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Manual on Food Packaging

for Small and Medium Size Enterprises in Samoa

Manual on Food Packaging

for Small and Medium-Size Enterprises in Samoa

Prepared with the cooperation of the

Small and Medium Food Enterprises in Samoa

by FAO Consultant Richard Beyer.

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific Islands

Apia, 2012

About this manual

This manual was prepared under funding support by FAO Technical Cooperation Programme project

TCP/SAM/3203. It is based on consultation with a number of small and medium size enterprises (SMEs)

in Samoa during July 2012.

The layout is such that specific packaging information is included in the first chapter, while the second

chapter relates to findings in Samoa and highlights points where there is common ground. The third

chapter builds on chapter two and suggests strategies for consideration by SMEs.

It has been the intention to include a number of areas where quality can be improved and maintained

inexpensively and with it a closer match between packaging, shelf-life and consumer expectation. The

ultimate aim is to enable processors to select the most appropriate packing for their products and

thereby become more profitable and successful in both local and export markets.

It is to be recognised that the packaging industry is very dynamic and new combination of components

are becoming available on a frequent basis and thus this only reflects the current state of packaging and

would need periodic updating.

All comments and feedback are welcome and should be sent to dirk.schulz@ and

Manual on Food Packaging

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Special thanks go to all the entrepreneurs in Samoa who so willingly gave up their time to share their

views and concerns. Every attempt has been made to encapsulate those views so that the most economical and practical packaging can be selected.

Some information has been difficult to source but grateful thanks must go to Vinay Narsey of Narsey¡¯s

Plastics Ltd in Suva who has spent much of his valuable time in providing very useful information.

Thanks to all the overseas packaging suppliers who responded to requests for information although

they have universally avoided committing their companies to costs without formal requests for quotations ¨C unfortunately this aspect must be left to the SME operators. Those responding have been listed

in the text. In addition gratitude is extended to those who gave their time to attend the feedback workshop (tabulated on page 4) and who contributed to the refinement of this manual.

Finally, many thanks to the FAO Sub-Regional Office for the Pacific Islands for initiating and supporting

the work, in particular the Food Safety and Nutrition Officer, Dirk Schulz for technical comments

throughout the project, as well as editing this manual.

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Codex Alimentarius





















Manual on Food Packaging

Biaxially oriented film that is simultaneously stretched in two directions

as they are extruded

International food code, including food standards, guidelines and codes

of practice to protect the health of the consumers and ensure fair practices in the food trade

Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Food Standards Australia and New Zealand

Hazard Analysis of Critical Control Points

International Standards Organisation

Flat sheet of plastic material that may contain one or multiple components

Low density polyethylene

Aluminium added to an existing film

Single chemical units that make up polymers


Polyethylene terephthalate


A substance that is comprised of long chains of chemical units that

give plastics their sheet structure



Polyvinylidine chloride

Polyvinyl chloride ¨C vinylidine chloride

Samoa Association of Manufacturers and Exporters

PVDC with a range of monomers incorporated

Small and Medium Size-Enterprises

Scientific Research Organisation of Samoa

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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