Questionnaire 1

Appendix I

Preliminary investigation

Coffee dealer- An in-depth interview:

• What do your sales look like? Where do you sell? To which markets?

• Historically, which are the big events in the coffee industry?

• How has the coffee market developed in the last 5-10 years?

• Which types of coffee do you have? In what way has your supply changed during the years? Has any products disappears completely? Has any new products appeared? How have the products developed ((,( or ()? How has the total sales in coffee changed (the industry as whole)?

• Foreign brands, which are big?

• Italian brands, what has happened ((,()?

• According to you, does the brand have any importance to the final customer? Is it important for the customer which country the coffee originates from? Are people aware of the brand at all?

Appendix II

Questionnaire 1

1. Do you consume coffee at home?

2. What is characteristic for a good coffee?

3. How do you prepare your coffee?

4. Which coffee do you buy?

If “espresso coffee” is consumed, see question 5-10.

If “normal coffee” is consumed, see question 11-17.

5. Why did you choose that particular coffee?

6. Do you know where it (the coffee) comes from?

7. Is it of any importance for you that the coffee comes from X?

8. Are your expectations about the coffee influenced by the origin of the producer?

9. Which countries do you associate with this sort of coffee?

10. Can you mention any Italian coffee brands?

11. Presume that we gave you an espresso machine, what sorts of coffee would you buy then?

12. Why would you choose that particular coffee?

13. Do you know where that coffee comes from?

14. Would it be of any importance for you that the coffee comes from X?

15. Do you think that your expectations about the coffee would be influenced by the origin of the producer?

16. Which countries do you associate with this sort of coffee?

17. Can you mention any Italian coffee brands?

Questionnaire 2

1. With what do you associate Italy?

2. Can you mention three positive and three negative things about Italy?

3. Do you know any Italian products that you consider being good? Which?

4. Are there any products you would choose to buy only because they are Italian even though there are other alternatives? (Presume that price and other factors are equal)

5. Where on a scale from 1-6 (where 1 is given the lowest priority, and 6 the highest) would you place the Italian product X in relation to the same product from another country?

• Wine

• Mobile phones

• Chocolate

• Pasta

• Beer

• Coffee

• Shoes

• Caviar

Appendix III

In order to make it possible for others to control and check the validity and reliability of our work, we are now presenting all the empirical material we have collected in Appendix II and Appendix III. The answers can seam bizarre from time to time, the reason for this is that we want to present, as correctly as possible, the answers we have received.

In Appendix IV some answers are marked with “-“, this means that the question could not be asked since it is a “follow-up-question” that the respondent has given an answer that makes it impossible to pose the “follow-up-question”. Since the respondents are divided into two groups the reader can see answers like “3 people did not answer this question”. This means that their answers will be presented in the other questionnaire. Each line represents one respondent and each respondent is given a number. The same respondent has the same number throughout the entire questionnaire.

Questionnaire 1

1. Do you consume coffee at home?

The respondents we choose to question were all coffee consumers. Even though they were all consuming coffee some of them only drank it sometimes and others drunk it to a larger extent.

2. What is characteristic for a good coffee?

1. Strong taste, rich flavour.

2. Nothing special.

3. Strong, round taste, sweet.

4. Fresh made.

5. Thick, not sloppy, not too strong, milk and sugar, creamy.

6. Not burnt, rich flavour, coffees with different flavours.

7. Rich flavour, good, not too strong, milk and sugar.

8. Fresh, strong smell.

9. Not too strong but not too weak, it has to taste of coffee and nothing else, should not give stomach ache, not too dark roasted.

