RANKLY SEAKING - Curzio Research

Straight from Wall Street to you on Main Street

Episode 500


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Frank Curzio:

Wall Street Unplugged looks beyond the regular headlines heard on mainstream financial media to bring you unscripted interviews and breaking commentary direct from Wall Street right to you on mainstream.

How's it going out there? It's Friday, March 17th. I'm Frank Curzio, host of the Frankly Speaking Podcast where I answer all of your questions, about the market, stocks, comedy, sports, and anything else you want to throw at me. I created this podcast to answer more of your questions that you send me through my Wall Street Unplugged podcast, which I host every Wednesday. So if you have any questions you want answered, just send me an email at frank@. That's frank@, be sure to put Frankly Speaking in the headline and you never know, your question may be the one that I read on this podcast.




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Let's jump right in here with a question from Jim Cramer. So Cramer asks, "Frank, if you know of a young hungry guy like you were, that you don't have room to hire, I have a key opening now that one of my guys moved on. Let me know. Thanks."

This is a serious email from Jim Cramer sent to me about two days ago. We're friends, somebody I talk to a lot, I worked for him. I know that there's a lot of young guys out there that listen to this podcast and I get questions all the time asking, "How can I become a great analyst? How can I learn more about stocks? What classes can I take? What books can I read to become a great stock analyst?" This is your opportunity to work with just about the smartest stock analyst in the world. So I learned more in the five years working next to Cramer, then I did in the previous ten working in this industry. Now we talk about world class, hands on education, you're going to learn about every stock, and I mean it, every stock. We were covering 2000 stocks each year. You're going to learn about every sector, large caps, small caps, you name it, dividend paying stocks, technical analysis, fundamental analysis, momentum investing, growth investing. You're going to have access to a lot of Cramer's contacts, which is a who's who of the CEOs of almost all the Fortune 500 companies.

Frankly Speaking - Episode 500

By working alongside him you're going to get access to almost anyone through a simple code call, and I'm not kidding here, since every company and CEO would die to be mentioned on Mad Money, which has a massive audience. I can't tell you how many times I've used his name, in you know, just calling somebody and saying, "Hey, I'm a senior analyst for Jim Cramer." I tell you, almost every single time that person I was calling picked up the phone. Didn't have to go through secretaries or anything. Even today, you have people who know me and know that I worked for Jim, they still to this day they ask me, "How is it to work for Jim? Is he really that smart, is he that crazy as he is on TV?" I still get the questions all ... I can't tell, and you not a week goes by when somebody asks me about Jim Cramer.

If you want to know how important Jim is, you talk about Tim Cook called in to Mad Money personally for the show's ten year anniversary. So talking, the CEO of Apple or the guy who runs the largest company on the planet with a market cap, what is it, close to 750 billion, and has more than 200 billion in cash. I mean, that's a pretty good guy to be friends with, right? Probably the best guy in the world to be friends with. I'm not going to kid you here, the job's not going to be easy. Most people won't make it. I probably saw at least ten people, over my five year period, get fired. They try to work alongside Jim, it's long hours. It will pay pretty good, but it's not easy dealing with Cramer, I know this personally, since his mind moves faster than anything I've ever seen.

Sometimes, especially at the beginning, it could be overwhelming, it's tough to keep up. But if you take that job and you're serious about it, you're probably going to be able to write on the Street's Platform, which will give you a lot of exposure, it did for me. You may be able to run your own newsletter, which I took over Stocks Under Tim when I was there, we had over ten thousand subscribers. You're going to have access to the best research platforms, like Bloomberg and Capital IQ. You're talking about things that cost probably twenty to thirty thousand dollars a year if you bought these platforms on your own. You're going to have access to just about every single sell-side report written. What does that mean? The sell-side reports from Goldman, JP Morgan, Morgan Stanley, these are amazing reports. Sometimes I poke fun at them and the target prices, the amount of research, especially when it comes to industry research that these guys do, and the analysts that they have, and the access they have. I mean, think about how much access Goldman has, right? If you're extremely wealthy, chances are you're going to have an account at Goldman, whether you hate them or not. They have access to everything.

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Frankly Speaking - Episode 500

You're going to have access to all these reports, everything that they're writing.

So you're going to learn a ton. You're going to learn about this stuff really, really fast, you have no choice. But for those of you who are young, who email me over the past three, four, five years, and maybe want to be where I am today, I mean having a pretty popular financial podcast, one of the top ones, most listened to in the world in financial investing sector. Being able to start my own publishing company. Building one of the biggest networks, which includes CEOs, top executives, billionaires, I mean these are the guys that you've been listening to on my podcasts for over ten years. If you want to learn to analyze stocks, probably better than 95% of the analysts out there, this is your opportunity.

If you're interested, email me at frank@, put "Cramer" in the subject line, and give me a brief description of yourself. Why is this job going to be a perfect fit for you? Don't send me your resume, please. I don't want to see your resume. I'm not interested in knowing that you went to Harvard, because there are more people from Ivy League schools who got fired by Jim and our team, than probably any other colleges. Maybe it's because these people who have world class educations, it's amazing if you get an education from an Ivy League school, not putting that down, but a lot of these kids came with chips on their shoulder and I assure you that's not what Jim is looking for. He's looking for a grinder. He's looking for someone who goes the extra mile, learns from his mistakes, but is hungry to make it big in this highly competitive industry, right, so tough to get a big start. So email me, tell me why this would be a perfect job for you and if I like what I see or what I read, I'll pass it on to Cramer directly and they'll call you there, believe me, they'll call you right away. He's looking right now.

