As guests arrive, have them use microdermabrasion on the ...

Party Set Up/ Kitchen Coaching:

When you arrive at least 30 minutes early:

1. Give sincere compliment & gratitude to Hostess – nice to find something in her home to compliment

2. Set up your “1-on-1 Office” (away from table) for Individual Consultations – money bag, calendar & gifts for drawings (hostess & recruiting packet), sales tickets, calculator; datebook

3. Ask the hostess “who’s coming today who would be good doing what I do?” (just listen), “What about you?” Have courage to ask, just listen, don’t respond or try to overcome any concerns, just respond with, “Well, just watch me today and see if you think you would ever want to learn to do what I do, I think you’d be great!”

4. Show the hostess how to demo Satin Hands on each guest as they arrive

Set up the table and put the team building placemat under mirror & beauty book & profile card & pen at each setting

5. Treat hostess to her “color appt”- use color cards that came in your starter kit based on her eye color (or you can do during party while guests are applying basic color- use brush set to apply hostess’ look)

6. As guests arrive, greet each one with a double handshake (firm grip shows confidence, 2nd hand on top of hers shows gentleness, lower your body a bit in honor) & use her NAME as you say, “____, so nice to meet you.”

7. After guests experience Satin Hands (this instant-results product usually get them excited to try more) have them fill out their profile card & finish filling trays with correct products.

Welcome & Introductions (start on time as much as possible)

Alright, so glad you are here! First I want to say thank you to ___(the hostess)____. I genuinely appreciate you for gathering some of your most fun friends around the table. I love ___(something you love about her)___. I have a big goal of _______ (# of new faces you are working on; earning my red jacket; earning car, etc) & _____ agreed to help me with that and I’m so thankful for your support. As a thank you, I’d like to present her with her gift for having me over and sharing me with her friends, which is a HUGE compliment to me! (Use sampler minis, PCP gift, discontinued product wrapped cute OR it can be the gift she drew when played Deal or No Deal if she booked from a party)

How did everyone enjoy the Satin Hands treatment? This product was the Reader’s Choice Winner for the “Best Hand Treatment” by (this award is featured on ).

We will make your face feel as good as your hands, but before we start, I would love to meet everyone – let’s do quick introductions – tell me your name, what you do for a living, your most favorite MK product and what you love the most about our Hostess with the Mostess? After that, I will share a little bit about me.

Short 1 minute I-Story (just the basics, you will weave more of your story into the Ticket Game)

(Sample) I have been building my business for……(if under a year say “less than a year”) Before MK (a line or two about your life before)….(show a picture of you before MK)….. I never saw myself doing Mary Kay because…….But the more I learned about the business, I was attracted to Mary Kay because... What I have enjoyed the most (or accomplished) is….The reason I work my MK business is (THE WHY)........ & my current goal is........ Use this section to write it out: ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Agenda + Ticket Game (mention 1st of 2 appointments & Individual Consultations)

Ok, here’s the agenda for tonight. This will take about an hour & I promise you, you are going to have FUN & your face is going to feel AMAZING! 1st Going to play a quick game. You can earn tickets throughout the entire party and I’m giving away free products @ the end of our time together today! I love to play games, b/c I want this to be FUN & interactive.

Our hostess is going to reward you with TICKETS throughout our entire time together just for asking questions, making comments, laughing at my jokes...

2nd part…You’ll get a pampering facial with our amazing skin care products and then we will do a quick dash out the door color look! Our hostess received a customized makeover with our professional brush set before your arrived…that’s one of the many perks of being a hostess...Doesn’t she look amazing? So your hostess just might look a little better than the rest of you by the end of tonight – I hope you’re ok with that. Ha ha.


This is the first of two appointments you are entitled to as a Mary Kay customer, and you all have the opportunity to book a 2nd appointment to get YOUR customized look and to learn to use our professional brush set. If you decide to turn your followup into a party & invite some friends then you can earn FREE products just like____________(hostess name) is today!

3rd part of our party today: At the end, you’ll step into my office (over there-point to where you’ve set up it up) I want to get your opinion of the products, answer any questions you have and if you’d like to make a purchase you can do it at that time. Let’s start our game! I’d love to share with you a little more about Mary Kay, so you know about the company you’re supporting when you use our products. I’m going to say a letter and you have to find an object in this room that starts with that letter. The 1st person to say something earns a ticket. This is a fun little game to share more information about Mary Kay.

