High School Total Data: .us

Division of Finance

Office of Fiscal Standards and Efficiency

Organization and Expenditure Survey

Year under Study: Academic Year 2000 - 2001

Part 3

At the Individual School Level

General & Special Education in a Non Vocational LEA

Please read the general instructions in MANUAL.DOC carefully before answering the questionnaire.

The questions in this survey require responses on both the Special Education student population (students that have an Individual Education Plan – an IEP) and the General Education student population. The combination of these two student populations should equal the total student population in your school. The total student population you count here should equal the student population that you report in your School Register Summary. Remember that the post-secondary student populations are not counted here. Also remember that Vocational / Technical, Regional Day Schools and Charter Schools do NOT complete this survey.

In Part 1 and Part 2 of this survey we looked at an entire district as a whole. In Part 3 we will look at each individual school that operates in the district. There should therefore be one Part 3 for each school in your district (again, not counting Vocational, RDS & Charter Schools). Taken all together, the answers in Part 3 can be summed up and compared to the totals provided in the first two parts. The responses in Part 3 are intended to offer statisticians a finer level of detail in order to better adjust the formulation of a Thorough and Efficient Education.

If any school within your district has a grade plan different from the school levels listed, select the school level that best represents that school’s organization.

Part 3 List of Tables


|C-1 |Elementary School Classes, Students, Teachers, Aides (GE) |

|C-2 |Middle School Classes, Students, Teachers, Aides (GE) |

|C-3 |High School Classes, Students, Teachers, Aides (GE) |

|C-4 |Special Education Programs Students, Teachers, Aides |

|C-5 |Special Education Students by Programs |

|C-6 |Special Education by Federal Statistical Categories |

|C-7 |Special Education Hours of Related Services |

|C-8 |Special Education # of Related Service Providers |

|C-9 |Teacher Attendance & Instruction Duration (GE) |

|C-10 |Teacher Attendance & Instruction Duration (SE) |

|C-11 |Total Number of School Support Staff (GE) |

|C-12 |Total Number of School Support Staff (SE) |

Table – C 1:


Number of Class Sections, Students, Teachers and Aides

Total Number of Class Sections either by Grade or by Subject taught (Your choice).

1- Total Number of Students in a General Education population to the nearest, approximate ADE.

2- Total Number of General Education Teachers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

3- Total Number of General Education Classroom Aides to the nearest, approximate FTE.

| | |General Education Classes |

| |Elementary School | |

| |Grade or Subject | |

| | |Class Sections |Students |Teachers |Aides |

| | |# (1) |# (2) |# (3) |# (4) |

|A |Pre School | | | | |

|B |Kindergarten | | | | |

|C |1st Grade | | | | |

|D |2nd Grade | | | | |

|E |3rd Grade | | | | |

|F |4th Grade | | | | |

|G |5th Grade | | | | |

|H |Science | | | | |

|I |Computer Science | | | | |

|J |Mathematics | | | | |

|K |Language Arts | | | | |

|L |World Languages | | | | |

|M |Social Studies | | | | |

|N |Health & Physical Education | | | | |

|O |Art | | | | |

|P |Music | | | | |

|Q |All Others. | | | | |

The assignment of classes, students, teachers, and aides is your decision based on your schools’ organizational structure.

You can assign them by grade level OR by subject.


The total ADE of students should equal the reported ADE in the school register system for preschool, kindergarten & Grades 1-5.

Special Education students are counted here only if they are counted in General Education for the school register.

Your number of class sections may be different than the number of teachers due to team teaching assignments.

Aides are those personnel assisting full time teaching staff IN THE CLASSROOM.

The courses of study shown above are an inclusive list and a school may not have all of them.

Bilingual & Basic Skills classes are considered to be in the All Others category, row Q.

The student data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 1, table A-9, column #33, 34 and 35.

The teacher data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 1, table A-8, column #28, 29 and 30.

The classroom aides on this table is queried at the district level in Part 1, table A-10.

Subject Definitions:

H Science – Study of General Sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Physics, etc.

I Computer Science – Study of computers and/or program languages

J Mathematics – Study of numbers & arithmetic.

K Language Arts – Study of English & it’s literature.

L World Languages – Study of Languages other than English

M Social Studies – Study of History & Culture.

N Health & Physical Education – Personal health & athletics

O Art – Study of the visual arts.

P Music – Study of the arts of harmonic sound.

Q All Others – Remaining general education classes.

Table – C 2:


Number of Class Sections, Students, Teachers and Aides

4- Total Number of Class Sections either by Grade or by Subject taught (Your choice).

