria PAGEREF _Toc472681660 \h 63RFP Questions and Required Solution Requirements PAGEREF _Toc472681661 \h 73.1Company Information PAGEREF _Toc472681662 \h 73.2Solution Overview PAGEREF _Toc472681663 \h 73.3Functional Requirements PAGEREF _Toc472681664 \h 73.4Non-Functional Requirements PAGEREF _Toc472681665 \h 103.5Reporting Requirements PAGEREF _Toc472681666 \h 113.6Technical and Architectural Requirements PAGEREF _Toc472681667 \h 123.6.1General PAGEREF _Toc472681668 \h 123.6.2Application Servers PAGEREF _Toc472681669 \h 123.6.3Database Servers PAGEREF _Toc472681670 \h 123.6.4Databases PAGEREF _Toc472681671 \h 133.6.5Network PAGEREF _Toc472681672 \h 133.6.6Workstations PAGEREF _Toc472681673 \h 133.6.7Integration PAGEREF _Toc472681674 \h 143.7Security PAGEREF _Toc472681675 \h 143.7.1Rating Information PAGEREF _Toc472681676 \h 143.7.2Risk Management Policies and Procedures PAGEREF _Toc472681677 \h 143.7.3Network Security and Data Management PAGEREF _Toc472681678 \h 153.7.4Regulatory and Compliance Management PAGEREF _Toc472681679 \h 153.7.5Website Media Exposure PAGEREF _Toc472681680 \h 153.7.6Past Circumstances/Claims/Breaches PAGEREF _Toc472681681 \h 153.8Maintenance and Support PAGEREF _Toc472681682 \h 163.9Implementation and Training PAGEREF _Toc472681683 \h 163.10Pricing PAGEREF _Toc472681684 \h 173.10.1Vendor Itemized Pricing PAGEREF _Toc472681685 \h 17Appendix 1 – Vendor Acknowledgement Form Intent to Respond PAGEREF _Toc472681686 \h 18Appendix 2 – Supplier Diversity Utilization and Subcontracting Plan PAGEREF _Toc472681687 \h 19Executive SummaryMoffitt Overview The H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center & Research Institute (Moffitt), located in Tampa, Florida, began operations in 1986. As an academic and research medical center, Moffitt Cancer Center is the only National Cancer Institute-designated oncology research institute in Florida and one of the Southeast's leading cancer centers. Comprised of an inpatient facility, ambulatory outpatient surgery center, ambulatory clinics, a cancer screening facility and research laboratories, Moffitt offers a sophisticated network of services and technologies that assure the citizens of its region convenient, cost-effective, high quality health care. Moffitt’s workforce is currently comprised of approximately 5300 employees, 700 medical residents, 600 volunteers, and 1000 students and interns.Wholesale Services OverviewMoffitt, as an NCI cancer institute, has cultivated intellectual capital and advanced capabilities that outside organizations would like to access. Demand for these business-to-business services (i.e. wholesale) continues to rise. Examples of such services are Molecular Diagnostic Testing, Personalized Medicine Consults, Peer-to-Peer Consults, Expert Pathology Consults, Genetic Counseling, etc. The Wholesale Services solution is intended to equip Moffitt with the ability to proficiently process and bill for these select services as they are requested by external business customers (hospitals and clinics), non-Moffitt referring providers, and clinical trials (de-identified patients). The solution design should leverage the same process and infrastructure to process and bill for any wholesale service or products undertaken by the organization in the future.Request for Proposal ProcessRFP PurposeThis purpose of this Request for Proposal (RFP) is to review, select and implement a solution that will provide Moffitt with the capability to process and bill for services being offered to external facilities (hospitals and clinics), non-Moffitt referring providers, and clinical trials (de-identified patients). The solution will be designed with the goal of being able to utilize the same process and infrastructure to process and bill for any wholesale products undertaken by the organization in the future.RFP ContentsThis RFP package includes the following documents and contents, which require response as part of the vendor’s proposal as indicated:Request for Proposal (RFP) Document – requires responseVendor Acknowledgement Form (Appendix 1) - requires responseSupplier Diversity Utilization and Subcontracting Plan (Appendix 2) – requires responseRFP TimelineThis RFP shall be conducted under the following time line, which is subject to change only upon prior approval by the Moffitt Purchasing Department and granted to all vendors.EventDateIssuance of Bid02/17/17Return of Intent to Bid02/24/17Vendor Conference Call03/01/17Second Vendor Conference Call03/15/17Bid Packages Due from Vendors03/24/17 Award of BidTBDOn the date indicated above for ‘Bid Packages Due from Vendors’ in the timeline section of this RFP, your bid must be received, via e-mail, per the response requirements below, by no later than 2:00 p.m. Vendor Pre-Submission ConferenceMoffitt will conduct a vendor Pre-Submission conference call to further clarify and discuss the requirements of this RFP on March 1, 2017 11:00am-12:30pm: 800-206-6032. Conference ID: 7457113. A second vendor Pre-Submission conference call will be held on March 15, 2017 1:00pm – 2:00pm: 800-206-6032. Conference ID: 7457113. Response RequirementsAll