
Dear Parish Family,

As we continue our Lenten journey, please remember to mark your calendars for our Lenten Penance Service on Monday, March 5, at 7 p.m. here at Little Flower. Also, it is not too late to sign up for Matthew Kelly and Dynamic Catholic’s Best Lent Ever at .

Last weekend was Stewardship Intention Weekend. As of this past Monday, 126 stewardship cards had been returned. If you have not returned your card, please do so as soon as possible. These cards are very important both for financial planning and ministry planning.

I thought Angie Mackell’s stewardship witness talk a couple of weeks ago was excellent. It enabled her to introduce herself to you. However, more importantly, it reminded all of us of all the little things Little Flower is able to do because of your generosity. Without your generosity of time, talent, and treasure, many of these would not be possible.

Currently we have some important ministry needs. We will not be able to continue weekly coffee and donuts and the festival rummage sale if no one volunteers to take them over, and we have had no one come forward yet. Bill and Debbie Belles are stepping down from coffee and donuts after approximately 17 years. Coffee and donuts provide a good opportunity for parishioners to socialize after the 8:30 a.m. Sunday Mass. They also help fill the time for families of Sunday religious education students. The festival rummage sale raises approximately $3,000 every year. Finally, this will be Mary Martha Costello’s final year doing the silent auction, so it would be good to have someone work alongside her this year and take it over next year.

A few weeks ago, I received a call from a Catholic who wanted me to witness her wedding without any marriage preparation. She and her fiancé already had their marriage license and were just looking for a priest who would perform a wedding ceremony. It is an expectation of the Church that everyone being married in the Church receive marriage preparation. It is for this reason that the Archdiocese requires couples to contact their priest at least six months before they want to marry.

Also, if you or your partner, baptized or unbaptized, has been married before in the Catholic Church, in another Christian church, or even civilly, a wedding cannot be scheduled until it has been demonstrated that the person who has been married before is free to marry according to the laws and teachings of the Catholic Church. If you have been married before or the person you are seriously dating has been married before, it would be good to check with a priest sooner rather than later about what might be required for a marriage in the Catholic Church.

Have a wonderful week!

fr. bob


For the Week of February 26 – March 4, 2018

|26 |February |Monday |

| |5:30 p.m. |Mike and Carolyn Ley by Carol Freeland |

|27 |February |Tuesday |

| |5:30 p.m. |Grace Taddeo by Rita Gibson |

|28 |February |Wednesday |

| |5:30 p.m. |Maureen Larner-Reeser by Ellen Corriden |

|01 |March |Thursday |

| |5:30 p.m. |For the Intentions of Charlie Goodman |

|02 |March |Friday |

| |8:30 a.m. |John Raftery by Elizabeth Tanasovich & Mary Jo Jordan |

| |5:30 p.m. |Stations of the Cross and Communion Service |

|03 |March |Saturday-Vigil of the Third Sunday in Lent |

| |5:00 p.m. |Special Intentions of the Jorgenson Family by Clarene J.|

| | |Peterson |

|04 |March |Sunday – Third Sunday in Lent |

| |8:30 a.m. |Charles F. Lawless, Jr. by Bob and Bobbie Lawless |

| |10:30 a.m. |Jo Ann Bauerle by Mrs. Rita Foley |

| |6:00 p.m. |For the Parish |


February 25 – March 4, 2018


|Sunday |Ladies Club Bake Sale after Mass |

| |Church |8:30 a.m. |Children’s Liturgy |

| |Church |8:30 a.m. |First Communion – Rite of |

| | | |Illumination |

| |School |9:30 a.m. |Religious Ed |

| |Duffey Hall |9:30 a.m. |Coffee and Donuts |

| |Parish Center |7:00 p.m. |Confirmation Prep |

|Monday |Duffey Hall |6:30 p.m. |Christ Life |

|Tuesday |St. Therese |9:30 a.m. |Legion of Mary |

| |Church |7:00 p.m. |Choir |

| |St. Therese |7:00 p.m. |RCIA |

|Wednesday |St. Therese |7:00 p.m. |Festival Meeting |

| |St. Patrick |7:00 p.m. |Liturgy Meeting |

|Thursday |Duffey Hall |7:00 p.m. |Ladies Club Meeting |

| |St. Patrick |7:00 p.m. |LFNA Safety Meeting |

| |St. Therese |8:00 p.m. |AA |

|Friday |Duffey Hall |4:30 p.m. |Fish Fry |

| |Church |5:30 p.m. |Stations of the Cross |

|Saturday |Church |5:00 p.m. |1st Scrutiny - RCIA |

|Sunday |Church |8:30 a.m. |Children’s Liturgy |

| |School |9:30 a.m. |Religious Ed |

| |Duffey Hall |9:30 a.m. |Coffee and Donuts |

| |Church |5:00 p.m. |Youth Choir Practice & Sing|

| | | |at 6 p.m. Mass |

| |Parish Center |7:00 p.m. |Confirmation Prep |

We remember our parishioner, Ellen Adams, who passed away on February 16 and whose funeral service was at Flanner and Buchanan on February 22. Please keep all of Ellen’s family and friends in your thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. May God welcome Ellen into his eternal glory.