5- Total Number of Students in a General Education population to the nearest, approximate ADE.

6- Total Number of General Education Teachers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

7- Total Number of General Education Classroom Aides to the nearest, approximate FTE.

| | |General Education Class |

| |Middle School | |

| |Grade and Subject | |

| | |Class Sections |Students |Teachers |Aides |

| | |# (5) |# (6) |# (7) |# (8) |

|A |6th Grade | | | | |

|B |7th Grade | | | | |

|C |8th Grade | | | | |

|D |Science | | | | |

|E |Computer Science | | | | |

|F |Mathematics | | | | |

|G |Language Arts | | | | |

|H |World Languages | | | | |

|I |Social Studies | | | | |

|J |Health & Physical Education | | | | |

|K |Art | | | | |

|L |Music | | | | |

|M |All Others | | | | |

The assignment of classes, students, teachers, and aides is your decision based on your school’s organizational structure.

You can assign them by grade level OR by subject.


The total ADE of students here should equal the reported ADE in the school register system for Grades 6 - 8.

Special Education students are counted here only if they are counted in General Education for the school register.

Your number of class sections may be different than the number of teachers due to team teaching assignments.

Aides are those personnel assisting full time teaching staff IN THE CLASSROOM.

The courses of study shown above are an inclusive list and a school may not have all of them.

Bilingual & Basic Skills classes are considered to be in the All Others category, row M.

The student data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 1, table A-9, column #36.

The teacher data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 1, table A-8, column #31.

The classroom aides on this table is queried at the district level in Part 1, table A-10.

Subject Definitions:

D Science – Study of General Sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Physics, etc.

E Computer Science – Study of computers and/or program languages

F Mathematics – Study of numbers & arithmetic.

G Language Arts – Study of English & it’s literature.

H World Languages – Study of Languages other than English

I Social Studies – Study of History & Culture.

J Health & Physical Education – Personal health & athletics

K Art – Study of the visual arts.

L Music – Study of the arts of harmonic sound.

M All Others – Remaining general education classes.

Table – C 3:


Number of Class Sections, Students, Teachers and Aides

8- Total Number of Class Sections by Subject taught. (Grade level is not an option)

9- Total Number of Students in a General Education population to the nearest, approximate ADE.

10- Total Number of General Education Teachers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

11- Total Number of General Education Classroom Aides to the nearest, approximate FTE.

| | |General Education |

| |High School Subject | |

| | |Class Sections |Students |Teachers |Aides |

| | |# (9) |# (10) |# (11) |# (12) |

|A |Science | | | | |

|B |Social Studies | | | | |

|C |Mathematics | | | | |

|D |Language Arts | | | | |

|E |World Languages | | | | |

|F |Health & Physical Education | | | | |

|G |Art | | | | |

|H |Music | | | | |

|I |Computer Science | | | | |

|J |Bilingual/ESL | | | | |

|K |Basic Skills | | | | |

|L |All Other Electives | | | | |

|M |General Skills | | | | |

The assignment of classes, students, teachers, and aides is your decision based on your school’s organizational structure.

In this table you CANNOT assign them by grade level, ONLY by subject being taught.


The total ADE of students should equal the reported ADE in the school register system for grades 9 - 12.

Special Education students are counted here only if they are counted in General Education for the school register.

Your number of class sections may be different than the number of teachers due to team teaching assignments.

Aides are those personnel assisting full time teaching staff IN THE CLASSROOM.

The student data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 1, table A-9, column #37.

The teacher data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 1, table A-8, column #32.

The classroom aides on this table is queried at the district level in Part 1, table A-10.

Subject Definitions:

A Science – Study of General Sciences, Chemistry, Biology, Geology, Physics, etc.

B Social Studies – Study of History & Culture.

C Mathematics – Study of numbers & arithmetic.

D Language Arts – Study of English & it’s literature.

E World Languages – Study of Languages other than English.

F Health & Physical Education – Personnel health & athletics

G Art – Study of the visual arts.

H Music – Study of the arts of harmonic sound.

I Computer Science – Study of computers and/or program languages.

J Bilingual – Class instruction in two (or more) languages.

Student primary language NOT English

K Basic Skills – Classes exclusively set up to give special attention to slow learners.

L All other Electives – Remaining particular subject courses not specified above.

M General Skills - General education classes not focused on any particular subject.

Table – C 4:


Number of Class Sections, Students, Teachers and Aides.

12- Total Number of Special Education Class Sections by School Level.