responses, proposals, communications, and correspondence required during the Request for Proposal process must be directed to:Lori Perks Sr. Business Operations Analystrfp@ Your response should be provided in electronic format. All responses will be confidential. Failure to adhere to this requirement may result in your organization not being considered.Award CriteriaThe award of this Request for Proposal is subject to terms and conditions contained herein and any that will be developed by Moffitt during the Request for Proposal process to augment purchase order conditions of purchase. Quality of service, pricing, products, and other terms of purchase will be an integral part of the decision selection process. If you are awarded this bid, a guideline will be developed that will quantify, monitor, and provide a plan for cure of deficiencies which shall include, but not be limited to, reimbursement of personnel and administrative costs, monetary assessment for continual deficiencies, and possible cancellation of agreement. We reserve the right to award this agreement in whole or in part to the vendor that can best meet Moffitt’s business needs. H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center assumes no responsibility and bears no liability for costs incurred by a Company in the preparation and submittal of a quote proposal in response to this RFP. Scoring and Evaluation CriteriaAreaPercentage WeightCompany Information/ Solution Information5%Functionality (Includes Requirements, Reporting and Integration)40%Technical and Architecture10%Security10%Maintenance and Support10%Implementation and Training10%Pricing10%Diversity5%TOTAL100%RFP Questions and Required Solution RequirementsCompany InformationPlease provide the company name, address, city, state, zip code, telephone, and fax numbers.Identify the name, title, address, phone and fax numbers, and e-mail address of the primary contact person for this RFP response/project.Please provide details on the financial stability of your organization.Please provide a brief overview of your company including number of years in business, number of employees, product and services offering, clientele market description, and any parent corporations if applicable. What attributes make your company an ideal partner for Moffitt Cancer Centers?Solution OverviewPlease provide an overview of the solution proposal.Please give a brief overview of the product including date of first launch, major developments, and any previous ownership if applicable.What is your release schedule for major and minor product updates?What is the software version of proposed solution? When is the next significant version expected to be released?Please list any industry awards that your solution has received, the awarding party, and the date received.Please indicate the total number of healthcare center/system implementations of the product in the last three years, the sizes of the clients and the number of users.What are the key attributes that make your solution stand out in the market place as an ideal fit for this RFP and the goals Moffitt Cancer Center is trying to achieve?Functional RequirementsPlease provide a response to each functional requirement on whether or not your solution meets this capability and provide an explanation of why or why not, including context to the functionality your solution provides to meet this requirement. Req #DescriptionR1Ability to accept electronic requests for wholesale retail services from external facilities or individual providers.Moffitt must be able to register and bill these outreach patients.Providers must have a portal to provide information and submit requests R2Ability to accept paper requests for wholesale retail services requested from outside providers that do not use the 3rd party software to submit their requests.Provider must provide registration information, authorization information and specimen information.This information from a paper submission must be inputted into the system.R3Ability to submit registration and orders and authorization information via Moffitt’s existing referring physician portal. R5Ability to register patients through an automated process.Must define rules to prevent duplicate registration of patients, to include eligibility checking and benefit review. R7Ability to collect information from the referring physician at the time of request:Diagnoses code, reason for visit, clinic notes from referring physician, order, date, time, who signed for the order, name of the practice of ordering physician, CPT CodeAuthorization needed to send the patient results.The ability to upload/attach documentation to the request - i.e. a paper requisition, Insurance Card, and/or an Authorization R8Ability to generate inbound orders for wholesale services and outbound orders to reference laboratoriesR13Ability to collect client’s billing information for all types of billing.Name, addressPayer field is mandatory at the time of request submission, unless client billPreAuth is mandatory and must indicate Moffitt as the facility, unless client bill, performing the tests if the payer is an insurance payer or request is