Name ________________________ Teacher _________Period ...

Name ________________________ Teacher _________Period _____ Date ______

U.S. History First Six Weeks Test

1. As a result of disagreements with the Church of England, this group wanted to purify the church. They are known as

A. Calvinists

B. Catholic

C. Puritans

D. Separatists

2. What did King James I grant to groups of merchants to organize settlements in an area in America?

A. Stocks.

B. Compacts.

C. Pledges.

D. Charters.

3. Due to the arrival of colonists, Native Americans experienced

A. disease or death from smallpox or measles.

B. a desire to accumulate gold.

C. an increase in Native American population.

D. a renewed sense of self worth.

4. Which statement best expresses the transatlantic slave trade?

A. “The trip over the ocean on the boat was very difficult. I was kept in chains, and when we landed in the New World, I was sold to the highest bidder.”

B. “The voyage to the New World looks to be splendid. I plan to spend plenty of time on the upper deck chatting with the Captain and First Mate. I have reserved the largest room aboard the ship for the entire journey.”

C. “My life changed completely when the boats arrived in the New World. Settlers occupied our land and tried to force us to learn their language. When we fought back, we were defeated by their modern weapons.”

D. “I am lucky to have found Mr. Hannity to pay for my voyage over. Five years of work seems like a small price to pay in exchange for a chance to start a new life in the New World.

5. The Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights contributed most directly to the American system of government by—

A. calling for the creation of colonial assemblies

B. giving settlers the power to establish colonies

C. contributing to the development of representative democracy

D. granting executive authority to colonial governors

Use the chart to help you answer question 6.


|Year |North |South |Total |

|1650 |880 |720 |1,600 |

|1670 |1,125 |3,410 |4,535 |

|1690 |3,340 |13,389 |16,729 |

|1710 |8,303 |36,563 |44,866 |

|1730 |17,323 |73,698 |91,021 |

|1750 |30,222 |206,198 |236,420 |

|1770 |48,460 |411,362 |459,822 |

6. Which statement best explains the growing difference between the slave population in the North and South after 1650?

A. The Southern economy became increasingly dependent on large-scale farming.

B. The population of the North was larger than that of the South

C. The South depended more on European immigrants to work its fields

D. Most colonial shipbuilding occurred in the North.

7. The Mayflower Compact was a social contract in which Plymouth colonists agreed to

A. settle in New York.

B. Grow Tobacco

C. obey laws established for the general good of all

D. be governed by the King’s appointed ruler.

8. Religious and political freedoms are examples of —

A. push/pull factors

B. pass/fail factors

C. representative factors

D. program factors

9. England’s rulers were interested in promoting colonies in the ‘New World’ because they:

A. wanted to expand their power and to obtain new riches

B. were anxious to spread democracy

C. sought a place to practice Protestantism without persecution

D. wanted to conquer Native Americans

10. The most important factor that led to the success of the Jamestown colony was the —

A. discovery of gold and silver.

B. selling of wheat.

C. use of slave labor.

growing of tobacco.

Use the map to help you answer question 11.

11. In which location did English colonists first settle?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

Use the timeline below and your knowledge of social studies to answer question 12

