School: Subject:Teacher:Lesson PlanDate(s):Paxon SASYearbook/ JournalismC. Benton9/6-9/9-458481854232PRE-PLANNING00PRE-PLANNINGBENCHMARK:Write narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique Produce clear and coherent writing in which the development, organization, and style are appropriate to task, purpose, and audienceDetermine two or more themes or central ideas of a text and analyze their development over the course of the text.OBJECTIVE /LEARNING OUTCOMES:Students will be able to understand and apply journalism jargon Students will be able to write engaging copy.Student will be able to identify the main purpose in a piece of text.ESSENTIAL QUESTION:How can specific words or phrases be used to engage our audience?HIGHER ORDER QUESTIONS (3 – 5:)How can we use specific words or phrases in our writing to engage the reader?What is the importance of increasing vocabulary acquisition?When thinking about libel, how could portraying the wrong message from a subject interview be problematic?What are some key elements that make the journalistic writing style different from writing in Language Arts?ASSESSMENT: Journalism EOC pretestSix Word MemoirsPhotography Framing Activity Group engagementIndividual input in class discussion-4425953757295REINFORCEMENT00REINFORCEMENT-7337412122125LESSON CYCLELESSON CYCLEBELL RINGER ( 10 min ) or FOCUS LESSON (30 min)VocabularyMaterials:Student Notebooks, Yearbook WorkbooksDirections:Turn to page 157 in your workbook and copy down 10 vocabulary words. Then make a photo map of 9 of the words by folding a sheet of paper into 3rds or by drawing a 3 x 3 chart on a sheet of paper. Now, draw 1 picture in each box that represents the words on your list. Make sure to label the boxes with the word that picture represents. Board Example:ApertureStudent Example: TBDStudent: Works silently and independently in notebook to complete assignment.Teacher: Takes attendance and then circulates to monitor student work,CHAMPSIndependent WorkTIMEApproximately10minBR30minINTRODUCTION Materials:White boardDirections:Once prompted, begin to engage as teacher directs.Board Example:Common Board ConfigurationStudent Example: NoneStudent: Sits quietly and attentively with nothing in their hands.Teacher: Introduces herself and reviews the common board configuration and then invites students to share their entry activity (Read to 3, then read to me OR teacher picks 3 students to share out to the class).CHAMPSIW5 – 10 min MODELING “I DO”Favorite Dessert Writing ActivityMaterials:Herff Jones Skill Set Card, ProjectorDirections:On your own, write solidly for two minutes about your favorite dessert. You will then be given a partner with whom you will swap papers. Read their work silently. Now, write at the top of their paper what you think the story is about. Sign your name.Board Example:There isn’t too many things better than the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven. It’s such a comforting smell. The aroma brings back the good ole days spent hanging around the kitchen sneaking cookie dough from the mixer when my mom wasn’t paying attention. Don’t act like you’ve never done it! These are by far the best dairy free, gluten free, flour free, low sugar, paleo, and healthy cookies I have ever had. I won’t be making chocolate chip cookies any other way from now on unless it’s for a special event. Sometimes eating 3 or 4 rich chocolate chips cookies can leave me feeling a tad guilty and groggy the rest of the day. I’m only human! Especially before bed! That’s when my biggest sweet tooth starts a war. I downed about three of these last night and two this morning! They are guiltless. There is no dairy, grains, or processed sugar to make you feel bloated and full.Student Example: TBDStudent: Sits quietly and attentively while listening to teacher instruction.Teacher: Reviews activity and expectations and then answers any questions.CHAMPSTD10 – 15minGUIDED PRACTICE “WE DO”Editor Application Discussion ProcessMaterials:Completed Staff ApplicationsDirections:Meet with the editor who has chosen you to be his or her staff member to discuss your role, next steps, etc. You may also continue to draft questions for the student questionnaire that goes along with the section of the book you will be working under.Board ExampleNoneStudent Example: NoneStudent: Take notes on what their role will entail and who they will be working with for the yearbook. Teacher: Circulates to answer questions and direct.CHAMPSCW15 – 25 minINDEPENDENT PRACTICE “YOU DO”Favorite Dessert Writing ActivityMaterials:Herff Jones Skill Set Card, ProjectorDirections: On your own, write solidly for two minutes about your favorite dessert. You will then be given a partner with whom you will swap papers. Read their work silently. Now, write at the top of their paper what you think the story is about. Sign your name.Board Example:There isn’t too many things better than the smell of chocolate chip cookies baking in the oven. It’s such a comforting smell. The aroma brings back the good ole days spent hanging around the kitchen sneaking cookie dough from the mixer when my mom wasn’t paying attention. Don’t act like you’ve never done it! These are by far the best dairy free, gluten free, flour free, low sugar, paleo, and healthy cookies I have ever had. I won’t be making chocolate chip cookies any other way from now on unless it’s for a special event. Sometimes eating 3 or 4 rich chocolate chips cookies can leave me feeling a tad guilty and groggy the rest of the day. I’m only human! Especially before bed! That’s when my biggest sweet tooth starts a war. I downed about three of these last night and two this morning! They are guiltless. There is no dairy, grains, or processed sugar to make you feel bloated and full.Student Example: From classes as they submit workStudent: Works independently to write draft and then waits for teaching prompt to pair and switch.Teacher: Circulates to redirect, repeat and scaffold. CHAMPSIW15 – 25 minHOME LEARNING:Bring in any extra credit items of your choice. Review notes on your specific staff position and bring in 3 questions for your editor. ................

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