13- The total ADE of Special Education Students.

14- Total Number of Special Education Teachers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

15- Total Number of Special Education Classroom Aides to the nearest, approximate FTE.

| | |Special Education ONLY |

| |Grade and Subject | |

| | |Class Sections |Students ADE |Teachers |Aides |

| | |# (13) |# (14) |# (15) |# (16) |

|A |Preschool | | | | |

|B |Kindergarten | | | | |

|C |Elementary (G 1-5) | | | | |

|D |Middle School (G 6-8) | | | | |

|E |High School (G 9-12) | | | | |

The assignment of classes, students, teachers, and aides is your decision based on your schools’ organizational structure.

The total ADE of special education students here should equal the reported ADE in the School Register system.

The total ADE of students in column #(14) here should equal the totals of Table C-5, column 20.

This table is being used to create a count to the nearest, approximate grade age classification.

Your number of class sections may be different than number of teachers due to team teaching assignments.

Aides are those personnel assisting full time teaching staff IN THE CLASSROOM.

Aides are NOT the personal assistants that are sometimes assigned to the individual student.

These personal assistants are asked about in this part of the survey in table C-12.

The student data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 2, table B-2.

The teacher data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 2, table B-9, row B.

The classroom aide’s data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 2, table B-9, row C.

Table – C 5:

Special Education Students by Program:

16- ADE of Special Education Students in General Education Classes.

17- HOURS of In Class Resource Program Services provided to Special Education Students.

18- HOURS of Pull Out Resource Program Services provided to Special education Students.

19- ADE of Special Education Students in Special Education Classes.

| | | |

| | | |

| |Eligibility Categories | |

| | |ADE In |Resource |Resource |ADE In |

| | |General |Program |Program Pull-out|Special Education |

| | |Education |In-class |Hours |Classes |

| | |Classes |Hours |# (19) |# (20) |

| | |# (17) |# (18) | | |

|A |Autism | | | | |

|B |Emotional Disturbance | | | | |

|C |Hearing Impairments | | | | |

|D |Language Impairments | | | | |

|E |Multiple Disabilities | | | | |

|F |Mental Retardation | | | | |

|G |Other Health Impairment | | | | |

|H |Orthopedic Impairment | | | | |

|I |Specific Learning Disabilities *Note | | | | |

|J |Visual Impairment | | | | |

|K |Preschool Disabled | | | | |

The assignment of classes, students, teachers, and aides is your decision based on your schools’ organizational structure.

The total ADE of students should equal the reported ADE in the school register system in column (20)

Remember to include out-of-district students who you are being reimbursed FOR.

Language Impairments EXCLUDES students who receive only speech language services.

*Note: The eligibility category: Traumatic Brain Injury should be counted with Specific Learning Disabilities

Special education students could be sometimes mainstreamed and so therefore are shown in column (17).

If so, these students would have been counted in the school register as general education students.

They are also placed in separate education classes and so therefore are shown here in column (20).

If so, these students would have been counted in the school register as special education students.

The totals in column (18) & column (19) combine to equal your Resource Room Program (Account # 11-213-100-XXX).


Resource Room data on this table is queried at a district level in Part 2, table B-5, rows A and B.

Table – C 6:

Special Education Statistics by Federal Eligibility

20- Total Number of Class Sections of Special Education Programs.

21- The ADE of Special Education Students.

22- Total Number of Special Education Teachers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

23- Total Number of Special Education Classroom Aides to the nearest, approximate FTE.

| | |Special Education |

| |Federal Eligibility Categories | |

| | |Sections |Students |Teachers |Aides |

| | |# (21) |# (22) |# (23) |# (24) |

|A |Speech Only | | | | |

|B |Autism | | | | |

|C |Deaf Blindness | | | | |

|D |Emotional Disturbance | | | | |

|E |Hearing Impairments | | | | |

|F |Language Impairments | | | | |

|G |Multiple Disabilities | | | | |

|H |Mental Retardation | | | | |

|I |Other Health Impaired | | | | |

|J |Orthopedic Impairments | | | | |

|K |Specific Learning Disabilities | | | | |

|L |Traumatic Brain Injured | | | | |

|M |Visual Impairments | | | | |

|N |Preschool Disabilities | | | | |

These are the eligibility categories as required for Federal reporting purposes.

Schools provide this data on the “Special Education Annual Data Report.”

The data is provided there in Table 10.

There can be differences in the totals in that report and the totals you will place in this table.

The Federal report looks ONLY at resident students.

