LV3 Creative Media - Scheme of Work


Unit 30: Television Advertisement Production

Unit 5: Working to a Brief




Course: Extended Diploma LV3 Media Year Group: 1 Academic Year: 2012/2013

Unit: Unit 30: Television Advertisement Production


Unit 5: Working to a Brief Lecturer: Scott Hayden Week to Week

|Equality & Diversity considerations in all lessons: |

| |

|When using case studies or examples a mix of genders/race/nationalities is included. |

|All learners will be given the opportunity to give their opinion/views during lessons. |

|Inappropriate comments from learners will always be challenged. Language used by the tutor is non-discriminatory and appropriate. |

|Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lesson and the more able will be stretch using a variety of methods. |

|Handouts are of a good quality |

|When resources are produced, consideration is taken to represent the diverse range of learners who access provision |

|A variety of teaching methods are used following an assessment of different learning styles |

|Assessment is fair and does not discriminate against any learner. |

|Discussion and comments within the learning environment are managed to ensure learner language is appropriate and non-discriminatory |

|Materials and topics are presented in ways that are sensitive to equality and diversity. |


Tutor name: Scott Hayden Course: Level 3 Extended Diploma - Creative Media Production

|Session|Topic/Subject |Learning objectives/outcomes AND Learner |Learning Strategies |Materials/resources/ |Checking on Learning/ Assessment Methods/ Grading Criteria and |

| | |Activity number being developed in this |(Learner Activity/Methods) |learning technology |Coverage of ELM and Safeguarding |

| | |session | | | |

|2 |TASK 1 | |Listening skills |‘How to complete Unit 30 LO1’ Prezi |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | | |Group Discussion about Report |Mini-whiteboards + pens |Look at the tumblrs of the class to see notes as a check on |

| |Report - Structures and |You need to produce a Report describing |Learners to make notes on Report on their |Lap-top |their learning |

| |Techniques |[P1], explaining [M1], or comprehensively|tumblr throughout lecture/ presentation by |iTunes |Formative checks (through directed questioning) throughout the |

| | |explaining [D1] the structures and |Lecturer |Projector |lesson |

| |Part one |techniques of Television Adverts with |Once explained - Sweeping to establish |Speakers |Examples of racial diversity used here (E+D)) |

| | |examples and subject terminology. |understanding of Assignment- everyone speaks/|Interactive White-board + Pen |Recognising achievement/ raising self-esteem (ELM 2/3) |

| | | |pass students are returned to/ no-one can |Connotations of Music work-sheet |Sharing ideas, information and opinions (ELM 2/3) |

| | |The purpose of the Report is to prove to |talk apart from person whose turn it is |PC’s x 13 |Getting to know each other (ELM 1/2/3) |

| | |your Client that you have an |Circle-time Feedback - clear controlled |Head-phones x 13 |Settling in (ELM 1/3/4) |

| | |understanding of the fundamental |structure for debate/ agree time limit/ |Two whiteboards |Motivation (ELM 3/5) |

| | |structure of Advertising before you go on|decide on silent gesture for people who wish |Interactive Whiteboard and pen |Building/ gaining confidence (ELM 2/3) |

| | |to create your own TV Advert and Viral |to join debate/gesture for agree or disagree.|A3 paper x 3 |Listening skills (ELM 3/5) |

| | |Campaign for your ‘Webisodes – Viral |You cannot hand back to the person who has |15 TV Advertisement exemplars |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | |Campaign’ project. |just spoken | |Learners to engage in discussion of online safety of Google |

| | | |Each group to define the different types of | |Docs/ Dropbox |

| | |You should carry out research into the |Form - Envoying - 5 minutes/1 member visits | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | |structure and techniques used in a range |another group with 2 missions 1 - listen to | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | |of TV adverts and present your findings |groups ideas so he can report back to his own| |All learners will have a chance to contribute to discussions as |

| | |by discussing the impact/role that they |group and 2 -to share his own groups ideas | |well as share/ have their opinion valued by their peers in a |

| | |play by covering the following: |with his hosts. | |supportive, constructive professional environment. Questions |

| | | |Researching Style - Think Pair Square Share -| |will be varied at the appropriate levels for each student to |

| | |Introduction |individual, paired, then group work THINK | |build confidence/ subtly ingratiate them into the debate (E+D 2,|

| | |Form eg realist narrative, anti-realist |silence individually thinking about own ideas| |3, 8, 9) |

| | |narrative, animation, documentary, |PAIR person next to them to discuss ideas | |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | |talking heads, stand alone, series |SQUARE 2 pairs work together to complete the | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | |Style eg humorous, surreal, dramatic, |task of drawing out the quality responses | |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | |parodic |from the quantity the first 2 phases have | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | |Codes and conventions eg camera shots, |thrown up/elect who will speak/ good for | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | |iconography, editing, lighting, sound, |extracting high level explanations behind | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | |music |answer SHARE nominated student feeds back/ | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | | |learners select and justify ideas. | |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | | |Controversial example of a banned (by the | |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | | |ASA) advert shown to learners who will then | |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | | |form a Thinking Line-up -  students create a | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | | |thinking continuum. Standing in an order that| |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | | |reflects their varying thoughts about a | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | | |statement. Totally agree to Totally | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | | |disagree.  Students speak to one another to | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | | |establish position. | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

| | | |Learners to use | |More able learners will be stretched with extension activities I|

| | | |bcotmedia.tagged/dictionary to | |have prepared on our bcotmedia tumblr e.g. a student who has |

| | | |refresh understanding of Codes and | |completed all tasks in a Narrative based lecture would be tasked|

| | | |Conventions | |with logging onto the tumblr blog, clicking on ‘L3’ cloud tag |

| | | |Plenary – learners to post at least three | |and completing the listen to then storyboard an animation to |

| | | |advertisement on their tumble that will serve| |Stevie Wonder’s ‘Superstition’ in 20 minutes activity (E+D 4, |

| | | |as examples in their Report | |10) |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |To achieve the U30/ P1 you need to describe the structures and |

| | | | | |techniques of television advertisements with some appropriate |

| | | | | |use of subject terminology |

| | | | | |To achieve the U30/ M1 you need to explain structures and |

| | | | | |techniques of television advertisements with reference to |

| | | | | |detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of|

| | | | | |subject terminology |

| | | | | |To achieve the U30/ D1 you need to comprehensively explain |

| | | | | |structures and techniques of television advertisements with |

| | | | | |elucidated examples and consistency using subject terminology |

| | | | | |correctly |

|3 |TASK 1 |You should continue to carry out research|Listening skills |‘How to complete Unit 30 LO1’ Prezi |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |into the structure and techniques used in|Note-taking |‘Mise-en-scene’ Prezi |Look at the completed Mise-en-scene worksheets as a check on |

| |Report - Structures and |a range of TV adverts and present your |Discussion |‘Dexter’ advert exemplar |learning |

| |Techniques continued… |findings by discussing the impact/role |Contribute to feedback |‘The Sopranos’ advert exemplar |Formative checks throughout the lesson |

| | |that they play by covering the following:|Listening skills |‘Arrested Development’ advert exemplar |Al Jazeera (Iraqi) example to demonstrate a broader cultural |

| |Part two | |Note-taking/ Annotate hand-out |‘Friends’ exemplar |scope of choices to analyse for the students (E+D) |

| | |Mise-en-scene eg setting the stage/ |Learners to pair up one is to be the |Mise-en-scene work-sheet |Problem solving (ELM 2/3 |

| | |telling the story with visuals via set |‘Describer’ who explains a mise-en-scene |Plain paper x 13 |Team work (ELM2) |

| | |design, lighting, location, costume |exemplar to the person sat directly behind |Pens x 13 |Note taking (ELM 3) |

| | |Computer graphics eg special effects |them without saying the name of the film or |Flip-chart |Giving and receiving feedback (ELM 3/4) |