First Letter is M

M – stands for (can you guess?) –

MARY KAY! When you choose to wash your face with Mary Kay I want you to know what kind of company you are supporting. Mary Kay Ash was a real woman who started this company 53 years ago because she wanted women to have the opportunity to be paid what they’re worth without sacrificing their priorities. Mary Kay was voted the greatest female entrepreneur in America History* and the company is a private family-owned, 100% debt free company that does 4 billion in global sales a year and has extreme brand loyalty.

When you wash your face with Mary Kay, you are directly investing in a locally owned small business and impacting her dreams, her family & her community. Did you know that when you wash your face with Mary Kay, you can be proud of our environmentally friendly company, "PINK DOING GREEN," and that the majority of our products are manufactured right here in the U.S. Did you know that when you wash your face with Mary Kay, there are women and families safe tonight in shelters all across the US, because of the $3 million/year and $50 million total we donate to Domestic Violence Shelters around the country! We also donated over 1.2 million to Cancer research to eradicate cancers that affect women.

PLUS our newest partnership is called Love is Respect. This is a 24/7 text to help hotline where a young girl can text “loveis” to 22522 and there is someone on the other end of that hotline to explain what a healthy relationship looks like. **For a ticket, what was your favorite part about what you learned about Mary Kay?

Next letter is – R

R stands for RECOGNITION!

R Stands for Recognition

We believe in praising women to success. When you walked into work yesterday, did your coworkers give you a standing ovation? We also believed in rewarding women with prizes that most women would never buy for themselves – and creating EXPERIENCES & MEMORIES. I have found so many women graduate from college & then get so consumed with their careers/families that they wake up one day and realize they’ve kinda lost themselves.

MK is such a fun way to CONNECT with like-minded positive women and to be recognized for a job well done. We believe in it so much, in fact, that they reinvest ½ of our profits into rewards & recognition for the sales force.

Ok next letter is…. S

S= Self Confidence

Mary Kay is a safe place for women to grow. In my opinion, is just about the best personal growth program out there. We believe that confident women raise confident children, so to give women the opportunity to grow their confidence has a ripple effect. We believe in COMMUNITY & we have a COLLABORATIVE CULTURE not a COMPETITIVE ONE. You’re surrounded by a support system of women who really want to see you succeed. I got into Mary Kay for the money, but I stay for the positive impact it’s had on my life.

Ok next letter is…. C

C stands for CASH & CARS!

For a ticket, what would you do with an extra $500 a month?

A lot of women become a part of MK to make extra $. Many gals begin a MK biz, just to bridge the gap, make extra money to pay off student loans or to have some extra $ for the family to do fun things, or just SHOE money! Lol! Sometimes, people will ask, “can you really support yourself from Mary Kay?” The answer is YES!! There are women all over the place making six figures in MK.

You can earn the use of a car in Mary Kay! How crazy is that?! You can take the car Chevy Cruse (where they pay for most of the insurance) or $400/month cash. The Chevy Equinox or Camry is the next level or $500/month. Right now they have a black BMW & of course the famous pink Cadillac or $900 a month cash. I mean, what if I could go into your on-line banking & just delete your car payment or your insurance payment?

Ok next letter is.... W


Mary Kay Ash always said there’s a future consultant sitting at each party – so I wonder who do you’ll think it might be? (they’ll either all look at you or all point to one person – just laugh & say) Well, you never know – just watch me today & see if you think you’d ever want to learn to do what I do.

I am building the most INCREDIBLE Team of women in all of ___(your location/state/breaking a record)______ I am looking for women who _____

(fill in your adjectives….are excellent or who want to BE excellent, women who love God or who WANT to love God, I am looking for women who know they have untapped talent, untapped potential who are just looking for the right opportunity to run on, women who know they want to max out their life experience & who are looking for freedom. One of the things I am working on is to earn the use of my MK Career Car & to do that, I’m looking for 12 women this month who would give me their OPINION of the MK opportunity – we always love to get your feedback about what you think about the opportunity.

Ok next letter is…. A

A stands for Advancement & Advantages

Ever worked very hard for a company and been passed over for a promotion or a raise?

