High Rate Selection Critera for CFA/CFP

IEEE P802.15

Wireless Personal Area Networks

|Project |IEEE P802.15 Working Group for Wireless Personal Area Networks (WPANs) |

|Title |High Rate Selection Critera for CFA/CFP |

|Date Submitted |21 January, 2000 |

|Source |[Kevin Marquess] |Voice: [(925) 280-7779] |

| |[Hyper Corporation] |Fax: [(925) 280-7751] |

| |[315 Iron Horse Court, Alamo, CA 94507] |E-mail: [kevin.marquess@] |

|Re: |Development of Selection Criteria from both a standards point of view and marketing activities. |

|Abstract |Draft version of developing requirements and selection processes for determination technology solution for the High |

| |Rate–WPAN – MAC & PHY |

|Purpose |Begin processing CFAs/CFPs and must be used in conjunction with those documents. |

|Notice |This document has been prepared to assist the IEEE P802.15. It is offered as a basis for discussion and is not binding |

| |on the contributing individual(s) or organization(s). The material in this document is subject to change in form and |

| |content after further study. The contributor(s) reserve(s) the right to add, amend or withdraw material contained herein.|

|Release |The contributor acknowledges and accepts that this contribution becomes the property of IEEE and may be made publicly |

| |available by P802.15. |

P802.15 High Rate Study Group –Selection Criteria for CFA/CFP

The following document summarizes the discussion onselection criteria for the proposed High Rate activities within the WPAN (Wireless Personal Area Network) space. These criteria will be used (in conjunction with the PAR and 5 criteria documents) to communicate the scope and intention of this class of devices to potential users and manufacturers. It will also be used to evaluate the PHY, Protocol and Systems proposals submitted in response to the WPAN High Rate Call for Applications and Call for Proposals (CFA and CFP).

Due to the rapid nature rate with which this technology changes, and the fact that 802.11 WPAN study group, HomeRF and other consortia have already done some work in this area, the High Rate WPAN CFA a nd CFP are being done in parallel this group is trying to satisfy within a standards making body, the demand for a “High-Rate” standard to complement the activity of the “nominal” rate of TG1 PAN (Bluetooth). Therefore, this group is doing something that is untraditional in a standards making group – asking for both the CFA (Call For Applications) and CFP (Call For Proposals) of the technologies which manufacturers believe that they can prove and justify fit the definition of the High Rate WPAN definition.

The following document is broken-up into two sections: what the group, after brainstorming, believe would be the market requirements of a “highHigh-rateRate” device, and secondly, the technical criteriacriteria that which would be necessary to fulfill thosee requirements.

Who will use these devices?

General consumer

• Corporate consumer

|General consumer |Corporate consumer |

Who is not the target user?

• Mission Critical systems

• Long range robust communications

Who is the target user?

• General consumer

What are the primary target application environments?

• Personal area within

• Home

• Automobile

• School

What are typical applications?

• Video conferencing

• Consumer video

• Video games

• DVD recording/playback

• MP3 file transfers

• Security

• Digital still/motion camera image transfer

• Computer to peripheral connections

• Audio/visual entertainment

• Toys/games

• Video projection/delivery systems

• Kiosk services

• Pump data / Pump gas

• Cellphone to PDA connections

• Data sharing

What are the devices?

This class includes both portable and non-portable devices. They inlcude small, battery powered consumer devices such as:Compact form factor and low power consumption are important requirements for portable devices.

• Video imageing devices

• Digital still/motion cameras

• DVD devices

• MP3 devices

• Audio/visual entertainment systemsCamera – Still & Motion

• KiosksEntertainment Systems – A/V

• Kiosks

• HDTVToys/games

• Video projectors

• Cellular phones

• Communication dongles

• PDA’s

• Digital Picture Frames

• Computers

• AppliancesGames/toys

• Printers

• Scanners

• Modems

• Set-top boxes


• Printers

• Control Pads – Home/Industrial

• Appliances


• Scanners

• Data Sharing Devices

|Video image devices |Camera – Still & Motion |Entertainment Systems – A/V |Kiosks |

|HDTV |Cellular phones |Digital Picture Frames |Games/toys |

|DVD | Printers |Control Pads – Home/Industrial |Appliances |

|PDA |Scanners |Data Sharing Devices |… etc. |

When is the device needed?

