Economic Development Ministry Meeting

Economic Development Ministry Meeting

January 4, 2008

The meeting opened up with prayer at 7:05 p.m. by Brother Rudy Gipson.

We are getting together for this first meeting of the year to keep the momentum and perspective going. Pastor Gee encouraged us to keep the enthusiasm up, because we have a lot coming forth in 2008.

He then asked everybody to take a minute to read over the minutes that were distributed from the last meeting for any edits and to see where we are and where we're going. There was one correction re: NCIMED.

EDM is a ministry that is fulfilling a mandate of possessing the things that God has for us to possess. Misthinking has often caused us to bypass financial blessings. Often all the elements may be present in a ministry, except the financial element. We should always approach this as if we are on a mission. Next to winning souls is helping people to understand provision.

Many of the problems in marriage often have to do with lack. But we want to be a people that have provision. We want our vision to be provision. The ideas that we have are connecting to the fact that God wants us to provide for his people. We have to help change the thinking of the people. We have to use our resources for the good of the kingdom, but we shouldn’t apologize for what we have.

God is stirring us in whatever form and moving us in a direction to provide the final piece to the puzzle - financers. We are part of a last day movement in which we will finally take the last fortress that Satan has been controlling. This area has been illusive to us. In terms of the marketplace, there is a big “transformation” movement in town.

Pastor Gee then talked a little bit about EDM during the consecration, because we want this ministry, and what we do, to be blessed during and as a result of the fast. As a result, Pastor Gee asked for suggestions of things we could do specifically for EDM during the consecration.

1. Sister Carlton suggested that we pray for the ministry itself that we (the members) be in a good position financially ourselves. We should pray that any loose ends be tied up so we can be good examples (e.g. wills in place for our children, etc.). (Action)

2. Brother Torain thought that we should learn more about the expertise in the ministry by networking and talking more to each other more since we may not be sure what everyone does. The EDM membership database that will be designed this year will help in this area since it will give us the ability to search for specific skills of members, instructors, etc. (Action)

3. Evangelist Murphy offered to add a “favor” item on the blog so that comments could be made as to how God is blessing. (Action)

4. Sister Crum suggested that while we are sacrificing meals and activities that we make sure we are paying our tithes and offerings and perhaps sow a little more than normal on behalf of the EDM. We should make our requests known when we sow. (Action)

5. Since Pastor Al is most likely best acquainted with the vision for WOCC and EDM, as well as Pastor Andy's heart, Sister Burroughs suggested that it might be useful for him to come up with a list of things that we could post on the blog to help people focus their prayers. (Action)

6. Brother Roberts suggested that we post some financial scriptures on the blog and perhaps start a discussion around them. (Action)

Action Item: Pastor Gee wants us to get together one day for prayer for the EDM. Most of us know how to sow, but we don't always know how and when to reap (receive). We have to feel good enough about ourselves to go out there and get it!

The first EDM seminar will be held on April 26, 2008. Sister Jill Coleman is taking the helm on pulling this together. It will be held at the church and will probably be for most of the day (starting at 8 or 9 am and lasting until 2 or 3 pm). With the training, speakers, etc., this will be a pretty big undertaking. Action Item: If you're interested in assisting with the seminar, please contact Sister Coleman. The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, Jan. 9th at 6:00 pm in Rm. 8 at the church.

We have begun to put together some of the ongoing teachings that we will offer via the EDM curriculum. The team is ready to put something forth, but since we are concentrating on the fast right now, we will hold off a bit. Sister Burroughs has spoken to the producer about the Rapid Debt Reducer Software mentioned at the last meeting, and he will make it available through a special link for $18. Action Item: We will make the link available from the blog once we have it.

Action Item: Our meetings will be changing to the second Friday of the month beginning in February 2008. We will probably meet most often at DNJ Mortgage in Raleigh.

Sister Cheri Crum will be heading up the Grants Writing Group. This is something that people don't know a lot about, even though there are so many different types of grants to apply for. Many business owners and entrepreneurs could benefit from this funding. Sister Crum hasn't written federal grants before, but with the Lord's help, she’s sure that we can do it. Grants free up our money and expenses and taps into federal money. This will take us to the next level.

We want to have a group of about 20 or more people on this team, so we interested in anyone who can proofread, write, is an author, poet, or English major. We could even consider affiliating with a church that already has a team together, until we can get ourselves in order. Action Item: If you want to be a part of this team, please send your information to Sister Crum at mrs_crum@. Action Item: Since there may be members who want to be a part of this team butdon’t want to make the commitment to join the EDM, we are going to solicit for help from the membership via an announcement in the Bulletin. Sister Yolanda Brown volunteered for the group.

Many investment options have been coming across Pastor Gee’s desk (e.g. real estate, restaurants, oil, etc.), because people want to tap into our phenomenal growth. An investment group has been formed so we can make good decisions about these offerings. We don’t want to miss good deals, but we do want to pass on bad deals. Action Item: If you’re interested in joining this group, please let Pastor Gee or Evangelist Murphy know. Sister Tammie Carlton volunteered for the group.

Sister Coleman suggested that we consider taking 10 minutes for each meeting; if possible, to educate ourselves (nothing long or complicated) in all these areas we’ve been talking about, to ensure that we are really smart as a group.

We would really like to get a link on the church’s main Website for our blog and the Business and Services Directory. Pastor Gee has talked to the staff about this and we're on hold due to their plans to revise the Website. No timeline has been set, but they are aware and it is on the table. We will continue to press for this presence.

We are in the season of an Open Heaven! There couldn't be a better set of circumstances than an open heaven (or favor) in terms of finances. This means that there are no limitations! Be encouraged over the next weeks to embrace this and go a step further and a level higher. God has blessed this church with 165 acres for 2 million dollars! The church is not one person but a group of people, so God is attempting to bless all of us - every individual here. His intentions are to bless all parts of this body at this level.

Whatever part you are taking in the consecration is important. Don’t be denied as to your blessing. The open heaven concept is upon us. Don’t be afraid to search out the things that you have in your heart. This is like the pacman (game piece) eating a power creature. Power gives us energy, umph, a thrust, and a boldness to do some things that we could not do before.

The meeting closed with prayer by Pastor Gee at approximately 8:05 pm.

Recorded by Evangelist Beverly Murphy


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