In Mary Kay, you can advance at your own pace and the advancement opportunities are unlimited and the financial benefits increase as you move up the career path.

A also stands for Tax Advantages… as in independent consultant you get all the tax benefits available to small business owners. Wouldn’t it be nice to work from home part-time and receive tax benefits? Most all of us have cell phones & home internet, right?…. By being in business for yourself these are just a few of the expenses you already have that could become tax deductions for you!


In Mary Kay, we believe Golden Rule, which is to treat people the way you want to be treated – part of that is we don’t steal other MK Customers b/c we believe in ABUNDANCE vs SCARCITY mentality – so we believe there’s plenty of women with skin out there that we don’t have to go stealing people’s people.

We believe in the value system of God 1st, then family, then our career – We believe that lives work more in harmony when lived in this way.

So, let me ask you’ll this – if you ever decided to work with me in a million years…what would be attractive to you? Would it be for the money, the recognition, the cars, the beliefs, the pink Cadillac? (give TICKET for those who speak)

Skin Care

Let’s Talk About Skin! Creating a flawless finish starts with taking great care of your skin!

There are 5 basic steps that promote healthy skin and that are necessary for good skin hygiene like brushing your teeth would be to your dental hygiene: 1. Cleanse. 2. Exfoliate 3. Freshen 4. Hydrate: 5. Protect the skin

These 5 things are like a toothbrush and toothpaste to your teeth! It’s good basic care. Today, we will take it a step further and take preventative measures to help slow down the aging process!

As skin ages, the skin cell regeneration process begins to slow down! Anyone know at about what age your skin cell regeneration actually reaches is peak performance? 15 years old! That means the aging process begins around 15-16 years of age! You may not see the affects for about 10 years, but you WILL see it!!

Anyone know what the 2 external contributing factors that break down the skin cells and slow down the regeneration process?

1. Sun:85% of aging is caused from the sun.

2. Environmental Pollutants contain Free Radicals that damage the skin cell renewal process.

It is very important to wear a protection such as sunscreen and foundation.

Our foundation is actually the 5th step in our skin care!! You need to use it everyday to protect your skin from the Free Radicals that will surely damage the skin’s matrix when left unprotected! Let’s get started trying some of these products that will actually speeding up cell regeneration!!

Well, it’s a party! And what party is a party without photos, right? We’ll take a quick group photo now to remember our time together! I’m just gonna take it on my cell for interest of time and get it to you all. (Take a smile photo and a fun photo, i.e. Charlie’s Angels).

Ready for an opportunity to get another ticket? Pull out your cell phones really quick and put them on silent because I can easily get distracted. Then, take your “before” SELFIE real quick and text it to me at __________(your cell phone #). Then, you’ll want to friend request me real fast so that I can tag you in tonight’s fun and invite you into a private #glowandtell group for 30 days where you can really see if MK works. My name on Facebook is ____ and on Instagram it’s _____, as you can see on the front of this flipchart. Once you silence your phone, text me your selfie, and friend request me on Facebook or Instagram, say “DONE” for 3 tickets! Ready, set – GO!

Our Timewise BASIC SET (hold up 3-in1 Cleanser & Age Fighting Moisturizer) takes care of the FIVE basic steps to taking care of your skin –

this is a good option for those of you who are used to using only soap and water.

In addition to our cleanser and moisturizer, you will try the Day & Night Solution (hold them up) and these double the results you will see from just using the Basic Set. After a 12-week study, women who used the Miracle Set experienced 83% reduction in fine lines & wrinkles, 25% improvement in skin elasticity, 100% had softer more supple skin and 46% had a more even skin tone.

Let’s start with the 3-in-1 Cleanser…..

TimeWise 3-in-1 Cleanser

This is our TimeWise 3-in-1 Cleanser – it takes care of the first 3 steps cleanses, exfoliates & tones all in one. You will feel gentle micro-beads (that DISSOLVE*) & remove dead skin cells, so the newest, freshest skin is revealed. It also TONES your skin & helps your pores to appear smaller b/c of the BOTANICALS in the product. This comes in formulas for normal to dry skin and combination to oily. The normal to dry formula is very creamy and hydrating. The combination to oily formula lathers us really nicely and both leave your skin feels refreshed and clean.