Please remember our parishioners who are ill, homebound, or in a nursing home in your thoughts and prayers. If you get a chance, please send them a card or a note! This week we especially want to remember: Laura Shepperd

Rosewalk Village

1302 N Lesley Ave, Indianapolis, IN 46219



| Weekly Budget Goal |$ 13,500.00 |

| Collection of February 17 and 18 |$ 11,118.00 |

| Electronic Contributions 2/12-2/16 |$ 5,468.67 |

|Fiscal Year 2017-2018 YTD Actual |$ 462,316.25 |

|Fiscal Year 2017-2018 YTD Budget |$ 459,000.00 |

|Fiscal Year 2017-2018 YTD |$ 3,316.25 |

|Home Improvement Fund |

|December Contributions |$ 2,289.33 |

|January Contributions |$ 1,903.83 |

|February Contributions (to date) |$ 1,492.83 |

| |

|United Catholic Appeal |

|(gifts processed as of 2/15) |

|The Archdiocesan United Catholic Appeal, Christ Our Hope, has been going on |

|for about 16 weeks, and as you can see we are still almost $11,000 short of |

|our goal, and only 18% of parish households have participated. The |

|Archdiocese will soon begin follow up with those who have not responded. Will|

|you please consider helping us reach our goal? You should have received your |

|intention card in the mail, but there are extras available at the church |

|doors. If you have not yet turned your card in, please do so as soon as |

|possible. You may place them in the regular collection or mail them to the |

|Archdiocese in the envelope provided. Please be as generous as possible to |

|help our parish meet our goal. The United Catholic Appeal funds many shared |

|ministries from which all parishes benefit. |

| Parish Goal $ 45,060.00 |

| # of gifts received or pledges 153 |

|Amount of gifts received or pledged $ 34,393.00 |

| |

|If you did not return your annual stewardship intention card this weekend, |

|please return it as soon as possible. Extra cards are available at the church |

|doors if needed. |

Ladies Club Bake Sale

Little Flower Ladies Club will be having a Bake Sale after the 5 p.m. Saturday Mass, February 24, and the two morning Masses on Sunday, February 25. Please support the Ladies Club and satisfy your sweet tooth!



(grades 8 thru 12)

YOUTH CHOIR – new members are always welcome!

Sunday, February 25: Sing at 6:00 p.m. Mass - meet at 5:00 p.m. in church.

Sunday, March 4: Sing at 6:00 p.m. Mass - meet at 5:00 p.m. in church.



The Little Flower Athletic Commission invites all parish children, pre-school through age 9, to participate in the annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday, March 31, 2018. The Easter Bunny will arrive at 9:50 a.m., and we will be searching the Parish grounds starting at 10 a.m.


SUMMERFEST 2018 – June 1, 2, and 3

The next leadership team meeting is Wednesday, February 28, at 7:00 p.m. in the Parish Center.

Rummage Sale – We are in need of someone to take over leadership of the rummage sale. This person would coordinate drop-off events, sort and price items for the sale, and arrange for volunteer help. Unless a new leader steps up to this task, the rummage sale will not take place at this year’s festival.

Silent Auction – Mary Martha Costello has decided this will be her last year to coordinate the silent auction at the festival. We are looking for someone to work alongside her this year with the intent of taking it over next year.

Please search your hearts, and if you or someone you know is inspired to take on either of these challenging but rewarding responsibilities, please contact Angie at the Parish Center 317-357-8352 or amackell@.

St. Philip Neri Church, 550 N Rural Street, will be hosting a Health Fair on Sunday, March 4, from 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. in the school gymnasium. Anyone from the Eastside Catholic Community (Holy Spirit, Little Flower, Our Lady of Lourdes, and St. Philip Neri) is welcome to attend. Those in attendance will be able to have blood pressure, vision, diabetes, and kidney screenings. There will be information on prenatal and child care education, lots of other informational booths, and Zumba will be available. Mark your calendar and plan on attending.

