Modern Europe Test Bank

Name: ______________________________________ Date: _________________

Modern Europe Test

SS6G8.a.; SS6H7.b.c.; SS6G10.a.b.; SS6G11.a.b.c.; SS6CG4; SS6CG5.a.b

Multiple Choice. Circle the best answer for each question.

1. What mountain range forms the boundary between Europe and Russia?

a. Alps

b. Pyrenees Mountains

c. Ural Mountains

d. Rocky Mountains

2. What peninsula is occupied by Spain and Portugal?

a. Italian Peninsula

b. Iberian Peninsula

c. Scandinavian Peninsula

d. Yucatan Peninsula






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3. Which physical feature is located near the “1” on the map?

a. Rhine River

b. Ural Mountains

c. Pyrenees Mountains

d. Scandinavian Peninsula

4. A similarity between Italy and Germany is that, in both countries, people tend to live in

a. rural areas

b. urban areas

c. the southern region

d. farming communities

5. What type of languages are French and Italian?

a. Slavic

b. Romance

c. Germanic

c. Latin

6. What have Europeans done to try to solve the problem of so many languages?

a. outlawed the use of languages spoken by only a few people

b. decided not to trade with people who do not speak the same language

c. made laws ensuring that English is the only official language of the European Union

d. required schoolchildren to learn one or two other languages besides their native language

7. What is the dominant religion of Eastern and Western Europe?

a. Judaism

b. Christianity

c. Islam

d. Hinduism

8. A literate person in a developed country is most likely to have all EXCEPT which item?

a. health care

b. technology

c. a high-paying job

d. uneducated children

9. What government gives citizens full and equal rights to participate?

a. democracy

b. autocracy

c. oligarchy

d. dictatorship

10. What country in Europe has a federal government?

a. France

b. Germany

c. Great Britain

d. United States

11. In which types of government do citizens have no voting rights?

a. an autocracy and a democracy

b. an oligarchy and a democracy

c. an oligarchy and an autocracy

d. any of the tree types of government

12. In what way are the prime minister and the president alike?

a. The lawmaking body appoints them

b. They make the laws for their countries

c. They can dissolve the lawmaking body

d. They are in charge of the military and control the government

13. Which part of government is responsible for making the laws for the United Kingdom?

a. Congress

b. Monarchy

c. parliament

d. high court

14. What organization encourages trade between European countries?

a. Allied Union

b. Trade Union

c. European Union

d. Countries Union

15. What actions did the United Nations take as result of the Holocaust?

a. divided Palestine and Germany

b. defeated Hitler and freed the Jews

c. helped the Jews find jobs and shelter

d. created a Jewish state and made genocide a crime

16. What city was divided by a wall after WWII?

a. Rome

b. London

c. Paris

d. Berlin

| |Belgium |Italy |Poland |Spain |Ukraine |United Kingdom |

|Literacy Rate | | | | | | |

|Total Population |99% |98.4% |99.8% |97.9% |99.4% |99% |

|Religions |Roman Catholic |Roman Catholic |Roman Catholic |Roman Catholic |Ukrainian |Christian |

| | | | | |Orthodox-Kyiv | |

| | | | | |Patriarchate | |

|Official Languages |Dutch, |Italian |Polish |Castilian Spanish|Ukrainian |English |

| |German, | | | | | |

| |French | | | | | |

Use the chart to complete the following question.

17. What is the best explanation for the similarity of the literacy rates in the chart above:

a. They like being in the 90’s

b. They place great emphasis on education

c. They don’t have anything else to do

d. There is no explanation for their literacy rates being in the 90’s


18. Number the above events in the correct order.

a. 1-2-3-4

b. 3-1-4-2

c. 2-3-4-1

d. 1-3-2-4

19. What are the two terms used to describe the dividing line between eastern and western, communist and noncommunist areas?

a. NATO and Warsaw Pact

b. Berlin Wall and Iron Curtain

c. Allied Powers and Axis Powers

d. Nazi Germany and Free Germany

20. When was the Cold War?

a. after World War II and until the collapse of the Soviet Union

b. before World War I

c. between World War I and World War II

d. before the world wide economic depression

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1. Jews were forced into concentration camps and killed

2. The State of Israel is established

3. Hitler ordered Germans not to shop in stores owned by Jews

4. Allied troops found German prison camps where Jews were imprisoned and killed


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