| | |Target Audience eg audience measurement |actor/ actresses name. The other is to be the|Marker pen |Contributing to groups/ and presentation (ELM 2/3) |

| | |panels; ratings; face-to-face interviews;|‘Illustrator’ whom draws the mise-en-scene |Interactive white-board+ Pen |Health and safety to be adhered to as lights are to be used in 5|

| | |focus groups; questionnaires; programme |without saying anything back to the Describer|‘Curb your enthusiasm’ DVD |minute spells before being rested to cool down. |

| | |profiles; Broadcasters’ Audience Research|Learners annotate worksheet with notes |Mise-en-scene example x 3 |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | |Board (BARB); television research |pertaining to: |A3 paper x 3 |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | |agencies, rates cards, advertisers’ |Location/ Set Design |Colour Pens x 6 |All learners will have a chance to contribute to discussions as |

| | |information packs, research agency |Lighting |Interactive White-board + Pen |well as share/ have their opinion valued by their peers in a |

| | |websites, Standard Occupational |Costume |Digital camera |supportive, constructive professional environment. Questions |

| | |Classification, psychographics, |Each learner will design and draw the |Props (Hats, sunglasses, lights, |will be varied at the appropriate levels for each student to |

| | |geo-demographics, by age, by gender |Mise-en-scene example placed underneath the |clothing, scarves – supplies by Lecturer)|build confidence/ subtly ingratiate them into the debate (E+D 2,|

| | |Techniques eg hidden and overt messages; |A3 paper on the desk |Lights x 3 |3, 8, 9) |

| | |emotional responses or association- |Learners to join pairs in which they research|Filters (Red, Blue and Green) |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | |solution to a problem, fear, concern, |a specific Audience Measurement panel eg | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | |compassion, self-perception, social |BARB/ member from each group to read out | |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | |position; celebrity endorsement |findings to help groups research | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | |ASA/ Ofcom regulation eg what is |Learners given cards with techniques written | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | |acceptable/ unacceptable in 2013? |on and 5 mins to find an example for each | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | |How/ why ideas are originated for a |Learners to log on to look at | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | |specific product eg benefits offered; |bcotmedia. and research | |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | |advantages over other similar products; |controversial advertisements making notes as | |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | |unique selling proposition (USP); |to what the ASA/ Ofcom do on their respective| |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | |lifestyle appeal; brand identity |tumblrs | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | |Conclusion |Learners to find one advertisement they like | |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | | |and carry out a mini case-study on it. | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | |You must ensure you include specialist |Arrange a date/ time on which to review | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | |subject terminology (key words) and |Report with Lecturer on Twitter | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | |detailed examples. | | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

| | | | | |More able learners will be stretched with extension activities I|

| | |TIP: Use the bcotmedia tumblr | | |have prepared on our bcotmedia tumblr e.g. a student who has |

| | |‘dictionary’ | | |completed all tasks in a Narrative based lecture would be tasked|

| | | | | |with logging onto the tumblr blog, clicking on ‘L3’ cloud tag |

| | |You will be supported on Twitter by | | |and completing the listen to then storyboard an animation to |

| | |@bcotmedia and Advertising specialist | | |Stevie Wonder’s ‘Superstition’ in 20 minutes activity (E+D 4, |

| | |@_Atekka | | |10) |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |To achieve the U30/ P1 you need to describe the structures and |

| | | | | |techniques of television advertisements with some appropriate |

| | | | | |use of subject terminology |

| | | | | |To achieve the U30/ M1 you need to explain structures and |

| | | | | |techniques of television advertisements with reference to |

| | | | | |detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of|

| | | | | |subject terminology |

| | | | | |To achieve the U30/ D1 you need to comprehensively explain |

| | | | | |structures and techniques of television advertisements with |

| | | | | |elucidated examples and consistency using subject terminology |

| | | | | |correctly |

|4 |TASK 2 | |Re-introduce ‘Webisodes - Viral Campaign’ |PC/ Mac access x 20 |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |You need to develop the idea for your |Assignment and help each group come up with |‘Mad Men’ - season two Blu-Ray – ‘Birth |Webisodes exemplar will contain subversive depictions of gender |

| |Originate and develop ideas |Webisodes(s) and Viral Campaign by |an original production company name |of Advertising’ documentary |(E+D) |

| | |creating a post on your tumblr that |Demonstrate quality example of a media blog |Prezi on how to use tumblr |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| |Part one |covers EACH of the following: |with Deanna Quirke’s ‘Parisienne records’ |Bcotmedia tumblr (example of good |Sharing ideas, information and opinions (ELM 2/3) |

| | | |blog (available on the bcotmedia tumblr) |practice) |Problem solving (ELM 2/3 |

| | |* 2.1 signifies the stage the activity |Explain that students can follow Deanna |Webisodes exemplar |Taking responsibility (ELM 2/3/4) |

| | |covers |(@quirkyyy) and Direct Message her with |News parody (with detailed description of|Listening skills (ELM 3/5) |

| | |* IMAGE signifies the type of post you |queries throughout the assignment |codes and conventions) exemplar |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | |will use on tumblr to evidence this stage|Introduce @_Atekka as an Advertising |Stills from Webisodes exemplars x 3 |Being independent (ELM 1/2) |

| | | |specialist also able to help learners outside|Flip-chart |Preventative measures for eSafety to be reiterated (privacy |

| | |IDEAS: |of lectures in researching Ad techniques |Pens |settings etc./ consolidation of session 1’s discussion) |

| | | |Directed Questions |Tumblr |Deanna has kindly agreed to act as a remote mentor via twitter |

| | |*2.1 *IMAGE - Mind-mapping of your |Socratic Questions |Twitter |(@quirkyyy) |

| | |initial ideas |Group meeting to decide production company |Survey Monkey | |

| | |2.2 VIDEO/ AUDIO - Group discussion of |name |Script proforma |To achieve all of U5/ P2 and U30/ P2 you need to plan a response|

| | |your idea(s) | |Script exemplars x 5 (e-copies and |to the brief by originating and developing an idea for a TV |

| | |2.3 VIDEO/ AUDIO - Past and Current |Log on to tumblr and follow lecturer |paper-copies) |Advert, GIF’s, Teaser clips, Posters, and a Pilot Webisode |

| | |Practice of your idea |instructions as to how to set up URL and |Storyboard templates x 20 (e-copies and |working within appropriate conventions and completing at least 7|

| | |2.4 IMAGE - Storyboard/ Sketches of |begin blogging |paper-copies) |of the 15 stages with some assistance |

| | |scenes you want to include |Link to bcotmedia tumblr (‘follow’ to verify |Graphic Tablets x 10 | |

| | | |that the learner blog is up and running) | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | | |Create a twitter account (using new | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | | |production company name) – use mobiles/ tutor| |All learners will have a chance to contribute to discussions as |

| | | |PC/Mac if twitter is blocked. | |well as share/ have their opinion valued by their peers in a |

| | | |As a group – decide on the succinct pitch | |supportive, constructive professional environment. Questions |

| | | |tweet to describe your idea for the Webisodes| |will be varied at the appropriate levels for each student to |

| | | |Carry out detailed 2.1 IMAGE - Mind-mapping | |build confidence/ subtly ingratiate them into the debate (E+D 2,|

| | | |of your initial ideas | |3, 8, 9) |

| | | |Record a 2.2 VIDEO/ AUDIO - Group discussion | |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | | |of your idea(s) | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | | |Research and record a 2.3 VIDEO/ AUDIO - Past| |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | | |and Current Practice of your idea | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | | |Use the provided proformas to create 2.4 | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | | |IMAGE - Storyboard/ Sketches of scenes you | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | | |want to include | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | | |Lecturer demonstration on how to use | |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | | |‘Audacity’ to record podcasts on their Macs | |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | | |(to enable audio/ podcast option for | |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | | |recording blog) | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | | |Learners are then to work individually to | |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | | |create either a written report, a podcast or | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | | |a vlog | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | | | | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | | | | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

