Best Bet Diet COOKBOOK - Direct MS

[Pages:250]Best Bet Diet COOKBOOK

Recipes and strategies to help those affected by Multiple Sclerosis achieve better health

Compiled by Joan Embry Published by Direct-MS

1 1 2 5 G L U T E N - F R E E A N D D A I RY- F R E E R E C I P E S I N C L U D E D

Best Bet Diet Cookbook

Recipes and strategies to help those affected by Multiple Sclerosis achieve better health

Compiled by Joan Embry Published by Direct-MS

To learn more about our charity for Multiple Sclerosis, the Best Bet Diet and MS Hope visit: direct-


Copyright ? 2019 by Direct-MS

Published by Direct-MS direct- Registered Charity Number: 868267568RR0001

Illustrations: Brianna Schretlen Photography: Krista Webb Design: Kim Embry

ISBN: 978-1-9992610-0-9

Printed in Canada Friesens Corporation Altona, Manitoba, Canada

As a non-profit registered charity, Direct-MS encourages you to share the recipes in this book with anyone affected by Multiple Sclerosis or those who are interested in improving their overall health.

The described approaches and suggested therapies in this book are meant to complement, not replace, professional medical advice and treatment. You are encouraged to seek advice from your doctor on matters related to Multiple Sclerosis.


This cookbook is dedicated to Roy Swank, Roger MacDougall and Judy Graham, the pioneers of the use of nutritional strategies for helping to keep Multiple Sclerosis well controlled. Their concepts and practical suggestions for nutritional changes to combat MS were published in the 1950s, 60s and 70s and are still valid today. This book is simply an extension of their monumental and selfless efforts to help persons with MS.

We would also like to dedicate this book to all the persons affected by MS and their families who have incorporated the Best Bet Diet into their lives and provided a great deal of feedback over the past 24 years. It has been inspiring and most gratifying to hear their success stories and their suggestions for improving the Best Bet Diet.

Above all, I have to offer my sincere thanks to my daughter-in-law, Kim Embry, who handled the design and layout of this book, took some of the photographs, and shepherded the book through the printing process. This cookbook would not have happened without her selfless, volunteer efforts and her unwavering attention to detail.

I would also like to thank my husband, Ashton Embry, for contributing the science section, my son, Duncan, for contributing numerous recipes and providing helpful suggestions for improvement, and my son, Matt, who inspired the need for the cookbook in the first place.

Thanks are also due to Krista Webb, who volunteered her time to take the many photographs in the book, to Brianna Schretlen who created the illustrations, to the individuals who shared their testimonials in the Living Proof section, and to the congenial staff at Friesens Printing who produced this book.

This book would have not been possible without the support of various groups of people. These include the enthusiastic cooks who provided their recipes, all the people who have generously contributed to Direct-MS and the Direct-MS Board which encouraged and financially-backed this project since its inception.

Finally, I would like to acknowledge Andrew Watson of Scotland who 20 years ago came up the with name Best Bet Diet for the proposed nutritional strategies for MS.







Scientific Concepts, Strategies, Best Bet Diet

Basics, Frequently Asked Questions

Living Proof


Best Bet Diet Success Stories

Meal Strategies


Getting Started, Food Substitutes, Meal Plans, Shopping List, Recommendations











Beef, Pork, Lamb




Slow Cooking


Instant Pot


Special Occasions






Recommended Reading and Final Thoughts



Sailing to Better Health

When our son received the devastating diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis in 1995, it felt like we had been thrown into the middle of a stormy sea. Having been a research scientist for 30 years, my husband Ashton plunged into the scientific literature for MS to determine the most likely factors which cause MS and to use this information to develop an effective therapy for our son. In our research, we discovered abundant scientific evidence that indicates that various nutritional factors potentially play major roles in the onset and progression of MS. Strangely, this information was not being made available to persons with MS by doctors, nor by established MS charities. Notably, many people are having great success in halting or greatly slowing MS with nutritional strategies; many testimonials are available. We are pleased to report that our son remains in excellent health. He has now started his own website, , that explains the strategies he has used in order to stay healthy for the past 24 years. My husband and I, with a group of others dealing with MS, decided to make this information freely available and established a federally registered charity which we called DIRECT-MS, short for DIet REsearch into the Cause and Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis. Our charity is dedicated to providing reliable, science-based information on the role that nutritional factors play in MS to allow those affected by MS to make an informed decision on whether or not to use nutritional strategies for managing the disease and preventing it from occurring in loved ones. We hope you enjoy and benefit from the information and these recipes.

? Joan Embry

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