10. Not too warm and not too cold.

11. Not sloppy, quit strong, rich in taste.

12. Fresh taste.

13. Sugar and milk, medium in strength.

14. Strong and rich.

15. Fresh made, not too strong.

16. Rich in flavour.

17. Finnish coffee, not French coffee.

18. Not too strong but not too weak, not burned, fresh made.

19. Strong, dark, rich in flavour.

20. Espresso, strong, coffee cream, mild.

21. With milk, not too strong.

22. Rich in flavour, not sloppy, strong.

23. Not bitter, mild roasted, warm.

24. Strong, good aroma.

25. Good taste.

26. Strong, warm.

27. Strong taste.

28. Good taste, not sloppy, strong taste.

29. Good aroma.

30. Do not know.

31. Good aroma, should not taste “machine coffee”.

32. Not bitter, warm, good aroma.

33. Strong, tasty, no Konsum coffee (A Swedish brand).

34. The taste.

35. Not too strong but not too sloppy.

36. Should make you alert, good.

37. Rich in flavour, taste, aroma.

38. Taste good.

39. Do not know, taste good.

40. Do not know.

41. Good.

42. No comments.

43. Do not know.

44. Pretty strong taste, good.

45. Not too strong, new grinded, no bitter taste, dark.

46. Strong, a lot of milk.

47. Cheap.

48. Drink it only because it has to be done.

49. Ecological, dark, soya milk, cultivated in an environmental friendly way, pretty strong.

50. Warm, good.

3. How do you prepare your coffee?

1. Brew it.

2. Instant coffee.

3. Brew it.

4. Brew it.

5. Bodrum filter.

6. Brew it.

7. Nescafé.

8. Brew it.

9. Brew it or Bodrum.

10. Instant coffee.

11. Brew it or instant coffee.

12. Espresso machine, Bodrum, brew it.

13. Brew it.

14. Brew it.

15. Brew it.

16. Brew it.

17. Brew it.

18. Brew it.

19. Bodrum.

20. In a pot, boil it.

21. Bodrum.

22. Brew it.

23. Brew it.

24. Brew it.

25. Brew it.

26. Brew it.

27. Brew it.

28. Brew it.

29. Bodrum, brew it.

30. Brew it.

31. Instant coffee.

32. Brew it.

33. Brew it, boil it.

34. Brew it.

35. Brew it.

36. Brew it, instant coffee.

37. Brew it, Nescafé.

38. Small espresso machine.

39. Instant coffee.

40. Cappuccino machine.

41. Instant coffee.

42. Brew it.

43. Mocca brewer.

44. Brew it.

45. Brew it.

46. Espresso machine.

47. Brew it.

48. Mocca brewer.

49. Instant coffee, brew it.

50. Brew it, instant coffee.

4. Which coffee do you buy?


1. Zoègas, Idé coffee.

2. Gevalia.


3. Gevalia.

4. Löfbergs Lila, Blå Mocca.

5. Nescafé.


6. Maxwell House, Gevalia ecological coffee.

7. Blå Vitt.

8. French roasted, Gevalia.

9. Gevalia, coffee by weight.

10. Gevalia.


11. Löfbergs Lila.

12. Zoègas dark roasted.

13. Paui.

Classic middle roasted.

14. Zoègas dark roasted.

15. Gevalia, Kaffe kräm.

16. Coffee beans by weight.

17. Gevalia.

18. Gevalia.

19. Zoègas.

20. Zoègas.


21. Löfbergs Lila.

Maxwell House, Classic.

22. Anything.

23. Gevalia.

24. Gevalia.

25. Guldkaffe, Gevalia, others depending on the price.

26. Löfbergs Lila, Maxwell House.

27. Gevalia, Löfbergs Lila, Luxos.

28. Do not know.

29. Nescafé, instant coffee.

30. Depends on the prices, Gevalia, Löfbergs Lila.

Illy, Classic, another Italian coffe.

31. Different, Gevalia.

32. Coffee by weight.

33. Gevalia.


34. Anything.

35. Zoègas.

36. Gevalia.

37. Robert’s Coffee.

38. Löfbergs Lila, Gevalia.

Classic, beans by weight.

39. Markatta.

40. Depends on the price.

If “espresso coffee” is consumed, see question 5-10.

If “normal coffee” is consumed, see question 11-17.

5. Why did you choose that particular coffee?

1-8 did not give an answer to this question.

9. Good aroma and taste.

10-11 did not give an answer to this question.

12. It is a habit.

13-18 did not give an answer to this question.

19. Good taste.

20. To wake up.

21. To try new types of coffee.

22-37 did not give an answer to this question.

38. Good.

39. did not give an answer to this question.

40. Otherwise the respondents get stomach ache, better, more taste.

41-45 did not give an answer to this question.