Where they are educated does not matter in that report.

The students enquired about here are those educated in your school.

They MAY or MAY NOT be residents.

The sections (classes) are those comprised solely of Special Education classified students.

The student number is an approximate ADE of all students with an IEP.

They will be BOTH:

1) Special Education students that are mainstreamed within the general education student population.

2) Special Education Students enrolled in the 11 Special Education programs set up by the State of NJ.

Rows B, C and D deal with your school’s Resource Room Program.

If you do not have this program just enter a 0.

The Resource Program is commonly divided into 2 types of service:

1) Students involved in a program while attending class. (In-class)

2) Students pulled out of class to attend class in a separate location. (Pull Out)

If you CANNOT make this distinction you should use row D.

Be sure NOT TO double count the Resource Room Program statistics.

Teachers are certified instructional staff who teach solely those students who are classified as Special Education.

Aides are classroom assistants in those sections of Special Education classes.

They are NOT personal assistants assigned to individual students.

The student data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 2, table B-3.

The teacher and classroom aides data on this table is queried at the district level in Part 2, table B-9.

Table – C 7:

Students Receiving Related Services

25. Hours of Related Services used by Preschool Special Education Students.

26. Hours of Related Services used by Kindergarten Special Education Students.

27. Hours of Related Services used by Elementary School Special Education Students.

28. Hours of Related Services used by Middle School Special Education Students.

29. Hours of Related Services used by High School Special Education Students.

| | |Hours of Related Services |

| | | |

| |Services | |

| | |Preschool |Kindergarten |Elementary |Middle |High |

| | |# (25) |# (26) |#(27) |# (28) |# (29) |

|A |Occupational Therapy | | | | | |

|B |Physical Therapy | | | | | |

|C |Counseling | | | | | |

|D |Speech and Related Services | | | | | |

|E |Other Related Services | | | | | |

The students given services here are NOT just the special education population on the school register.

Many mainstreamed special education students are counted here as well.

These services (A thru E) are reporting categories as required by Federal purposes.

Schools provide this data on “Special Education Annual Data Report.”

Look there in Table 10 for the information to address this question.

The above types of services are further defined in that report.

Note that the Federal report is for all residents ONLY.

It is concerned with the number of eligible students.

Your district may receive many other students from other districts.

ALL Special Education students using these services in your district (resident or not) are included here.

We are also looking here for HOURS of provided services, NOT a number of participating students.

Remember that services for Post-secondary students (over 17) are not counted.

The district totals for these services are queried in Part 2, table B-4.

Table – C 8:

Related Services Providers

30- Preschool Special Education Related Services Providers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

31- Kindergarten Special Education Related Services Providers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

32- Elementary School Special Education Related Services Providers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

33- Middle School Special Education Related Services Providers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

34- High School Special Education Related Services Providers to the nearest, approximate FTE.

| | |Special Education Related Service Providers |

| | | |

| | | |

| |Services | |

| | |Preschool |Kindergarten |Elementary |Middle |High |

| | |# (30) |# (31) |#(32) |# (33) |# (34) |

|A |Occupational Therapy | | | | | |

|B |Physical Therapy | | | | | |

|C |Counseling | | | | | |

|D |Speech and Related Services | | | | | |

|E |Other Related Services | | | | | |

Providers of Related Services are your employed, certified staff. They are full time district employees.

If the providers are contracted providers you DO NOT include them on this table.

This assignment of personnel is your decision based on your district’s organizational structure.

Remember that these personnel are those assigned to related services on a full time basis.

They may work with students that are BOTH in the General Education AND in Special Education student populations.

They do NOT work with general education students who are without an IEP.

The district totals for these services are queried in Part 2, table B-12.

Table – C 9:

General Education: Teacher Attendance and Duration of Instruction

35- If you are a Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary school, use this column.

36- If you are a Middle School, use this column.

37- If you are a High School, use this column.

| |General Education Instruction |General Education Instruction |

| | |Elementary |Middle |High |

| | |# (35) |# (36) |#(37) |

|A |Total Number of Days in the School Year. | | | |

|B |Days of Attendance in the School Year. | | | |

|C |Total Number of Substitute Teachers Requests. | | | |

|D |Total Number of Hours in an Average School Day. | | | |

|E |Total Number of Hours of Instruction per Day. | | | |

|F |Total Number of Hours of Prep Time. | | | |

This table looks ONLY at General Education Instruction

Row A:

The total number of instructional days in the past school year 2000/2001 is usually established by official policy.

These are days that General education classified students are expected to be in attendance and in class.