from a private physicianR15Need the ability to review patient records for non Moffitt that are sent over in the request or patient records for new Moffitt patientsR16The ability to provide a web page with detailed information regarding the requirements of requesting wholesale retail service from Moffitt.Test directorySubmission requirementsElectronic requisitionInvoicingPayers acceptedClient can print specimen collection barcode labels (Workflow decision -TBD whether it’s Moffitt’s barcode or something different)R17Ability to identify the wholesale retail specimens once the order has come into PathNet.Ability to identify the imaging exam once the order received in RadNet. R18Ability to pull data and query wholesale retail specimens for any serviceR19Lab needs the ability to differentiate between client specimens and individual physicianR20Moffitt needs the ability to see billing indicator to know if it is client, physician, individual, or de-identified patients. R21Ability to order and process de-identified specimens electronically via the HIE or via the web portal or by paper requisition. This would need to include the capability to upload/attach documentation to an order – ie. Paper requisition, ID card, authorization, etc. R22Ability to send/receive result/reports electronically after the tests has been performed.Via MedNx ANX filesVia the provider portalVia the HIE interfaceR23Ability to support wholesale retail result types via the provider portalR24Ability to accommodate an add-on test on ancillary tests (process needs to be defined)R25Ability to retain discreet data elements.R26Ability to provide tracking information for the customer via client facing interface or internally if the customer calls via phone. (TBD in client servicing workflow discussions)R27Ability to update results as more information becomes available.PreliminaryFinalAddendumAmendmentsCumulativeR28Moffitt needs the ability to notify clients of status changes.Tests are removed from service testingNew tests availableMethod changesReference rangesIssue reporting that may impact the clientAbility to track any status change notices sent to the clients.Non-Functional RequirementsPlease provide a response to each non-functional requirement on whether or not your solution meets this capability and provide an explanation of why or why not, including context to the functionality your solution provides to meet this requirement. Req #Description NF4The ability to provide the client with?detailed information regarding the requirements of requesting wholesale service from Moffitt via the solution and/or a web page. NF6The ability process, receive and track the shipping/delivery/receipt of specimens NF7Please define your systems capabilities to handle a workflow for cancelled requests. Reporting RequirementsReq #DescriptionRR7Specimen/Radiology Exam type reporting - Need clarification for RFP or remove it? Please provide example. RR8Quality Assurance Monitoring –Examples include:Rejected Specimens due to mislabeledQNSAccident in transitTATTechnical and Architectural RequirementsGeneralPlease describe the solution architecture:Do you have architectural diagrams and technical specifications that we can review? If so, please provide along with RFP response. Include all system components (Application/database servers, authentication, network, database, interfaces, browsers, desktop, reporting, etc.)If solution is cloud or remote hosted, what is the length of data retention?Is the application and/or database environment single or multi-tenant?If multitenant, what security controls are in place to protect against information breaches?If agreement is discontinued, do we have the ability to download all of our data?Application ServersWhat application server platforms do you support?Windows Server 2012 Virtual Machine (VM) ____Windows Server 2012 R2 (64-bit) Virtual Machine (VM) ____Windows Server 2012 (Physical Only) ____Windows 2008 ___Other _______________________If other please explain why ?___________________________What anti-virus do you support?Sophos ____Other __________________If Sophos is not supported, please provide documentation for exceptions__________________Database ServersWhat application server platforms do you support?Linux 5.x ____Linux 6.x ____AIX 6 ____AIX 7 ____Windows 2008R2 ____Windows 2012R2 ____Windows 2008 ____Other: ________________________If other, please explain: __________________________ What anti-virus do you support?SophosOther __________________If Sophos is not supported, please provide documentation for exceptions __________________DatabasesWhat database platforms do you support?Oracle 12.x ____Oracle 11.2.x – Standard, Enterprise Editions ____Oracle 11.1.x – Standard and Enterprise Editions ____ SQL Server 2012 ____SQL Server 2014 Standard & Business Intelligence,? and Enterprise Editions ____SQL Server 2008 ____SQL Server 2008 R2 ____ Other:_________________________If other please explain why ?___________________________Network Server network connection:How many Network Interfaces are available? ____How many Network Interfaces are required? ____Network Interfaces: 10 Mbps100 Mbps1 Gbps10 GbpsCopperFiberWhat wireless standards do you support?5GHz??? ?802.11a/n/ac ____???????????????????2.4GHz ?802.11b/g/n ____Other _______________________If other please explain why ?