| | | | | |More able learners will be stretched with extension activities I|

| | | | | |have prepared on our bcotmedia tumblr e.g. a student who has |

| | | | | |completed all tasks in a Narrative based lecture would be tasked|

| | | | | |with logging onto the tumblr blog, clicking on ‘L3’ cloud tag |

| | | | | |and completing the listen to then storyboard an animation to |

| | | | | |Stevie Wonder’s ‘Superstition’ in 20 minutes activity (E+D 4, |

| | | | | |10) |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

|5 |TASK 2 |You are to create three posts to your |Lecture notes from Lecturer-led |‘Mad Men’ publicity campaign for season |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |tumblr that cover the following criteria |demonstration of how to create a Proposal, |five |Highlight the opportunities to record as written, audio or video|

| |Originate and develop ideas |for U5+U30 LO2 |synopsis, and Video outlining the Relevance |Proposal proforma x 5 |– in or out of the lecture (E+D) |

| | | |to audience of their ideas |Synopsis exemplar on Boodle and tumblr |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| |Part two |2.5 TEXT - Proposal of idea evaluated |Directed Questions |3 x VIDEO – Relevance to audience |Sharing ideas, information and opinions (ELM 2/3) |

| | |against requirements/ constraints after |Socratic Questions |exemplars from previous students |Presentation skills (ELM2 |

| | |talk with Client |Cascaded Questions |Canon DSLR (550D or 600D) |Action Planning and target setting (ELM 3/5) |

| | |2.6 TEXT - Synopsis (inc. identification |Observe and make notes about a professional |Production schedule exemplar on Google |Learning styles and preferences (ELM 3) |

| | |of message/ content/ style) |Proposal |Docs |Building/ gaining confidence (ELM 2/3) |

| | |2.7 VIDEO - Relevance to audience |Log into Google Docs (Learners without a |Photo-booth facility x 5 (optional) |Being independent (ELM 1/2) |

| | |discussion about validity of idea |Google account to create one/ work in their |Audacity software x 5 (optional) | |

| | | |teams to ensure they all have access to the |Digital Audio Recorder x 4 (optional) |To achieve all of U5/ P2 and U30/ P2 you need to plan a response|

| | | |same docs) and collaborate on a Synopsis with|Tripod |to the brief by originating and developing an idea for a TV |

| | | |Group Members |PC/ Mac access x 20 |Advert, GIF’s, Teaser clips, Posters, and a Pilot Webisode |

| | | |Group meeting to discuss the validity of idea| |working within appropriate conventions and completing at least 7|

| | | |with industry examples/ justification | |of the 15 stages with some assistance |

| | | |Ensure all work from Learner Activity number | |To achieve all of U5/ M2 and U30/ M2 you need to plan a response|

| | | |1 is complete with Lecturer | |to a brief competently by originating and developing an idea for|

| | | | | |a TV Advert, GIF’s, Teaser clips, Posters, and a Pilot Webisode |

| | | |Upload finished posts to tumblr | |showing some imagination when completing at least 11 of the 15 |

| | | |Tweet @bcotmedia when work is complete | |stages and with only occasional assistance |

| | | | | | |

| | | | | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | | | | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | | | | |All learners will have a chance to contribute to discussions as |

| | | | | |well as share/ have their opinion valued by their peers in a |

| | | | | |supportive, constructive professional environment. Questions |

| | | | | |will be varied at the appropriate levels for each student to |

| | | | | |build confidence/ subtly ingratiate them into the debate (E+D 2,|

| | | | | |3, 8, 9) |

| | | | | |More able learners will be stretched with extension activities I|

| | | | | |have prepared on our bcotmedia tumblr e.g. a student who has |

| | | | | |completed all tasks in a Narrative based lecture would be tasked|

| | | | | |with logging onto the tumblr blog, clicking on ‘L3’ cloud tag |

| | | | | |and completing the listen to then storyboard an animation to |

| | | | | |Stevie Wonder’s ‘Superstition’ in 20 minutes activity (E+D 4, |

| | | | | |10) |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

|6 |TASK 2 |For the Merit and Distinction level |Discussion of ‘True Blood’ campaign (focus on|Deanna Vlog exemplar |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |learners need to carry out the following |magazine covers) |‘True Blood’ Season Four campaign |Anecdotes about previous students with learning difficulties and|

| |Originate and develop ideas |work on their tumblr in preparation for |Observe and make lecture notes on good Vlog |Production Schedule proforma on Boodle |how they coped with the stress of presentations (E+D) |

| | |their Websidoes project and |practice |Risk Assessment proforma on Boodle |Vlog exemplar will demonstrate subversive/ analytical depictions|

| |Part three |Advertisements |Screen and aurally annotate Deanna’s Vlog (A*|Contingency plan tips sheets on Boodle/ |of femininity (E+D) |

| | | |A-level quality) – pausing intermittently and|tumblr |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| | |PLAN: |using Interactive Whiteboard + pen |Interactive Whiteboard + pen |Q and A Socratic questioning |

| | | |Directed Questions |PC/ Mac access x 20 |Contributions to questions and tables on hand out |

| | |2.8 TEXT - Team members Linked In profile|Socratic Questions |Photobooth access x 5 |1-2-1 checks |

| | |and description of role |Lecturer demonstration of what I am looking |Canon DSLR (550D or 600D)s x 4 |Group discussion |

| | |2.9 TEXT - Risk assessment of Health & |for in terms of detail of response |Tripods x 4 |Additional Needs Support/Inclusive Learning |

| | |Safety hazards involved |(consolidating notes on good Vlog practice) |Flip-chart |Note taking (ELM 3) |

| | |2.10 TEXT - Production Schedule (inc. |Use the proforma to complete the Production |Pens |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | |timescales/ deadlines/ availability/ |Schedule |Post-its |Learning styles and preferences (ELM 3) |

| | |resources) |Timescales |Tumblr |Being independent (ELM 1/2) |

| | |2.11 TEXT - Contingency (inc. |Deadlines |Linked in |Learners who are uncomfortable performing the Vlog as part of a |

| | |identification/ research of possible |Availability |Scott Hayden Linked in profile as an |group can perform individually in a 1-1 Vlog with me (however, |

| | |solutions) |Resources |exemplar of 100% completed profile |it is important that the learner realises that they must |

| | | |Complete Risk Assessment (all learners are | |participate in future projects/ only I will see the finished |

| | | |familiar of how to do this from the Music | |Vlog) |

| | | |Video project) using the exemplars provided | | |

| | | |Compose a short text posts addressing | |To achieve all of U5/ P2 and U30/ P2 you need to plan a response|

| | | |Contingency plans for Actors, Locations, and | |to the brief by originating and developing an idea for a TV |

| | | |Props | |Advert, GIF’s, Teaser clips, Posters, and a Pilot Webisode |

| | | | | |working within appropriate conventions and completing at least 7|

| | | |Lecturer demonstration of Linked in and | |of the 15 stages with some assistance |

| | | |description of benefits for good professional| |To achieve all of U5/ M2 and U30/ M2 you need to plan a response|

| | | |practice/ networking | |to a brief competently by originating and developing an idea for|

| | | |Create own Linked in profile: | |a TV Advert, GIF’s, Teaser clips, Posters, and a Pilot Webisode |

| | | |Include all relevant personal information | |showing some imagination when completing at least 11 of the 15 |

| | | |Comment on your career experience, interests | |stages and with only occasional assistance |

| | | |and aspirations including links to your | |To achieve all of the U5/ D2 and U5/ D2 you need to plan a |

| | | |social media | |response to a brief to near-professional standards by |

| | | |Connect to Scott Hayden and everyone in your | |originating and developing an idea for a TV Advert, GIF’s, |

| | | |production company | |Teaser clips, Posters, and a Pilot Webisode showing creativity |

| | | |Add brief bio of all team members as a text | |and flair, completing all 15 stage’s, and working independently |

| | | |post on yout tumblr collating all their | |to professional expectations |

| | | |Linked In’s | | |

| | | | | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | | | | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | | | | |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | | | | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | | | | |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | | | | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | | | | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | | | | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | | | | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | | | | |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | | | | |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | | | | |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | | | | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | | | | |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | | | | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | | | | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | | | | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | | | | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

