Statement of Work

Statement of WorkForA Document Management System for the University Medical Group (UMG)213360077470Between: University Medical Group (UMG) and: [Contractor name TBD]Prepared by: University Medical Group, LLCEffective Date: _________________________Under Contract #: _________________________Under Contract Name: ______________________ ______________________00Between: University Medical Group (UMG) and: [Contractor name TBD]Prepared by: University Medical Group, LLCEffective Date: _________________________Under Contract #: _________________________Under Contract Name: ______________________ ______________________Table of Contents TOC \o "1-3" \h \z 1.0 Introduction51.1Project Title51.2 Background51.3 Objectives71.4 Reference to other applicable documents82.0 Staffing Roles and Responsibilities92.1 Staffing92.2 Roles and Responsibilities Matrix103.0 Key Assumptions164.0 Risks205.0 Scope of Work215.1 Inclusions225.2 Exclusions235.3 Deliverables235.4 Milestones246.0 Work Approach247.0 Completion Criteria and Final Acceptance267.1 Completion Criteria267.2 Final Acceptance278.0 Schedule279.0 Project Management279.1 Enterprise PMO279.2 Project Status Reports2810.0 Relevant Organizational Policies, Standards, Supported Software & Environment2911.0 Timeline and Period of Performance3112.0 Compensation and Payment Schedule3113.0 Miscellaneous3314.0 Appendices34Statement of Work1.0 IntroductionProject TitleThis work is being performed for the University Medical Group (UMG). This Statement of Work (SOW) for the Document Management System (the “Project”) is made and entered into by and between University Medical Group, LLC (“UMG”) and [Contractor]. This SOW incorporates by reference the terms and conditions of Contract Number [XXX-XXX-XXX] in effect between UMG and [Contractor]. In case of any conflict between this SOW and the Contract, the Contract shall prevail. The UMG and Contractor agree as follows:1.2 BackgroundThe University Medical Group (UMG) is a physician’s practice comprised of 150 physicians across 20 specialties. UMG physicians are on the staff of University Medical Hospital, serving patients across the greater Chicago area. Specifically, UMG maintains:One main facility (located on the campus of University Hospital), housing 80 physicians, including 68 specialists and 12 primary care physicians (PCPs).Ten other office locations across the Chicago area, each of which houses between five and eight physicians. There are 50 PCPs located across these clinics as well as 20 specialists. An offsite paper records storage facility managed by a 3rd party, Iron Mountain, for all paper records ≥ five years old. Iron Mountain provider shreds all records ≥ 10 years old. At UMG our Mission is to deliver the highest quality of care to the communities in which we operate. We seek to improve both patient outcomes and patient satisfaction in a cost effective manner, and leverage our relationship with University Hospital to bring the latest advances in medical research to the patients we serve. In 2010, UMG implemented Epic, an electronic medical records (EMR) system, and has successfully deployed computerized physician’s order entry (CPOE), clinical documentation, and clinical decision support modules. Any system proposed to UMG must be compatible with and integrate into the currently installed Epic environment.While successful in the implementation of its EMR system, UMG is still challenged with the on-going presence of paper documents in its workflow. Since the implementation of the Epic system in 2010, standard practice has been to capture all patient information using the clinical documentation features of the system. However, historical paper charts are still kept in each facility. Physicians perpetuate the paper form factor when they request that information from the EMR be printed out; they then update that information on paper to be included in the chart. As a result of this dual workflow, UMG has not realized the full benefits from its investment in an EMR, and must also maintain a large medical records department (both in terms of personnel and space) in several locations. Added to this cost is the contract in place (expiring at end of 2012) with Iron Mountain to store/shred records ≥ five years old in accordance with Illinois guidelines and UMG’s policies. UMG staff is often required to travel back and forth to retrieve documents from Iron Mountain’s facility, located one hour from downtown Chicago. UMG is seeking to eliminate the paper chart and reduce related costs through the electronic capture, storage, and viewing of longitudinal patient data in the EMR system. The ideal system will also integrate and coordinate overall records retention schedules (both paper and electronic, onsite and offsite), and provide document status (e.g. offsite, being scanned, in record). Timeframe for start of enterprise-wide deployment of a document management system is July of 2012, with completion of roll-out and transition to new workflows/systems complete by December 2012. 