___________________________What authentication methods do you support?802.11i (RSN) ____WPA2-EAP(TTLS,TLS,PEAP) ____WPA2-PSK ____WPA-PSK ____WEP ____Other _______________________If other please explain why ?___________________________WorkstationsWhat internet browsers do you support?? IE11 ____Chrome ____Other__________________If other please explain why ?___________________________What Operating Systems do you support?Windows 7Other: ____________________If other, please explain why _____________________What anti-virus do you support?SophosOther __________________If Sophos is not supported, please provide documentation for exceptions__________________How much memory is needed to support the application? IntegrationWhat methods do you provide for interfacing to other systems?API ____ETL ____FTP ____HL7____Other:_________________________If other please explain ___________________________ Have you done any inbound, outbound, or bi-directional interfaces to the following systems: (Please provide detail) Soarian FinancialsRadNet (Cerner)PathNet (Cerner)SecurityRating InformationWill the application collect, receive process, transmit, store or maintain any of the following confidential information: Personally Identifiable Information (PII) or Protected Health Information (PHI)? (Y/N)Credit/Debit Card Data?Bank Account?Info Medical Records?Customer Info?Intellectual Property?Social Security Numbers?Driver’s License Numbers?Employee/HR Info?Moffitt Business Info?Risk Management Policies and ProceduresDoes the applicant employ a Chief Security Officers/IT Security Person? (Y/N)Name of Privacy officer?Do you have any of the following written Policies/Procedures? (Y/N)Privacy Policy?Network Security Policy?Identity Theft Prevention Program?Employee Training regarding Confidential Information?Network Security and Data ManagementDo you use Firewall Protection? (Y/N)Do you use Anti‐Virus Protection? (Y/N)Use Intrusion Detection Software? (Y/N)Perform System/Info. Backup tapes? (Y/N)Wireless Access Points Secured? (Y/N)Encrypt Sensitive Data in transit? (Y/N)Encrypt Data at Rest on Servers? (Y/N)Pre‐Test Software Patches? (Y/N)3rd Party Network Intrusion Tests? (Y/N)3rd Party Privacy Compliance Audits? (Y/N)Does the Applicant encrypt confidential information stored on Portable Devices, such as, laptops, flash drives, back‐up tapes, smart phones, tablets, etc.? (Y/N)Does the Applicant use any 3rd party or outsourced vendors to service or store their customer and/or employee data? (Y/N)Regulatory and Compliance ManagementDo you have procedures in place to comply with the following laws governing confidential information?HIPAA\HITECH? (Y/N)State/Federal Privacy & Notification Laws? (Y/N)Sarbanes‐Oxley? (Y/N)If yes, please provide the date ________ and a recent copy of your SOX Type II audit report?Payment Card Industry (PCI)? Laws? (Y/N)Website Media ExposureDo you have a procedure to monitor material displayed on your website for copyright, trademark, libel, slander or invasion of privacy? (Y/N)Past Circumstances/Claims/BreachesIs your company involved in an Active breach investigation? (Y/N)Have you ever had a regulatory proceeding or investigation? (Y/N) If yes, please explain?During the past 5 years have you had any privacy breach incident or complaint? (Y/N)During the past 5 years have you had any complaints or litigation pertaining a Network Security or Privacy Breach? (Y/N)Maintenance and SupportDescribe the organization and structure of your technical support services.Describe the support levels/tiers provided by the vendorWhat are the methods for contacting technical support?What are the standard support hours and Service Level Agreements (SLAs)?Please estimate the number of FTE’s that we will need to assign to the solution for product support? Please provide detail, roles recommendations, and number of resources per role.What is the upgrade process and approach for major release upgrades? What is the typical upgrade implementation duration for a client of comparable size and complexity?What is your change control process? What communications are provided in advance of changes?What is your ability to retain historical data and perform data archival? Please provide detail:How are customer requests for enhancements and customizations handled?Do you track or survey your clients on the services you provide? If yes, please provide the overall average client satisfaction scores or other examples of how you measure client satisfaction.Describe the ongoing system support provided by the vendor.Implementation and TrainingPlease provide your general implementation strategy for a health system installation of comparable size and complexity. What is your recommended implementation model/approach and methodology for Moffitt Cancer Centers? Please include details on the following:Expected implementation lengthEnd User resource requirements and count for the implementationIT and functional analyst resource requirements