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You're about to discover 77 Powerful Ways to make women want you more along with some of the most common situations men face in dating and how to handle them like a pro.

Now, the title of this book should really be something like: How to Make a Woman Who Already Wants You At Least a Little Bit or Who is Already At Least Open to You Want You More and How to Not Screw it Up With Her... because you actually CAN'T make a woman want you if she's not at least open to you to begin with (not sure if that title would be as good for marketing though haha)...


1. You're probably not aware of all the women who ARE interested in you or at least open to you.

I'm willing to bet that the number of women who are at least open to you is A LOT higher than you think. This is a HUGE part of improving your success with women: Simply understanding when a woman does like you, being ready for it, and not ruining it...

This book will help you do just that.

2. The reason you aren't getting exactly what you want when it comes to dating is simply that you're making some mistakes.

So, eliminating mistakes is just as important as actively doing the right things when it comes to dating success.

77 Ways to Make Her WANT YOU


Listen, you probably want to date more, better-looking, and/or higher-quality women than you are now or you probably want to deepen the attraction you have with women you're already dating if you bought this book...

And, the more beautiful and high-quality a woman is, the more OPTIONS she has...

So what does that mean for you?

It means that even if she likes you to begin with, an attractive woman will tolerate fewer mistakes than a woman who isn't as good-looking or who doesn't have as good of a personality because she has more options.

And that means that if you want to date better-looking, higherquality women, you simply have to eliminate more mistakes.

Your current level of success with women is equal to the number of mistakes the level of woman you're currently getting will tolerate.

So, with every mistake you eliminate, you can date "higherlevel" women or keep the women you're currently dating around longer.

And, this book will give you 77 ways to eliminate mistakes so you can do just that.

Now, you probably already do a lot of the things in this book correctly; this book will just help you fill in the missing pieces so you can eliminate any "holes" in your "game" that are currently stopping you from enjoying more dating success.

77 Ways to Make Her WANT YOU


If you CONSISTENTLY APPLY the 77 Ways to make women want you that you're about to discover, you will be successful with women.

With every way you correctly and consistently apply, your success improves.

If you apply all 77 ways correctly with a woman who is interested in you or at least open to you, you'll have the best possible chance with her.

And, not only does eliminating mistakes make you more successful, knowing EXACTLY what to do makes you more confident as well. When you know what to expect and what to do at all times, you're able to relax and be your most confident self.

So, this book will give you a higher level of self-confidence in addition to helping you eliminate mistakes. And, of course, that CONFIDENCE also makes women want you. =)

Now, if you've seen some of these principles before, that's a GOOD THING. It means that you've probably been around here with us for a while and you're already well on your way to dating success...As you read, you'll reinforce the most important things you've already learned about women and dating and you'll gain a few more really important new pieces of your "game" that you're currently missing that will take your success to the next level.

And remember, most guys haven't seen ANY of these concepts before.

Also, if you notice that an idea is repeated, it's ON PURPOSE.

If you see that some of the ways overlap with each other, it's BY DESIGN.

77 Ways to Make Her WANT YOU


Every single word in this book was carefully chosen.

I pulled the most powerful concepts, understandings, and practical tools I know into this book for you and specifically designed it to allow successful dating principles to embed themselves deeper and deeper into your subconscious mind as you keep reading so that you'll start behaving in an attractive way automatically and naturally by the time you're finished...

And then, when the principles sink in at a deep enough level, you'll start making your own ways and expanding on what you find here. That's where we want to end up.

So, I recommend that you go through the entire book from cover to cover once FIRST so everything really starts to sink in...

Then, go back to the 5-10 ways that stood out to you the most and go REALLY DEEP with them. Take some notes, go out and TRY THEM, analyze your results, improve your technique, and then go out and try them again. Then, keep the ones that work for you and throw out the rest.

And then, any time a situation comes up that you recognize from the book, come back to it and use it to help you figure out what to do.

The 77 Ways are broken down into 4 parts for you:

Part I: Ways to Make Her Chase You Part II: Ways to Make Her Fall in Love With You Part III: Ways to Handle Common Dating Situations Like a Champion Part IV: Ways to NOT Screw it Up With Her

Of course, each way is complete on its own, so feel free to go through them in any order you want however you want...

77 Ways to Make Her WANT YOU



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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