Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training

Digital Marketing Certified Associate Training

Duration: 53+ hours; video learning content

WHAT YOU WILL LEARN The Digital Marketing Certified Associate (DMCA) course is designed by expert digital marketing authors to help you develop well-rounded digital marketing skills. You will acquire an in-depth knowledge about the various digital marketing domains and get hands-on experience on the most important digital marketing tools. The course is designed to make you industry ready, enabling you to execute your own digital marketing campaigns through real-life projects.

AUDIENCE Digital Marketing is a growing industry that offers many career opportunities. This certification is best suited for:

? Traditional Advertisers and Marketers, to stay relevant in an increasingly digital world

? Sales and Business Development professionals, to improve their sales process

? Aspiring Digital Marketers and Students, to gain entry into the digital marketing industry

? Business Owners and Entrepreneurs, to plan and execute effective digital marketing campaigns for business growth

COURSE OBJECTIVES This course will enable you to:

? Gain an in-depth understanding of the various digital marketing disciplines: search engine optimization (SEO), social media marketing, pay-per-click (PPC), conversion optimization, web analytics, content marketing, mobile marketing, email marketing, programmatic buying, marketing automation and digital marketing strategy.

? Master digital marketing execution tools: Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, Twitter Advertising, and YouTube Marketing.

? Gain real-life experience by completing projects using Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing.

? Learn how to formulate, plan, and execute effective digital marketing strategies with our digital marketing strategy module.

? Prepare for top digital marketing certification exams such as OMCA, Google Analytics, Google AdWords, Facebook Marketing, and YouTube Marketing certifications.

? Become an expert in Twitter advertising-- we developed the Twitter advertising module in this course in partnership with Twitter.

COURSE OUTLINE Module 1 ? Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

? Introduction to SEO ? On-Page Optimization ? Off-Site Optimization and Link Building ? Duplicate Content ? Keyword Research and Competitive Analysis ? Design and Architecture ? Local SEO ? SEO Measurement ? The Changing State of SEO ? Integrating SEO with Other Disciplines ? SEO Foundations Quiz

Module 2 ? Social Media ? Introduction to Social Media ? Social Media Strategy and Planning ? Social Media Channel Management ? Social Media Management Tools ? Social Media Measurement and Reporting ? Social Advertising ? Social Media Foundations Quiz

Module 3 ? Content Marketing ? Introduction to Content Marketing ? Content Marketing Strategy ? Overseeing a Content Marketing Program ? Content Marketing Tactics ? Social Media Platforms

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? Measurement and Budget ? Content Marketing Foundations Quiz

Module 4 ? Email Marketing ? Introduction to Email Marketing ? Elements of Email ? Working with an ESP ? Build and Maintain your List ? Avoid Spam Penalties ? Email Deliverability ? Campaign Measurement ? Automation Basics ? Email Marketing Foundations Quiz

Module 5 ? Mobile Marketing ? Introduction to Mobile Marketing ? Mobile Products and Services ? Promotions and Incentives ? Integration with Marketing Mix ? Mobile Advertising ? Mobile Analysis ? Rules and Regulations ? Mobile Marketing Foundations Quiz

Module 6 - Pay Per Click (PPC) ? Introduction to Pay Per Click ? Psychology of Search ? Account Hierarchy ? Search Ads and Keyword Targeting ? Increasing Reach With Display Network ? Reaching Target Audiences ? The Buying Funnel ? The Paid Search Auction ? Setting and Measuring Marketing Goals ? How PPC Fits into the Digital Strategy ? PPC Foundations Quiz

Module 7 - Website Conversion Optimization

? Introducing Website Conversion Optimization

? Laying the Foundations of Conversion ? Getting to Know Your Customers ? Creating the Message ? Anatomy of a Landing Page ? Why Design Matters ? Testing for Conversions

Rate Rate

? Seeing the Bigger Picture ? Website Conversion Rate Optimization

Foundations Quiz

Module 8 ? Digital Analytics ? Introduction to Digital Analytics ? Organizational Maturity ? Building Blocks ? Managerial Perspectives of Digital Analytics ? Key Performance Indicators ? Segmentation ? The Analysis Process ? Marketing Management ? Experimentation and Testing ? Reports and Dashboards ? The Digital Analytics Stack ? Digital Analytics Foundations Quiz

Module 9 ? Marketing Automation ? Introduction to Marketing Automation ? Lead Capture and Nurture ? Automated Campaigns ? Improving Customer Life cycle ? Marketing Automation Foundations Quiz

Module 10 ? Programmatic Buying ? What is Programmatic Buying ? Programmatic Buying vs Traditional Paid Marketing Approaches ? Programmatic Direct vs RTB ? Programmatic Workflow ? Targeting Strategies in Programmatic ? Ad Frauds ? Programmatic Buying Foundations Quiz

Module 11 ? Tools ? Google Analytics ? Introduction to Google Analytics ? Navigating the Interface ? Advanced Table Filtering ? Creating Segments ? Multiple Goals and Goal Types ? Part 1 - Campaign Tracking: Fundamental Concepts ? Part 2 - Campaign Tracking: Tracking Parameters Examples ? Tracking People

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? Analyzing Marketing Effectiveness ? Feature-Rich-Website Tracking ? Tracking Ecommerce ? Analytics Intelligence ? Collaboration and Sharing ? Dashboards ? Understanding the Account Structure and

Managing Users ? Quality Assurance ? Course conclusion ? Google Analytics Quiz

Module 12 ? Tools ? Google AdWords Fundamentals

? Introduction to AdWords ? Account Structure ? Keywords & Match Types ? Creating Text & Search Ads ? Ad Extensions ? Display Ads ? Display Targeting ? Campaign Types & Settings ? Advertising Metrics ? Bidding & Bid Modifiers ? Quality Score ? AdWords Reports ? AdWords Tools ? Optimizing Your Account ? Google AdWords Fundamentals Quiz

Module 13 ? Tools ? Facebooks ? Understanding Facebook ? Facebook Presence and The News Feed Alogorithm ? Visual and Video Content on Facebook ? Putting Facebook to Work ? Facebook Messenger ? Facebook Advertising ? Demos ? Facebook Quiz

Module 14 ? Tools - YouTube and Marketing

? YouTube and Video Marketing ? YouTube and Video Marketing Quiz


Module 15 ? Tools ? Twitter ? Understanding Twitter ? Using Twitter as a Marketer ? Customer Service and Engagement Via Twitter ? Marketing on Twitter ? Understanding Twitter Advertising ? Twitter Ad Options ? Demos ? Twitter Quiz

Module 16 - Digital Marketing Strategy ? Creating a Digital Marketing Strategy ? Targeting Audience ? Plan the Right Channel Mix ? Campaign Management ? Campaign Measurement

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In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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