and count for the implementationProject Management resource requirements for the implementationPlease provide a list of the vendor personnel roles and count required to implement this projectApproach to Analysis Approach to DesignApproach to BuildApproach to TestingApproach to Go-Live and Go-Live Support and resource requirementsPlease provide an overview of the installation schedule. Include major tasks and their duration/staffing/major deliverables. Please describe the documentation and training that will be available to Moffitt users and a training outline. What is the standard model for training the implementation team? What is the standard training model for the end users at time of go-live? What is the standard training durations for each Does your company provide staff for the implementation directly or subcontract to partner firms?Please describe and list any proposed subcontractors, if any, and the scope of work they would perform.PricingWhat is your licensing/cost structure, types of licenses, length of license term, and license fee structure?How are changes (additions, reductions) to the numbers of licenses handled? Ex. Are True-ups performed? (i.e. yearly evaluation of end users/licenses to payment tiers)Vendor Itemized PricingThe vendor must provide a proposal with maximum cost for the project based on the project as described herein. To the extent desired, additional recommendations and services or options may be included as additions to the project on an optional basis. These optional items shall be priced separately from this Request for Proposal.This section must include all costs associated with acquisition, implementation, and ongoing operation of the proposed system as well as any necessary conversions, interfaces, and customizations. Provide complete information regardless of whether it is specifically requested.Note: To facilitate the cross evaluation of vendor proposals, vendors must propose a complete hardware/system software configuration and should not assume the use of existing computer hardware infrastructure. Consideration of utilizing the existing hardware/system software will occur during contract negotiations.Moffitt Cancer Center will most likely request more details regarding your cost proposal during our proposal evaluation process. Moffitt understands that the actual costs will be detailed in the standard system contract. Provide a breakdown of the firm's rates, fees and charges for services; by phase and for total project, and a proposed payment schedule. Include estimates of any travel expenses to be charged as part of the project and typical return on investment (ROI) information, if available. Any payment/purchase alternatives, purchase versus licensing, etc.Appendix 1 – Vendor Acknowledgement Form Intent to Respond Vendor Acknowledgement FormIntent to RespondSUBMIT TO:Lori Perksrfp@813-745-8706813-449-8277 (Fax)RFP NUMBER: 17-06-SSPRFP TITLE: WHOLESALE SERVICESVENDOR NAME and MAILING ADDRESS:INTENT TO BID: Yes ______________ No _______________(If unable to bid, indicate reason below)TELEPHONE NUMBER:FACSIMILE NUMBER:VENDOR’S AUTHORIZED CONTACT FOR RFPNAMEE-MAILPlease let us know how you heard about this RFP:__ Notified by Purchasing__ Community or MWBE Organization__ Monitoring Moffitt Website___ Advertisement___ Other:SUPPLIER DIVERSITY INFORMATIONIs your firm a “Minority, Women-Owned, Veteran, Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise” defined as a business concern engaged in commercial transactions and is a least fifty-one (51%) percent minority, woman, veteran, service-disabled veteran-owned, and whose management and daily operations are controlled by such persons? Yes ________________________ No ____________________Is your firm certified as a “Minority, Woman, Veteran, or Service Disabled Veteran-Owned Business Enterprise”? If yes, please provide the name of the certifying entity and certification dates:Name of Certifying Entity ______________________________Certification Date Begins _______________ ______________ Ends _____________________________I certify that this response is made without prior understanding, agreement, or connection with any corporation, firm, or person submitting a response for the same materials, supplies or equipment, and is in all respects fair and without collusion or fraud. I agree to abide by all conditions of this response and certify that I am authorized to sign this response for the vendor and that the vendor is in compliance with all requirements of the Request for Qualifications. __________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________Signature Printed Name and DateAppendix 2 – Supplier Diversity Utilization and Subcontracting PlanSUPPLIER DIVERSITY UTILIZATION AND SUBCONTRACTING PLAN REQUIREMENTMoffitt Cancer Center recognizes the importance of supplier diversity in all aspects of our business and procurement practices and actively encourages the development, utilization and economic growth of certified Minority, Women, Veteran and Service Disabled Veteran-owned Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBE).? Central to this initiative is the inclusion