(*All beads in our products either dissolve or meet/exceed governmental regulations)

After you cleanse, you can use our famous Oilfree Eye Makeup Remover…. hands down it’s my favorite product!!! Today since we are leaving our eye makeup on I will be passing around a sample of our waterproof smudgeproof eyeliner pencil (pass around a demo in black & have guests draw a heart or smiley face on back of their hand then pass out oilfree eye remover on cotton balls & have them remove what they drew on their hand)… please draw a heart on the back of your hand bc I know you are going to LOVE this product! Now take the cotton ball that I’ve applied some to and remove from your hand. Isn’t this product AMAZING? Not only does it remove eye makeup gently & is safe for contact lense wearers & people with sensitive eyes, but it also strengthens your eyelashes! (*Make sure you shake the bottle to mix before applying to cotton ball or pad).

This is one of our best-selling products that has been featured in many magazines and has won many awards, including the Reader’s Choice Winner for “Best Eye M Makeup Remover” by (this award is featured on ).

Okay our next 2 supplements I want to show you before we move onto the next products in the Miracle set are two I know you will just LOVE!!

TimeWise Firming Eye Cream

Have you ever noticed how the 1st place women will show signs of premature aging is around the eyes? For a TICKET – who can name a couple reasons we age around our eyes first? (Skin is thinner (only 1⁄4 as thick as anywhere else on the face; we touch our eyes a lot – show emotion there; don’t have as many fat deposits under our eyes as...let’s say our cheeks; fewer oil glands directly under your eyes (why teens have no acne there);we retain moisture under the eyes (puffy)..For another TICKET, what FINGER should you use whenever touching your eye area? (ring finger) and WHY? (weakest finger)
Now Apply Firming Eye Cream with ring finger under eye & crow’s feet area of right eye only. This ONE product has multiple benefits: brightens, firms and moisturizes to fight wrinkles.

Microdermabrasion is our 2nd supplement……this product that IMMEDIATELY REDUCES the appearance of FINE LINES & SMOOTHS skin’s texture and Step 2 the PORE MINIMIZER tightens the look of pores & immediately minimizes pores & the results get better over time. You can see the amazing results that woman have experienced from this product (read the percentages on the page in beauty book under your eyes (why teens have no acne there). This supplement is designed to be used following your cleanser 2x weekly after cleansing.. apply about a dime to nickel size over entire face avoiding eye area and on top of lips … okay to go around lip area… we have another exfoliate we will be trying today designed just for your lips. You can keep this first step(refine) in your shower… wet your face first then apply in circular motion with a little pressure for 1-2 mins… then rinse. You will get out dry your face and apply the pore minimizer followed by your moisturizer. TODAY, we are going to sample this on your chin ONLY (or you can choose to sample on back of hand)… so spray you some water from your spray bottle into the oval in your tray.. wet your fingers and then wet your chin before taking the microderm step one to your chin.. rub in circular motion for a minute…wipe off & apply pore minimizer. ( The pore minimizer is not a moisturizer.. so you still need to apply moisturizer after)

DAY/NIGHT Solution

Now let’s talk about wrinkles. I’m going to guess that no one wants them, right?! These 2 bottles turn the BASIC skincare set into our MIRACLE SET – b/c it does MIRACLES to your face! Just by adding these two bottles to the middle of your BASIC SET you’re actually going to DOUBLE the results you see in your skin care, which I mentioned earlier. These are your VITAMINS (Day/Night) – they are what we call your PRO-NEWAL System – the DAY Solution is going to PRO- TECT during the day and the Night Solution is going to RE-NEW at night. Hence, “Pro-Newal.” Day Solution(today we will simply sample day solution on back of your hand). It protects and shields the skin from harmful UVA/UVB rays with SPF 35 & it has calming peptides that help with RELAX EXPRESSION LINES, fine lines, wrinkles.

Now we will sample the Night Solution… apply it directly to the right side of your face ONLY avoiding directly under the eyes where we applied the firming eye cream.