Row B:

The days required by district policy for teaching staff to be in attendance in school is different from instructional days.

It is usually a higher number than the number of instructional days that students are expected to attend.

Again, this table considers ONLY the general education teaching staff.

Row C:

Teachers off sick or on leave usually require substitutes to manage their classes.

These are substitutes who are NOT full time district employees.

This row deals with this activity and asks for the number of instructional DAYS that substitute teachers are employed.

A comparison between this number and that in row B would give a faculty attendance rate.

The district totals for these services are queried in Part 1, table A-19, column #74.

Row D:

The start time & end time of the instructional day in the school year 2000/2001 is usually established by official policy.

These are times that students are expected to be in attendance and in class.

The approximate length of a typical school day in hours is sufficient.

Row E:

This is the amount of hours per day that students are engaged in instructional activities on any given day.

Row F:

Teachers are often not expected to be teaching a class for the entire day.

Either by contract or by district policy, they are given time to prepare lesson plans or do other preparatory activities.

This row deals with this activity and asks for the number of hours in a day that teachers are given for this activity.

Table – C 10:

Special Education: Teachers Attendance and Duration of Instruction

38- If you are a Preschool, Kindergarten, or Elementary school use this column.

39- If you are a Middle School use this column.

40- If you are a High School use this column.

| |Special Education Instruction |Special Education Instruction |

| | |Elementary |Middle |High |

| | |# (38) |# (39) |#(40) |

|A |Total Number of Days in the School Year. | | | |

|B |Days of Attendance in the School Year. | | | |

|C |Total Number of Substitute Teachers Requests. | | | |

|D |Total Number of Hours in an Average School Day. | | | |

|E |Total Number of Hours of Instruction per Day. | | | |

|F |Total Number of Hours of Prep Time. | | | |

This table looks ONLY at Special Education Instruction

Row A:

The total number of instructional days in the past school year 2000/2001 is usually established by official policy.

These are days that Special Education classified students are expected to be in attendance and in class.

Your school may have an extended year program for these students.

Row B:

The days required by district policy for teaching staff to be in attendance in school is different from instructional days.

It is usually a higher number than the number of instructional days that students are expected to attend.

Again, this table considers ONLY the special education teaching staff.

Row C:

Teachers off sick or on leave usually require substitutes to manage their classes.

These are substitutes who are NOT full time district employees.

This row deals with this activity and asks for the number of instructional days that substitute teachers are employed.

A comparison between this number and that in row B would give a faculty attendance rate.

The district totals for these services are queried in Part 2, table B-18, column #74.

Row D:

The start time & end time of the instructional day in the school year 2000/2001 is usually established by official policy.

These are times that students are expected to be in attendance and in class.

The approximate length of a typical school day in hours is sufficient.

Row E:

This is the amount of hours per day that special education students are engaged in instructional activities on any given day.

Row F:

Teachers are often not expected to be teaching a class for the entire day.

Either by contract or by district policy, they are given time to prepare lesson plans or do other preparatory activities.

This row deals with this activity and asks for the number of hours in a day that teachers are given for this activity.

Table – C 11:

General Education Support Staff in your School

41 – Estimated number of your schools staff to the nearest, approximate FTE.

| |Administrators, Support Personnel &Staff |Total Number |

| | |# (41) |

|A |Principals & Assistant Principals | |

|B |Other Supervisory Administrators | |

|C |Non evaluating Certified Admin Personnel | |

|D |Uncertified Office Personnel | |

|E |Safety/Playground/Hallway Paraprofessionals | |

|F |Library Paraprofessionals/Aides | |

|G |Physical Health Services | |

|H |Media Services & School Librarian | |

|I |Psychologists | |

|J |School Attendance & Social Workers | |

|K |School Guidance Counselors | |

|L |School and Plant Maintenance | |

|M |General Education Support Other Personnel | |

Remember that the combined total here should equal the total NON INSTRUCTIONAL staff in your school.

Note that the ONLY non-instructional staff missing in this table are:

1) Transportation Service employees

2) Food Service employees

3) Non-instructional staff who deal SOLELY with special education students.

(These employees are asked for in the next table, Table C-12)

The #(41) number is an FTE number (2 half-time employees equals one full time equivalent - FTE).

Each category above (A thru M) are asking for totals that appeared in PART 1 of the Survey.

The Part 1 totals were for the entire district and every school in it.

These totals are for your individual school only.

If a district comprised only this one school than the FTE would be the same in both parts of the survey.