46. Good.

47-50 did not give an answer to this question.

6. Do you know where it (the coffee) comes from?

1-8 did not give an answer to this question.

9. Italy.

10-11 did not give an answer to this question.

12. No.

13-18 did not give an answer to this question.

19. No.

20. The Arab World.

21. Not always.

22-37 did not give an answer to this question.

38. Italy and the other one Sweden.

39. did not give an answer to this question.

40. France.

41-45 did not give an answer to this question.

46. Finland.

47-50 did not give an answer to this question.

7. Is it of any importance for you that the coffee comes from X?

1-8 did not give an answer to this question.

9. No, not so much.

10-11 did not give an answer to this question.

12. No.

13-18 did not give an answer to this question.

19. No.

20. Yes.

21. Some importance.

22-37 did not give an answer to this question.

38. No.

39. did not give an answer to this question.

40. No.

41-45 did not give an answer to this question.

46. No.

47-50 did not give an answer to this question.

8. Are your expectations about the coffee influenced by the origin of the producer?

1-8 did not give an answer to this question.

9. No comment.

10-11 did not give an answer to this question.

12. Yes, coffees from different countries have different characteristics.

13-18 did not give an answer to this question.

19. No comments.

20. Yes.

21. No.

22-37 did not give an answer to this question.

38. Yes.

39. did not give an answer to this question.

40. No.

41-45 did not give an answer to this question.

46. Yes, a little bit.

47-50 did not give an answer to this question.

9. Which countries do you associate with this sort of coffee?

1-8 did not give an answer to this question.

9. Colombia, Kenya, Nigeria, Latin America.

10-11did not give an answer to this question.

12. Colombia, Africa.

13-18 did not give an answer to this question.

19. Sweden, France, Italy.

20. Sweden, France, Turkey, the Mediterranean countries.

21. South America.

22-37 did not give an answer to this question.

38. Italy, Spain, France.

39. did not give an answer to this question.

40. Italy.

41-45 did not give an answer to this question.

46. Italy, France.

47-50 did not give an answer to this question.

10. Do you know any Italian coffee brands?

1-8 did not give an answer to this question.

9. Lavazza.

10-11 did not give an answer to this question.

12. No.

13-18 did not give an answer to this question.

19. Lavazza.

20. Lavazza, Illy.

21. No.

22-37 did not give an answer to this question.

38. Lavazza.

39. did not give an answer to this question.

40. No.

41-45 did not give an answer to this question.

46. No.

47-50 did not give an answer to this question.

11. Presume that we gave you an espresso machine, what sorts of coffee would you buy then?

1. Illy.

2. No idea.

3. Lavazza.

4. No idea.

5. No idea.

6. No idea.

7. Gevalia.

8. No idea.

9. did not answer this question.

10. No idea.

11. Some Italian coffee, coffee by weight.

12. did not answer this question.

13. No idea.

14. Do not drink espresso.

15. No idea.

16. Zoègas dark roasted.

17. Do not drink espresso.

18. No idea.

19-21. did not answer this question.

22. No idea.

23. No idea.

24. No idea.

25. Zoègas

26. Gevalia.

27. Lavazza.

28. Löfbergs Lila.

29. Do not know, maybe normal coffee.

30. Zoègas.

31. Do not know.

32. Lavazza.

33. Do not know.

34. Do not know.

35. Does not want one.

36. No idea.

37. Italian brands.

38. An Italian brand.

39. did not answer this question.

40. Zoègas.

41. did not answer this question.

42. Lavazza.

43. Do not know.

44. Do not know.

45. Nothing comes to mind.

46. did not answer this question.

47. Lavazza.

48. Espresso beans.

49. Markatta.

50. Do not drink espresso.

12. Why would you choose that particular coffee?

1. The only coffee I know of, good.

2. -

3. The one that is advertised the most, the most well known one, the most consumed one, want to try other ones if he is to consume more coffee in the future.

4. -

5. -

6. -

7. The only one that I know of.

8. -

9. did not answer this question.

10. -

11. -

12. did not answer this question.

13. -

14. -

15. -

16. Tastes good, dark colour.

17. -

18. -

19-21 did not answer this question.