This is one of our PRETTIEST PRODUCTS – see all those pretty beads floating around in there? Those are actually encapsulated VITAMINS A, C, E. There are no beads in your tray b/c when you dispense it, the beads BURST and release FRESH VITAMINS onto your skin. 
 A – Help Smooth your skin
 C – Even out your skin tone
 E – Antioxidants – Restore & heals your skin. We have nicknamed this product “spanx for your face”!
 For a TICKET – what’s another place you should apply this product as well as all the other skincare products we have been talking about? (ie: NECK- We age on our neck about same rate as our face, so it’s really important for us to take care of ALL of it.


Age-Fighting Moisturizer

Okay, next up is our TimeWise® Age-Fighting MOISTURIZER.

It comes in two formulas – combination/oily or normal/dry. We also offer one with SPF 30*.

Its function is to: HYDRATE for up to 10 HOURS…. It also contains powerful ANTIOXIDANTS, which guard against damaging FREE RADICALS that are caused by pollution, radiation, cigarette smoke, herbicides and other environmental pollutants.

Now you can take ½ of your moisturizer & apply it directly on top of the night solution you applied to the RIGHT SIDE ONLY.

You’ll use your moisturizer every morning & night LAST as the SEALANT to your VITAMINS.

A lot of women who have OILY SKIN don’t think this step is necessary. They feel they’ll be adding oil to their face. TW formulas are 100% OIL-FREE. If we don’t keep the face moisturized, oil glands begin working overtime, producing oil to make up for it. That’s why you might feel squeaky clean when you wash your face, but by mid-afternoon you could fry an egg on it. The face needs moisture to help not go overboard with oil production. Optional: Show oily customers our Oilfree Hydrating gel… this is a great lightweight option for nighttime use.. feels like silk on your skin!

*As you let the moisturizer dry on right side… sample Satin lips set

Do I have any Chap Stick addicts here tonight? (: Let’s talk about a cure for your dry, chapped lips – it’s called Satin Lips! Part of the reason Chap Stick comes in 12 packs is because it creates an addiction! I NEVER meet anyone who uses that product only 2-3 times a day. They usually have one in every pocket and room of their house! You should never have to use any product 40 times a day.

Sugar scrub: Satin lips has 2 parts to it. The first you only use 2-3 times a week, and it’s a mask. Go ahead and massage the scrub it into your lips in a circular motion. It’ll feel sandy, sort of like you kissed a beach! Okay now wipe off all the sugar crystals with your facial cloth. Now its time to apply the Lip balm. This is what can replace your chap stick! You’ll go from 40 applications a day to 2 or 3! It’s a new formula that now contains shea butter! Don’t your lips feel so soft?

That completes our Miracle Set – how does everyone’s skin feel? (holding the four products together in the air & explain this is the miracle set the…..3-in-1 Cleanser, Age-fighting Moisturizer & the Day/Night solutions).

For a TICKET, what do you notice different about your skin on the right vs the left side of your face (have her pick up mirror and hold at arms length & direct attention to the cheek area & eye area especially? How does it look & feel different than when you came in today?

That’s after just ONE use – can you IMAGINE the results you could see after using it consistently morning and night for three months?

The Miracle Set has earned the Good Housekeeping Seal*!! Which that alone says a LOT about the quality of our products. *The Good Housekeeping Seal is an emblem of Good Housekeeping's Consumers Policy. This policy offers a limited warranty in the form of a refund, repair or replacement if the product carrying our Seal is found to be defective within two years of purchase.

Ok before we move on to the last step today which is foundation I want you to take the rest of your moisturizer and apply it to the left side of your face so your face is completely moisturized all over & ready for foundation.

Mary Kay makes it so easy to fall in love with our products b/c the QUALITY of the product for the QUANTITY for the PRICE – you cannot beat it. It lasts forever, it has the Good Housekeeping Seal of Approval & MK’s $ back guarantee. Frankly, we offer super CONVENIENCE – what a lot of my customers do is just plug my # into their phone & run out of their mascara at 6am & they just TEXT ME when they’re low on something & I keep track of your SHADES & your FORMULAS & next thing you know, your product is at your DOOR & you didn’t have to drive across town, fight traffic or even figure out what you need – we make it effortless. So you can see why our customers are SOOOO LOYAL to Mary Kay

Ok, let’s do a quick review... 
 (holding up the products) This is the Basic Set, which includes the cleanser & moisturizer – this covers the 5 basic steps to good skin care and this is a great place to

The BASIC set is a great place to start if you want to take care of your skin, but not spend a lot of time or money. We compare taking care of skin to taking care of your teeth. The Basic Set is just like brushing your teeth.

