Declaration - Heshan Galahitiyawa

Konstructor – 3D based Intelligent Interactive House Building SystemProject ProposalSubmitted toSri Lanka Institute of Information TechnologyIn partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor of Science in Information TechnologySpecializing in Interactive Multimedia TechnologyFebruary, 2013DeclarationWe hereby declare that the project work entitled “Konstructor – 3D based Intelligent Interactive House Building System”, submitted to the Sri Lanka Institute of Information Technology is a record of an original work done by us, under the guidance of our Supervisor Mr. Dilhan Manawadu. This project work is submitted in the partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology Specializing in Interactive Multimedia Technology. The results embodied in this report have not been submitted to any other University or Institution for the award of any degree or diploma. Information derived from the published or unpublished work of others has been acknowledged in the text and a list of references is given.Project Title: Konstructor – 3D based Intelligent Interactive House Building SystemProject ID: ML WE-01Names of the Authors:Student IDStudent NameSignatureIT 11 1562 84Laknath K.L.IIT 11 2259 66Sumanasena R.E.L.KIT 11 0784 56Ariyawansa A.R.M.D.PIT 11 2265 74Wijerathne B.NIT 09 0755 28Galahitiyawa H.MIT 09 6121 98Iddamalgoda I.M.D.H.SDate of Submission:Internal Supervisor:Mr. Dilhan ManawaduNameSignatureDateAcceptance by Lecture in charge:Mr. Dilhan ManawaduNameSignatureDateAbstractTo keep pace with projected global growth through 2030, the world will have to spend $57 trillion on infrastructure [1]. When it comes to building infrastructure, anyone from large construction companies that build skyscrapers to individuals who are trying to build their dream house, have to consume a large amount of data, before starting the construction process. One of these is the compression of soil. If the proper calculations are not done, there is a high risk of subsidence. In addition, traditional architectural fables (“Vaasthu Vidya”) also play a significant role in building construction, especially in the South-Asian countries like Sri Lanka [2]. Currently, if a building plan has to be altered in order to reduce the risk of subsidence, there is no option for anyone to see how the changes would affect the final appearance of the structure, and whether it would match their beliefs, until an architect makes all the necessary changes and completes a new 3D model. This research is aimed at tackling these issues and coming up with a real time 3D, intelligent and interactive virtual environment that will be integrated with a new algorithm specially designed to calculate the impact that a building’s weight has on the soil. There will be two main components, an interactive 3D construction component and a soil compression calculator, integrated through the algorithm. The integration algorithm will perform real time calculations for any changes that are made to the 3D model and compare it with the maximum weight level that particular land can bear. In addition, the changes will also be cross checked with traditional architectural fables, as a user alters the 3D model.Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z \u Declaration PAGEREF _Toc349647490 \h iAbstract PAGEREF _Toc349647491 \h iiTable of Contents PAGEREF _Toc349647492 \h iiiList of Figures and Tables PAGEREF _Toc349647493 \h iv1.Introduction PAGEREF _Toc349647494 \h 11.1Overview to the Project PAGEREF _Toc349647495 \h 11.2Research Problem PAGEREF _Toc349647496 \h 21.3Justification for the Project PAGEREF _Toc349647497 \h 31.4Research Questions PAGEREF _Toc349647498 \h 31.5Objectives PAGEREF _Toc349647499 \h 41.6Research component of the project PAGEREF _Toc349647500 \h 41.6.1Feasibility PAGEREF _Toc349647501 \h 42.Literature Review PAGEREF _Toc349647502 \h 52.1Background Study PAGEREF _Toc349647503 \h 52.2Research Gap PAGEREF _Toc349647504 \h 83.Methodology PAGEREF _Toc349647505 \h 93.1Methodology (SDLC) PAGEREF _Toc349647506 \h 93.1.1 Reasons for selecting the Prototype development methodology: PAGEREF _Toc349647507 \h 93.1.2 Purpose of using Prototype Development Method: PAGEREF _Toc349647508 \h 93.1.3 Phase 1 – Planning PAGEREF _Toc349647509 \h 103.1.4 Phase 2 – Analysis PAGEREF _Toc349647510 \h 103.1.5 Phase 3 – Design PAGEREF _Toc349647511 \h 103.2WBS PAGEREF _Toc349647512 \h 103.3Resources PAGEREF _Toc349647513 \h 113.4Data Gathering / Data Mining PAGEREF _Toc349647514 \h 123.5Risk Management PAGEREF _Toc349647515 \h 123.6Anticipated Conclusions PAGEREF _Toc349647516 \h 134.Budget PAGEREF _Toc349647517 \h 145.References PAGEREF _Toc349647518 \h 156.Appendix PAGEREF _Toc349647519 \h 16List of Figures and Tables TOC \f B \h \z \t "Caption" \c Figure 1 - Causes of delay PAGEREF _Toc349592565 \h 1Figure 2 - Walls damaged due to subsidence PAGEREF _Toc349592566 \h 1Figure 3 - Prototype Development Methodology PAGEREF _Toc349592567 \h 9Table 1 - WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) PAGEREF _Toc349592568 \h 10Table 2 - WBS Extended PAGEREF _Toc349592569 \h 11Figure 4 - System Diagram PAGEREF _Toc349592570 \h 13Table 3 - Budget PAGEREF _Toc349592571 \h 14IntroductionOverview to the ProjectConstructing a building is not as easy as it seems. There are many reasons that can jeopardize a construction project or delay the project delivery time [see figure 1]. We need to think of all the factors that can affect the building, not only short term but long term as well.