22. –

23. –

24. –

25. –

26. Because of the advertising.

27. The only one that I know of.

28. Good, patriotic.

29. -

30. It came in to my mind.

31. -

32. Tastes good, the coffee is ok.

33. -

34. -

35. -

36. -

37. Associate it with Italy.

38. Have drunk it before.

39. did not answer this question.

40. It is good.

41. did not answer this question.

42. Have drunk it before.

43. -

44. -

45. The best one she knows of, the best quality, the best taste.

46. Good beans.

47. The only one she knows of.

48. A complement to normal coffee, richer in flavour, more aroma, for special occasions.

49. Ecological, political correct.

50. -

13. Do you know where that coffee comes from?

1. No.

2. -

3. Italy.

4. -

5. -

6. -

7. Sweden.

8. -

9. did not answer this question.

10. -

11. -

12. did not answer this question.

13. -

14. -

15. -

16. No.

17. No.

18. -

19-21 did not answer this question.

22. -

23. -

24. -

25. No.

26. I think that it comes from Italy.

27. Karlstad.

28. -

29. No, maybe Sweden.

30. -

31. Italy.

32. -

33. -

34. -

35. -

36. -

37. Italy.

38. did not answer this question.

39. Sweden.

40. did not answer this question.

41. No.

42. -

43. -

44. No.

45. No.

46. did not answer this question.

47. No.

48. Swedish supplier.

49. No.

50. -

14. Would it be of any importance for you that the coffee comes from X?

1. No.

2. No.

3. No.

4. No.

5. No.

6. No.

7. No.

8. No.

9. did not answer this question.

10. No.

11. No, maybe if it is from France or Italy since they have a coffee culture.

12. did not answer this question.

13. No.

14. No.

15. No.

16. No.

17. No.

18. No.

19-21 did not answer this question.

22. No.

23. No.

24. No.

25. No.

26. Some.

27. No.

28. No.

29. No.

30. No.

31. No.

32. No.

33. Do not want coffee from Scandinavia.

34. No.

35. No.

36. Some.

37. No.

38. did not answer this question.

39. No.

40. did not answer this question.

41. No.

42. No.

43. Yes.

44. No.

45. Yes.

46. did not answer this question.

47. No, not really.

48. No.

49. Yes.

50. No.

15. Do you think that your expectations about the coffee would be influenced by the origin of the producer?

Since most of the respondents answered no on the previous question, this question will not be presented.

16. Which countries do you associate with this sort of coffee?

1. Italy, France.

2. Western countries.

3. Finland, Sweden, Italy, The United States.

4. Colombia, Oriental countries, France.

5. Brasilia, Africa.

6. South America.

7. France, Italy.

8. Brasilia, Colombia, African countries, Sweden.

9. did not answer this question.

10. Italy, Finland.

11. France, Italy, Sweden.

12. did not answer this question.

13. Colombia.

14. Scandinavia, Western countries.

15. Colombia.

16. South America.

17. Brasilia, Bolivia, Costa Rica.

18. Colombia, South America.

19-21 did not answer this question.

22. Colombia, South America, Italy, Spain, France.

23. The United States, Sweden, France, Switzerland.

24. Italy, Spain.

25. Italy, the south of Europe.

26. Mostly Italy.

27. Sweden.

28. The United States, France.

29. Sweden.

30. Nothing in particular.

31. Italy.

32. None.

33. Do not know, South America maybe.

34. France, Italy.

35. Do not know.

36. Spain.

37. Italy.

38. did not answer this question.

39. Do not know.

40. did not answer this question.

41. Italy maybe.

42. No opinion.

43. Do not know.

44. Colombia.

45. Kenya, Italy and maybe the United States.

46. did not answer this question.

47. Italy.

48. Italy, and in some cases Sweden.

49. Italy, Northern Africa.

50. Italy.

17. Do you know any Italian coffee brands?

1. Lavazza.

2. No.

3. Lavazza, Illy.

4. No.

5. No.

6. No.

7. The one that with a “Z”.

8. Illy.

9. did not answer this question.

10. No.

11. No.

12. did not answer this question.

13. No.

14. No.

15. No.

16. No.

17. No.

18. No.

19-21 did not answer this question.