When you add the Day & Night Solution (hold up the products) the Basic Set, it becomes the Miracle Set and your results double. The Miracle Set is like brushing and flossing.

Then when you add the Microdermabrasion + Firming Eye Cream plus the amazing oilfree eye remover (holding up the products, with the entire ultimate miracle set lined up) you have the ULTIMATE experience in quality skin, which is why we call it the ULTIMATE MIRACLE SET. This is like brushing, flossing and Whitening! – you have the very best care for your skin with the Ultimate Miracle Set. You do get discounts tonight for each of these sets, which we will go over at the end.

Foundation Primer

Before we apply our Foundation we are going to use Mary Kay Foundation Primer. Foundation primers have been a secret of professional makeup artists for years to give models and celebrities flawless looking skin. Everyone needs a great foundation primer. Go ahead and take your fingers and smooth your primer all over your face. You’ll love how silky and soft this product feels. I like to call this product “pot hole filler” because it fills in all the imperfections of the skin. And has anyone ever gotten to the end of the day and wondered if they actually put foundation on? This product will keep any kind of foundation on your skin all day long! It’s like a foundation magnet! It also protects your skin with SPF 15; Absorbs excess oil & reduces redness

And we are going to finish all your facial today with our…..CC Cream

(or you can choose to show whatever foundations you choose in your kit… we recommend ccream for first appt because it’s simple to match… except if person is oily you’d want to show mineral powder or the timewise in matte finish bc they will not like the glow of the cc cream)

We will finish with CC Cream – a “Complexion Corrector.” There’s a LOT going on in this little tube (begin applying) – it protects your face from the SUN, minimizes REDNESS, it BRIGHTENS your skin, conceals DARKNESS, reduces signs of AGING – you name it – it does it & is SO LIGHTWEIGHT. Even my customers who say “No way – I don’t wear foundation” – they go crazy for this. Now if you want more coverage we have our Timewise liquid foundations in matte & luminous which provide more coverage which I can show you at your followup appt.

*At this point you will want to introduce the Fabulous Referral game before matching foundation shades (if you haven’t already selected her shade before you started)… the highest compliment you can give me is to introduce me to your friends! So we are going to play a game while I am matching everyone’s foundation… (hand out referral sheet) are going to get out your phone and write down as many names as you can… there are only 3 prerequisites….You can give away gift cards to whoever you want in your life, they have to be 19 or older, not have a MK consultant and they have to be NICE! You’ll receive a ticket for each name & # you refer today into our product if it is best to call or text them to tell them about their free referral gift! They will receive a $10 product gift at their makeover! OR better yet if you would like to have the FREE products yourself then these ladies you write down can be your guests at your followup appt and you can earn hostess credit just like _______ (hostess name) today is doing! Who could get EXCITED about earning some of these products you tried today for FREE?!

Let’s move on to our Dash Out the Door Color Look….

While this isn’t going to be NEARLY enough color if you’re a glamour girl, it will get you home safely! And if you don’t normally wear a lot of color, no worries – this is very minimal! Remember, I will do your customized color look at your follow up appointment in 2 weeks! You can wear your skin care and foundation to the appointment and we will focus on your customized colors and applications!

Lip Gloss (If you want just a few testers- open full size & dip into tray or you can use samples…you can’t go wrong with Fancy Nancy, Beach Bronze & Sparkle Berry) Open your lip gloss up & use the applicator to try it out!

Cheek Color: We are gonna use a simple blush that will look great on most skin tones (Sunny spice is a good neutral or you can also offer Cherry Blossom or for olive/ yellow skin tones the Juicy Guava is a winner! I suggest opening full size demos of your blushes since they are very limited samples of blush) Apply a little to a cotton ball or you can choose to use a mineral foundation brush and have guests apply.

At your second, facial we will use bronzer and blush for a super polished look! And we will be focusing on the eyes and teaching you how to apply based on your eye shape & finding the perfect shades to bring out your eye color!

