
Post Titles[Do a search for title on Blog to find a Post or clicking on Title below may take to Post] What Does God Believe About Hell?07-25-21 Why I Got Tired Of Church But Not God!07-18-21 Radical Ideas About God That Can Be A Game Changer!07-11-21 What Beliefs Are Mandatory by God?07-04-21 Is It A Good Thing Certainty About God Is So Damn Uncertain?06-27-21 Should Politics And God Be Mixed?06-20-21 Why Are People Leaving God Or The Christian Faith?06-13-21 Do You Wish To Be Closer To God But Not Happening?06-06-21 Should We Judge A Person By Their Character Or Beliefs In God?05-30-21 Could Our Claims About God Turn People Off? 05-09-21 What To Know About God In A 100 Words!05-03-21 Aren’t We Better Off With A Fallible Than Inspired Bible? 04-26-21 Which View Of God Is Right? 04-12-21 What Reforms Are Necessary In Christianity? 04-05-21 Gays, Women, Hell, Non-Christians – What Does God Really Think?03-29-21 Why Bother To Pray Since Most Prayers Aren’t Answered? 03-22-21 How Does An Invisible God Guide Us? 03-15-21 Is God’s Hiddenness Always A Bad Thing?03-08-21 Why Are Some Into God And Not Others? 03-01-21 Can God Be Whoever The Hell God Wants To Be? In Whose Image? 02-22-21 Is God More Mysterious Or Knowable? 02-15-21 Do We Understand God Through The Bible Or Common Moral Sense? 02-08-21 Should Christians Push Others To Accept God And Their Beliefs? 02-01-21 HYPERLINK "" Was Paul, A Main Writer Of The New Testament, A Bigot Against Women? 01-25-21 Who Believes This About A Loving God Except Because Of A Book? 01-18-21 Isn’t It Best To Consider Not All Of The Bible Is Inspired By God? 01-11-21 Won’t We Screw Up Freedom In Heaven Too? 01-04-20 It Matters If Your God Is Nurturing Or Authoritative!12-28-20 Why Has God Become Bad News? 12-21-20 Good News – God Is Who You Expect!12-15-20 It Is Better To Doubt God Than Be Certain!12-07-20 How Does One Decide What To Believe About God? 11-23-20 How Christians Turn People Away From God!11-09-20 Why I Eventually Left Christianity!11-01-20 Christians Have A Problem – It’s the Bible!10-26-20 Be Careful Using The Bible Against Women!09-27-20 So What God Believes And Has Faith In You!08-31-20 God, What Are You Really Like? 08-24-20 Why Do People Believe In Or Not Believe In God? 08-17-20 God, Must We Always Forgive Those Who Deny Wrongdoing? 08-10-20 God, What Do You Really Believe About The Bible? 07-26-20 God, Do You Have Hope And Faith In Me Like I Do You? So What?07-20-20 How Can We All Get Along? 07-13-20 What Would You Believe About God And Gays If You Didn’t Have A Bible? 07-06-20 What Would You Believe About God And Women If You Didn’t Have A Bible? 06-29-20 Why Am I No Longer A Christian06-22-20 God, Do You Want Us To Fear Or Like You? 06-15-20 Does Godly Leadership Require Certainty About God? 06-08-20 God, Are You Really Good? 06-01-20 So What God Doesn’t Condemn Gays, Doesn’t Treat Women Unequally….05-25-20 God, Do You Punish or Are Our Actions Their Own Punishment? 05-18-20 Why Do People Reject Or Tune Out God? 05-11-20 God, How Do We Know What You Are Really Like? 05-04-20 God, Are You Really As Violent As Claimed In The Old Testament? 04-27-20 God, What Are You Saving Us From Since Hell Doesn’t Exist? 04-20-20 Why Do We Leave The Institutional Church? 04-13-20 Even The Bible Suggests Challenging God What Is Moral!04-06-20 Would I Follow God Even If Turns Out There Is No Afterlife? 03-30-30 Do We Trust A Book (Bible) Or Moral Intuitions? 03-23-20 Which Interpretation Of The Bible On A Subject Is Best?03-16-20 How Does God Or The Holy Spirit Speak To Us?03-09-20 How To Read The Bible Without Losing Faith Or Rationalizing To Others! 03-02-20 Certainty About God Is An Illusion! Now What? 02-24-20 Why Is God So Hidden? 02-17-20 Why Best To Question If The Entire Bible Is Inspired By God?02-10-20 What Claims About God Rightly Cause Unbelief? 02-03-20 How Can We Know God Didn’t Require Jesus’ Death So Could Forgive Us? 01-27-20 Does God Expect Us To Believe Everything In The Bible Like The Flood, Etc.? 01-20-20 What Is The Best Reason To Question If The Entire Bible Inspired By God?01-13-20 Does God Ever Advocate Violence To Stop Evil?01-06-19 For God’s Sake Why Can’t Even Christians Get Along? 12-30-19 Did God Preordain President Trump? 