22. No.

23. No.

24. No.

25. No.

26. No.

27. No.

28. No.

29. No.

30. No.

31. Lavazza, Illy.

32. No.

33. No.

34. Lavazza.

35. No.

36. No.

37. No.

38. did not answer this question.

39. Lavazza.

40. did not answer this question.

41. No.

42. No.

43. No.

44. No, nothing she could remember at the moment.

45. No.

46. did not answer this question.

47. No.

48. Lavazza, Illy.

49. Illy, Segafreddo.

50. No.

Appendix IV

Questionnaire 2

1. With what do you associate Italy?

1. Boot, pasta, temperament, warm.

2. Food, beaches, wine, the language, being fooled on small things.

3. Fernet Branca, soccer, food, the Mafia, cars.

4. Pasta, soccer, glassworks, sports cars.

5. Food, cars, Gucci, Rome, Capri.

6. Sun, good looking boys, the Mafia, pasta, kindness.

7. Happier people, food, warm.

8. Good food, warm, nice people.

9. Warm, the pope.

10. Pizza, pasta, wine, vineyards, the Mafia.

11. Pasta, bath, warm, cocktails.

12. Sun, slimy Italians, vacation.

13. Good food, skiing, culture, good wine.

14. Good food, nice architecture, history, two economies (north / south), good working.

15. Hate Italy, nice Mediterranean culture.

16. Rome, Sicily, picturesque countryside, big marble palaces, very hot, cosy, nice stores.

17. Soccer, pizza, romantic boys, the flag.

18. Soccer, food, temperament, the antique, old buildings, sun, fashion.

19. Good things, wine, food, culture, the Mafia, music, cars.

20. The Apennines, Verona, Venice, Rome, the language, bananas, wine, beautiful.

21. Italians, good food, sliminess, soccer.

22. Beautiful country, shaped as a boot, soccer.

23. Dark people, tanned people, full of temperament, good food, Florence.

24. Orange groves, talkative people, warm weather, fancy suits.

25. Pasta, old culture, opera.

26. Romantic, history, positive.

27. The leaning tower in Pisa, history, the Roman empire, artists, the Mafia, pasta.

28. Pasta, pesto, wine, old nice wrinkled men and woman, warm, romantic.

29. Pasta, pizza, beautiful language, old cities/villages/houses, corruption, ice-cream, nice expensive cloths.

30. Pasta, parmesan cheese, mountain pass, gondolas, Lake Garda.

31. Food, sun and heat, the Mafia, nice clothes.

32. Highways, good food, warm and hot, rude people.

33. Boys, ice-cream, the Alps.

34. Rome, art, good wines.

35. Bicycles, bicycle races, cheeses, design, shoes.

36. Heat, sun, geniality, fabulous culture.

37. Art, culture, food, wine.

38. Pasta, soccer, luxurious yachts.

39. Pasta, hair, beaches, antiquity.

40. Romantic, pasta, pizza.

41. Colonialism, craftsmanship, small businesses.

42. Soccer, good food.

43. Pasta, olive oil, Rimini, crazy for blondes, the Mafia, good taste, Cinema Paradisio, Genoa, sea faring.

44. Sun, heat, nice people, nice architecture, beautiful places, member of the EU.

45. Hot climate, nice culture, the Mediterranean, beautiful women, fashion, Tuscany, old towns.

46. Good food, beautiful girls, arrogant Italians, the Mafia.

47. Pasta, gondolas, soccer.

48. Pizza, unpleasant boys, good food.

49. Flowers, coffee, Rome, funny, pizza, saltimbocca.

50. Culture, heat, vacations, food, wine.

2. Can you mention three positive and three negative things about Italy?

1. + Beautiful Lake Garda, good food, close to get there.

- (No comments)

2. + Food, wine, ski slopes.

- Messy, you get cheated, the currency.

3. + The Mafia, Ferrari, food.

- The Mafia, Italians, many pigeons.

4. +Beautiful in the Alps, good wines, good glassworks.

- Difficult currency.

5. + Friendly people, good food, beautiful language.

- Bad allocation between the south and the north, they do not take care of their old cultural heritage, the government is not severe enough in the south.