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 1 - Causes of delay [3]If we do not consider the weight of the building before we start construction or when we change our plans later on by adding or removing certain details, the foundation soil might not be strong enough to hold the building [4] and it may cause the walls to get damaged as well. If a building is designed without giving a thought to the climate of that area, it will be damaged either by rain or by sunlight [4].Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 2 - Walls damaged due to subsidenceIt is extremely important to check the quality and the constitution of soil before starting the construction. The soil may not be as strong as we might think to hold the building [4]. Thus problems can arise later while the building is being constructed or when it is finished. According to what we found out by interviewing several architects and people who have recently built houses, a considerable number of houses have been damaged due to subsidence, few years after building. Therefore it is important that we pay attention to soil constitution.Sometimes people want to change the building plans while it is being constructed. This, not only will result in a building which is totally different from the customer’s desire, but also will increase the cost unnecessarily. Moreover, there is no way to check the final design of the building after the modifications, until an architect finishes a 3D model.Apart from all the factors related to modern engineering, traditional architectural fables (“Vaastu Vidya”) also plays a major role when constructing a building, especially in South-Asian sub-cultures like Sri Lanka. Customers might wish to change the plan according to their beliefs. It will be difficult to do so if they are not given the correct idea of the outcome of the building beforehand. And there is no way to check how the alterations done to the design will affect the weight of the building, or matches the beliefs of the customer. Thus it will be very useful to have software or a system to give solutions to these problems using interactive multimedia.In this research project proposal, we have first given an introduction to our research including an overview and objectives of our research, statistics, studies we have reviewed and the problems we might encounter while going forward with the research. Then in the literature review, we have included the researches that are somewhat similar to our research and we have pointed out the differences they have compared ours. Then there is a brief account on the methodology we have chosen, resources and data we are gathering and using. Finally, an estimated budget report is included.Research ProblemWhen we made inquiries about building construction from architects and the customers, we were able to find out that above problems are frequently encountered within the construction process.From all the issues, sinking of the buildings (due to subsidence) and the problems in traditional beliefs were far more common.We found out that most of the people do not think of the soil constitution of the land before starting to build a house. Some may use marsh lands for construction after being filled with soil, which magnifies the risk of subsidence later on. If the construction is done through a company, the end customer might not even be aware of this matter. But it is necessary that it is given a thought before choosing a land for construction, and before starting construction on a land. If not many problems will arise after the construction is done. Therefore, it is always better to prevent problems before they occur.As mentioned above, the traditional architectural fables and astrology plays a huge role in building construction in Asian cultures. Even if a particular customer does not pay much attention to these views at the onset, he might have some doubts later, while the construction is going on or after it is finished. This may create problems as it is difficult to change the plans at this stage. It will also cause distress to the customer as well as to the architect giving an unsatisfied outcome.Even after searching thoroughly for an effective way to solve all these problems, we did not come across any way that would satisfactorily give solutions to all of them.Justification for the ProjectAs already mentioned above, we found out that there are a lot of issues in construction industry, which need to be solved, but are mostly left out because of the lack of an effective solution.In this research we will be aiming to come up with a solution to at least some of these problems. Before starting the construction, we measure the amount of water and air within the soil, check the constitution of the soil and then feed those data into our soil compression calculator, which will calculate the weight that particular soil can hold. This will help to plan the weight of the building and to make certain changes to support the foundation and to strengthen it.We will also integrate a database of traditional architectural fables and astrological