Statement of Purpose & Service User Guide


Service Terms and Conditions




1. Statement of Purpose

2. Service User Guide

1. Aims and Objectives.

2. Types of Services provided

3. Accessing our Service

4. Delivery of the Service

5. Philosophy of Service

6. A-Z of policies

7. Provider Information

Statement of purpose

This document must be completed, regularly reviewed and amended in order to comply with CQC requirements

The Statement of Purpose has its own template available only via the Care Quality Commission website which from time to time is updated and amended. On initial registration you are required to complete and submit this form as part of the documentation. It then forms part of the information sharing process between you as a provider and the regulator. There are 4 parts to the Statement of Purpose with separate Learning Disability and GP formats. These cover;

1. Full contact details

2. Aims and objectives

3. Locations and separate forms are required for each location

4. Registered Managers details

These details must be kept up to date in order to comply with the legislation

You need to ensure that the Statement of Purpose is regularly reviewed and amended as appropriate. You amend the Statement of Purpose using the form contained within the notifications section of the CQC website.

Service User Guide

1. Aims and Objectives of the Service

• Leda Homecare Ltd aims to provide the highest quality of care to our Service Users, their families or representatives.

• To place the Service User first at all times.

• To be courteous, polite and empathic in all of our affairs.

• To safeguard Service Users and staff from harm or abuse.

• To deliver services which fully reflect the needs, wishes and preferences of our Service Users.

• To promote and enhance the independence of our Service Users

• To provide a service that is professional and trustworthy.

• To continually improve and develop the quality of staff and best practice by robust recruitment and selection policies and training and development of staff.

• To involve and listen to Service Users, families and representatives.

• To promote an ethos of values which respect the diverse and cultural differences of our staff, Service Users and the community

2. The Types of Services Provided

Leda Homecare Ltd is registered with the Care Quality Commission for the delivery of Regulated Services to adults.

Personal care

The defined Regulated Activities are delivered to a wide range of Service Users which include the following.

• Older persons (65+)

• Physical disabilities

• Learning Disabilities

• Dementia

• Mental Illness

• Sensory impairment

• Younger Adults aged 18-65

Leda Homecare Ltd provides a service which is tailored to the needs of the individual service user who can no longer manage to maintain themselves without support. Our support services include

• Personal care to include washing, dressing, bathing, toileting.

• Domestic duties to include washing up, cleaning, laundry etc.

• Maintenance duties to include shopping, food prep, pension collection.

• Social duties to include engaging with clients, enabling, motivating and friendship

• Monitoring duties to include medication, health related activities, recording appropriately tasks undertaken.

3. Accessing our Service.

List here the following;

• Anyone can request an initial assessment by one of our experienced management team.

• Our services may also be available via your local Authority.

• Services available to self funded Service Users.

• Services available to Direct Payment Service Users.

• A qualified and experienced member of our management team will arrange an appointment with you and your family or those important to you to gather of information regarding your care needs. Our personalised care planning process begins at this point and your wishes, choices, preferences and opinions will form the basis of your plan of care.

• This service is available in your own home during normal working hours and is without obligation.

4. Delivery of Service

After completion of the care planning process Leda Homecare Ltd will ensure that all documentation is agreed and signed by all parties. Where applicable a contract will be issued.

On commencement of the service the Service User will be kept fully informed of who will deliver the service e.g. key worker, regular care worker or via a schedule of visits.

5. Philosophy of Service.

Leda Homecare Ltd seeks to maintain and promote the independence of the individual and regards itself as an enabling rather than a doing provider. We strive to work with Service Users, their families or their representatives in order to deliver a tailored and individual service.

• Self Care statement.

It is important that Service Users and their families or their representatives engage with us in the promotion of self care and independence of the Service User. We encourage our Service Users to work positively with their assets whilst we assist with their deficits.

