Dear Potential Adult Leader, - Clover Sites

Student Ministry

Dear Potential Adult Leader,

I am so excited that you are interested in serving with Friendswood Community Church Student Ministry during the upcoming year. We are always looking for competent adults to invest in the lives of our students.

We believe these students are extremely important, and we love them very much; therefore, we do our best to guide them in the direction of Jesus Christ. That is where you fit into the equation. We believe that a Christ-following adult who truly devotes time, effort, and love into a student’s life can make a tremendous impact for the cause of Christ.

We are striving to build strong relationships with each student in order to let them know we care about them as a person and, even more important, to help them understand who God is and His love for them. In fact, our goal as adult leaders is to encourage, comfort, and urge these students to salvation and intimacy with Christ by sharing the gospel of Jesus AND our lives with them. In turn, this opens up a mentor opportunity in which we can help them to develop a lifestyle that is fully devoted to God.

Therefore, the quality of our adult leadership team is very important. We are looking for adults who love God and love teenagers. We are looking for adults who are willing to commit to discipleship and evangelism. Prayerfully read through the attached material, fill out the application, and return it to a student ministry staff member when you are ready. We can then meet for a more in depth discussion of your possible role in the Student Ministry.

I appreciate your interest, and I anticipate getting to talk with you more and serving alongside you in the near future. If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.

With love in Christ,


Philip Lynch

Pastor & Director of Student Ministry

281-388-3520 (office)

409-673-0647 (cell)


Adult Leadership Team Application

General Info

Name: Today’s Date:


City: State: Zip:_______________

Home Phone: Email:

Cell Phone: Occupation:

Highest Level of Education: Institution:

Social Security #: Date of Birth:

Drivers License #:

I consent to a background check. Signature:

Marital Status (circle one)

Single Married Divorced

Personal and Spiritual History (use back for more space)

In a few sentences explain how you became a follower of Jesus, including the date. (use back for more space)

List some of the significant events in your life that have impacted you spiritually.

Describe two major ways in which you have grown in your spiritual journey since you became a follower of Jesus?

In one word, describe your spiritual journey now?

Personal and Spiritual History (cont.)

In caring for our students we seek adults who can provide healthy, safe, and nurturing relationships. Please honestly answer the following questions.

Are you using illegal drugs? __________

Have you ever gone through treatment for alcohol or drug abuse? _________

If yes, please describe.

Do you currently drink alcohol? If yes, how often and how much? ______________________

Yes or no, please give reasoning for your belief. (just looking for honesty here)

Have you ever had sexual relations with a minor after you became an adult?

Have you ever been accused or convicted of any form of child abuse? ________

If yes, please describe.

Are you currently tithing to help carry out the ministries God has entrusted to FCC?

Describe any other ministry/church experience you have been involved in.

What ministries of FCC are you currently involved in and at what time do these take place?

What is/are your spiritual gift(s)? How confident are you in this?

Why do you want to be involved with the Student Ministry at FCC?

What are some of your expectations of the Student Ministry staff?

What are some of your expectations of the other Adult Leaders within FCCSM?

How long have you attended FCC?

Have you been baptized? Y or N

Are you a member of FCC?______When did you join?_________________

How did you find out about getting involved in FCC Student Ministry?

What are your hobbies?

What is one thing in life that you are most passionate about?

Any other comments:


Vision: FCCSM exists to introduce 6-12th grade students in the Bay Area to Jesus Christ and help them become fully devoted followers of Him.

Evangelism & Discipleship

We want to continually be growing spiritually and numerically. In numerical growth, we want to grow not merely in attendance numbers. We want the Church to grow because students are coming to know Jesus and joining in on what His church is doing. WE ARE LOOKING FOR GOOD SOIL IN WHICH THE GOSPEL WILL GROW AND FLOURISH.

We must realize that evangelism is a part of discipleship. Therefore, making disciples of our students is our first priority. We have made a disciple when he or she is multiplying his/her faith by sharing the gospel of Jesus and making disciples of others locally & throughout the nations. WE ARE ABOUT MULTIPLICATION.


Prayer Partner: Commit to pray with us specifically for the students in the Bay Area. Pray that God will open doors for us to show these students the love of Christ. This is a spiritual battle in which we are waging war against the powers of darkness for the souls of 6-12th grade students and their spiritual growth. We must fight this battle in supernatural ways before the throne of God.