Internally verify a sample of work (PASS, MERIT and DISTINCTION level from Session 1, 2, 3 and 4) with Jim Lynn, Manny Latina or Vikki Soanes.

|7 |TASK 2 |To finish the pre-production stage |Lecturer demonstration of good blogging |PC/ Mac access x 20 |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |learners will carry out the following |practice (each learner to log on to |‘True Blood’ season four campaign |Highlight the opportunities to record as written, audio or video|

| |Originate and develop ideas |three tasks… | and follow along |exemplars (posters) |– in or out of the lecture (E+D) |

| | | |the demo) |Tumblr |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| |Part four |2.12 IMAGE - Experimentation with |Class discussion of good/ bad blogging |Audacity access x 10 |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | |different styles/ design formats |practice |Mini-whiteboards |Personal organisation (ELM 2/5) |

| | |2.13 IMAGE - Location plans for at least |Class analysis of posters/ TV adverts for |flip-chart |Presentation skills (ELM2) |

| | |one location |‘True Blood’ |Pens |Giving and receiving feedback (ELM 3/4) |

| | |2.14 TEXT – Script using the correct |Directed questions |Interactive Whiteboard | |

| | |formatting |Socratic questions |Mobile phones |To achieve all of U5/ P2 and U30/ P2 you need to plan a response|

| | | |Cascaded questions |Digital cameras x 4 (inc. USB cables) |to the brief by originating and developing an idea for a TV |

| | |RESEARCH: |Learners to use Socrative to text/ tweet/ | |Advert, GIF’s, Teaser clips, Posters, and a Pilot Webisode |

| | | |type in a response as to which quantitative | |working within appropriate conventions and completing at least 7|

| | |2.15 IMAGE/TEXT - Target Audience |and qualitative methods are best for their | |of the 15 stages with some assistance |

| | |evidenced via quantitative and |needs | |To achieve all of U5/ M2 and U30/ M2 you need to plan a response|

| | |qualitative data |Learners to assign roles in team to gather | |to a brief competently by originating and developing an idea for|

| | | |quantitative and qualitative research on | |a TV Advert, GIF’s, Teaser clips, Posters, and a Pilot Webisode |

| | |As always, it is important that you show |their idea (around the college) | |showing some imagination when completing at least 11 of the 15 |

| | |ALL Ideas and Planning work on your |Use Google Docs to collaborate on a Script – | |stages and with only occasional assistance |

| | |tumblr. |share with Scott Bcotmedia for editing | |To achieve all of the U5/ D2 and U5/ D2 you need to plan a |

| | | |privileges | |response to a brief to near-professional standards by |

| | | |Print-screen evidence of experimentation of | |originating and developing an idea for a TV Advert, GIF’s, |

| | | |new software/ ideas on to tumblr as an image | |Teaser clips, Posters, and a Pilot Webisode showing creativity |

| | | |post | |and flair, completing all 15 stage’s, and working independently |

| | | |Learners to sketch Location plans on | |to professional expectations |

| | | |flip-chart paper | | |

| | | |Learners to use mobiles to photograph | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | | |finished flip-chart poster (this can be the | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | | |basis of their blog) | |All learners will have a chance to contribute to discussions as |

| | | |Upload completed blog to tumblr | |well as share/ have their opinion valued by their peers in a |

| | | | | |supportive, constructive professional environment. Questions |

| | | | | |will be varied at the appropriate levels for each student to |

| | | | | |build confidence/ subtly ingratiate them into the debate (E+D 2,|

| | | | | |3, 8, 9) |

| | | | | |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | | | | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | | | | |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | | | | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | | | | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | | | | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | | | | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | | | | |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | | | | |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | | | | |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

|8 |TASK 3 |To demonstrate an understanding of the |Lecturer-led presentation of codes of |Codes of practice and regulation Prezi |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |codes and conventions of Webisodes, and |practice and regulation that could affect the|Webisodes exemplar x 3 |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| |Understand the requirements |of the Brief itself, you need to create a|Webisodes |PC/ Mac access x 20 |Q and A Socratic questioning |

| |of working to a brief |Written Report (using Google Docs or |Lecturer-led analysis of Legal eg copyright, |Mini-whiteboards |Contributions to questions |

| | |Scribd) or a Vlog to demonstrate your |health and safety |flip-chart |1-2-1 checks |

| |Part one |understanding of different types of |Lecturer-led analysis of Insurance eg public |Pens |Group discussion |

| | |Briefs, before analysing the Webisodes |liability, completion insurance |Interactive Whiteboard |Diary entry checked formatively |

| | |brief in detail: |Lecturer-led analysis of Regulatory bodies eg|Tumblr tag ‘regulations’ which has four |Natalie to draw on personal experience as a young and successful|

| | | |Ofcom (to help ‘TASK 1 Report’ work) |blogs on Legal, Insurance, Regulatory |female in industry inc. Q and A (E&D) |

| | |Structure of briefs: |Learners to make detailed lecture notes as |body and Trade Union aspects of Webisodes|Group work learning styles varied |

| | | |Lecturer explained and analyses different |Deanna’s Vlogs |Formative assessment |

| | |Analyse a selection of 3 briefs and apply|types of Brief: |Exemplars of the following types of Brief|Sharing ideas, information and opinions (ELM 2/3) |

| | |the following terms: |Contractual; |(e-copy and paper copy of each): |Team work (ELM2) |

| | | |Negotiated; |Contractual; |Personal organisation (ELM 2/5) |

| | |Contractual; |Formal; |Negotiated; |Note taking (ELM 3) |

| | |Negotiated; |Informal; |Formal; |Employment related activities (ELM 1/5) |

| | |Formal; |Commission; |Informal; |Taking responsibility (ELM 2/3/4) |

| | |Informal; |Tender; |Commission; |Giving and receiving feedback (ELM 3/4) |

| | |Commission; |Co-operative brief; |Tender; | |

| | |Tender; |Competition |Co-operative brief; |To achieve all of U5/ P1 you need to describe some requirements |

| | |Co-operative brief; | |Competition |of 3 Briefs including the Webisodes brief |

| | |Competition |Learners to begin analysis and start | |To achieve all of U5/ M1 you need to explain the requirements of|

| | | |structuring notes for Vlog or Written Report | |3 Briefs including the Webisodes brief with reference to |

| | | |discussing the differences between different | |detailed illustrative examples from your production |

| | | |briefs | |To achieve all of U5/ D1 comprehensively explain the |

| | | |Learners to compose a detailed analysis of | |requirements of 3 Briefs including the Webisodes brief with |

| | | |‘Webisodes – Viral Campaign’ brief | |elucidated examples from your production whilst using correct |

| | | |Directed Questions | |terminology |

| | | |Socratic Questions | | |

| | | |Cascaded Questions | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | | | | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | | |Reiterate good Vlog practice by playing/ | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | | |aurally annotating Deanna’s blog on this | |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | | |topic | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | | |Upload to tumblr | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | | | | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | | | | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

|9 |TASK 3 | |Lecturer-led demonstration of each of the |Documentation Prezi |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |Reading a brief: |forms of documentation necessary for the |PC/ Mac access x 20 |Different Documentation has different needs so the learners can |

| |Understand the requirements | |Webisodes |Mini-whiteboards |decide which is best suited to their personal skillset e.g. |

| |of working to a brief |Here you need to demonstrate that you |Guest lecture by Pork Chop Pictures and Face |Flip-chart |visual learners could take photographs of location or storyboard|

