Mrs. Badr's Class

Name____________________________________________Hour________Date________Chapter 2 Review1. The table below shows the amount of fuel (in billions of gallons) consumed by motor vehicles in the United States for years between 1965 and 1993.Year19651968197019721974197619781980198219841986198819901993Fuel71.182.992.3105.1106.3115.7125.1115.0113.4118.7125.2130.1130.8137.2 (a) Make a line graph to show how fuel consumption has changed over time.(b) Beginning in 1973, the price of oil rose sharply, speed limits were reduced, and fuel consumption standards were imposed on vehicles. In the late 1980s and 1990s, fuel was relatively cheap and powerful cars and sports utility vehicles became popular. How are these events evident from the graph?2. On March 9, 2009, the price of Apple common stock was $83.11 and rose to $132.71 on May 5, 2009. What percent increase is this?(a) 37.4% (b) 59.7% (c) 62.6% (d) 160%3. An ad for a new heartburn treatment says that it “reduces heartburn by 300 percent." What does this mean?(a) It means that there is three-times-as-much heartburn before using the treatment as there is after using it.(b) It means there is only seven-tenths as much heartburn after using the treatment, because 300/1000 = 0.3, or three-tenths.(c) It's nonsense, because removing 100 percent of the heartburn already removes all of it.(d) It's nonsense, because heartburn is not a numerical variable, so percents don't make sense.(e) It's nonsense because percents only make sense for counts, and amount of heartburn isn't a count.Tough course? A friend tells you, “In American History, 20 students failed. Only 11 students failed Russian History. That American History teacher is a tougher grader than the Russian History teacher.” Explain why the conclusion may not be true. What additional information would you need to compare the courses?Here is a dotplot of the adult literacy rates in 177 countries in 2008, according to the United Nations. For example, the lowest literacy rate was 23.6%, in the African country of Burkina Faso.395287532385005. The overall shape of this distribution is(a) clearly skewed to the right(b) clearly skewed to the left(c) roughly symmetric(d) no clear shape6. The mean of this distribution (don't try to find it) is certainly(a) very close to the median.(b) clearly less than the median.(c) clearly greater than the median.(d) can't say because the mean is random.7. Based on the shape of this distribution, what numerical measures would best describe it?(a) the five-number summary.(b) the mean and standard deviation.(c) the mean and the quartiles.(d) the median and the standard deviation.(e) none of these8. The mean of a distribution of scores of given to be with a standard deviation of . If five is added to each of the values in the distribution, the new mean and standard deviation will be, respectively:(a) and (b)and (c)and (d)and (e)and 9. Last year, students in a Statistics class were given a survey and asked how many cans of soda they had consumed the week before the survey. It turned out that these students consumed an average of 6.25 cans of soda with a median of 4 cans and a standard deviation of 6.9 cans. A histogram of the data looks like:Which histogram above would best represent the distribution of soda consumed the week before the survey was taken?10. Explain how you would know when to use the following graphs: Bar graph, pie chart, dot plot, stemplot, histogram.11. Which of these statements about the standard deviation s is true?(a) s is always 0 or positive.(b) s should be used to measure spread only when the mean is used to measure center.(c) s is a number that has no units of measurement.(d) Both (a) and (b), but not (c).(e) All of (a), (b), and (c).12.The 5-number summary for a univariate data set is given by {min = 5, = 18, Med = 20, = 40, max = 75}. If you wanted to construct a modified boxplot for the dataset (that is, one that would show outliers, if any existed), what would be the maximum possible distance the right whisker could go? 33(b) 35(c ) 45(d) 53(e) 5513. Which of the following is likely to have a mean that is smaller than the median? The salaries of all National Basketball Association players. Amounts awarded by juries from lawsuit involving injuries.(c ) The prices of homes in a large city. The long distance race in which most runners took a long time but a few finished it rather quickly. The scores of students (out of 100 points) on a very easy exam in which most get nearly perfect scores but a few do very poorly. 41719504191000014. A biologist has gathered data on a population of bears in the forests of the northeast. A frequency polygon plot of the weights of the sample of bears and their sex is given below. Based on the plot, which statement below is TRUE? (a)Since the distributions overlap, there is not much difference between the weights of male and female bears. (b)The female bears have a higher mean weight than the male bears and also exhibit more variability in those weights.(c )The female bears have a higher mean weight than the male bears and also exhibit less variability in those weights.(d)The male bears have a higher mean weight than he female bears and also exhibit more variability in those weights.(e)The male bears have a higher mean weight than the female bears and also exhibit less variability in those weights15. Following are data on the populations and numbers of death row prisoners for several states as of January 1, 2009. California has the most death row prisoners. But it isn’t the one that stands out among these five states. Explain.StatePopulation (thousands)Number Death Row PrisonersCalifornia36,751678Florida18328402Illinois1290215Texas24327358Nevada26007916. Consider the following pictogram. Explain why the percentages presented in this pictogram could not be represented as a pie chart.04953000left4076700017. A graphic artist suggests an alternative pictogram pictured below. Which pictogram, the top or the bottom, gives the more honest representation of the survey percentages? Explain. 18. Here are the yearly wages of 30 randomly selected full-time employed people who hold at least a Bachelor’s degree. The data are in thousands of dollars, rounded to the nearest thousand. They come from the Current Population Survey for March 2009. 69 8410241576168979121743786358 43483957234162468051 759519 3118532(a) Make a histogram of these data. Describe the distribution. (SOCS)(b) Based on your findings in part (a), choose a numerical summary for this distribution. Calculate your summary, and justify your choice. ................

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