University of Utah Econ PhD Job Market Guide

University of Utah Econ PhD Job Market Survey

February 2008

Several “Job Market Guides” for academic job seekers have been compiled over the years, but most seem to be aimed at students coming out of mainstream, top-20 schools. The purpose of this survey is to try to give future Utah students a better understanding of how the job market works for students coming out of our program specifically. If you’re willing, please answer the following questions. I will add them to past responses after stripping out any identifying information. If you want to drop off answers anonymously for whatever reason, you can do that. Thanks for your help.

(1) Suppose it's July or August, and a current PhD student is trying to decide whether or not to go on the market. What's the one piece of advice you'd give them for making this decision?

(2) What's the best way to carry out the initial stage of the process - gathering job postings, deciding where to apply, and getting your packet (letters, cvs, references, etc) together?

(3) When did schools call you to schedule interviews? Do you have any advice about how to handle that stage of the process?

(4) What were you asked in your initial interviews? How much emphasis was there on your research interests and on your teaching? What's the best way to prepare for initial interviews? Were you asked anything that really surprised you? Were you asked questions that were related to Utah’s being a “heterodox” school? Do you have any general advice about how to handle the stress of the ASSA meetings?

(5) If you got some flyouts, when did schools call you to schedule them?

(6) Again, if you got some flyouts: What happened on your flyouts? Did you teach a class or give a seminar? What's the best way to prepare for a flyout? What should you ask the potential employer at this time? What shouldn't you ask them?

(7) If you got an offer: How long did you have to wait, post-flyout, to get an offer? Do you have advice about how to handle this stage?

(8) If you got a job in a different way (post-December postings, for instance), what would you tell a student about that kind of job search?

(9) Was there anything that surprised you about your job after you started working - anything that would be useful to a student applying for jobs or considering an offer?

(10) Any additional thoughts or advice? In particular, is there anything you would add about how being a Utah “product” affected your job search process?


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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