• Infection Control statement

As part of the new registration requirements the Department of Health issued a Code of Practice on Infection Control which Leda Homecare Ltd has implemented in full. Our infection and Prevention Control lead is Linda Catley. They are responsible for ensuring our compliance in this particular area. From time to time infection incidents occur such as localised outbreaks of Norovirus or diarrhoea and vomiting which mean the imposition of safeguards to prevent further infection will need to be put into place. Where practical, Service Users, their families or representatives will be involved in any such discussions or arrangements in order to assist in controlling the further spread of infection.

As part of our registration and inspection regime we have to comply with government legislation and our contractual obligations to Local Authorities. In addition the protection and safeguarding of Service Users is paramount.

Safeguarding Statement

As part of our duty of care to Service Users and staff their protection and safeguarding is at the core of all we deliver. From time to time incidents occur which need to be placed in a safeguarding context. When this happens Leda Homecare Ltd will work with multi agency partners, Service Users and staff in any investigation which needs to take place. We are aware of how distressing such an investigation can be and will through support and assistance seek to minimise any such distress whilst fulfilling our duty of care and legal obligations.

Complaints Statement

In order that we can continually strive to improve our services, complaints are a very useful barometer in evidencing the quality of our services. We therefore encourage service Users, their families or representatives to discuss openly with us any aspect of their care which in their experience falls short of the standards expected. Please do have the discussion and where we cannot resolve together the issue we will support and assist you in taking the matter further. We respectfully remind you that unless we know what is wrong we do not have the opportunity to put it right.

Quality Statement

As part of the Regulatory requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulations 2014) we are required to assess and monitor the quality of our service provision for inspection purposes. From time to time we therefore need to asses the quality of service and we use questionnaires and audits to ensure that we are gathering the information required. By interrogating the data we are able to present this in a way that evidences our compliance.

Leda Homecare Ltd is aware of the difficulty of engaging Service Users in quality monitoring and will seek with them to develop more initiative and user friendly ways of measuring quality. All quality reports are available to Service Users, their families or representatives on request and in a format suitable for their needs.