and participation of a diverse group of vendors doing business with Moffitt Cancer Center and as such, Moffitt encourages the participation of MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBEs in?its procurement process both at the?prime vendor level as well as at the subcontractor level of its prime contracts.?? Moffitt Cancer Center is committed to a comprehensive Supplier Diversity Program that ensures maximum opportunities exist for such diverse businessesRFP responses should include bidder’s ability to provide fifteen percent (15%) spend with Minority, Women, Veteran and Service Disabled Veteran-owned Business Enterprise (“MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBE”) related to the specific commodity or services identified in the proposal.? Moffitt Cancer Center is an equal opportunity corporation, and, as such, strongly encourages the lawful use of certified MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBEs in the provision of services by providing a fair and equal opportunity to compete for, or for participation in, providing services. Moffitt Cancer Center believes in equal opportunity practices which conform to both the spirit and the letter of all laws against discrimination, and is committed to non-discrimination because of race, creed, color, sex, age, national origin, or religion.? To be considered for inclusion the potential bidder commits to MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBEs Participation.? The successful bidder shall endeavor to provide fifteen percent (15%) spend with MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBE related to the specific commodity or services identified in the proposal. A certification letter from any of the following agencies will be required of any bidder and/or identified subcontractor claiming MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBE status at the time of the RFP response.Moffitt accepts all Local, State and Federal Government agencies MBE/WBE certifications, including the following:City of Tampa Hillsborough County State of Florida Small Business Administration (SBA) 8A Program Certification Other MBE/WBE certifications accepted include:Florida State Minority Supplier Development Council (FSMSDC) National Minority Supplier Development Council (NMSDC) & regional affiliates Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) National Women Business Owners Corporation (NWBOC) Veteran & Service Disabled Veteran (VBE/SDVBE) Certification/Verification accepted:?Department of Veterans Affairs State of Florida Office of Supplier DiversityPlease respond to the section below: Supplier Diversity Utilization and Subcontracting Plan Requirement: Moffitt Cancer Center recognizes the importance of supplier diversity in all aspects of our business and procurement practices and actively encourages the development, utilization and economic growth of certified Minority, Women, Veteran and Service Disabled Veteran-owned Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBE s).? Central to this initiative is the inclusion and participation of a diverse group of vendors doing business with Moffitt Cancer Center and as such, Moffitt encourages the participation of MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBEs in?its procurement process both at the?prime vendor level as well as at the subcontractor level of its prime contracts.?? Moffitt Cancer Center is committed to a comprehensive Supplier Diversity Program that ensures maximum opportunities exist for such diverse businesses.Supplier Diversity Utilization and Subcontracting Plan - Vendors responding to this solicitation are required to submit a Supplier Diversity Utilization and Subcontracting Plan for diverse supplier opportunity and participation of certified MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBEs with their proposal. The Supplier Diversity Utilization and Subcontracting Plan submitted must include the following:Description of your Supplier Diversity Program. Proposed percentage of spend with MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBEs related to the specific commodity or service identified in the proposal. Outline the plan for achieving 1st tier spend with MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBEs and identify the percentage of spend. Outline the plan for achieving 2nd tier spend with MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBEs and identify the percentage of spend A list of the certified MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBEs that will be utilized as 2nd tier subcontract(s) Reports - The successful Vendor will be required to provide monthly Subcontract Expenditure Reports to Moffitt Cancer Center identifying certified MBE/WBE/VBE/SDVBE participation that lists total payments made to subcontractor(s).? The report shall include the names, addresses, type of service or commodity provided, dollar amount paid, payment date, FEID #, name of certification entity, business classification, and copy of vendor certification for each vendor identified in the report. ................

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