beliefs which will be cross checked with every change made to the 3D model. Thereby we will let the customer know how much their plan of the building is compatible with their views. For an example there may be certain number of doors a building should have. So we will let the customer know that and let him decide how many doors he would like to have. We can also show the suitable places to have doors etc. using this knowledge.People have several ideas and options when considering the construction of a certain building. But due to the lack of interaction between the customer and the constructor, the output may not be as same as what the customer expected. When there is an interactive multimedia system, it helps to visualize the final output even before the construction starts.When a new item is added to the building, this software will show how it affects the outlook, foundation etc. So changes can be made in a more accurate, acceptable and a suitable way. Thus it will help the customer to get their dream building to be built in reality.Therefore the results of our research project would be very beneficial for building construction companies, architects and also for the customers who wish to build a house.Research QuestionsHow to build a virtual 3D environment using Maya to visualize the building before starting the construction?How to measure the weight of the 3d model we design using the particular algorithms and then predict the weight of the building?How to incorporate the astrological and traditional architectural fables presented by customers into our software system to get a better outcome?ObjectivesTo build a virtual 3D environment of a 2 storied building according to a construction plan.To let the customers view the buildings in 3D, before they start the construction.To let the users make certain changes (add or remove items, change the wall colors etc.) to a 3D model and to measure the weight of the model while it is being edited.To map the data related to soil compression, such as water and air levels in the soil, in to an algorithm to determine the weight that area can bear (Soil compression calculator).To come up with an algorithm that can be used to integrate the data from the 3D model (weight) and the data from soil compression calculator, and warn the users when their model is exceeding the weight level in the area and moving to the area with the risk of subsidence.We will go through the commonly encountered astrological problems while constructing a building and we will then incorporate those ideas and views into our software system. This will let the customer decide on changes he want to do according to the astrology.Research component of the projectFeasibilityIn our research we are planning to design a prototype which will concentrate only on certain major issues that came across as more important. This can later be modified in order to be used to solve further problems.We are using software systems, such as Maya and Unity, as well as certain theories and algorithms for calculations.We are confident in programming but we may have difficulties in using Maya and Unity software systems as we are not very familiar in using them. But we will make this research an opportunity to develop our skills in using these software systems as it will be beneficial for our future.We have planned to finish this research by one year and we have organized ourselves to finish it on time. Each of us is being given certain areas to cover depending on each of their capabilities and talents. We have calculated the risks, and if one team member fails to complete his task satisfactorily, we have appointed another person who will take over that task. Currently, we are confident about the feasibility of this project.Literature ReviewBackground StudyThere are many difficulties in building a house on compressed soil and in some areas which have different raining patterns. Before starting the construction process, proper calculations have to be done. At present, these calculations done manually using calculators, which is highly time consuming. Many researchers have done research regarding this problem and they are described within this section.First of all, we have to find the definition of soil compaction. “Compaction is densification of soil by removing air using mechanical equipment. The degree of compaction is measured by its dry unit weight”. In the literature of 1980, it is recognized that “Compression curves determined for soils at different water contents were approximately parallel to each other over the range of initial pore water potentials from ?0.05 to ?1.0 bar.[5]” They have used some methods to get the results, “determined on 36 world agricultural soil samples at given water content were linear over the range of stresses from about 1 to 10 kg cm?2.[5]”Also in another research done about soil compression in 2011 that states, “Simulated soil compression and piling, vehicles leaving tire traces spinning, skidding and even sinking. This first step is the simulation of the soil object system at a discretization scale that can be termed "intermediate". A subsequent step consists of the simulation of a finer physical soil model in order to account for smaller scale dynamic phenomena.