1.3 ObjectivesThe key objective of the Project is to establish a common digital repository comprised of all patient data that will be shared, accessed, and updated across all UMG locations. This requires not only that historical paper-based documents be digitized, tagged, and included in individual patient records, but that a system and set of processes be put into place to enable on-going, real time capture of information during patient visits. Other objectives of the Project include: Improving patient care through enabling clinicians’ real time access to a patient’s longitudinal record during the patient visit. The EMR will contain adequate historical data for the clinicians to provide safe care for their patients, and patients will be satisfied that their physician has appropriate information in the EMR for their care.Leveraging the investment already made in our existing EMR to include the full patient record, including paper input provided from third party providers (e.g. lab results, physicians outside the UMG practice). Any proposed system or process must be fully compatible and integrated with the current Epic EMR system. Facilitating physician acceptance of a fully electronic environment through improvement of physician workflows/schedules. This should in turn increase the practice capacity for seeing additional patients.Decreasing patient wait times and increasing patient satisfaction due to elimination of patient interview forms each time a visit is made. Complying with Meaningful Use guidelines in order to be eligible for Federal and State subsidies for EMR implementation, as well as to continue to be eligible for full reimbursement rates for Medicare/Medicaid patients post-2014 (deadline for implementing an EMR system). Reducing the amount of space being consumed by paper chart storage in each facility, which in turn should enable consolidation of physician practice offices. Reducing the number of clerical staff currently focused on managing paper charts. Reducing and ultimately eliminating the cost for Iron Mountain, as well as eliminate time/delays spent/incurred by UMG staff retrieving records from that facility. Better compliance with the State of Illinois record retention policies. 1.4 Reference to other applicable documentsThe following can be found in the Appendix:Project CharterProject PlanFormal Request for Proposal sent to potential vendorsStandard UMG Contract Language, Terms and ConditionsEpicCare System documentationMap of UMG current network infrastructureList of supported hardware, softwareUMG security standards2.0 Staffing Roles and Responsibilities2.1 StaffingThe Contractor’s Project Manager is:Name:? Address: City: Organization & Zip: Phone: Cell: Fax: UMG’s Project Manager is:Name:? Charlie KesingerAddress: 2020 Enforcer WayCity: PlutoOrganization & Zip:? PMO Consultants, 75309Phone: (111) 222- 3434Cell: (111) 246- 9876Fax: (111) 222-5000Email:ckesinger@2.2 Roles and Responsibilities MatrixContractor Staff, Roles and Responsibilities:The Contractor will provide the following support to the UMG Document Management Project Team: Contractor RoleFunctionResponsibilitiesExecutive SponsorThis individual will be a high level member of the Contractor’s Senior Leadership Team—not a Sales resource. He/she will represent the Contractor at all read-outs to the Project Steering Committee.Overall relationship management between Contractor and UMGProject LeaderThis individual will be dedicated 100% to the Project, and will interface directly with the UMG Document Management Project Leader. The Contractor Project Leader will be tasked with reporting out to the Steering Committee on an agreed upon schedule.Primary responsibility will be to ensure contractor delivers against plan on time and on budget. The contractor Project Leader will function in close association with the UMG’s Project Manager to ensure successful implementation of the project.Technical Leaders, both Application and InfrastructureThese resources will interface with their respective counterparts on the UMG team, and will ensure solution meets UMG’s application and infrastructure standards.The contractor will provide technical support for the analysis, build, and implementation of the project. The technical team leaders will work closely with the CIO to ensure installation of the software and optimal technical performance of the system.Legal/Procurement resourceRepresent the Contractor in all contract discussions. Will act as the primary contact for all contract discussions and negotiations, with input from the Contractor’s and UMG’s broader team.TrainingTransfer