Eyes- OPTIONAL (I do not recommend doing eye shadow or mascara at 1st facial… however, if you have a young group and are not doing the age supplement you could end with a quick cream eye shadow (metallic taupe or honey spice is a good option- apply to a sponge tip applicator) & follow with mascara (you received mascara wands in your starter kit along with ultimate mascara)

Compliment Time

Everyone it’s time to take your hair-band off, hold your mirror at arm’s length, fluff up your hair - & tell yourself you look Fabulous! Look at yourself from out here (hold mirror arm’s length) that’s how people see you, not right up here (by your face). We like to look super up close and nit-pick, but that’s not how people see you Lol!

Now we’re going to do compliment time - so turn to the person next to you and tell her what you love most about her look (give them like 30 sec to do this). Now let’s finish with the hostess since she looks the best (lol) – what do you love about her look? At your 2nd appt we can fine-tune your look to make sure you’re looking and feeling your best!

Deal or No Deal Game

Okay now it’s time for our final game before we close out our time together tonight… this game is called Deal or No Deal…. Has anyone seen this game show? Well this our our MK version.. LOL… (Fan out envelopes and have everyone who is at least 18 pick one)…..Ok so inside each of these envelopes is a fabulous FREE product gift! So everyone take an envelope & remember no peeking! If you look inside it’s null & void! Ok so here’s how this game works….I’m going to go around the table and you are going to have a chance to say “Deal” or “No Deal”.. Deal means you are going to invite some friends to join you for your followup appt and you’ll receive whatever product is inside your envelope as a BONUS gift in addition to the $40-$100 in FREE products you can earn as my hostess… and we are all going to CHEER!! *When at least two of you book from _____’s party today she gets additional hostess credit!! Plus you EARN FREE Products at your party just like she did!

If you say No Deal that means you don’t like FREE stuff & you aren’t going to invite friends to join you… and we are going to look sad & say “Awh….” Seriously, there’s no obligation.. but it is a lot of FUN to share your followup with some friends and I would LOVE to help you earn some FREE products!! (Start with person has been interacting with you and you believe will say Deal if possible then go around table) After she says Deal… say ok open up your envelope and tell us what you’ve WON and write your name on the back of the coupon and your preferred day for your followup.. evening or weekend or specific day if you know)

Table Close

*Note for consultant- very important to have your Travel rollup bag packed with sets you are going to show- pocket 1 (3-1 cleanser, tw moisturizer, found primer, a foundation & brush); pocket 2- Day & night Solution; pocket 3: Microderm set-remove from box & firming eye cream & oilfree eye remover; pocket 4: satin hands set (because they can sub satin hands set for bag if they prefer- remove 3 steps from bag to put into pocket).

Now, I know you are wondering, “How much does it cost? And how do I get it? “If I packed correctly, you can take it home with you today!(say if you have inventory) I want to show you some of the most popular sets with Mary Kay that I personally recommend. (have turn over Fabulous referral sheet to the side with sets). Remember, I accept cash, check, credit/debit card, or a combination! All of my special deals are centered around this Roll Up Bag! It’s so functional – pouches are CLEAR, they COME OFF, HANGS in your bathroom, if you have a very small bathroom GETS THINGS OFF COUNTER, packs up beautifully, great travel thru AIRPORTS. Your husband (or roommate) will love it because it will get rid of all the clutter on the counter. What’s inside of it is what you used today, divided up by the sets we went over

Pocket 1 - If you are looking for a great BASIC skin care then you would want to start with this set! – the value is $94 but today’s special is 84 (don’t say dollars) so you’re receiving your foundation brush for FREE!

Pocket 2 - If you are ready to take your skin care up a notch and begin preventative measures against aging, you will want to add the Day & Night Solutions, which doubles your results & pocket 1-2 together are the Miracle Set, which is valued at $158 that we are selling for 134 tonight!!

Pocket 3 - If you are ready for the Ultimate Miracle for your skin, then you will want to add your Microdermabrasion set, TW firming eye cream & the oilfree eye remover– all 3 pockets make up the Ultimate Miracle Set. The bag is included (as your Free Gift or if you aren’t a bag lady you can take home the satin hands set as your FREE gift- shown in pocket 4)with a purchase of the Ultimate Miracle Set, which is valued at $295 but you can get for 244 tonight!

