Universit˜ of Surre˜ - Software2

Universit of Surre

C se Stud


Improving students' IT experience with virtu ized pp ic tion de iver .

The Universit of Surre h s centr IT dep rtment working in p rtnership with four f cu ties. In order to keep up to d te with the d n mic techno og m rket

nd to continue providing cutting-edge s stems to st nd students, the IT te m s w n opportunit to improve its current softw re de iver nd distribution process.


The ch enges.

Speeding up the de iver of services

nd enh ncing the student experience

Improving the current softw re/ pp de iver

nd distribution processes

E ective m n ging 100s of di erent pps

cross 1000s of di erent m chines

And the so ution?

1. AppsAn where from Softw re2 2. Softw re2's experienced consu ting te m


The benefits.

Improved student experience:

An Windows pp to n Universit m n ged m chine

Enh nced student experience:

Apps c n be found in consistent w cross PC rooms

F ster softw re inst tion

And more re i b e PCs during

ex ms periods

Ph se 2 - Bring Your Own Device!

Ph se 2 to inc ude se f-service port to dep o pps to students' person devices.



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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