6. A-Z of policies

|Access to Records and Files |

|Accidents and Emergencies |

|Accidents and Incident Reporting (RIDDOR) |

|Adult Safeguarding |

|Advance Care Planning |

|Advocacy |

|Alcohol and Drugs |

|Appraisal |

|Assessment of Need and Eligibility |

|Assistive Technology |

|Audit |

|Autonomy and Independence |

|Bariatric Care |

|Basic Life Support |

|Bribery and Corruption |

|Bullying & Harassment |

|Business Contingency and Emergency Planning |

|Care and Support Planning |

|CCTV- Code of Conduct |

|Challenging Behaviour, Violence and Aggression |

|Clinical Governance Statement |

|Code of Conduct for Workers |

|Collection of Prescriptions |

|Compliance Principles |

|Complaints |

|Compliments (Listening and Learning) |

|Confidentiality |

|Consent |

|Continuity of Care or Support Workers |

|Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH) |

|Co-operating with other Providers |

|Corporate Social Responsibility |

|Data Protection |

|Death of a Service User |

|Dementia Care |

|Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards |

|Diabetes |

|Dignity and Respect |

|Direct Payments |

|Disability Discrimination |

|Disciplinary |

|Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) |

|Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) Referral |

|DNR |

|Dress Code |

|Duty of Candour |

|End of Life |

|Environmental Management |

|Equal Opportunities |

|Equality and Diversity |

|Falls Prevention |

|Female Genital Mutilation |

|Financial Irregularities |

|Financial Procedures |

|Fire Safety |

|First Aid |

|Fit and Proper Person - Directors |

|Food Hygiene |

|Freedom of Information |

|Gifts and Legacies |

|Good Governance |

|Grievance (Staff) |

|Handling of Money - Service Users |

|Handling of Money - Service Users Who Lack Capacity |

|Health and Safety |

|Hot Water and Surfaces |

|Ill Treatment or Wilful Neglect |

|Infection Control |

|Information Security |

|Information Sharing Protocol |

|Internet and Email |

|Job Descriptions and Person Specifications |

|Lone Working |

|Maternity |

|Media and Public Relations |

|Medication |

|Meeting Needs |

|Mental Capacity Act 2005 |

|Missed Visits |

|Missing Persons |

|Mobile Phone Use |

|Monitoring and Accountability |

|Moving and Handling |

|MRSA (Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus) |

|Notifications |

|Nurse Revalidation |

|Nutritional and Hydration Needs |

|Oral Health |

|Out of Hours and Emergency on Call Cover |

|Overseas Workers |

|Oxygen Therapy |

|Paternity |

|Personal Budgets |

|Person Centred Planning |

|Personal Safety |

|Personal Shopping |

|Position of Trust |

|Premises - Access to Office |

|Premises and Resources |

|Prevention of Pressure Ulcer |

|Professional Boundaries |

|Promoting Continence |

|Protective Clothing and Equipment |

|Quality Assurance |

|Radicalisation |

|Range of Services and the Limits to Responsibility |

|Record Keeping |

|Recruitment and Selection |

|Recruitment of Volunteers |

|Redundancy and Redeployment |

|Relatives, Friends and Carers |

|Religion and Belief |

|Responsive Services |

|Restraint |

|Retirement |

|Risk Assessment |

|Safeguarding Children in an Adult Setting |

|Sensory Impairment |

|Sepsis Awareness |

|Service Improvement Plan |

|Service User’s Contract |

|Service User’s Home Security |

|Service User’s Records (Home) |

|Sexuality |

|Sickness/Absence |

|Smoking |

|Social Inclusion |

|Social Media and Networking |

|Staff Facilities |

|Stress Management |

|Supervision |

|Training, Development and Qualifications |

|Vaccinations |

|Vehicle (Care Scheme) |

|Whistleblowing |

|Young People and Employment Policy |

7. Provider information.

Statement of Business

Leda Homecare Ltd was formed in 2006. The company is run by the 2 Directors and a senior management team who manage the business on a day to day basis. Leda Homecare is registered with the Care Quality Commission and is a member of the United Kingdom Home Carers Association. Leda Homecare Ltd is primarily a locally based company serving the local communities of Worksop, Retford, Mansfield, Ashfield and the surrounding areas. We recruit from local areas and are able to provide services to the outlying districts of Bassetlaw. Leda Homecare Ltd is also able to provide care and support workers in Rotherham, Doncaster and Derbyshire areas dependent on capacity.


Miss Linda Catley: Linda is a Registered First Level Nurse with over 30 years as a Registered Manager within the private sector. Her experience of care management is across a wide service user range including general nursing, young physically disabled, mental health problems, dementia care, terminal illness and care of the older person. She is also a member of the Chartered Institute of Managers.

Mrs Michelle Bracknall: Michelle has worked in the care industry as a Registered Nurse and Area Operations Manager and has experience in both the public and private sectors of over 20 years.

The Registered Manager

Miss Linda Catley

• The Business Address, Telephone number and e-mail contact

Leda Homecare Ltd

Suite G1, Carriage Court




S80 3LR

• The Care Quality Commission

National Correspondence



Newcastle upon Tyne


Tel: 03000 616161

• Employer and Public Liability policy number


• Data Controller and Information Commissioner Office registration


• Companies House registration.


• Other useful numbers:

Customer Services

Adult Social Care and Health

County Hall

Loughborough Road

West Bridgford



Tel: 0300 500 8080

Bassetlaw Primary Care Trust

North Road


DN22 7XF

Tel: 01777 274400

Advocacy groups

Age Concern

14 High Street




NG20 0AG

Tel: 01623 845406


2 Spa Lane

East Retford


DN22 6EA

Tel: 01777 704040

This Service User/ Resident Guide is available in different languages, Easy-Read format, Braille and audio on request


(Domiciliary )

Regulation 9

Leda Homecare Ltd


This document sets out the respective rights and responsibilities of the management and staff of Leda Homecare Ltd and the service user:

Leda Homecare Ltd is regulated by the Care Quality Commission. We aim at all times to reach, and indeed exceed, the requirements of the Health and Social Care Act 2008 (Regulated activities 2010). (If you would like to see a copy, ask any of our staff).