6. + Friendly people, the climate.

- Economic crime, you can not trust them, unstructured.

7. + Easy to get in contact with people, warm, you can go skiing.

- Dirty sometimes, people speak bad English.

8. + Helpful, beautiful, nice people.

- The traffic that is the way they drive and the public transportation.

9. + The weather, the culture, relaxing.

- They are “arseholes”.

10. + Car brands, designer, pasta.

- The Mafia.

11. + The culture, easy to get there.

- Nothing.

12. + Beautiful country, lot of culture, nice weather.

- Slimy Italians.

13. + A varied country that is the nature in the summer and the winter, good food, good country to travel in a lot to see.

- The traffic, you do not understand the language, arrogant people.

14. + Culture, good food, good climate.

- (No comments)

15. + Nice people, hard working people, cars.

- The politics, they help terrorism, racism.

16. + Nice and cosy countryside, nice art.

- People that are too forward, to hot.

17. + Pizza, Venice, the beauty.

- Arrogant boys, the Mafia, corruption.

18. + Warm, different from the Swedish temperament, good food.

- Unorganised, dirty water.

19. + Food, culture (wine and lifestyle), music and cars.

- Macho, the Mafia.

20. + Beautiful countryside, good food, multicultural.

- Corruption, the conflict between the north and the south, expensive in Venice.

21. + Passionate culture, good food, a more free attitude than here (Sweden).

- Unstructured, bad environmental politics, a certain lack of respect towards women.

22. + The weather is ok, shoes, clothes.

- Burglary.

23. + People are nice and they show feelings, warm, Versace.

- The Versace Empire, fascism that grows.

24. + Fun folkloristic life, beautiful country, self-confidence.

- Jealousy, poverty, self-confidence.

25. + The climate, food, the old culture.

- The politics and that they change governments, criminality and the Mafia.

26. + Soccer, Berlusconi, Spaghetti.

- The Mafia, the macho culture, the education system.

27. + Partly anarchistic, the Italian leftwing movement, good movies.

- Sometimes to anarchistic, corruption, differences between the north and the south.

28. + Warm, dramatic, the family relation.

- The Mafia.

29. + The food culture, the fashion culture, history.

- The legal system, the political administration, the view on humans.

30. + Full of temperament, beautiful people, saved culture.

- Too much temperament.

31. + Food, sun and heat, happy people.

- Corruption, the Mafia, exploited.

32. + Good food, good lifestyle, interesting culture.

- Corruption, the concentration of the power, arrogant.

33. + Warm, happy people, good food.

- The Mafia.

34. + Good food, sympathetic, art life.

- Messy in Rome.

35. + Good climate, friendly people, forward in the commercial life.

- The Mafia, unstructured, Mussolini and the fascism.

36. + Warm, food, (the person wants to live there)

- The transportation, the traffic, speak to quickly and you can not follow what they say.

37. + Beautiful buildings, nice culture, warm and sunny in the summer.

- The Mafia, do not know the language.

38. + Nice country, friendly people, good food.

- Snobbish, they think too much about the way they look, expensive.

39. + Warm, antique places, friendliness.

- (No comments)

40. + Beautiful language, nice people, fresh and clean.

- (No comments)

41. + Culture and art, food, climate.

- Fascism, the Mafia, racism.

42. + Good soccer, good food, friendly people.

- Disadvantages for blondes.

43. + Good looking people, good food, good taste.

- Poverty, an overestimated capital, the subculture in Rimini.

44. + Friendly people, beautiful architecture, good food.

- Expensive, the language is difficult, bureaucratic.

45. + Beautiful, genuine history, nice.

- People that are too forward, dirty and polluted, the exchange rates.

46. + Good food, beautiful women, pleasant social climate.

- Disorder, divided country (the north and the south), Mussolini.

47. + The sun and the heat, good food, good wine.

- The Mafia, uncomfortable shoes.

48. + The food, beautiful country, a pleasant climate.

- Scary boys, the Mafia, messy politics.

49. + Aesthetics, charm, good food.

- The Mafia, economic problems in the south, the macho culture.

50. + Good food and wine, the culture, movies.