Now. There is an immediate need for low cost, low powered, short range, high-rate wireless solutions to address the requirements of consumer oriented applications. Technical feasibility and tWithin the next year consumer demands for content would “require” a device of this nature, therefore, the reason to standardize the technology.ime to market will be important factors in the selection of a proposal.

Where will this be used?

Applications include:

• Auto scenarios

• Schools

• Home

• Entertainment system

• Enhanced multimedia pad

• Diagnostic utilities

• Projection systems

• Business

• Video conferencing

• Pump-data-pump-gas

• Built-in Cellphone/PDA

|Auto scenarios |Schools |Home |

|Entertainment system |Enhanced multimedia pad |… |

|Diagnostic utilities |Projection systems |Business |

|Video conferencing |… |… |

|Pump-data-pump-gas | | |

|Built-in Cellphone/PDA | | |

Why is this device important?

Advancements in the personal space change the behavior patterns of people and how they deal with their environment. For example, the GPS as a personal consumer device has already saved lives because of the features it was designed with.

A device that bridges high rate needs and the lower rate Bluetooth market is also important for both market segements. Rates in the rage of 20 to 40 Mbps are probably not achievable with the current BT technology.

Technical Criteria

|General |Guideline |

|Unit manufacturing cost |Comparable to 802.15.1 class devices in quantities |

| |of 1M units |

|Interoperability with 802.15.1 (Bluetooth TM) | May be dual mode |

|Coexistence |Coexist with other devices in the 2.4 GHz band |

|Topology |Point-to-point or point-to-multipoint |

|Frequency band of operation |ISM band 2.4 GHz |

|Delivered data throughput |> 16 Mbps |

|Number of high-rate channels or simultaneous users per band (and why)? |( 8 |

|Multi-path immunity | |

|Jamming issuesresistance | |

|Half-duplex symmetry | |

|Sensitivity | |

|Open field range |> 10 meters |

|Radius and environment (i.e. home -walls/floors) |> 10 meters |

|Technical feasibility | |

|Maturity of solution |Concept, Model, Prototype, ASIC, etc. |

|Scalability (power, frequency band, data rate, cost, etc.) | |

|Power consumption | |

|Power management | |

|Ease of Use |Self organizing, provisioning, administration |

|Ability to add/remove devices | |

|Registration | |

| | |

|Data Requirements | |

|Type | |

|Asynchronous |Yes |

|Isochronous |Yes |

|Audio |Yes |

|Video – real time |Yes |

|Voice – real time |Yes |

|Data Rates | |

|Minimum raw “high” data rate |20 Mbs |

|Support adaptive date rates for best BER | |

|Data reliability | |

|Predicted BER | |

|Measured BER | |

|Predicted packet data rate | |

|Measured packet data rate | |

| | |

|Link Management Features | |

|Network detection | |

|Attach time |< 1 sec. |

|Power control | |

|Standby | |

|Rx/Tx | |

|Security | |

|Authentication | |

|QoS (Quality of Service) | |

|Latency | |

|Priority | |

|Packet failure rate | |

The High Rate Study Group (HRSG) is currently defining the process of technology selection. Therefore, the above list is not considered complete or exhaustive, but a set of guidelines a manufacturer needs to consider when developing a technology. It is the desire of the HRSG to close the public selection process by the close of the July 2000 interim meeting, therefore, do not hesitate to submit Proposals/Applications.

Add Criteria you feel is important and explain why, or submit a supporting CFA. In the final evaluation, new criteria will be evaluated for all of the submitted proposals.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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