knowledge for the new system and processes to UMG users, including physicians, nurses, clerical staff, and others in the organization.The trainer is responsible for ensuring transfer of knowledge in use and minor troubleshooting of the system to the HIM director and the clerical/EDM analysts. The training sessions are expected to occur one-one and last two hours to ensure individualized attention to the steps in the process and using the system. TestingEnsure the system meets the acceptance criteria as outlined in Section 7. The testing support person will work with the trainer, CIO, PMs and technical lead regarding testing of the interface, scenarios testing to ensure all functionality is assessed and optimized.Project AnalystEnsure communications both with the contractor team as well as between contractor and UMG. The analyst will assist in scheduling meetings for the project team, ensure meeting rooms are selected, send meeting reminders, provide communications with the corporate office and provide minutes of meetings as well as documentation of testing logs. The analyst will also assist EDM team members in other duties as required.The contractor will provide a project manager (PM), training team, and project analysts. Support for the technical build will be provided by the contractor, in close collaboration with the organization’s CIO, with respect to infrastructure, hardware and interfaces. For the planning and go-live phases of the project, the CIO is expected to be committed full time to the project with subsequent involvement on an as-needed basis. The contractor will provide for additional support services on an ongoing basis, with a plan for decrementing the support hours beyond the first six months. After the first six months, the support contract will change to the maintenance agreement as outlined in separate documentation. Support will be charged to the physician organization on an hourly basis dependent.UMG Organization Staff, Roles and ResponsibilitiesThe Project Sponsor is the CEO. She will be joined on the project Governance Board by the CIO/CTO, CMIO, the CFO/Practice Administrator, the General Council, the COO. The overall UMG organizational structure is as follows:Relative to the Project, the Senior Leadership Team has the following roles/responsibilities, and will form the Steering Committee for the overall Project Team:Management RoleFunctionResponsibilitiesChief Executive Officer (CEO)The CEO of UMG has overall responsibility for ensuring that the practice consistently delivers on our Mission of delivering the highest quality of care to the communities in which we operate in a cost effective manner. The CEO also has responsibility for ensuring that UMG complies with all state and federal laws regarding healthcare delivery. The CEO also ensures that investments made in facilities and systems are on track with and contribute to the success of UMG’s strategy.The CEO must sign off an all investments >$15,000.Chief Medical Informatics Officer (CMIO)The CMIO translates the needs of the Practice into the requirements for clinical support systems, and has overall responsibility for ensuring that UMG’s clinical support systems (including the EMR and the document management systems) meet the needs of UMG’s various constituencies.The CMIO will also work to develop physician buy-in of the project and enhance communications regarding project goals. This will include project kick-off meetings with physicians at each clinical site and prior to the implementation, as well as meeting with leadership at each clinic weekly during the implementation phase. The CMIO will be present for the first day of implementation at each clinic including the end of the day team huddles. The CMIO must sign off on all user requirements, as well as any new clinical system or clinical system upgrades prior to moving to implementation, regardless of level of investment.Chief Financial Officer/Practice Administrator (CFO)The CFO has a fiduciary responsibility to ensure that the UMG remains a profitable entity, able to meet both its current obligations as well as positioned to invest in its future. The CFO is also responsible for ensuring proper controls are in place to manage, monitor, and forecast both UMG’s revenues and costs. The CFO must sign off on all investments greater than $10,000.Chief Information Officer (CIO)The (CIO) has overall responsibility for both IT infrastructure and IT applications. The CIO must sign off on all new clinical or business system or system upgrades prior to moving to implementation.The CIO must sign off on all investments greater than $10,000.General Counsel (GC)The GC is responsible for ensuring that UMG is in compliance with all state and federal mandates related to healthcare delivery (including HIPAA Compliance), as well as represents