Home | University of West Florida

|1. Rationale or background to procedure: |

|The Graduate Colloquium Procedure is established August 2018. All graduate students who are graduate assistants (GA) must present their |

|research in a colloquium event, whether or not they are presenting at a conference. The colloquium provides the student with peer feedback on |

|their research and offers new perspectives. In the case of a student presenting his or her research at a conference, the colloquium feedback |

|will give the student a chance to practice his or her presentation. |

| |

|This procedure will establish an efficient process for setting up the colloquium events so that students are guaranteed a colloquium and event|

|organizers can schedule their students’ colloquiums in a timely manner, well ahead of the scheduled conference date. This procedure will also |

|ensure that two colloquiums are never scheduled at the same time. |

| |

|2. Procedure Statement: |

|The Graduate Colloquium Procedure aims to accomplish the following in an effective manner. |

|Organize students’ presentations |

|Schedule the colloquium |

|Organize necessary technology for the event |

| |

|3. Procedures: |

|Organize students’ presentations |

|Before the start of each academic year, graduate students should meet with their assigned faculty member regarding any conferences they may be|

|presenting at. Regardless of if a graduate student is presenting at a conference, graduate students who receive funding from the college |

|either through a GA position or a scholarship must present their research in a colloquium. |

|If a student will be presenting at a conference, the student must present at least two weeks before their conference is scheduled to allow the|

|student time to revise his or her presentation as needed based on the peer review received at the colloquium. |

|If a graduate student presenting at a conference is unable to be scheduled at the colloquium event before their conference, he or she should |

|contact their office administrator so that the office administrator and the Deans’ Office can coordinate a time for an individual |

|presentation. |

|Schedule Event |

|Colloquiums occur on the first and third Thursday of every month as well as the fifth Thursday if one occurs. The dates are offered to |

|Graduate Assistants through a Doodle Poll link in the email that sends their GA Letters. |

|Each event will be from 3:00 to 4:15 PM in one of the Dean’s Office conference rooms. Each presentation lasts fifteen minutes, with a five |

|minute break between presentations. This allows for four students to present at each colloquium. |

|When GA letters are sent out, the email will include a poll link to sign up for the date and time that best suits the student. Students |

|presenting at conferences must bear in mind that they will need at least two weeks between the conference and the colloquium. |

|Colloquium dates will be assigned on a first-come, first-served basis, so graduate students should follow the poll link and choose a date and |

|time as soon as possible. |

|Graduate students who are not local (those who live more than an hour away) should select the first time slot on their date of choice so that |

|the CEPS Dean’s Office has time to set up the technology for a virtual colloquium session. |

|Graduate assistants must make their colloquium date selection before the CEPS Dean’s Office will create an action sheet for the student. GA’s |

|who do not sign up for a colloquium date will not be added to payroll. |

|Organize necessary technology for the event |

|As the student is creating his or her presentation, the student should decide what technology to use. |

|All of the conference rooms in building 85 have a projector, a computer, a conference phone, and video chat capabilities. |

|The desk assistants will ensure that the conference room technology is ready on the day of the student’s colloquium. |

|The presentation itself should last ten minutes and should be followed by a five minute question and answer session. The total time for |

|presentation and questions is fifteen minutes. Presentations must be kept to fifteen minutes to give enough time for other presentations. |


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