Ok… now it’s time for me to get your feedback of what you tried today…

On the right hand side of your set sheet you’ll see some questions… please do ahead and fill out your name, hostess name & preferred phone #... then look down at Question #1… I want you to think… if money were no object and you could take home whatever you wanted… what set would that be tonight and circle one of those… would it be the basic, the miracle or the Ultimate set?

Question #2: What were your absolute two favorite products you tried today?

Skip to Question #4… okay so we already played the Deal or No Deal game.. so if you said Deal then circle what when we get back together for your customer color appt you’d like to share it with 3 or more friends/ if you said No Deal then circle where it says 1-2 friends.. that means you are going to do yours one or one with me or who knows… maybe you’ll decide to invite your mom or a girlfriend!

Finally on Question #5…. Today I shared with you at the beginning of the party today a little about the MK business opportunity. You remember when I was talking about my goal (remind them of your goal).. Well I am working to earn my (Red jacket; my first career car…..etc)and in order to reach my goal I need to share with 5 women this week a brief video to give you a little more info about our amazing company. After watching the video which I would text or email you then my mentor and I would sit down with you for about 20 mins and get your feedback… just for doing so you will receive a _____________(you can decide if you want to offer a glamour item @ ½ off or a FREE eye color). There is no obligation.. .I just need your honest feedback… so if you would be willing to help me with my goal please circle yes here on question #5… or if you aren’t interested in helping me out just circle No… Maybe is an on the fence answer so just forgot that option is even there.. lol!

*Do product giveaways from tickets… go ahead & give them 2 tickets if agreed to share follow-up appt with friends/ be sure to give everyone a ticket for coming and an extra ticket if brought a guest with them

Okay, now I need to talk with each of you individually. I will need you to bring your set sheet and your profile card, as well as your deal or no deal envelope. Is there anyone in a particular hurry? (If not select the most excited person by calling her by name and tell her to bring her profile card and set sheet with you).

*Note to consultant: Do NOT get out any Look Books! You will completely sabotage future bookings, skin care sales and your guests will buy the most obscure products if you hand out catalogs!

*Now is the time you would have your hostess serve refreshments while you meet individually with each guest at a place designated away from the table where you can talk privately.

Individual Close

Take her profile card and sales ticket.

1. First, tell me what you enjoyed most tonight.

2. When we get together again, what would you love to learn more about?

3. I see you said if $ were no object you’d take home the __________set. Seeing that I do offer different payment options, would that be a comfortable place for you to start today? (BE QUIET & LET HER ANSWER BEFORE YOU SAY ANYTHING ELSE)… If she says No I can’t afford that today then go down to next set… Keep going down until she says yes or she tells you what she wants…DON’T FORGET TO UPSALE BY ASKING HER IF SHE’D LIKE TO ADD HER TWO FAVORITE ITEMS SHE TRIED.. IF THEY AREN’T ALREADY INCLUDED IN HER ORDER).

Fill out sales ticket & fill order.

4. You will be playing the Deal or No Deal Game… so you will know if she is interested in booking a party or not.. If she said “Deal” then take her free product coupon and see what date she requested and get her party booked & give her a hostess packet & tell her you’ll need any additional names to add to her guest list within 3 days(names &cell #s. The names she gave you during the Fabulous Referral game will serve as her guest list…. However, encourage her to have at least 15 names & not to invite just family or just coworkers.. invite a variety of people( that way she will have a better chance of parties being booked from her party bc if for example she invites all family then they may say “Everyone I know is already here”).

5. Setup time for Career chat if she said Yes. Ask her if tomorrow or following day be best to meet

over a coke or cup of coffee (in person if preferable). If she can’t meet in person then ask her if we could talk by 3-way phone call. Once you’ve booked the career chat in person or by phone then send her a You Tube video( ask her to watch it if possible before we meet. Text me as soon as you leave the party and let me know your prospects and who you have booked career chats with.


My Priorities: God first,

Family second, Career third.

~ Mary Kay Ash

Or $425/month

Or $900/month

Or $500/month



As seen by a dermatologist on a panelists in a 12-week clinical study

• 83% had a reduction in fine lines and wrinkles

• Up to 25% improvement in skin elasticity

• 100% had softer, more supple skin

• 46% improvement in more even skin tone



Oil Free Hydrating Gel



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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