12-23-19 Let’s Be Real – Why Pray?12-16-19 Does God Think Women Should Lead Equally With Men? 12-09-19 Top 10 Things I Wish Others Knew About God12-02-19 We Can Know What God Is Truly Like!11-25-19 Can God Act However The Hell God Wants To Act?11-18-19 How Do We Explain Violence By God In The Bible? 11-11-19 Does The Old Testament Always Convey What God Is Really Like? 11-04-19 Which Laws Does God Hope We Follow In The Bible? 10-28-19 It’s Actions Not Beliefs Stupid!10-21-19 Does It Matter What You Imagine God Is Like? 10-14-19 Are Human Ideas Of Perfection The Same As God’s? 10-07-19 What Are Good Reasons If True To Doubt God? 09-30-19 Reasons We Don’t Believe In God Or Stop Believing 09-23-19 Why I Doubt God Thinks Certainty Is All That Important!09-16-19 The Bible May Be The Main Reasons Christians Are So Judgmental!09-09-19 Why I Doubt God Care What Your Beliefs Are!09-02-19 Why I Doubt God Knows The Future And Why It Matters!08-26-19 Why I Doubt God Controls Evil And Suffering!08-19-19 Why I Doubt God Is A Prayer Genie!08-12-19 Why I Doubt the god Of Extremists Or Terrorists!08-05-19 Why I Doubt God Is A “Hidden Agenda” Proselytizer!07-29-19 Why I Doubt God Is An Angry Egomaniac!07-22-19 Why I Doubt God Is An End-Of-The-World Doomsayer!07-15-19 Why I Doubt God Expects Every Word Of The Bible To Be Viewed As Inspired!07-07-19 Why I Doubt God Is A Blood-Thirsty Child (Jesus) Killer07-01-19 Why I Doubt God Is A Mysterious, Moral Hypocrite!06-24-19 Why I Doubt God Is A Sexist!06-17-19 Why I Doubt God Is A Homophobe!|06-10-19 Why I Doubt Hell Is Real!06-02-19 Why I Doubt Heaven Is Closed To Anyone After Death!05-26-19 Why I Doubt God Is An Excluder Of Religions!05-19-19 Dangers In Not Questioning But Assuming The Bible Is Entirely Inspired By God! II05-12-19 Dangers In Not Questioning But Assuming The Bible Is Entirely Inspired By God! I05-06-19 Why We Must Approach God And The Bible Openly Not Dogmatically – Biblical Examples04-29-19 Why Wouldn’t God Be What You Imagine A Good God Is Like? 04-22-19 Why I Doubt God Is A Moral Hypocrite!04-15-19 What Beliefs Does God Require?04-08-19 Which View Of God Is Best If Reasonable Debate? 04-01-19 How Can We Know What God Is Really Like? 03-25-19 Why Are Christians So Judgmental?03-17-19 The Bible Requires Interpretation – Let’s Be Less Dogmatic!03-10-19 How Do We Know When God Speaks Or Guides Us? 03-04-19 God Is Not A Mystery But Knowable!02-25-19 The Perfect Human Being Is God!02-18-19 Objections To Suggesting The Bible May Not Always Portray God Perfectly!02-10-19 How Can We Stop The Bible From Being A Reason People Reject God? 02-03-19 Read This Book If Feel A Need To Condemn Gays Because Of The Bible!01-28-19 Why Doesn’t God Intervene In Natural Disasters Since Human Freedom Not Involved?01-21-19 What Does The Bible Say God Saves Us From Since Hell Doesn’t Exist? 01-14-19 Certainty May Be The Greatest Sin Of All!01-07-19 Book Review – Where Is God During Suffering? 12-31-18 Book Review – What Are Your Spiritual Gifts?12-23-18 Did Jesus Die Because God Was Pissed And Couldn’t Forgive Us?12-17-18 What Do Christians Want To Avoid Having in Common With Terrorists?12-09-18 Why Might One Condemn Gays Out Of Devotion To God?12-03-18 Why Would One Believe God Thinks Women Can’t Lead Like Men? 11-27-18 How Can Churches Exemplify Unity In A Divided Country?11-20-18 How Can We Know What God Is Like?11-14-18 Is God Uncaring By Not Being More Visible Or Audible? 11-07-18 What Would God Do In Your Situation?11-02-18 Isn’t God Exactly Like The Perfect Human Parent? 10-30-18 Who Should We Vote For If We Vote At All? 10-26-18 If The Bible Isn’t Infallible Or Inspired By God, What Is It?10-19-18 How Can Christians Not Turn Others From God Because Of The Bible?10-05-18 Why Isn’t What’s Wrong In Marriage The Same For Citizens? 09-29-18 Is God Really A Sexist Regarding Women And Spiritual Roles?09-25-18 Did God Really Drown Millions In The Flood?09-17-18 God Does Not Demand Respect! So What? 09-11-18 Does God Really Oppose All Violence And Why It Matters?09-06-18 What News About God May Change Your Mind About God?08-28-18 Why Can’t Even God-Followers Get Along? 