If you are part of a much larger district some rows may not apply to your school at all.

Row Comparisons to Part 1 of Survey:


A Principal & Assistant Principals Part 1 Table A- 3

School overall leadership positions.

B Other Supervisory Administrators Part 1 Table A-4

These positions supervise AND evaluate other staff. They are NOT instructional staff.

They could be supervisors, directors or coordinators without teaching assignments.

C Non evaluating Certified Admin. Personnel Part 1 Table A-5

These positions do NOT evaluate their supervised staff. They do NOT instruct. They ARE certified.

Their duties are administrative in nature and they serve in the administrative office.

D Uncertified Office Personnel Part 1 Table A-6

These positions are the remaining administrative staff of the school general offices.

They can be secretaries, bookkeepers, or general clerical help.

E Safety/Playground/Hallway Paraprofessionals Part 1 Table A-11

These positions include lunchroom monitors, playground aides, crossing guards and ALL security personnel.

All aides NOT primarily employed in administration, classrooms or library & media services would be here.

F Library Paraprofessionals/Aides Part 1 Table A-12

These positions are non–certified positions assigned to the library or media services of your school.

G Physical Health Services Part 1 Table A-13

These positions support the physical health of students.

They are staff positions and NOT the purchased services of private contractors.

School nurses are an obvious example.

They are NOT instructional employees (like physical education teachers)

H Media Services & School Librarian Part 1 Table A-14

These positions are CERTIFIED staff positions in media and library services.

Non-certified positions in media services and the library fall under row F.

I Psychologists Part 1 Table A-15

These positions are NOT social workers (Row J) and NOT guidance counselors (Row K).

These are staff positions and NOT paid consultants or on a fee for services rendered contract.

These personnel MUST be professionally CERTIFIED to practice clinical psychology.

J School Attendance & Social Workers Part 1 Table A-16

These positions are social workers and attendance officers.

Their labor costs would fall specifically under account 11-000-211-XXX.

K School Guidance Counselors Part 1 Table A-17

These positions are CERTIFIED staff positions that counsel students in the school environment.

They are NOT social workers NOR are they psychologists.

L School and Plant Maintenance Part 1 Table A-25

This table deals with personnel actually maintaining the facilities.

These are the janitors, custodians and groundkeepers employed at your school.

It does not include their supervisors (see row B).

M General Education Support - Other Personnel Part 1 Table A-18

This is the final table dealing with personnel in General Education.

It is provided to capture all other staff positions that your school may employ.

Remember that Special Education Services are not counted here.

Nor are those employees in transportation and food services.

Table – C 12:

Non instructional Special Education Support Staff

42 – Estimated number of your schools staff to the nearest, approximate FTE.

| |Administrators & Support Staff |Total Number |

| | |# (42) |

|A |Personal Aides to Individual Students | |

|B |Non-Instructional Support Staff | |

|C |Special Education Administrators and Staff | |

These employees deal SOLELY with the needs of your Special Education student population.

The #(42) Number is an FTE number (2 half-time employees equals one full time equivalent - FTE).

Each category above (A thru C) are totals that also appeared in the Part 2 of the Survey.

The Part 2 totals are for the entire district. These totals are for your individual school.

If district comprised only this one school than the FTE would be the same in both parts of the survey.

If your school has no Special Education Students (students with an IEP) then these numbers will probably be 0.

Even if you do have programs you may not have employees in many of these categories.

Remember that general education employees who are involved with the special education program are NOT counted here.

Only if their duties are solely with special education students are they counted in this table.


Place them in whatever table (General or Special) you feel best describe their duties.

You CAN, in using a decimal FTE number, place them in BOTH.

Row Comparisons to Part 2 of Survey:


A Personal aides to individual students Part 2 Table B-8

These are NOT instructional aides (Asked about previously in Table C-6).

These are aides assigned directly to an INDIVIDUAL STUDENT in the special education program.

They may be involved in the educational process but their primary function is physical support of the student.

B Special Education Non-instructional Support Professionals Part 2 Table B-12

Table C-8 asked about Related Service certified staff that you may have in your school.

There MAY be additional non-instructional special education staff employed by your school.

They may be specifically hired medical or guidance personnel.

They may be uncertified staff.

If so, the number of positions can be shown here.

C Special Education Administrators and their Staffs Part 2 Table B-15

Remember that administrative staff here are SOLELY involved in Special Education Programs.

Do NOT double count administrators shown in Table C-11 on this Part of the survey.

These positions are directors, coordinators, principals and clerical positions in your school.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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