{Time requirement: Please set aside a designated time to pray each day. Also, talk to students, adult leaders, parents, and/or student ministry staff to know specific ways you can pray.}

Small Group Leader: Lead a small group of students on a journey to discover Jesus in

their life for the first time or more intimately as you do life together. Small groups meet for 1.5-2 hours each week for a time of Biblical discussion, life application, accountability, and encouragement in a home in the community. This is an opportunity to invest in the lives of approximately 5-12 students on a weekly basis to express God’s love for them and help them grow in their walk with Jesus. Teaching opportunities will arise as the leader facilitates group discussion in order for students to engage the Scriptures and discover how it applies in their life.

*Small group leaders should meet with each of their students outside of group time at least once a month--can be 1-on-1 or 1-on-few. Once a week the leader should intentionally meet to disciple 1 or 2 students who want growth—based on willingness and desire not potential. We rely on the Holy Spirit to show us who these students are. Weekly connection of some sort will be necessary with all students in your small group (call them on the phone, send them a card or letter, facebook, take them out as a group or individually, have them over, attend their extracurricular activities).

{Time requirement: 3-5hrs/week}

High School meets Sunday Nights 6:30-8:00pm

JHigh meets Wednesday Nights 7-8:30pm

Small Group Host: Open your home to a small group of students (5-15 students) and an Adult Small Group Leader once a week for 2 hours. This is a great opportunity to be involved in the life of students as you provide a place for them to gather to encourage, comfort, and urge one another to live a life that honors God. Hosts are encouraged to spend time with the group before and after their discussion time but not be a part of the discussion time.

{Time requirement: 1.5-2hrs/wk }

High School meets Sunday Nights 6:30-8:00pm

JHigh meets Wednesday Nights 7-8:30pm

SLAM/CRASH Community Builder: Engage in caring conversations with students, build relationships with students, offer Godly advice and prayer, and invest in the lives of 3-5 students on a weekly basis who are not committed to a Small Group (call them on the phone, text, send them a card or letter, take them out as a group or individually, have them over, etc. to share the Gospel as you encourage and love on them). Use your specific gifting to make the most of being a community builder. There is so much potential as a community builder…it will be what you make of it. FCCSM staff would love to work with you to discover the best use of your gifting in this role.

GOAL: To find out where students are spiritually, connect them with a small group, and work with that small group leader to see the student fully commit to doing life with the group.

{Time requirement: 2-3.5hrs/week}

CRASH(Wednesday Nights 7-8:15pm + time outside of corporate gathering

SLAM( Sunday Mornings 11a-12pm + time outside of corporate gathering


Job Listings

Below is a list of the areas of service in FCC Student Ministry. Please number 1 or 2 areas of interest to you in order of appeal (1=first choice).

Prayer Partner

Small Group Leader

_____High School

_____Junior High

Small Group Host

_____High School

_____Junior High

SLAM Community Builder (Jhigh)

CRASH Community Builder (High School)

_____Other (Please write in how you feel God is leading you to minister to students. FCCSM staff would love to talk further with you about this!)

Much more to come…



1. I acknowledge the Lordship of Jesus Christ in my life and have a personal relationship with Him.

2. I am committed to growing and maturing my relationship with God through daily quiet times alone with Him, accountable relationships, and involvement in corporate worship and an Adult Small Group.

3. I am committed to choices and a lifestyle that are both Godly and “above reproach,” knowing that my lifestyle is a model for students. Titus 2:7-8, I Timothy 3:1-7

4. I commit to FCC Student Ministry through the end of the current school year and the following summer (through the end of August).

5. I will strive to be a team player, committed to the overall Student Ministry and support of the Student Ministry staff and other Adult Leaders.

6. Because I am making a significant commitment and my presence is important, I will be consistent and on time to the program(s) to which I commit myself.

7. As a Small Group Leader or SLAM/CRASH Community Builder, I commit to attend a minimum of 3 of the 4 group ALT meetings (Time/Date TBA), and, if at all possible, at least one training event outside of regular ALT meetings (i.e. Youth Lab, ALT Retreat, other student ministry training recommended by FCCSM staff). SG Leaders will also meet every 4-6 wks with a staff person.

8. I have consented to a background check (because we care for our students).

9. I whole-heartedly commit to joining and supporting the vision of Friendswood Community Church Student Ministry.




I agree to the terms of the Adult Leadership Team Commitment and commit to serve with FCC Student Ministry for the entirety of the 20____- 20____ school year and following summer.

Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _________________

After prayerfully agreeing to this commitment by signing and dating, in a timely manner please schedule an appointment with Philip Lynch to finalize your role in FCCSM.

For Internal Use Only

FCCSM ALT Role: ____________________________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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