08-22-18 If God Exist Why Worth Pursuing A Relationship?08-14-18 ? Rethinking The Bible – We Can’t Know Biblical Writers Understood God Perfectly!08-10-18 ? How Does The Holy Spirit Mentioned In The Bible Guide Us?08-08-18 ??How Know Terrorists And Extremists Don’t Know What God Is Really Like?08-03-18 ??How Can Our Nation Handle Differences Less Chaotically?07-29-18 ??Do We Determine Good From The Bible Or Our Consciences?07-24-18 ? Is God A Warmonger Or A Pacifist?07-19-18 ??What Is Most Critical Solving Our Nation’s Differences?07-16-18 ? What Do You Get When Mixing Politics And Religion?07-11-18 ? Did God Really Inspire All Of The Bible?07-08-18 ? Dear President Trump07-05-18 ? What God May Really Be Like!06-30-18 ??Is God Mysteriously Immoral Or Morally Perfect Humanly-Speaking?06-25-18 ? Who Gets To Say What Is Right Or Wrong?06-23-18 ??If God Hated Animal Sacrifice, What About Jesus Supposedly Having To Shed Blood On The Cross? 06-20-18 ? Are We Better Off With A Fallible Than Infallible Bible?06-15-18 ? Why Our Views Of Female Roles According To The Bible Matter?06-11-18 ? Is The Flood And Genesis Literal Or What Was The Writer’s Point?06-07-18 ??Why Doesn’t God Prove Themselves If Real?06-03-18 ??A Fallible As Opposed To Infallible Bible Isn’t Problematic05-29-18 ? Hell No!05-27-18 ? Isn’t Uncertainty About God Less Chaotic Than Certainty?05-24-18 ? Pope Francis On How A Good God And Suffering Can Possibly Co-Exist05-21-18 ? Would God Forgive If Jesus Wasn’t Murdered?05-16-18 ? How Can We Read The Bible If Not Infallible?05-14-18 ? What Are Dangers In Assuming The Bible Infallible?05-10-18 ? Is Uncertainty Worse Than Certainty Since The Bible Isn’t Infallible?05-07-18 ? Why Doesn’t God Communicate Clearer If The Bible Isn’t Infallible?05-04-18 ? How Can We Know God If The Bible Isn’t Infallible?05-02-18 ??How Would God Provide An Infallible Book Anyway?04-29-18 ? Questions If The Bible Isn’t Infallible Or Every Word Isn’t Inspired By God?04-25-18 ??Why Can’t What Works For Marriage Work For A Nation?04-22-18 ??How Can We Read The Bible If Not Infallible?04-18-18 ??Is Certainty About God All Good And Uncertainty About God All Bad?04-15-18 ? If The Bible Can Be Misunderstood, What Isn’t God More Direct?04-13-18 ? How Can We Know God If An Infallible Book About God Doesn’t Exist?04-11-18 ? Why Assumptions About The Bible’s Infallibility Matter?04-08-18 ? Was the Bible Written For Specific Solutions To Problems?04-05-18 ? How Must We Handle Our Political And Relational Differences?04-01-18 ??Is God A Blood-Thirsty Child Killer?03-28-18 ??If God Didn’t Inspire The Bible, What Was God’s Role?03-25-18 ??Open Letter – Parents Who Worry Their Child Isn’t Going To Heaven Because Of Beliefs03-20-18 ? How Can Good People Avoid Misrepresenting God?03-17-18 ??We Can’t Know What God Is Like For Certain – Is That So Bad?03-14-18 ??Open Letter To God-Followers Who Believe Gays Are Immoral?03-11-18 ? Concluding Remarks About God And Women03-09-18 ??How Have So Many Possibly Gotten The Bible And God Wrong About Women?03-07-18 ? How Can We Know What God Thinks If Not The Bible?03-04-18 ? Does The Bible Definitely Say God Thinks Roles Are Based On Gender Than Gifts?03-02-18 ? Does Jesus Speak To Christians?02-28-18 ? Can We Determine God’s Views On Women According To The Bible?02-26-18 ??What Problems Arise If Roles According To Gender Than Gifts?02-22-18 ??Why Matters What Men Think A Woman’s Role Is?02-20-18 ? Why Matters What God Thinks A Woman’s Role Is?02-16-18 ??What Is God’s Greatest Desire For You?02-14-18 ??Being Your Valentine’s Valentine!02-10-18 ? Is Church Always The Best Place To Grow Spiritually?02-07-18 ? Why Wouldn’t God Give Second Chances After Death?02-04-18 ? Can There Be Justice If God Gives Second Chances02-02-18 ? Does God Demand Admiration And Obedience Or We Can Go To Hell?01-25-18 ? Hell Can’t Exist If God Is Moral01-22-17 ? Will We Be A Bystander Or Hero?01-17-18 ? Do Thoughts On Justice Hint Of A Need For God?01-12-18 ? Q & A – What If Bible Not Infallible Or Misrepresents God At Times?01-02-18 ? How To Decide Which Issues To Die On A Hill For?12-28-17 ? Is God’s Lack Of Directness And Invisibility Out Of Compassion?12-23-17 ??Why Might Be The Greatest Mistake Good People Make?12-19-17 ??What Is Meant That God Inspired The Bible?12-15-17 ? Why Does It Matter If God Is Morally Perfect Humanly-Speaking?12-11-17 ??How Can We Know Our Thoughts Or Feelings Are From God?12-07-17 ??What Is At Least One Action By Bible-Believers To Deter Terrorism?12-02-17 ??Why Might People Not Have A Relationship With God Though Wanna?11-28-17 ??What Is God’s Main Way Of Communicating To Us?11-22-17 ? What To Do When Our Morality Clashes With Others?11-19-17 ??Were All Old Testament Laws, Including The Crazy Ones, God’s Idea?11-14-17 ? Did God Really Desire Animal Sacrifices?11-09-17 ? Are There Plausible Caring Reasons Why God Doesn’t Communicate More Directly?11-02-17 ??What If Biblical Writers Didn’t Always Have Perfect Impressions Of God?10-28-17 ? What Are Dangers In Misunderstanding Violence Contributed To God In The Bible?10-23-17 ? Would It Matter If You Knew God Was Morally Perfect?10-16-17 ? We Can’t Use The Bible To Suggest A Caring God Condemns Homosexuality!10-13-17 ? How To Understand Evil Portrayals Of God In The Bible Rather Than Rationalizing?10-08-17 ?Can We Make Sense Of The Bible If Not Infallible Or Has False Portrayals Of God10-06-17 ? Reasons You Don’t Feel Close To God Though Wanting To?10-01-17 ? Steps Toward Undividing Our Nation09-26-17 ? How Can A Divided Nation Unite More09-24-17 ? The Danger In Not Reinterpreting Violence In The Bible And How To View?09-20-17 ? It Can Be Freeing To Know How God Communicate To Us!09-15-17 ? How We Know There Is No Hell And Hope Of Heaven For Loved Ones!09-08-17 ? How We Know A Good God Is Not A Bigot Toward Females!09-04-17 ? How We Know A Good God Is Not A Bigot Toward Gays!08-31-17 ? What Is God Really Like?08-27-17 ? How Can We Know What God Is Really Like?08-23-17 ? Why Does It Matter What You Think God Is Really Like?08-10-17 ? Rethinking God And Punishment!08-03-17 ? How Do We Make Sense of Crazy OT Laws In The Bible And God’s Supposed Approval??07-27-17 ? God, Must We Forgive Those Who Admit No Wrongdoing?07-20-17 ? How Can We Understand The Bible When God Is Portrayed As Immoral?07-13-17??If Jesus Didn’t Die To Save Us From A Non-Existent Hell, What Did Jesus Save Us From?07-08-17?? How Do We Handle Opposing Views of God With Others?07-03-17?? What Hinders You From Being More Spiritually Focused?06-29-17?? Why Is Discussion About God And Spirituality So Important?06-25-17?? Rethinking If God Is Evil By Being Uncontrolling!06-22-17?? Rethinking If God Is A Doomsayer Out To Destroy The World!06-16-17?? Rethinking If God Is A Genie When We Pray!06-06-17?? Rethinking If God Is A Church-Going, Traditionalist!05-28-17?? Rethinking If God Is A Blood-Thirsty Child Killer Via The Cross!05-21-17?? Rethinking If God Is A Bible Worshipper!05-15-17?? Rethinking If God Demands We Convert Others!05-11-17?? Rethinking If God Is A Religious Extremist!05-07-17?? Rethinking If God Is?Hidden Or Knowable!05-02-17?? Rethinking If God Opens Heaven To All!04-28-17?? Rethinking If God Is A Hellish, Sadistic Torturer!04-24-17?? Rethinking If God Is A Homophobe!04-20-17?? Rethinking If God Is A Sexist!04-17-17?? Rethinking If God Is Mysteriously Immoral Or Morally Perfect!04-13-17?? Rethinking If God Is An Angry, Egomaniac!04-09-17?? Rethinking If God Is Dogmatic About Beliefs!04-05-17?? Rethinking?If God Is Dogmatic About Spirituality!04-03-17?? Time To Rethink God – God May Not Be Your Problem In Pursuing Spirituality More!03-29-17?? How Can One Not Gay View Gay Love?03-27-17?? What If God Was Inspiring Not Compulsory?03-23-17?? What If Our World Looked For Truth In All Faiths?03-19-17?? What If Our World Disagreed Respectfully?03-16-17?? My Journey – Is The Bible Infallible Or Human?03-11-17?? Benefits Of Being A God-Follower Emotionally?03-05-17?? Please Don’t Reject A Gay Child In God’s Name!03-03-17?? It’s Ok If The Bible Isn’t Infallible!02-26-17?? What Is The Ideal Parent? Is God?02-21-17?? What Is A Relationship With God On A Feeling Level?02-17-17?? The Biggest Angsts Being A God-Follower – No More!02-15-17?? How Can We Know What Is “Truth”?02-10-17?? How Can A Good God Command The Flood And Other Atrocities?02-07-17?? Is God A Pacifist?02-05-17?? What If God In The Bible Condones Immorality?02-01-17?? Does The Bible Say God Causes Us To Do Evil By Hardening Our Hearts?01-30-17?? What