[6]”Another section we are focusing on our project is, Interactivity. Definition of interactivity is “Computer program, device, game, etc., that (in response to a user's action or request) presents choices (paths) depending on where in the program the user initiated the action. By following different choices, the user can accordingly control or change the action of the device or outcome of a game or program.” There are some researches regarding interactivity. In 1998, University of Kansas Lawrence has done a research which says “The current paradigm evaluates speech recognition technology in terms of word recognition accuracy on large vocabulary transcription tasks, such as telephone conversations or media broadcasts.[7]” And they have introduced a solution for that problem, “more productive and more accessible paradigm for spoken language research, in which research advances are evaluated in the context of interactive systems that allow people to perform useful tasks, such as accessing information from the World Wide Web, while driving a car.[8]”The next aspect we are going to consider is 3D designing. Definition of 3D is “Three-dimensional model that displays a picture or item in a form that appears to be physically present with a designated structure. Essentially, it allows items that appeared flat to the human eye to be display in a form that allows for various dimensions to be represented. These dimensions include width, depth, and height” There are some researches regarding 3D. In 1997 Department of Computer Science and Graduate School of Architecture have done a research which says “We introduce an application that presents information about our university's campus, using a head-tracked, see-through, head-worn, 3D display, and an untracked, opaque, hand-held, 2D display with stylus and track pad. We provide an illustrated explanation of how our prototype is used, and describe our rationale behind designing its software infrastructure and selecting the hardware on which it runs.[9]” Another research in says “face recognition system based on 3D head modeling that is able to tolerate facial rotation angles was constructed by leveraging the Open source graphic library (OpenGL) framework.[10]”Then we will consider about Virtual Environment. Definition of virtual environment is “a computer-generated, three-dimensional representation of a setting in which the user of the technology perceives themselves to be and within which interaction takes place”. In 1997 Northeastern University Boston has done a research project. They have produced a virtual driver simulator and they say “when the lead driver in a car-following situation suddenly brakes, the following car driver needs to respond as quickly as possible to avoid a collision. Such driving paradigms suggest that broadcasting and dead-reckoning may be applicable only if the human controlled actors are further apart than some delta time value.[11]” Another research is done in and it says “The system consists of a server and client architecture. Within this architecture, the server or controller plays a "master" role, puffing, storing, and delivering media content from a plurality of client sources. The master server or controller manipulates the storage and delivery of these streams through an intelligent database and programming architecture.[11]”Those are some of the key previous researches related to our project. We are now going to have a look at some of the currently available projects that are somewhat similar to our project, but do not present the same outcome.In 2002, Fuzhou University has done a similar project. They have done a virtual plant project which says “The purpose of the software package is to provide an integrated software solution to realistic plant modeling, real-time scene rendering, growth simulation and applications at different scales from individual, stand (population, community) to landscape. We are used to build individual plant model. Para Tree combines geometric modeling and parameterized modeling.[12]” Most important thing is that this software doesn't require much knowledge about biology from the users.Another project is done by producing a VR visualization experience and they say “The system aims towards a cost-effective, clearly presented and timely accessible system that follows a threefold approach; It entails managing the extensive amount of the daily produced medical data, combining the scattered information related to one patient in one interface with a filtering criteria to the required information, and visualizing in 3D the data from different sources, in order to improve 3D mental mapping, increase productivity and consequently ameliorate quality of service and management.