But please, do not email me if you're not serious about this. This is a really, really tough job, if you take it and then leave in a few weeks, I'm going to be disappointed but that's probably nothing compared to how disappointed Cramer's going to be. Let me tell you something about Cramer, he doesn't hold back, especially when he's really ticked off, he'll tell you exactly how he feels. I kind of like that, it's a New York attitude. You know exactly where he stands on things, not going to compliment you all the time, but he will tell you ... You know, that's why when you get a compliment from Cramer it's really cool, cause he doesn't give them often. It's not like he's complimenting ... No, if you do something good

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Frankly Speaking - Episode 500

and you get a compliment from him, that's really good, cause he doesn't give them often. He's pretty cool, he's great to work for, but it is tough.

So again, if you're interested in this job where you work side by side with one of the greatest stock analysts, and one of the smartest people in the industry. I have to be honest, I think I'm qualified to say that since I interviewed a thousand analysts, money managers, CEOs, billionaires, on my podcast, and Jim is incredible, I mean brilliant, brilliant guy, then email me at frank@ . Keep in mind, this is a job on Wall Street. So you're going to have to live in New York to get this job and I'm telling you it won't be easy, it's long hours. But if you look at the benefits or at the light at the end of the tunnel, you could look at me, cause Cramer had a lot to do with where I am today, opening up a lot of doors for me, and I had to work hard, you know I take a lot of credit for that. You have to want it, and take it, and earn it, but he was a huge help and you need that sometimes. Here's that opportunity, which will open a lot of doors for you. Again, if you're interested in working your butt off, being an analyst to Cramer. Happy to send me that email, I told him I'll say this on my podcast, see if I can get a couple of people. I'm going to screen them first before I send them to Jim, but if you're interested, and again email me at frank@ because it is a very, very, very cool opportunity.

Hey next question is from Zack. It says, "Hey Frank, you owe me a new house. I sold my house and put the money on Vanderbilt like you said, and they lost Northwestern. Can you spare me a new house? Cheers, Zack."

Oh man, I know. I've got to eat some crow on this one. I hear you, Bud. You know, Zack, it's my fault. I just figured that the guy on Vanderbilt knew how to keep score, maybe they forgot how to count. I don't know if they teach that there. I don't know if you guys know what happened, or if you follow college basketball. Hopefully you're watching the tournament. The first day wasn't all that exciting, no real huge upsets, but it may have been the biggest mistake in college basketball since the timeout made by Chris Webber, when he called a timeout when they had none left and they winded up losing the national championship. Vanderbilt, who shot like 37% from the field, they played terrible, horrible, horrible, right? They're ten times better team than Northwestern, it was a bet of a lifetime. Did lose a little bit of money. I didn't get too crazy, I didn't get too aggressive, but I did lose money.

So, shot horrible, just played horrible, still managed - this is how

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Frankly Speaking - Episode 500

bad Northwestern is - they still managed to take the lead and come back with less than a minute to play. The spread was one, and then they scored, took the lead - after being down by more than ten points - they scored with 14 seconds left, they're up by one, right? The guy on Vanderbilt ... So Northwestern gets the ball, they dribble it up ... the guy on Vanderbilt runs up to the best foul shooter on the Northwestern team and fouls him intentionally, because he didn't know what the score was. He didn't know that they were in the lead, because they'd been losing the whole entire game. He thought they were down one, they were up one. So he foul him on purpose, the guy hits two free throw shots, they wind up losing.

So again, I did lose money on this game, I can't believe what I saw. You know I feel like I got this one right, but I lost. Actually, I definitely lost the bet. I'm 100% wrong. It's just you could see the analysis where a team just played absolutely horrible and still almost won, and should have won. I don't know if the guy on Vanderbilt had money on Northwestern. I have no idea what happened there. I kind of feel bad for the kid. I know he's going to get wrecked when he goes back to school. He might have to transfer.

But overall, look, a lot more action left. I'll try to come up with some more bets for you. The tournament should get really interesting with really some great match ups. I haven't seen too many upsets, but my fault on that one, Zack. I don't have a house, I think I have a garage for you to live in. It's heated and I'll throw in a flat screen TV for you, so that may help. Give me a call and you can live in my garage if you want, if you really sold your house. My apologies for that, I really, really thought that that bet was a sure thing and it should've been if the guy just played basketball like you're supposed to and not foul with 14 seconds left when you're up by one point, which is unbelievable. Honestly, I do feel bad for that kid and it was pretty sad.

So, let's stay in the basketball topic here, it's the NCAA tournament, just one more question. This is from Darrin, he goes, "Hey Frank, rock chock, hello from Kansas City. I've heard you say many times that you're a Kansas fan. Maybe I've missed it, but could you explain sometime why you love the Jay Hawks? I'm a 2001 KU Alum, and love that KU's your favorite team. Great tourney breakdown."

That was last week, I gave my whole tournament breakdown. By the way, just to let you know, out of my whole entire bracket, that is the only game I've got wrong, and that was the one I bet,

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