| | |recognise nature of and demand implicit |TV |Pens |etc. (E+D) |

| |Part two |in each of the 3 briefs |Directed Questions |Canon DSLR (550D or 600D) x 2 |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| | |You then need to focus on the Webisodes |Socratic Questions |Interactive Whiteboard |Sharing ideas, information and opinions (ELM 2/3) |

| |GUEST SPEAKERS: |brief and discuss the expectations for |Cascaded questions |Off-site permission slips x 20 |Team work (ELM2) |

| | |the project, as well as the codes and |Learners need to build on work from last |Digital cameras x 4 |Personal organisation (ELM 2/5) |

| |Pork Chop Pictures |conventions of Webisodes, Viral |session and compose a Report (Written or |Tripod x 1 |Note taking (ELM 3) |

| | |Campaigns, and TV Adverts |Vlog) analysisng different Briefs |Scribd |Employment related activities (ELM 1/5) |

| |And | |Learners to make notes and ask questions of |Google Docs |Taking responsibility (ELM 2/3/4) |

| | |Negotiating the brief: |Pork Chop Pictures and Face TV as to the |Dropbox |Giving and receiving feedback (ELM 3/4) |

| |Face TV | |expectations/ requirements of the project |Tumblr |1-1 checks on learners to ensure they are happy/ not worried |

| | |What have you taken from consultation |Pork Chop Pictures and Face TV to explain the|Exemplars of the following types of Brief|about any aspect of the assignment – if they are we can |

| | |with the Client (Face TV and Pork Chop |constraints they have encountered and to |(e-copy and paper copy of each): |negotiate other ways of obtaining criteria |

| | |Pictures)? |guide learners group by group as they develop|Contractual; | |

| | |What degree of discretion have you taken |their work in the lecture |Negotiated; |To achieve all of U5/ P1 you need to describe some requirements |

| | |in interpreting brief? (Are you following|Lecturer-led demonstration of Scribd and |Formal; |of 3 Briefs including the Webisodes brief |

| | |or subverting conventions?) |refresher on Google docs for those unsure |Informal; |To achieve all of U5/ M1 you need to explain the requirements of|

| | |What are the Constraints you have |Reminder to students that all Briefs are on |Commission; |3 Briefs including the Webisodes brief with reference to |

| | |encountered? eg legal and ethical issues,|Boodle and Google docs for them to use |Tender; |detailed illustrative examples from your production |

| | |codes of practice, regulatory framework, |Learners to proof each-others work – giving |Co-operative brief; |To achieve all of U5/ D1 comprehensively explain the |

| | |deadline, budget, client, technical |constructive feedback – initiated via |Competition |requirements of 3 Briefs including the Webisodes brief with |

| | |resources and constraints |Socratic questioning | |elucidated examples from your production whilst using correct |

| | | | | |terminology |

| | |Opportunities |Save work in Dropbox or Google Drive | | |

| | | | | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | |Identify opportunities for |Upload work so far to tumblr | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | |self-development (e.g. new skills, | | |All learners will have a chance to contribute to discussions as |

| | |multi-skilling; contributions to project |Learners to note on tumblr what they have | |well as share/ have their opinion valued by their peers in a |

| | |brief, time management) that you want to |taken from consultation with the Client (Face| |supportive, constructive professional environment. Questions |

| | |develop |TV and Pork Chop Pictures)? | |will be varied at the appropriate levels for each student to |

| | | |Compose a text/ video post outlining the | |build confidence/ subtly ingratiate them into the debate (E+D 2,|

| | |Once finished, your Written report or |degree of discretion they have taken in | |3, 8, 9) |

| | |Vlog needs to be uploaded to the tumblr. |interpreting brief? (Are you following or | |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | | |subverting conventions?) | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | | |Text post on tumblr acknowledging what | |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | | |Constraints you have encountered? eg legal | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | | |and ethical issues, codes of practice, | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | | |regulatory framework, deadline, budget, | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | | |client, technical resources and constraints | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | | |Learners to tweet @bcotmedia once the task is| |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | | |complete for marking | |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | | | | |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | | | | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | | | | |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | | | | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | | | | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | | | | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | | | | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

| | | | | |More able learners will be stretched with extension activities I|

| | | | | |have prepared on our bcotmedia tumblr e.g. a student who has |

| | | | | |completed all tasks in a Narrative based lecture would be tasked|

| | | | | |with logging onto the tumblr blog, clicking on ‘L3’ cloud tag |

| | | | | |and completing the listen to then storyboard an animation to |

| | | | | |Stevie Wonder’s ‘Superstition’ in 20 minutes activity (E+D 4, |

| | | | | |10) |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

|10 |TASK 4 | |Learners to make lectures notes throughout |Deanna’s youtube video of student work at|Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |During your Viral Campaign and Webisodes |introduction of what is expected this session|A-level A* quality |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| |Reflection Vlogs or Podcasts |production you will undertake at least 3 |(‘Webisodes - Viral Campaign’ assignment to |‘The Sopranos’ viral campaign |Q and A/ Socratic questioning |

| |x 3 |professional and reflective Vlogs or |be projected/ magnified on screen as a |‘Webisodes - Viral Campaign’ brief |Observing personal contributions to forms and discussion |

| | |Podcasts in which you will discuss the |constant reference point) |PC/ Mac access x 20 |1-2-1 checks |

| | |following: |Group Activity - Define the conventions of |Flip-chart |Group discussion |

| | | |Webisodes/ Photograph Flip-chart responses an|Pens |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | |Any revisions your group made to the |upload to tumblr |Separate rooms booked for learners to use|Personal organisation (ELM 2/5) |

| | |brief |Group discussion of viral campaigns that have|for more space/ rehearsal |Presentation skills (ELM2) |

| | |Any revisions your group made to your |worked in the past for the students |Interactive Whiteboard (if available) |Giving and receiving feedback (ELM 3/4) |

| | |production schedule |Learners to work individually to make notes |Tumblr | |

| | |How you dealt with difficulties or |as to how they feel the following has been |Google Docs |To achieve this part of U5/ P3 you need to discuss how you |

| | |complaints |going so far on the project: |Scribd |revised and dealt with the pragmatics of the Webisodes brief |

| | |How you liaised with the client? |Any revisions your group made to the brief |Handicams x 10 |within appropriate conventions and with some assistance |

| | |What revisions did you make to the brief/|Any revisions your group made to your |Tripod x 5 |To achieve this part of U5/ M3 you need to explain, with |

| | |plan? |production schedule | |examples, how you revised and dealt with the pragmatics of the |

| | |Monitoring progress – how are things |How you dealt with difficulties or complaints| |Webisodes brief competently showing some imagination and with |

| | |going? |How you liaised with the client? | |only occasional assistance |

| | | |What revisions did you make to the brief/ | |To achieve this part of U5/ D3 you need to critically reflect on|

| | |Once complete, you need to upload the |plan? | |how you revised, adapted and dealt with the pragmatics of the |

| | |Vlogs or Podcasts to your tumblr |Monitoring progress – how are things going? | |Webisodes brief to near-professional standards showing |

| | | | | |creativity and flair and working independently to professional |

| | | |Reiterate that I am looking for revisions, | |expectations |

| | | |annotations and evidence of conducting | | |

| | | |meetings and problem solving – in all forms | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | | |(examples to be given throughout session to | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | | |each learners work). | |All learners will have a chance to contribute to discussions as |

| | | |Interactive Whiteboard (if available) | |well as share/ have their opinion valued by their peers in a |

| | | |Directed Questions | |supportive, constructive professional environment. Questions |

| | | |Socratic Questions (to each group e.g. who is| |will be varied at the appropriate levels for each student to |

| | | |responsible for finance? And how do you think| |build confidence/ subtly ingratiate them into the debate (E+D 2,|

| | | |they are doing Amy? etc.) | |3, 8, 9) |

| | | |Cascaded Questions | |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | | |One-to-one checks on learners to gauge | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | | |progress/ reiterate deadline | |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | | | | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | | |Blogs to be checked to ensure all is up to | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | | |date/ to the requisite level. | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | | | | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | | |Refresher/ Lecturer –demonstration of good | |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | | |uses of Scribd and Google docs | |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | | | | |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