Can God Do For Me?01-27-17?? How The Heck Does Prayer Work?01-24-17?? Why Wouldn’t God Give Second Chances After Death?01-20-17?? Maybe God Does Communicate Clearly!01-16-17?? What’s Required To Believe In God Or Have A Relationship?01-12-17?? What Is The #1 Myth About God?01-09-17?? Can We Know What God Is Really Like?01-06-17?? The Bible May Defend What You Believe Must Be True About God?01-04-17?? Trust Your Gut Or Others About God?01-02-17?? God-Followers Don’t Have To Be Awkward Or Defensive Talking About God!12-29-16?? Do You Believe God Is Really Relevant?12-26-16?? Jesus – Real Or Myth?12-23-16?? What If God Doesn’t Know The Future?12-19-16?? The Crucifixion Isn’t Just About Blood And Anger!12-16-16?? Trust Our Heart Or Others When Reading The Bible?12-13-16?? Is There Any Excuse For Not Being Spiritual?12-10-16?? Why Would God Bring About The Bible Due To Misuse?12-06-16?? Was Jesus Real Or A Legend?12-03-16?? What Is God Saving Us From If Not Hell?11-30-16?? Does God Accept Us Despite Our Doubts?11-28-16?? Does The Natural World Condemn Unbelief In God?11-23-16?? God Doesn’t Judge Only On Beliefs!11-17-16?? The God Of The Bible Doesn’t Condemn Homosexual Love!11-15-16?? How Do You Describe A Relationship With An Invisible God?11-11-16?? What Does God Really Say About Getting Eternal Life?11-07-16?? God, Some Evils Serves Absolutely No Good Purpose But Do More Harm?11-06-16?? Does God Control Everything? Is There Really A Reason For Everything?11-03-16?? Can We Stop Using The Word “Sinner” For All!11-01-16?? What Is The #1 Advantage Of Being A Spiritual Person?10-30-16?? Certain Explanations Of Jesus’ Death Don’t Impact Our Relationship With God!10-27-16?? What Is The Bible Referring To With The Word Hell?10-24-16?? How Does God Guide Us In Decisions?10-21-16?? Which Flawed Candidate – Trump Or Clinton?10-19-16?? What Is The #1 Reason People Avoid Spiritual Discussions?10-17-16?? Getting To Heaven Doesn’t Depend On What Others Say You Must Believe!10-15-16?? God, Why Not Communicate Clearly To Unite More In Understanding You?10-13-16?? Does God Really Suggest Letting Enemies Or Betrayers Continue to Abuse Us?10-10-16?? Being A God-Follower Doesn’t Have To Be Awkward For You Or Others!10-07-16?? What Is The Greatest Benefit In Being A Spiritual Person?10-04-16?? Why It Matters That God Doesn’t Know The Future?09-30-16?? Isn’t True Religion Being Non-Religious?09-28-16?? How Can I “Easily” Become More The Person I Want To Be?09-26-16?? Black And Police Lives Matter!09-23-16?? What Harm Is There In Demanding Certainty?09-19-16?? Does God Communicate Clearly Enough?09-15-16?? Is Every Word Of The Bible Inspired By God?09-11-16?? Do I Really Have To Thank God For The Bad Shit?09-08-16?? How Can The Religious Hurt True Religion?09-05-16?? What Might Be Grave Consequences Of A Tyrant View Of God?09-02-16?? September 2016 – Reflections On August Posts08-31-16?? Why Getting Into Heaven Doesn’t Depend on Certain Beliefs?08-27-16?? What Can Beginnings In Genesis Teach Us Whether Literal Or Not?08-25-16?? Is The Bible Useless If Has Errors?08-22-16?? What Beliefs Killing God’s Reputation Might Change Your View Of God?08-19-16?? What Is God Like And How Can We Know?08-15-16?? What Might God’s Justice Look Like After Death?08-12-16?? Is Your View Of God Working For You?08-07-16?? There Is Hope For God’s Grace After Death For Our Loved Ones!08-02-16?? Why Is There Hope For God’s Grace Beyond The Grave?07-28-16?? Is Your Understanding Of God Determining Your Attitude Toward God? What If…07-24-16?? Really Good News About God And Repentance When We Keep Failing!07-22-16?? Can We Know What God Is Really Like As Understandings Form Attitudes?07-20-16?? Should I Read The Bible? – Depends!07-18-16?? Are Certain Supposed “Truths” More Important Than Love?07-13-16?? Why Don’t I Insist On Certain Beliefs To Pursue God Or Spirituality?07-10-16?? What Do We Tell Others God Believes – Gender Roles For Example?07-07-16?? What Is All God Really Cares About?07-04-16?? What Is The Main Reason We Know God Isn’t A Religious Extremist Or Terrorist?06-29-16?? Can We Stop Saying “Love The Sinner; Hate The Sin” To Gay People!06-26-16?? Should We Really Pray For Miracles?06-19-16?? How An Undetermined