- Cheeky towards tourists, chaos, unorganised.

3. Do you know any Italian products that you consider being good? Which?

1. Shoes, pasta.

2. Ham, cheese, clothes.

3. Pasta, wine, cars, clothes.

4. Wine, cars.

5. Gucci bags, spaghetti, cheese, designers, furniture.

6. Food, furniture.

7. Versace clothes, perfumes.

8. Mozzarella cheese, Parma ham, food, pasta, pizza.

9. Clothes, pizza, cars, soccer.

10. Ferrari, Lamborghini, Armani, pasta, wine, clothes.

11. No, maybe sport clothes.

12. Pasta, sun dried tomatoes, olives.

13. Parma ham, shoes, olive oil.

14. Pasta, Parma ham, wine, technical products (engines), leather goods, music.

15. Cars, furniture, tourism.

16. Clothes, perfumes.

17. Cappuccino, clothes, pizza.

18. Clothes, Sergio Rossi, Gucci, pasta, mozzarella.

19. Cars, cheese, wine, clothes brands, Versace, Dolce & Gabbana.

20. Pasta, wine, food.

21. Pasta.

22. Shoes, clothes, cars.

23. Shoes, clothes, food.

24. Soccer, cars, clothes, food.

25. Food in different forms, clothes.

26. Wine.

27. Pasta, cars, clothes.

28. Pesto, pasta.

29. Pizza, pasta, shoes, leather goods, ice-cream.

30. Tiramisu, riccotta cheese, parmesan cheese.

31. Food, pesto, pasta, clothes, Lucia.

32. Benetton, Parma ham, Monte Pulciano (wine).

33. Pasta.

34. Cheese, olive oil.

35. Wine, shoes, equipment for bicycles.

36. Olive oil, lemons, fruit, wine.

37. Pasta, food, refrigerators.

38. Pasta, shoes.

39. No.

40. Clothes.

41. Shirts, food, clothes, shoes.

42. No.

43. Spaghetti, olive oil, clothes, architecture, culture.

44. Sports cars, furniture, cloth, design.

45. Sports cars, clothes, wine, some food, espresso coffee.

46. Cars, suits, pasta, Grappa, Parma ham, motorcycles.

47. Pasta, bags, wine.

48. Lavazza coffee, parmesan cheese.

49. Shoes, clothes, food.

50. Wines, cars, clothes, design.

4. Are there any products you would choose to buy only because they are Italian even though there are other alternatives? (Presume that price and other factors are equal)

1. Shoes, food, clothes.

2. No.

3. Clothes, Ferrari.

4. Scissors for cutting glass.

5. Handbags, pasta sauces, spaghetti.

6. Food.

7. No.

8. Bags, gloves, leather goods.

9. Suits.

10. Ferrari, wine yard, clothes brands.

11. Art.

12. Pasta.

13. Parma ham.

14. Ham, pasta, wine.

15. Bamboo chairs, furniture.

16. No.

17. Clothes, Italian brands.

18. Pasta, pesto, shoes, things that are connected to Italy, things that are supposed to be Italian.

19. Cars, wine, food, clothes.

20. Maybe pasta, wine, most of Italian things are good.

21. No, I do not know.

22. No.

23. Shoes.

24. Clothes, cars, shoes.

25. No.

26. Sports cars, clothes.

27. Pasta, Italian Ferrari.

28. No.

29. Pizza, ice-cream, absolutely not clothes and shoes.

30. Souvenirs.

31. Some food, shoes.

32. Olive oil, wine.

33. No.

34. Olive oil.

35. No.

36. Parma cheese, Parma ham, cultural things.

37. No.

38. Pasta, shoes.

39. Clothes, pasta.

40. No.

41. Food, salami, pasta,

42. No.

43. Suits, movies, vacations, coffee.

44. Clothes (suits).

45. Coffee machines, Telemark boots, skiing equipment.

46. Suits, ties, shoes, motorcycles.

47. No.

48. Salami sausages, alimentary products, shoes.

49. Food, shoes.

50. No.

5. Where on a scale from 1-6 (where 1 is given the lowest priority, and 6 the highest) would you place the Italian product X in relation to the same product from another country?