[13]” Medical industries can get more advantages using this system. Another project is done in which the target audience is crane operators. This says “The proposed system has a function called multimodal display which presents various kinds of operational assistance. We consider the realization of the training system by adaptation of the strength of operational assistance based on operator’s state; we focus on the operator’s skill level. [14]” Most important thing is that someone who likes to be a crane operator can get training using this crane system.Another project is done about cultural heritage assets, which says “our approach for an asset management is described. This includes the system configuration and asset creation method. Finally, we address how to present the virtual heritages. Here, we show two approaches, Web-based and virtual reality theater-based system. We also address the networking issues for transcontinental cultural heritage exchange and our future plan for the 3D cyber museum through the Trans-Eurasia Information Network. [15]” The importance of this project is that any user can easily walk through this virtual museum and see what the cultural heritage assets are.After that we will move on to another project. This project is done by E-Learning using 3D technology. They say “This application gives the student the ability to perform all experiments in a certain crucial. The second application is an on-line English language education system. This application gives the students the ability to learn the language audile and visual via on line interactive system. X3D is used as the main implementation tool which give the systems users the full visualization and interactivity of all learning steps. [16]” Most important thing is that by using this project every student can learn real manner of using a 3D object.Another project done by 3D photo Gallery on mobile, says “The system will allow users to take pictures with the mobile device and exhibit in the form of virtual3D gallery and navigate or walk through in the gallery by pressing the button or moving the device. The device has the computational unit which is capable of determining motion data from the g-sensor or accelerometer sensor. The motion data describes the movement of the device including a rotation of the device. Therefore, the benefit of the sensor could be applied such as modifying the view displayed on the screen vertically or horizontally automatically. [17]” Importance of this software is that the user can view photos in a 3D view which is the actual objective of 3D technology.Another project is done on a virtual museum but using deferent approaches. It says “conducted indicate that previous experience with ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) did not correlate with perceived AR objects’ presence or VR presence while exposed to a virtual heritage environment. Enjoyment and both AR objects’ presence and VR presence were found to be positively correlated. Therefore, a high level of perceived presence could be closely associated with satisfaction and gratification which contribute towards an appealing experience while interacting with a museum simulation system. [18]” By using this system, every user can walk through whole museum and see all the heritage things.Another project which produced a virtual 3D city says “We present a technique to automatically generalize a given virtual 3D city model consisting of building models, an infrastructure network and optional land coverage data; this technique creates several representations of increasing levels of abstraction. Using the infrastructure network, our technique groups building models and replaces them with cell blocks, while preserving local landmarks. [19]” Importance of this project is that the user can get some idea about city roads without actually going there by using this 3D virtual city system.There are also some Industrial products that are somewhat similar to our end system. One such product is “ProBuilder”, which is kind of similar to our project but does not have any weight calculation functions. This is a brief introduction of ProBuilder “ProBuilder is a tool for building, editing, and texturing custom meshes right in Unity 3D. It is a fast, intuitive, and dead-simple way to create everything from environment details, to structures, to entire levels. ProBuilder is also great for quickly adding volumes, zones, triggers, occlusion areas, collision boxes and more. Best of all, you can do all this without ever leaving Unity. [20]”Research GapThrough the research our team has done so far, we have been able to find out that there is no such system or software that can offer the services that we expect to deliver at the end of our project. Thus we have decided to go forth with it.MethodologyMethodology (SDLC)Selecting a good methodology will help in creating a high quality software product. Out of various types of software development methodologies, our research group has decided to use the Prototype development methodology. With this approach the basics of analysis and design are perform, and work immediately begins on a system prototype, a “quick-and-dirty” program that provides minimal amount of features.3.1.1 Reasons for selecting the Prototype development methodology:Prototyping, as a methodology, is important in building fast, more reliable, better quality systems. Here is why and how. This method is based on building a model of a system to be developed. Moreover, the initial model should include the major program modules, the database, screens, reports, and the inputs and outputs that the system will use for communicating with others.Because of that, for this research we thought to select prototype development methodology to complete the task.Figure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 3 - Prototype Development Methodology3.1.2 Purpose of using Prototype Development Method:When using the prototype model, user can