We try to provide excellent care. We will do everything possible to respect the rights of our service users, particularly by observing the values of privacy, dignity, independence, choice, civil rights, security and fulfilment, which we know can easily be threatened by disability or illness. We recognise that providing care is a co-operative process and we will attempt to consult service users and their representatives as fully as possible.

This document should be read in the light of those principles.

The Service User

The person for whom the service will be provided, referred to throughout this document as “the service user”, is:

|Name: | |

|Address: | |

| | |

|Telephone number: | |

|Other contact details: | |

The Provider

The agency providing the service is:

|Leda Homecare Ltd |  |

|Address: Suite G1, Carriage Court |  |

|Welbeck | |

|Worksop | |

|Notts | |

|S80 3LR | |

|Telephone number: 01909 512550 |  |

|Email: | |

Contacting us Out of Office Hours

The out of hours number is 01909 512550. This number is diverted from the main office and is available Monday to Friday, 5pm to 10:00pm and 7am to 9am and weekends from 7am till 10:00pm Saturday and Sunday. Please note that the on-call facility is for emergencies only and NOT for general enquiries.

Your Local Contact Point

The manager directly responsible for the service is Linda Catley. You will also be allocated a care co-ordinator who is based at the main office. The care workers who will be helping the service user are also based at the office address, see above.

The Service to be provided

Leda Homecare Ltd undertakes to provide a domiciliary care service as follows:

Please refer to the detailed Care assessment which has been agreed between Leda Homecare Ltd, and we regret that our care workers will not deliver any care that is not specified within the Care Plan and Care Journal without prior agreement.

We reserve the right to vary your scheduled visit time by up to 30 minutes, this is to allow for traffic conditions and service user emergencies where applicable. At the first available opportunity you will receive a telephone confirmation of your visit time should the variance exceed 30 minutes.

When staff go sick at short notice service users needs take priority eg. those who need medication or where there is a time related event such as a day centre transport pickup. Vulnerable service users will always be covered first.

Cancellation or Withdrawal of the Service

The arrangements if Leda Homecare Ltd has to withdraw the service will be as follows dependent on circumstances: 7days notice to terminate the service.

If the service user wishes to cancel the service permanently, the arrangements will be as follows: 7days notice to terminate the service.

If the service user wishes to cancel the service temporarily, the arrangements will be as follows: 48hours notice

In the event of hospitalisation, the service will have deemed to have ceased upon notification of admission to a ward. Visits will continue to be made as rostered until informed of admission to a ward.

In the event of a death of a service user, the service will have deemed to have ceased at the last visit.

Review of the Service

Leda Homecare Ltd will provide services on the basis of an agreed service user plan of care. This is based on an assessment of the service user’s needs, undertaken before the service starts or as soon after as possible. The needs of the service user will be reassessed from time to time, at least annually, and the service user may request a review at any time if the service being delivered is felt to be too little, too much or inappropriate. If it is agreed that the service should be changed significantly, the service user plan of care will be modified accordingly and a fresh contract issued. In the case of service users whose fees are paid by a local authority, any reassessment and change to the Service User Plan will be carried out in conjunction with relevant social services staff.

Fees Payable

The fees payable are detailed on the attached schedule of fees.

Our current fees payable are: £15.00 per hour

These fees include all mileage and any related exceptional fees, other than electronically monitored duration of visits.


Towergate Insurance Brokers

Kings Court

London Road




Tel: 01438 739739

Rights and Responsibilities

Leda Homecare Ltd delivers the service within the service user’s home and at their own risk. We strongly advise all service users to have a home contents policy in case of any breakages or damages incurred by the care worker.

Staff Supervision

The care workers assigned to the service user will be under the supervision of the registered manager to whom any complaints or comments about the service should in the first instance be addressed. A copy of the complaints procedure of Leda Homecare Ltd is available on request.