|11 |TASK 5 |You are to begin your Viral Campaign in a|Lecturer presentation to show the codes and |Youtube videos of student work at A-level|Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |traditional form by producing a TV |conventions of Webisodes (call back/ |A* quality |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| |TV Advertisement |Advertisement for the Pilot Webisode |consolidate preceding work on codes and |PC/ Mac access x 20 |Q and A Socratic questioning |

| | | |conventions of Webisodes) |Flip-chart |Observing personal contributions to forms and discussion |

| | |It is essential that you follow Ofcom and| |Pens |1-2-1 checks |

| | |ASA regulations whilst producing an |Analysis of the answers from the groups’ |Separate rooms booked for learners to use|Group discussion |

| | |Advertisement that works within the |photograph of their flip-chart answers during|for more space/ rehearsal |Presentation skills (ELM2) |

| | |appropriate conventions you researched in|Session 10 (uploaded to bcotmedia tumblr) – |Interactive Whiteboard (if available) |Memory aids – blogs on bcotmedia tumblr (ELM 3/5) |

| | |your Report: |to consolidate prior learning/ prime for |Prezi to describe the requirements for |Contributing to groups/ and presentation (ELM 2/3) |

| | | |activity |Learners Activity number 8 |Listening skills (ELM 3/5) |

| | |You will be assessed on the |Directed Questions |Tumblr |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | |professionalism of your approach to the |Socratic Questions |Google Docs | |

| | |following: |Cascaded Questions |Scribd |To achieve the U30/ P3 you need to produce a television |

| | | | |Canon DSLR (550D or 600D) x 10 |advertisement campaign working within appropriate conventions |

| | |Camera-work |Learners to gather equipment needed |Tripod x 10 |and with some assistance |

| | |Sound quality |Delegation of roles to be documented |Green Screen x 2 |To achieve the U30/ M3 you need to produce a television |

| | |Lighting |Work completed to be uploaded to tumblr |Lights x 5 |advertisement campaign to a good technical standard showing some|

| | |Health and safety |Learners to capture video for their TV |F208 booked as an overflow room for |imagination and with only occasional assistance |

| | |Editing techniques |Advertisement |shooting video |To achieve the U30/ D3 you need to produce a television |

| | |Quality of the finished TV Advertisement |Learners to have a 1-1 with me to ensure they| |advertisement campaign to a technical quality that reflects near|

| | | |are up to date with all 5 TASKS and aware of | |professional standards, showing creativity and flair and working|

| | |Once complete your TV Advertisement needs|extra help possibilities if necessary | |independently to professional expectation |

| | |to be uploaded to YouTube and linked to | | | |

| | |your tumblr | | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | | | | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | | | | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | | | | |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | | | | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | | | | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | | | | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | | | | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

|12 |TASK 6 |You are now expected to work in your |Group Discussion of the production |Prezi about professional behaviours in |Memory aids – blogs on bcotmedia tumblr (ELM 3/5) |

| | |Production Teams to create your Viral |requirements/ reiteration of time left to |the media industry |Working in groups (ELM 3/4) |

| |Viral Campaign and Pilot |Campaign for the launch date of your |achieve goals |Canon DSLR (550D or 600D) x 10 |Taking responsibility (ELM 2/3/4) |

| |Webisode |Pilot Webisode. |Directed Questions |Tripod x 10 |Giving and receiving feedback (ELM 3/4) |

| | | |Socratic Questions |Green Screen x 2 |Contributing to groups/ and presentation (ELM 2/3) |

| | |As a minimum you need to create the |Cascaded Questions |Lights x 5 | |

| | |following: |Reiteration of the importance of delegation |F208 booked as an overflow room for |To achieve this part of the U5/ P3 you need to apply a response |

| | | |in teamwork – facilitator/ resurce manager/ |shooting video |to the Webisodes Viral Campaign brief working within appropriate|

| | |TV Advert |time monitor/ quality control etc. |PC/ Mac access x 20 |conventions to create a TV Advert, GIF’s, Teaser clips, Posters,|

| | |GIF’s |Explanation of what I am looking for as I |Flip-chart |and a Pilot Webisode with some Assistance |

| | |Teaser clips |move around the groups today with the witness|Example of Distinction level podcast |To achieve this part of the U5/ M3 you need to apply a response |

| | |Posters |statement |discussion (also available on bcotmedia |to the Webisodes Viral Campaign brief competently showing some |

| | |Pilot Webisode |Learners will be given tutorial reminders on |tumblr) |imagination to create a TV Advert, GIF’s, Teaser clips, Posters,|

| | | |how to create anything they are unsure of but|Audacity access x 5 |and a Pilot Webisode with only occasional assistance |

| | |You will be monitored and assessed |have been taught in previous Unit work the |Photobooth access x 5 |To achieve this part of the U5/ D3 apply a response to a brief |

| | |according to your professionalism, skill,|skills necessary to carry out the task to a |Adobe Photoshop x 10 |to near-professional standards showing creativity and flair and |

| | |creativity, and independence throughout |high level |Adobe Premiere x 10 |working independently to professional expectations |

| | |the following: |Explanation and analysis (with group |Smartphone (Lecturer’s own) | |

| | | |discussion) of each point I am marking |Pens |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | |Gathering content and recording material |against during the tutor observation | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | |Editing, manipulating and arranging | | |All learners will have a chance to contribute to discussions as |

| | |content | | |well as share/ have their opinion valued by their peers in a |

| | |Patience and support of your team-mates | | |supportive, constructive professional environment. Questions |

| | |Reviewing and revising ideas | | |will be varied at the appropriate levels for each student to |

| | |Professional application of | | |build confidence/ subtly ingratiate them into the debate (E+D 2,|

| | |post-production | | |3, 8, 9) |

| | | |Individually the learners are to undertake a | |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | |Evidence will be in the form of the |one-to-one conversational podcast with the | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | |complete Viral Campaign uploaded to |Lecturer (using Audacity, Photobooth or | |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | |youtube and tweeted to using the hashtag |Smartphone) as to their contributions/ to-do | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | |#bcotad |list on the project | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | | |Learners to demonstrate autonomy in creating | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | |Once finished you need to upload your |their Webisode(s) and accompanying Viral | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | |completed Viral Campaign and Pilot |Campaign | |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | |Webisode to tumblr |Completed Witness statement and Podcast to be| |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | | |uploaded to the students’ individual tumblr | |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | | |REMINDER – students to book equipment/ check | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | | |call list for next week’s shoot | |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | | | | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | | | | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | | | | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | | | | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

| | | | | |More able learners will be stretched with extension activities I|

| | | | | |have prepared on our bcotmedia tumblr e.g. a student who has |

| | | | | |completed all tasks in a Narrative based lecture would be tasked|

| | | | | |with logging onto the tumblr blog, clicking on ‘L3’ cloud tag |

| | | | | |and completing the listen to then storyboard an animation to |

| | | | | |Stevie Wonder’s ‘Superstition’ in 20 minutes activity (E+D 4, |

| | | | | |10) |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

|13 |Production – part one |TASK 5 + TASK 6 |Off-site permission forms |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | | |Canon DSLR (550D or 600D)s x 4 |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |


| | |WEBISODES ON LOCATION/ DEVELOP POST-PRODUCTION SKILLS IN THE ROOM – I WILL BE AVAILABLE |Digital Still Cameras x 4 |Observing personal contributions to forms and discussion |


| | | |Lights x 3 |Group discussion |


| | |THESE UNITS TV ADVERTISEMENT PRODUCTION AND WORKING TO A BRIEF) IT IS ESSENTIAL TO ALLOW|Filters x 6 |Learners to carry out roles that best suit their own personal |

| | |LEARNERS THE TIME/ SPACE HERE TO PUT THEIR WORK INTO PRACTICE BEFORE CONTINUING THE |A4 paper x 20 |skill set - I will help suit the learners to specific tasks |