Future In God’s Mind Can Be Freeing?06-15-16?? Why Bother Since Prayer Doesn’t Really Work?06-13-16?? Why Is Human Reasoning (Brain) Important To Understand God And The Bible?06-09-16?? How Does An Invisible God Talk To Humans?06-06-16?? What If God Is A Lie Or Delusion?06-03-16?? What Is The Only Thing God Is Dogmatic About?05-31-16?? Does God Accept Those Who Doubt The Resurrection Or Even God’s Existence?05-28-16?? Does God “Love And Cherish” More For Richer Or Poorer?05-26-16?? Can We Only Think Of Spirituality in God-Terms And Why It Matters?05-24-16?? Why Isn’t God More Obvious And Less Invisible?05-21-16?? Why Aren’t People More Spiritually Focused?05-19-16?? What Is Being Spiritual And Are You?05-13-16?? Do Some Old Testament Laws Prove God Is Inhumane?05-10-16?? Are The Ten Commandments Written In Stone Such As Honoring Parents?05-07-16?? So What If The Bible Has Errors!05-05-16?? What Kind Of God Kills Firstborns (Passover) And Then Celebrates The Occasion?05-01-16?? Is The Cross About God’s Or Our Conscience?04-28-16?? Is God A Homophobe?04-27-16?? Is God A Child Killer In The Story Of Abraham And Isaac?04-25-16?? Can Words Such As “By The Grace Of God” Be Offensive?04-21-16?? Why Might It Be A Good Idea To Conceal Our Good Deeds?04-19-16?? What Does The Most Popular Verse In Bible Really Mean?04-15-16???What Are Some Ways To Combat Terrorism And Extremism?04-14-16?? How Can One Read The Bible Without Being Totally Frustrated?04-12-16?? What Is The Greatest Sin Of All In God’s Eyes?04-09-16?? Why Does God Oppose One Christian Nation?04-07-16?? What Can A Friendship With An Invisible God Be Like?04-05-16?? Did Jesus Want To Mystify Others By Talking in Parables?04-02-16?? Why The Heck Did God Initiate A Relationship With A Bunch Of Laws?03-30-16?? Are We Better Off Without The Bible?03-27-16?? Why Wasn’t Jesus Simply Ignored?03-26-16?? “WHY GOD” Can’t You Control All This Madness?03-23-16?? What Is The Main Difference Between Holy Wars Today And Old Testament Wars?03-21-16?? Is There Any Justification For God’s Warrior Behavior?03-18-16?? What If God Isn’t A Misogynistic, Blood Thirsty, Homophobic Kind Of God?03-16-16?? Do We Always Forgive The Guilty Though They Deny Wrongdoing?03-14-16?? What’s One Assumption Hurting God’s Reputation The Most?03-12-16?? What’s The Problem With Claiming Spiritual Certainty?03-11-16?? Who Is Spiritual And How Can We Encourage More Spirituality?03-10-16?? Are God’s Morals Ours Or Can God Do Whatever The Hell God Wants?03-09-16?? Why Do Religions Such As Christianity Need To Get Out Of The Conversion Business?03-08-16?? Can One Be Spiritual But Not Religious?03-07-16?? Why Do Non-Religious Spiritual People Avoid Spiritual Discussions?03-04-16?? Why Must We Have A Spiritual Focus?03-02-16?? Why Would A Loving God Approve Of Animal Sacrifice?02-28-16?? Did Jesus Die For His Beliefs Or Because of God’s Wrath?02-26-16?? Reading The Bible For Today – Turning The Other Cheek02-22-16?? What May Be The Main Reason Religion Is Not Having A Greater Impact?02-19-16?? What Do Sinners Have To Offer Others About God?02-15-16?? Does God Have Any Sacred Beliefs Other Than…?02-11-16?? Should We Be Wary Of Forcing Certain Traditions Or Customs?02-09-16?? Can Reading The Bible Be Simple And Worthwhile?02-05-16?? Can We Make Any Sense Of The “Law” In The Bible?02-04-16?? Did Jesus Oppose Divorce?02-02-16?? Does God Get Pissed When We Mess Up?02-01-16?? Does God Really Care About Their Ego?01-28-16?? Does A Focus On God’s Love Than Anger Cause More Wrongdoing?01-27-16?? Did Jesus Lay Down His Life To Appease God Or Convince Us?01-24-16?? How Can Heaven Be A Happy Place With Regrets?01-22-16?? What Did Jesus Really Come To Save Us From?01-20-16?? What Does God Really Hope For From Us?01-17-16?? What Did Jesus Really Say About Heaven And Eternal Life?01-15-16?? What Are Nonsensical Explanations When Defending God’s Actions?01-13-16?? Did Jesus Say Love Or Hate Your Family?01-12-16?? Did Jesus Teach Self-Abuse By Turning Other Check Or Loving Your Enemies?01-11-16?? Did Jesus Really Threaten Others With Hell?01-09-16?? Are We Better Off If The Bible Was Less Confusing?01-08-16?? Are Their Plausible Reasons Why God Seems So Hidden or Distant?01-05-16?? Why