West Chester University

CSC300/CSC400/CSC605 Internship Employer Survey

Dear Employer,

Thank you for providing WCU students this opportunity to work with you as an intern. We need your assistance to decide their performances for assigning letter grades. In addition, if you can provide us some opinions about our program, we would appreciate it. Please e-mail this form directly to: cyang@wcupa.edu without the involvement of student. Thank you very much for your help.

Cheer-Sun Yang, Ph.D., Internship Director

Part I Evaluation of Students

Please use the space below to describe how WCU Interns perform.


Part II Evaluation of WCU Computer Science Programs

Please describe below the strength of WCU Computer Science program briefly, if any, as far as you know:


Please describe below the weakness of WCU Computer Science program briefly, if any, as far as you know:


Additional Comments:


We are required by the ABET accreditation team to include internship employers in our PEO (Program Educational Objectives) review process. We'd greatly appreciate it if you could review the PEO's and let us know if you have any comments:

Here are our Program Educational Objectives:

Within a few years of graduation:

Our graduates will be able to apply theory, techniques, and methodologies to create high-quality computing systems that function effectively and reliably in the emerging and future information infrastructure.

Our graduates will be able to work in teams, demonstrate ethical professionalism in their work, and grow professionally while engaging in life-long learning.

Our graduates perform well in a computer science graduate program or a career in computer science and have the communication skills and quantitative/analytical skills necessary for career advancement.  

Consistency of the Program Educational Objectives with the Mission of the Institution:

The Program Educational Objectives for the Bachelor of Science in Computer Science align with the West Chester University Mission and Vision statements. The PEO’s can be categorized in terms of the WCU Vision statement as follows.

• Undergraduate programs that actively engage students in connecting the life of the mind to the world in which they live and work.

PEO I: Our graduates will be able to apply theory, techniques, and methodologies to create high-quality computing systems that function effectively and reliably in the emerging and future information infrastructure.

• The responsiveness of its graduate and post-baccalaureate programs to regional needs.

PEO III: Our graduates perform well in a computer science graduate program or a career in computer science and have the communication skills and quantitative/analytical skills necessary for career advancement.

• Its focus on providing lifelong-learning, technical, and applied skills essential to graduates' success now and in the future.

PEO II: Our graduates will be able to work in teams, demonstrate ethical professionalism in their work, and grow professionally while engaging in life-long learning.

• Its role as a leading educational and cultural resource and partner in fostering the economic, social, and cultural vitality of southeastern Pennsylvania.

PEO I: Our graduates will be able to apply theory, techniques, and methodologies to create high-quality computing systems that function effectively and reliably in the emerging and future information infrastructure.

PEO II: Our graduates will be able to work in teams, demonstrate ethical professionalism in their work, and grow professionally while engaging in life-long learning.

PEO III: Our graduates perform well in a computer science graduate program or a career in computer science and have the communication skills and quantitative/analytical skills necessary for career advancement.

Additional Comments:



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