• Wine

• Mobile phones

• Chocolate

• Pasta

• Beer

• Coffee

• Shoes

• Caviar

| |Wine |Mobile phones |Chocolate |Pasta |Beer |Coffee |Shoes |Caviar |

|1 |4 |2 |3 |5 |2 |5 |6 |1 |

|2 |5 |1 |3 |6 |2 |3 |5 |1 |

|3 |5 |3 |4 |6 |2 |3 |5 |3 |

|4 |5 |3 |pass |6 |pass |6 |6 |3 |

|5 |4 |1 |2 |6 |3 |5 |6 |3 |

|6 |3 |2 |4 |6 |1 |5 |6 |1 |

|7 |4 |3 |4 |6 |2 |1 |5 |1 |

|8 |4 |4 |4 |5 |4 |4 |4 |4 |

|9 |4 |2 |5 |6 |4 |5 |5 |4 |

|10 |3 |3 |3 |4 |3 |3 |4 |3 |

|11 |4 |4 |4 |6 |2 |6 |6 |3 |

|12 |5 |3 |4 |6 |1 |6 |5 |3 |

|13 |3 |2 |5 |6 |2 |5 |5 |1 |

|14 |4 |2 |4 |6 |2 |6 |5 |4 |

|15 |3 |4 |4 |5 |1 |2 |1 |1 |

|16 |5 |2 |4 |6 |2 |6 |5 |1 |

|17 |4 |2 |5 |6 |1 |4 |6 |4 |

|18 |5 |5 |4 |5 |3 |5 |5 |3 |

|19 |4 |2 |4 |6 |2 |6 |6 |1 |

|20 |6 |6 |6 |6 |3 |6 |6 |2 |

|21 |4 |3 |2 |6 |3 |6 |5 |3 |

|22 |4 |2 |5 |6 |2 |5 |2 |3 |

|23 |3 |3 |6 |5 |4 |2 |6 |3 |

|24 |4 |2 |2 |3 |2 |4 |6 |2 |

|25 |5 |2 |4 |6 |2 |5 |5 |3 |

|26 |3 |2 |2 |5 |3 |2 |3 |2 |

|27 |3 |2 |3 |6 |3 |5 |5 |3 |

|28 |4 |3 |3 |6 |3 |4 |3 |3 |

|29 |4 |3 |4 |4 |2 |6 |5 |1 |

|30 |3 |2 |5 |5 |2 |5 |2 |1 |

|31 |3 |3 |5 |5 |1 |5 |5 |1 |

|32 |3 |2 |3 |5 |2 |5 |5 |2 |

|33 |5 |1 |3 |3 |3 |5 |2 |1 |

|34 |4 |1 |2 |5 |2 |3 |5 |2 |

|35 |4 |2 |4 |5 |4 |3 |4 |2 |

|36 |4 |1 |3 |6 |3 |6 |6 |1 |

|37 |3 |1 |3 |6 |1 |6 |5 |1 |

|38 |3 |2 |2 |5 |3 |5 |6 |1 |

|39 |5 |2 |3 |6 |3 |6 |6 |4 |

|40 |pass |1 |2 |6 |4 |3 |6 |1 |

|41 |3 |1 |3 |6 |1 |6 |6 |2 |

|42 |4 |2 |2 |4 |3 |2 |4 |1 |

|43 |3 |2 |4 |5 |2 |3 |4 |2 |

|44 |3 |1 |2 |5 |3 |5 |4 |1 |

|45 |5 |4 |pass |6 |5 |5 |6 |pass |

|46 |3 |5 |6 |1 |3 |6 |6 |6 |

|47 |5 |3 |3 |4 |2 |5 |4 |3 |

|48 |3 |2 |2 |6 |2 |6 |6 |1 |

|49 |3 |5 |3 |5 |2 |2 |4 |3 |

|50 |5 |1 |3 |6 |2 |5 |5 |1 |

| | | | | | | | | |

| |Average values| | | | | | | |

| |Wine |Mobile phones |Chocolate |Pasta |Beer |Coffee |Shoes |Caviar |

| |3,92 |2,44 |3,54 |5,32 |2,43 |4,56 |4,86 |2,18 |


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