Is Freedom Of Beliefs So Important In Religion?01-03-16?? Why Do Some Pursue God And Others Don’t While On Earth?01-02-16?? How Should God-Folks Share Their Beliefs?01-01-16?? How Can We Know God’s Voice If Not Audible?12-28-15?? Are We Better Off With Or Without Churches?12-26-15?? Questions One Might Ask About Heaven, Hell, And The Afterlife12-26-15?? Does It Matter If There Is Heavenly Freedom?12-24-15?? Are There Consequences If We Don’t Speculate About Heaven?12-21-15?? Why Atheists And Unspiritual Folks May Be In Heaven?12-21-15?? What Might A Christian Extremist Believe?12-20-15?? What May Happen After We Die?12-19-15?? Can We Understand Prayer And Avoid Disappointments?12-17-15?? Why Didn’t God Make The Bible Less Confusing?12-15-15?? Does God Really Allow Freedom Of Beliefs Unlike Extremists?12-14-15?? What I Wish Others Might Consider Are True About God?12-13-15?? Why Does God Hide From Us Physically Or Not Be More Obvious?12-09-15?? Are There Rational Answers To Why God Allows So Much Suffering?12-07-15?? Does God Desire Friendship Or Demand Obedience Like Terrorists?12-05-15?? Why Did God Create Freedom Since Leads To So Much Suffering?11-29-15?? Did Jesus And Should God-Folks Have A Spiritual Agenda With Friends?11-26-15?? If There Life After Death?11-24-15?? What Did Jesus Really Come To Say And Do?11-18-15?? Does The Bible Reveal God Or The Writers Are Sexists?11-15-15?? Are God Actions In The Bible The Same As Jihadists Or Extreme Islamists?11-14-15?? What is Awkward Spiritual Language?11-09-15?? Why Does It Matter What You Think God Is Really Like?11-01-15?? Does God Believe In Freedom Of Belief Or Ethnic Cleansing?10-27-15?? Does God Condone Horrible Actions Toward Our Enemies According To The Psalms?10-24-15?? Does It Matter Christians Are Hypocrites?10-18-15?? How The Hell Do You Get In Heaven – Will We Be With All Our Loved Ones?10-07-15?? Is God Immoral?When Hardening Hearts?10-4-15???? Is God Immoral For Condoning Slavery In The Bible?10-02-15?? Does Our View Of Suffering Matter?09-20-15?? How Does God Seek To Change The World?09-06-15?? What Are Unhelpful Excuses We Make For God?08-30-15?? Did God Approve of Child Sacrifice Like The Other gods With Abraham?08-23-15?? Does God Control When We Die And Does It Matter?08-12-15?? If God Truly Exist Why Does God Seem So Hidden?08-09-15?? Why Didn’t God Create Heaven On Earth In The Beginning?08-01-15?? Did God Really Create Evil? – A Book Review05-24-15?? Does Everything Really Happen For A Reason?05-07-15?? Does God Think We Are All Wretched?04-25-15?? What Did Jesus Mean “Love Our Enemies?”04-04-15?? What Is The Big Deal About Easter?03-31-15?? How Do We Discuss God With Others According To Jesus?03-28-15?? Hell Is A Myth!03-15-15?? Are Some Christian Beliefs Similar To Religious Extremist Beliefs?02-28-15? What Are Reasons For Prayer Frustration?02-25-15??Why Is It Important To Believe Jesus Died For Relational Than Legal Reasons?02-21-15?? How Can We Have A Better Prayer Life?01-25-15?? Why Is It Important To Believe God Is Not A Mystery?01-09-15?? Why Is It Important To Know God Is An Unconditional Lover?01-03-15?? Have The End-Time Already Happened According To The Bible?12-27-14?? Can We Make Any Sense Out Of Suffering?12-14-14?? Are Only Christians Loved By God And Go To Heaven?12-07-14? Should We Be In Awe Of God?11-28-14? Can The Bible Be Divinely Inspired If Teaches…?11-22-14? What Is Church In The Bible And Why I Stopped Going?11-21-14?? Is The Bible We Have Possibly Inspired By God?11-15-14?? Did Jesus And Should We Have An Agenda With People?10-15-14? What Is The Most Important Thing?10-15-14? What Does The Bible Really Say About Heaven And Life After Death?10-10-14? How Do We Really Receive Eternal Life Or Immortality?08-28-14?Is The Bible Really Needed If God Is In Our Hearts?08-10-14? What Really Is The Simple But Elegant Gospel?07-20-14? Should We Tell Others About God The Way Jesus Did?06-29-14? Doesn’t The Bible Answer The Problem Of Evil?06-14-14? Isn’t Christianity Better Off Without Denominations?05-25-14? Don’t We Know What God Is Like Because Made In God’s Image?05-03-14? Does God’s Unconditional Love Or Anger Really Change The World?04-26-14? Is God Immoral Or Hypocritical In The Old Testament?03-02-14? Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Of An Influence?02-01-14? Doesn’t Shit Just Happen In a Free World?01-18-14??Isn’t Parenting Pursuing Intimacy By Not Pissing Children Off?01-05-14? Does It Matter How We Define God’s Sovereignty?12-29-13? Is God A One-Sided Or Mutual Submission Kind of God?12-26-13? Isn’t Inherited Depravity And Calvinism Utter Depravity?12-21-13? A Brief Explanation To God, Evil, And Suffering – Does God Really Care?12-10-13??Isn’t The Bible And Human Reasoning Important In Understanding God?11-24-13? Why Isn’t Christianity Having More Of An Impact?11-02-13? What Is Grace?Better Than The Law?10-29-13? Doesn’t Job Give Some?Answers To Suffering?10-02-13? When Are The Bible And Theology Dangerous?09-22-13? Was God Immoral To Destroy Entire Cities Including Innocent Women And Children?09-14-13? Does A Legalistic View Of The Cross Undermine God’s?Love?09-10-13? How Do We Discuss God With Others?09-04-13? Does God Want Us To Love Or?Fear?God?08-24-13? Does God Really Hate Esau But Love Jacob?08-11-13? Is God Rational Humanly Speaking?07-30-13 Is God Infatuated With Self-Glory?07-04-13 How Much Does God Really Love Us?06-09-13 Are Christian Beliefs Our Worst Enemy?05-17-13?Does God Really Care?05-04-13 Why Did Jesus Die On?The Cross?05-04-13 Is The Cross About God’s Anger Or Love?04-27-13 Does Job Say Suffering Is Unexplainable?04-07-13 Is God A Mystery According To?The Bible?03-18-13 Is God A Universalist?02-09-13 Why is Sharing God With Others So Hard?01-16-13 Hell? NO!12-16-12 Do Our Beliefs About God Matter?11-04-12 Can We Know God’s Will?10-05-12 Is God Understandable Or A Mystery?09-25-12 How Can Praying Really Work?09-24-12 Is It Coincidental Or God?07-14-12 Does God Control The Day We Die?07-14-12 How Do We Love Our Enemies?07-02-12 How Does God Interfere With Suffering?05-28-12 Is Our Answer To Suffering Helping?04-29-12 Is There A Time To Not Forgive?03-03-12 How Does God Really Bless Us?02-12-12 Is God Controlling Or In Control?01-21-12 Why Did God Really Come In The Flesh?12-26-11 Whose Convictions Live By If Disagree?11-29-11 Why Did God Create And Allow Freedom?11-20-11 Is God Obsessed With Himself?11-06-11 How Can One Live More Purposefully?10-14-11 Is God More Human Than You Think?10-14-11 What Is Being In The Image Of God?10-02-11 Does God Have A Perfect Will For Our Life?09-11-11 Can Any Good Come From A Catastrophe?09-04-11 What Kind Of Parent Is God In Hard Times?08-10-11 Is There A Quota On God’s Grace?08-04-11 Relationships – Fear Or Loved Based?07-22-11 An Answer To God, Evil And Suffering?07-16-11 Must We Obey To Be Loved By God?07-02-11 Must We Believe In Absolutes?06-02-11 Can We Ask God For Anything And Get It?05-23-11 How Does God Bless Us?04-01-11 Does God Whisper To Us?03-15-11 Gender Roles – Mutual Submission?02-14-11 Happy Valentine’s Day!12-28-10 Why Does God Allow Personal Tragedies?11-21-10 Is Forgiveness Unconditional?10-24-10 Why Did Jesus Really Die On The Cross?10-21-10 God, Why So Much Suffering?10-16-10 God – Explainable or Incomprehensible?08-28-10 Biking With God!06-13-10 Fearing God Is For Babies And Evil Folks!03-16-10 What Is A Relationship With God Like?02-13-10 Why Doesn’t God Stop Natural Disasters?01-31-10 Why Doesn’t God Stop Evils Such As The Holocaust?01-16-10 Why Such Sacrificial Rituals In The OT?12-25-09 Jesus’ Letter About Christmas12-12-09 Does God Give Us More Than We Can Handle?11-13-09 Husband – Leader Or Servant?10-07-09 Does God Promise Us Our Every Need?09-12-09 What Is God Really Like?08-29-09 Does God Promise Health Or Richness?07-18-09 Must We Always Forgive?06-21-09 Being A Dad06-20-09 If God Knew About Evil, Why Create?06-02-09 Did God Know Adam And Eve Were Going To Sin?04-19-09 Is God Secretive About His Will For Us?04-04-09 Why Isn’t God More Audible Or Visible?03-05-09 What If There Isn’t A God and The Bible Is Fiction?02-14-09 Is Marriage Complicated Or Just Hard To Do?01-17-09 Through What Lens Do You View God?12-28-08 HELL!12-24-08 Prayer – Why Bother?12-13-08 Why If There Is A God Is There Evil?11-24-08 Our New President and Politics11-23-08 The Meaning of Life – Who Cares?? ................

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