| | |REFLECTION ON SAID WORK IN SESSION 15 |Off site permission forms |here (E+D) |

| | | |PC/ Mac Access x 20 |Team work (ELM2) |

| | |Lecturer-led discussion of what each students should have completed by now | |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | |Reiteration/ Group discussion of criteria on big screen | |Working in groups (ELM 3/4) |

| | |Students to complete Webisodes | |Setting boundaries/ agreeing rules (ELM 1/2/3/4) |

| | |Group meetings | |Students using lights (on campus/ they are not allowed to be |

| | |Directed Questions | |used off campus) will be spoken to about the need to rest lights|

| | |Learners to individually create a progress blog (and upload it to tumblr) that addresses| |every 5 minutes. |

| | |their own experiences working as part of their production company | | |

| | |Learners to assess own progress throughout session in mini-meetings | |To achieve all of U5/ P3 you need to discuss how you revised and|

| | |Learners to apply final post-production touches to Webisodes and upload to youtube | |dealt with the pragmatics of the Webisodes - Viral Campaign |

| | |Each learner to embed video on their tumblr | |brief within appropriate conventions and with some assistance |

| | | | |[CT, SM] |

| | | | |To achieve all of U5/ M3 you need to explain, with examples, how|

| | | | |you revised and dealt with the pragmatics of the Webisodes - |

| | | | |Viral Campaign brief competently showing some imagination and |

| | | | |with only occasional assistance |

| | | | |To achieve all of U5/ D3 you need to critically reflect on how |

| | | | |you revised, adapted and dealt with the pragmatics of the |

| | | | |Webisodes - Viral Campaign brief to near-professional standards |

| | | | |showing creativity and flair and working independently to |

| | | | |professional expectations |

|14 |Production - part two | | | |

|15 |TASK 7 |Once your Viral Campaign and Pilot |Lecturer-led discussion of progress of each |Refresher of ‘Webisodes - Viral Campaign’|Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |Webisode is uploaded to YouTube, and your|group |assignment to reiterate what I am looking|Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| |Evaluation |tumblr is completely up to date (check |Directed questions |for |Q and A Socratic questioning |

| | |with your tutor), you need to critically |Socratic questions |Prezi of good Vlog practice |Observing personal contributions to forms and discussion |

| | |reflect on your work as a Google Doc. |Cascaded questions |Vlog exemplar (Distinction level) |1-2-1 checks |

| | | |Group discussion of Distinction level Vlog |Off-site permission forms |Group discussion |

| | |You need to discuss the following: |Group discussion of the criteria I am looking|Canon DSLR (550D or 600D)s x 4 |Team work |

| | | |for in the Evaluation |Tripods x 4 |Learners to carry out roles that best suit their own personal |

| | |Constraints experienced |Learner groups to set own negotiated |Digital Still Cameras x 4 |skill set - I will help suit the learners to specific tasks |

| | |Any legal issues? |objectives with Lecturer and write them on |Lights x 3 |here (E+D) |

| | |Any regulatory requirements? |the whiteboard (learners will be at different|Light Bounce x 1 |Team work (ELM2) |

| | |Was more finance needed? |stages of completion at this stage) |Filters x 6 |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | | |1-1 Vlog conversations with tutor |A4 paper x 20 |Working in groups (ELM 3/4) |

| | |Management |Learners to upload completed Vlog to tumblr |PC/ Mac Access x 20 |Setting boundaries/ agreeing rules (ELM 1/2/3/4) |

| | |Time management |Groups to continue their productions/ | | |

| | |Leadership skills |applying the post-production finishing | |To achieve all of U5/ P4 and U30/ P4 you need to comment on own |

| | |Group Communications |touches | |work on completion of the Webisodes brief with some appropriate |

| | |Did you meet brief requirements? |Learners to receive assistance with | |use of subject terminology. |

| | |Did you achieve agreed group outcomes? |Evaluations whilst being aware of the | |To achieve all of U5/ M4 and U30/ M4 you need to explain own |

| | |Did you work to agreed timescales? |criteria ie the more autonomous they are the | |work on completion of the Webisodes brief with reference to |

| | |What have you learnt for your FMP? |greater their grade. | |detailed illustrative examples and with generally correct use of|

| | | | | |subject terminology. |

| | |Feedback | | |To achieve all of U5/ D4 and U30/ D4 you need to critically |

| | |From peers | | |evaluate own work on completion of the Webisodes brief with |

| | |From client | | |reference to professional practice and consistently using |

| | |From audience | | |subject terminology correctly. |

| | |Is it suitable for industry? | | | |

| | |Did you contribute to workplace goals? | | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | | | | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | |Conclusion: | | |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | |Amendments to ‘Proposal’ and ‘Synopsis’ | | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | |Clarity of communication | | |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | |Appropriateness to audience | | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | |Compared with original intentions | | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | |Effectiveness of techniques | | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | |Effectiveness of content | | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | |Impact of work | | |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | |Technical qualities | | |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | |Aesthetic qualities | | |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | | | | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | |Once this is complete you need to upload | | |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | |it to your tumblr via Google Docs and | | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | |double-check that you have all stages of | | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | |the ‘Webisodes – Viral Campaign’ | | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | |Assignment complete. | | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

|16 |END OF ASSIGNMENT CHECKLIST |This week is for autonomous learning. |Lecturer-led discussion of the importance in |Tumblr |Being independent (ELM 1/2) |

| | |Each learner is expected to take |taking pride in your work |A4 paper x 20 |Working in groups (ELM 3/4) |

| | |responsibility for their own work: |Tracking grid to be projected on big screen |PC/ Mac Access x 20 |Action Planning and target setting (ELM 3/5) |

| | | |Each production company to print off a DVD of|DVD’s x 10 |Learners to work toward their own personalised target of P, M or|

| | |PROOF-READ ALL OF YOUR WORK |work |Sharpie x 4 |D here, with assistance and exemplars as to how to get there |

| | |DOUBLE-CHECK THAT ALL 12 STAGES ARE |Learners to undertake 1-1 with Lecturer to | |(E+D) |

| | |COMPLETE |assess grade/ what can be enhanced | |Presentation skills (ELM2) |

| | |CHECK THE TRACKING GRID TO ENSURE YOU | | |Personal organisation (ELM 2/5) |

| | |HAVE THE GRADE YOU WANT | | |Achieving ambition (ELM 3/5) |

| | |ENSURE ALL LINKS, VLOGS AND PODCASTS PLAY| | |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | |FROM YOUR TUMBLR | | |Learners will be presented with examples from a mix of genders/ |

| | |ASK YOUR LECTURER WHAT YOU CAN DO TO | | |race/ nationalities in case studies (E+D 1, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10) |

| | |IMPROVE YOUR GRADE | | |Struggling learners will be supported throughout the lecture by |

| | | | | |learner support mentors where appropriate/ available, having an |

| | |WHEN YOU ARE DONE PLEASE ASK YOUR TUTOR | | |option to use/ follow the lecture notes on Boodle, receive help |

| | |FOR YOUR NEXT ASSIGNMENT. | | |from the more able students, and also via formative checks from |