easily get a clear idea and feel about the model of the house. Because of this reason he can suggest the changes and modification that he expects. On the other hand we can use this developing method for non-IT-literate people. They usually are not good at specifying their requirements. Because of these reasons users can minimize their failures on the model of the house.3.1.3 Phase 1 – PlanningThis is the fundamental process of understanding why this system should be built. According to the above description, first of all we held some meetings and came up with some decisions.3.1.4 Phase 2 – AnalysisAnalysis is the phase which analyzes user requirements and identifies system problems. And also this phase analyzes information and captures the goals of the project. For that reason we gathered some details about past researches that can be of help in our project and in overcoming the risks and problems that we can have in the future.3.1.5 Phase 3 – DesignThe design phase describes how the system is going to operate. According to that we have some steps to consider.Architecture design – The plan for the hardware, software and communications infrastructure for the new system.Process design – Different procedures that we hope to use in the system.Data Storage design – Logical Structure of the database.3D model design – All the model designs of the system.3.1.6 Phase 4 – ImplementationThis is the most important development method of the research. This is the longest development process; because in this process we have to check on the bugs and errors of the model and the algorithms that we build.If there are any of those types of conflict situations in the project, our team has to clear those errors and bugs.WBSThis is how the work and the duties are divided between team members.Team Member1st Responsibility2nd Responsibility3rd Responsibility4th ResponsibilityIsuruCodingDocumentSoundAlgorithm ProgrammingBuddikaDatabaseCodingDocumentVideo EditingHeshanDocument3D DesigningAlgorithm ProgrammingSoundLilanga3D DesigningVideo EditingSoundCodingDhanushkaAlgorithm ProgrammingSoundCodingDocumentHasitha3D DesigningVideo EditingCodingDocumentTable SEQ Table \* ARABIC 1 - WBS (Work Breakdown Structure)According to the above table we plan out the time that each member has to spend on each duty on the research.Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 2 - WBS ExtendedResourcesMicrosoft Visual Studio 2012Microsoft SQL Server 2012Autodesk Maya 2012Unity 4.0Autocad 2012SONY Vegas PRO v12.0.0.486MSoffice package 2010Adobe Photoshop CS 5Data Gathering / Data MiningTo find about data according to our research we decided to meet up with the people who work in relation to the construction field. And we thought of meeting the people who are constructing buildings there at present.In the future we hope to have a questionnaire for the people who are interested in this field and the people who are directly connected with this subject.We gathered some data according to the designing of virtual environment design and the researches that are done in the past, which are similar to our research (literature review).Interview the architectures working in leading construction companies such as Maga (Pvt.) Ltd and Access Engineers Ltd over the phone.We hope to meet up some government officers who work in relation to the building construction.Risk ManagementAccording to our meetings, we have identified some important risks associated with this research project.In many Asian sub-cultures, like Sri Lanka, people believe in many traditional architectural fables (“Vasthu Vidya”), which we have to study. However, we have decided to focus our research on Sri Lankans in order to narrow the scope.We cannot identify the exact target time that we have to spend on building the 3D model. This is due to the doubts about our team members’ knowledge and the other issues that might occur in the future, which we have no control over (illnesses, examinations, arguments). We have assigned at least 2 team members for one task, in order to reduce these risks.In the designing phase, we have to merge our 3D model with the other software to do the coding part of the project. This is one of the major risks as we have to implement a unique algorithm for this purpose.In between the project, members can leave the research. We have assigned a backup member for every major task in the project.Anticipated ConclusionsFigure SEQ Figure \* ARABIC 4 - System DiagramBudgetItemPer Month (Rs.)Per Year (Rs.)Travelling2400.0028,800.00Stationary200.002,400.00Communication (Phone Bills)200.002,400.00Internet Bill300.003,600.00Other200.002,400.00Total expenditure3,300.0039,600.00Table SEQ Table \* ARABIC 3 - BudgetReferences[1] “Rethinking infrastructure,” Feb. 2013. [Online]. Available: [Accessed: Feb. 15, 2013].[2] A. Pieris, Architecture and Nationalism in Sri Lanka: The Trouser Under the Cloth. Abingdon, Oxon: Routledge, 2013.[3] Ayman H. Al-Momani, “Construction delay: a quantitative analysis,” International Journal of Project Management, vol. 18, pp. 51–59, Feb. 2000.[4] E. Allen and J. Iano, Fundamentals of Building Construction: Materials and Methods, 5th Edition. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 2009.[5] W. E. Larson, S. C. Gupta and R. A. 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