Monitoring and Quality Assurance

Leda Homecare Ltd is eager to provide a quality, person centred, professional service and to make improvements wherever possible. Our monitoring and quality assurance arrangements take the form of spot checks and questionnaires both of which involve the service user. Individual supervision and appraisal of staff take place at appropriate intervals.

Supplies and Equipment

Leda Homecare Ltd will supply the following: all personal protective equipment including aprons, gloves and anti-bacterial wash. A maroon coloured tunic with the company logo will be supplied to all care workers. All our care workers carry an ID badge.

The service user will supply the following: any cleaning equipment required by the care worker, and any other equipment specified in the care plan.

Health and Safety

The responsibilities of Leda Homecare Ltd in relation to the health and safety of both the service user and its staff in this relationship are as defined within the Health and Safety Act 1974 and all other related legislation.

The health and safety responsibilities of the service user are as detailed below;

• The service user’s home becomes the care workers work place, and as such comes under the remit of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and all related legislation.

• A Code of Practice is in operation which takes into account the Prevention and Control of Infections within Adult Social Care which forms part of the assessment process.

• Full risk assessments will form part of the care needs assessment and care planning process and will identify any matters which need to be addressed by the service user before commencement of the service.

• Where the service user is unwilling or unable to minimise the risks in order for the service to be delivered, Leda Homecare Ltd will take time to consider its options and this could result in the withdrawal of the service agreed.

Staff Holidays and Sickness

On occasions of staff holidays or sickness Leda Homecare Ltd undertakes to retain the running of the service. Where the service user is unwilling to accept a different care worker or time, the care will not be undertaken.

Entering and Leaving the Premises

Arrangements for the staff of Leda Homecare Ltd to enter and leave the service user’s home are documented and recorded within the assessment of need and the care plan. Any access codes are kept confidential and shared only with the relevant care workers.

Force Majeure

Leda Homecare Ltd will not be liable for acts of God, (riot, civil commotion, fire, flood, fuel shortages, strikes or labour disturbances and transport disruptions whether involving Leda Homecare Ltd employees or any other party). All reasonable endeavours, in such an event, will be made to provide care workers though this provision of care may be suspended while the interruption continues. Leda Homecare Ltd will not be liable to you for any loss you may have suffered and/or cost you may incur as a result of the interference or interruption.

Copies of this Contract

Signed copies of this contract will be held by the service user or their representative and at the offices of Leda Homecare Ltd



Review Date:


(Leda Homecare Ltd - for self funding/DP service users only)

Regulation 17

1. These terms and conditions are deemed to be accepted by the service user on commencement of the service.

2. Applicable charges are set out in the Scale of Charges applicable at the time of the commencement of the service user and are fully detailed in your Service User Contract.

3. Invoices will be rendered monthly, unless otherwise agreed between the service user and the company, for settlement within 14 days of the date of invoice.

4. Cancellation of scheduled visits are accepted up to 24 hours before due visit. All cancellations must be made to the office or out of hours duty where apropriate.

5. Visits will be charged at full rate(s) where notice period has been exceeded (see above).

6. Mileage, where charged is detailed separately on the invoice. All mileage is calculated using Microsoft software.

7. The company has a minimum visit charge of 30 minutes.

8. All staff employed by the company are selected, recruited and appointed after a robust system of checks which meet national standards are completed.

9. If the service user offers any staff member employed by the company a permanent or temporary position in the employ of themselves a charge of £800 will be payable in lieu of effecting the introduction. This condition applies if staff have visited the service user within the previous 6 months.

10. In the event of hospitalisation, the service user will be charged up to and including the final scheduled visit. In the sad circumstances of a death the same charges apply.

11. The company will only in extreme circumstances withdraw the service and normally will be for the following reasons:

• Serious risk to a member of staff

• Any abuse perpetrated against a member of staff

• A “force majeure” situation as described in the service user contract

• A service user failing to comply with the settlement terms described in point 3

• Any withdrawal will be discussed verbally with the service user and followed by written notice prior to withdrawal of the service.

Leda Homecare Ltd, Carriage Court, Welbeck, Worksop, S80 3LR

Tel: 01909 512550 Email:


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