12. Which event best completes this timeline?

A. French establish port of New Orleans

B. England defeats Spanish Armada

C. Colonists’ war begins

D. Establishment of Jamestown, Virginia

13. Which set of events is listed in correct chronological order?

|A | |Tobacco leads to the success of the first English colony |

| | |Pilgrims flee persecution and land at Plymouth Rock |

| | |William Penn starts a colony for Quakers |

| | |Debtors leave England and form buffer colony |

| | | |

|B | |Pilgrims flee persecution and land at Plymouth Rock |

| | |William Penn starts a colony for Quakers |

| | |Debtors leave England and form buffer colony |

| | |The first Tobacco leads to the success of the first English colony |

| | | |

|C | |William Penn starts a colony for Quakers |

| | |Debtors leave England and form buffer colony |

| | |Tobacco leads to the success of the first English colony |

| | |Pilgrims flee persecution and land at Plymouth Rock |

| | | |

|D | |Debtors leave England and form buffer colony |

| | |Tobacco leads to the success of the first English colony |

| | |Pilgrims flee persecution and land at Plymouth Rock |

| | |William Penn starts a colony for Quakers |

Use the diagram below and your knowledge of social studies to answer question 14

14. What best completes the diagram above?

A. Raw materials (lumber)

B. Self-government

C. Furniture, cigarettes, and cloth

D. The Mayflower

Use the diagram below and your knowledge of social studies to answer question 15

15. Which of the following best completes the diagram?

A. Wheat farming

B. Coal mining

C. Fishing

D. Manufacturing

16. Which statement best reflects the reason the Pilgrims and Puritans made their journey to New England?

A. “I traveled to the New World in search of gold for my king.”

B. “I settled in this faraway land to worship as I pleased.”

C. “I came to this land in search of furs.”

D. “I was sent far from home because I could not pay my debts.”

Use the diagram below and your knowledge of social studies to answer question 17

17. Which colonial region is described in the statement above?

A. New England

B. Middle

C. Southern

D. Western

Use the diagram below and your knowledge of social studies to answer question 18

| |New England |Middle |Southern |

|Climate |Harsh winters, mild summers |Moderate |Mild |

|Terrain |Rocky soil, mountains |Fertile soil, mountains |Fertile soil, rivers |

|Resources |Lumber, fur, fish, iron |Coal, fish, iron |Rich soil, fish |

18. Based on the chart above, which farming economy would be successful?

A. New England

B. Middle

C. Southern

D. Middle and Southern

19. The two arrows represent goods provided from the colonies to England and from England to the Colonies. This exchange of goods best reflects the theory of—

A. colonization

B. mercantilism

C. navigation restrictions

D. free trade

20. The “Bread Basket” Colonies are best defined as —

A. colonies which were refuges for bakers escaping persecution in Holland

B. colonies which grew large amounts of grain

C. colonies that manufactured baskets made from the abundant reeds growing along southern riverbanks

D. colonies which manufactured breadbaskets from the large oak trees growing in the forests

21. Which of the following best reflects the location of cities and towns in the colonies?

A. In mountainous areas where there were deposits of gold and silver

B. Far from the coast in order to avoid attacks by French and Spanish ships

C. In deep forests where there were large supplies of timber

D. On the coast or along rivers to provide access to transportation

22. Which conclusion is best supported by the charts above?

A. New England had a higher percentage of imports than it did exports.

B. The Middle Colonies were the largest exporters of goods to Britain.

C. The Southern Colonies imported more than New England and the Middle Colonies together.

D. The Middle Colonies exported more than New England and the Southern Colonies together.

23. How did the Virginia House of Burgesses impact colonial government?

A. It limited the power of the king.

B. It made the colonists agree to work together.

C. It marked the beginning of a representative government.

D. It gave male property owners the right to vote.

24. Which colonial region is most likely described in the statement above?

A. New England

B. Middle

C. Southern

D. Western

Use the map and your knowledge of social studies to answer question 25.

25. Which colony was home to the first permanent English settlement in the American Colonies?

A. New York

B. Massachusetts

C. Virginia

D. Maryland
















Pilgrims land at Plymouth, Massachusetts


Puritans begin settling Massachusetts Bay

Triangular Trade




Rum, guns, metal tools


New England


Middle Colonies





Large scale farming

This region is known as the “Mixture Colonies” or as the “Bread-Basket Colonies.” Some were founded for religious freedom like the Quakers in Pennsylvania, while others were founded for wealth. A large amount of the food grown in the colonies was grown in this region.


Raw Materials

Manufactured Goods



The mild climate and plentiful precipitation allowed for large-scale farming. Tobacco, rice, and indigo grew very well in this region. Slave labor was relied on in this region.



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