| | | | | |me throughout the lecture. Furthermore, I have created over 200 |

| | | | | |posts on our bcotmedia tumblr blog which offers visual, audio |

| | | | | |and written information on all the topics we are covering in |

| | | | | |this unit. Should the learner not grasp information in the way |

| | | | | |my objectives intended, this is the always available alternative|

| | | | | |(E+D 4, 6, 7). |

| | | | | |Learners can refer to the bcotmedia tumblr blog for key |

| | | | | |information on this lecture via the cloud tag at the top of the |

| | | | | |page and have the option of being able to contact me via email |

| | | | | |or via our facebook, twitter or google+ presence for additional |

| | | | | |help OR attend the non-registered workshop I run every Friday |

| | | | | |12:00-17:00 in F212 for 1-1 tuition (E+D 4, 5, 7, 10) |

| | | | | |More able learners will be stretched with extension activities I|

| | | | | |have prepared on our bcotmedia tumblr e.g. a student who has |

| | | | | |completed all tasks in a Narrative based lecture would be tasked|

| | | | | |with logging onto the tumblr blog, clicking on ‘L3’ cloud tag |

| | | | | |and completing the listen to then storyboard an animation to |

| | | | | |Stevie Wonder’s ‘Superstition’ in 20 minutes activity (E+D 4, |

| | | | | |10) |

| | | | | |Should a learner struggle with a written component to the |

| | | | | |lecture there is an option to submit in Vlog or Podcast format |

| | | | | |once it has been satisfactorily structured by the student (E+D |

| | | | | |7, 8) |

|17 |SCREENING |While this is not an assessed aspect of |Lecturer-led presentation of the assignment |Projector |Gain confidence in Presentations (essential to do this before |

| |(informal – top-up for Unit |the project there is possibility for the |criteria |Memory sticks |the assessed Presentations in the FMP) |

| |2: Communica-tion) |learners to practice Presentation skills |Face TV, Pork Chop Pictures, Sian and Arlen |Canon DSLR (550D or 600D)s x 4 |Presentation skills (ELM2) |

| | |here. |to introduce themselves/ experience/ what |Tripods x 4 |Contributing to groups/ and presentation (ELM 2/3) |

| | | |they are looking for |Digital Still Cameras x 4 |Working in groups (ELM 3/4) |

| | |The learners will informally present |Explain that task is informal and a chance to|A4 paper x 20 |Taking responsibility (ELM 2/3/4) |

| | |their work and discuss the pros/cons of |get used to Presentations before the assessed|PC/ Mac Access x 20 |Giving and receiving feedback (ELM 3/4) |

| | |their work on the project |Presentations for their FMP |Tumblr |Time Management/ taking ownership (ELM 2/3/5) |

| | | |Reiterate to learners that I will be filming |Skype |Learners who have grown more comfortable in the group will take |

| | |GUEST SPEAKERS/ JUDGES = |the presentations as extra evidence to |Youtube |the lead here – I will help less confident with their |

| | | |(potentially) enhance their grades for any of| |contributions (E+D) |

| | |PORK CHOP PICTURES |the blog activities for this assignment/ add | |Observation, question and answer, look through completed work |

| | |FACE TV |to the marks for Unit 2: Communication (which| |Look at the completed work as a check on learning |

| | | |we will start in January) | |Q and A Socratic questioning |

| | |Sian Fisher - Anvil Arts Marketing |Group to present their Webisodess with an | |Video work captured |

| | |Manager |informal discussion before and after of their| |Achieving ambition (ELM 3/5) |

| | | |experiences/ what they could have done to | |Being independent (ELM 1/2) |

| | |AND |improve it | |Personal organisation (ELM 2/5) |

| | | |Once all groups have presented, Deanna and | | |

| | |Arlen Konopaki – Owner of High Wire |Sian will decide on the winner and award the | |VIDEO EVIDENCE FROM THIS SCREENING WILL BE KEPT ON RECORD AND |

| | |Films/ Writer/ Director/ Comedian |prize. | |USED TO ENHANCE MARKS FOR UNIT 2: COMMUNICATION) |

| | |(remotely via video link Skype OR a | | | |



| | |will be in attendance to judge/ award the| | | |

| | |best Webisodes – Viral Campaign | | | |

| | | | | | |

|18 | |

| |Session 18 is for mop-up/ stretching the more able (bcotmedia.tagged/extension/)/ helping with other Lecturers’ Units |

Unit 5 content

1 Understand the requirements of working to a brief

• Structure of briefs: contractual; negotiated; formal; informal; commission; tender; cooperative brief; competition

• Reading a brief: recognise nature of and demand implicit in brief

• Negotiating the brief: consultation with client; degree of discretion in interpreting brief; constraints (legal, ethical, regulatory); amendments to proposed final product; amendments to budget; amendments to conditions; fees

• Opportunities: identify opportunities for self-development; new skills; multi-skilling; contributions to project brief

2 Be able to develop a planned response to a brief

• Plan: prepare plan to meet requirements; health and safety issues; relevant legislation to be followed; team members involved; role of team members; organisational structure; working practices

• Timescales: deadlines; availability; resources; feedback

• Develop: brainstorm; mind-map; identify possible solutions; treatments; scripts; programme/design formats; to meet requirements of brief; research potential of solutions; evaluate against requirements and constraints; select best option; discuss with client; agree final response

3 Be able to apply a response to a brief

• Apply: pre-production phase; production phase; post-production phase; monitor progress; review; revise

• Relationship with client: liaison with client; dealing with difficulties or complaints; revisions to brief; revisions to plan

4 Be able to review work on completion of a brief

• Format: eg presentation; written report; viva voce

• Constraints experienced: legal; regulatory; financial

• Management: time management; leadership skills; communications; meeting requirements; achieving agreed outcomes; working to agreed timescales; recommendations for future tasks

• Feedback: eg from peers, from client, from audience, from supervisor; contribution to workplace goals; own suitability for industry

Unit 30 content

1 Know about the structures and techniques of television advertisements

• Structures: form, eg realist narrative, anti-realist narrative, animation, documentary, talking heads, stand

alone, series; style, eg humorous, surreal, dramatic, parodic; codes and conventions (camera angle, shot,

iconography, editing, lighting, sound, music); computer graphics; special effects (SFX)

• Techniques: hidden and overt messages; emotional responses or association, eg solution to a problem,

fear, concern, compassion, self-perception, social position; celebrity endorsement

• Characteristics of products or services: benefits offered; advantages over other similar products; unique

selling proposition (USP); lifestyle appeal; brand identity

• Regulation: Advertising Standards Authority (ASA); Ofcom

• Audience information: audience measurement panels; ratings; face-to-face interviews; focus groups;

questionnaires; programme profiles; Broadcasters’ Audience Research Board (BARB); television research


• Sources of information: rates cards; advertisers’ information packs; research agency websites

Audience classification: Standard Occupational Classification; psychographics; geodemographics; by age; by


2 Be able to originate and develop an idea for a television advertisement

• Research for production: brief; client; budget; deadline; technical resources; technical constraints;

identification of target audience, eg quantitative, qualitative, focus groups; conditions of reception; market

research data; legal and ethical issues, eg codes of practice, regulatory framework

• Ideas: ideas generation eg mind-mapping, group discussion, past and current practice; recording ideas, eg

notes, sketches; initial plans and proposals; identification of message; content; style; relevance to audience

3 Be able to produce a television advertisement

• Pre-production: synopsis; script; storyboards; production schedule; location plans; shooting script; risk

assessment; crew; actors

• Production: technology, eg cameras, tapes, tripods, microphones, lights; shooting; lighting; sound

recording; health and safety

• Post-production: technology, eg edit suites, mixing desks; tape logging; edit decision lists; editing; audio


4 Be able to reflect upon own television advertisement production work

• Sources of information: self-evaluation; documentation, eg notes, sketches, story boards, thumbnails, mood

boards, trial layouts, production logs; comments from others, eg audience, peers, tutors, client

• Finished product: fitness for purpose; clarity of communication; appropriateness to audience; compared with original intentions; effectiveness of techniques; effectiveness of content; impact of work; technical qualities; aesthetic qualities


Learning outcomes – Unit 30

On completion of this unit a learner should:

Unit 30

1 Know about the structures and techniques of television advertisements

2 Be able to originate and develop an idea for a television advertisement

3 Be able to produce a television advertisement

4 Be able to reflect upon own television advertisement production work.

Learning outcomes – Unit 5

On completion of this unit a learner should:

Unit 5

1 Understand the requirements of working to a brief

2 Be able to develop a planned response to a brief

3 Be able to apply a response to a brief

4 Be able to review work on completion of a brief.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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