Employment Opportunity

Do you love to cook? And for a lot of people? Are you looking to work in a fun and faith-filled atmosphere? Our Lady of Fatima Retreat House, 5353 E. 56th St., Indpls, IN 46226, is seeking a part time Cook to assist in preparing meals of high quality, typically as a buffet and for a pre-determined number of guests.  Must be available for a flexible schedule of about 16 to 24 hours (2 to 3 shifts) per week. Hours will vary between 6 a.m. and 8 p.m., Monday through Sunday. Persons interested may call David Helle, Food Services Manager, at (317) 545-7681, Ext. 110 for more information. EOE.

Just Desserts, Ladies!

The Ladies Club provides the desserts each week for the fish frys. All Ladies of the Parish are members of the Ladies Club, so whip up your favorite dessert to share and bring it to the school cafeteria after 3:00 p.m. on Fridays. Thanks in advance and for all of your help in years past!




March Ladies Club Meeting

Thursday, March 1, 7:00 PM/Duffey Hall

Our featured speaker is Sheila Gilbert.

She will be discussing her legacy with St. Vincent de Paul.

Orlando (Andy) Cavallaro will be turning 96 years young on March 1.  He has been a Little Flower parishioner since 1950 and served as an usher for over sixty years.  Please join our family in celebrating his birthday.  The party will be held on Sunday, March 4th, 1:00 - 3:00 PM, Crown Pointe Facility, 831 Swope Street, Greenfield, IN.  The facility is located directly behind Hancock Memorial Hospital.  Please bring a favorite memory of Andy to share.  Any questions, please feel free to contact Rita Chapman (daughter) at 317-356-7116.  Hope to see you there.

Scecina presents Lin-Manuel Miranda’s musical

“In the Heights”

Scecina Memorial High School presents “In the Heights” at 7 p.m. Friday, March 23, and Saturday, March 24, at Scecina. “In the Heights” features music and lyrics by Lin-Manuel Miranda, the creator of “Hamilton.” The show opened on Broadway in 2008. It tells the story of a vibrant community of Latino characters in the Washington Heights neighborhood of Manhattan. Tickets are $10 reserved and $8 general admission. Weekend passes are $18 reserved and $12 general admission. Available at theatre.

148th Annual St. Patrick's Celebration

Presented by the Ancient Order of Hibernians

March 11, 2018 | Indiana Roof Ballroom | 11:15 AM

$35 includes Plated Luncheon, Irish Music & Dance.

Tickets: Chuck McGinley 317-359-7147 by March 7. Full Details: .


Fatima Retreat House

5353 E. 56th Street, Indianapolis

Lenten Programs

Friday, March 16 – Sunday, March 18

“The Heart of Celtic Spirituality”

Friday, 8 p.m. – Sunday, 1 p.m.

A Lenten Weekend Retreat led by Fr. Jim Farrell. Uncover the story of Irish saints, their wisdom and prayers. Learn from Celtic spirituality to enrich your prayer life. Registration is required.  $190/Single;  $350/married couple.


Monday, March 19

“Why Does God Have So Many Names:  What Should I Call Him?”

  9:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.

Spend the day with Fr. Keith Hosey discussing the many names of God.  Where do they come from?  What do they mean? Registration is required.  $43 includes continental breakfast, lunch, and program.


Friday, March 23 - Sunday, March 25

“We are the Work of God’s Hands” 

Friday, 6:30 p.m. – Sunday, 1 p.m.

A Silent Preached Retreat Weekend

Join Fr. Jeff Godecker and Mary Schaffner as we reflect on the mystery of our journey with God through the lens of the Spiritual Exercises of St. Ignatius. Registration is required.  $190/Single, $350/ Married Couple.

SAVE THE DATE: The Parish Life Commission will once again hold a Soup Supper on Holy Thursday, March 29, from 5:30 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. Please mark your calendar and plan on attending. Watch the bulletin for more information.

Our 6th session for candidates and team members only will be on Sunday, February 25, in the parish center from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m. Session 7 will take place on Sunday, March 4, in the parish center from 7:00 p.m. until 9:00 p.m.

The Adventuresome Group will meet on Wednesday, March 14, following the 11 a.m. Mass. We will be celebrating St. Patrick’s Day a bit early, so wear green! You may call the parish center, 317-357-8352, if you plan on attending.

Forgiveness As We Journey Through Grief

The next monthly bereavement support group, sponsored by the Eastside Catholic Community: Holy Spirit ~ Little Flower ~ Our Lady of Lourdes ~ St. Philip Neri, will be on Thursday, March 8, from 7:00-8:30 p.m., at Holy Spirit Church. Please join us to discover ways to forgive ourselves and others after a loss. All are welcome! Please contact Peggy Clegg at 317-357-8352 or pclegg@ if you have any questions.




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