UMG in all matters of litigation.The GC must approve all contracts requiring investments greater than $5,000, and/or any contract with a multi-year investment horizon.Chief Operating Officer (COO)The COO has day-to-day responsibility for the UMG practices (150 physicians across 20 specialties), including all facilities (real estate).The COO must approve all contracts requiring investments greater than $5,000.The Steering Committee will meet with the Project Team for two hours weekly during the planning phase of the project, and will meet with the Project Team and the Contractor’s Executive Sponsor and Project Leader on a monthly basis. After implementation, the Project Team will meet with the contractor regarding verification of contract deliverables.The UMG Document Management Project Team organizational structure is as follows:Project RoleFunctionResponsibilitiesDocument Management Project LeaderHas overall responsibility for the Document Management Team and the RFP process. RFP construction, processCommunication with Steering CommitteeRecommendation of solutionVendor negotiationDelivery of solution on time and on budgetBusiness Owner “Super User”Represents the needs of the UMG constituents, including but not limited to physicians, clerical workers, and nurses. RFP construction, processCommunication with Steering CommitteeRecommendation of solutionVendor negotiationImplementationIT Application LeadIs the key technical resource for UMG for any application being introduced into the environment. Ensure all business requirements are translated to technical requirements. Ensure application use of database consistent with best practices and standards.Ensure application is consistent with UMG standards, including HIPAA standards for personal health information (PHI). Manage and complete unit testing. IT Infrastructure LeadIs the key technology resource for UMG relative to network hardware, systems hardware, network connectivity and network security. Ensure systems, hardware, and network infrastructure are consistent with UMG standards, including HIPAA standards for personal health information (PHI). Working with Application Leader, manage and complete unit testing. Financial AnalystResponsible for financial analysis of vendor responses, as well as modeling competing responses. Develop business case for investment/ROI, including upside/downside sensitivities.Perform analysis of vendor responses. Work with team to recommend solution that meets both technical and business requirements. QC Acceptance Testing and Functional PerformanceQuality and performance assessment workgroupPlan and develop the SOW and project plans for the testing workgroupProvide input to the high-level business requirementsPlan, develop, and perform the functional performance and acceptance testsDefine and create the service broker testing environmentSelect, install and evaluate the acceptance testing and functional performance test toolsDevelop and maintain test drivers and test casesDevelop and maintain a test log and bug listsPrepare workgroup progress reports for the project managerReview performance of other workgroups.Attend scheduled project team meetingsLegal/ProcurementResponsible for overall negotiations and execution of contract. Ensure the RFP process is done fairly and ethicallyOnce a final vendor is chosen, negotiate final contract. Ensure any contracts are include UMG’s standard terms and conditions.Support from the physician practice group will include subject matter experts (SME) from each specialty clinic and several of the primary care clinics. These SMEs will be clinicians who are expected to dedicate time for two meetings for planning/build phase of the project to ensure the processes are reasonable and to provide additional comment/feedback regarding the plan. This time commitment is expected to be approximately four hours for each SME. The SMEs must have experience with use of the EMR. They are not expected to be EMR super-users but should have a good understanding of the goals for their organization and willingness to help lead colleagues in the direction of those goals. The role of the Project Management Office (PMO) is described in Section 9.3.0 Key AssumptionsUMG has an overall patient population of 332,800. Of that number, 280,000 are served by the primary care practices, and the balance of 52,800 patients are served by UMG’s specialty practices. Within the total patient population: 50% of are “current,” meaning they have visited a UMG clinic > 1x in each of the past two years. 30% are “active” patients, meaning they have visited a UHG practice 1x/year over the past two years. 20% are “inactive,” meaning that they have not been to a UMG clinic in >2 years. UMG requires that the paper records be digitized and tagged with specific metadata in a phased approach. Resultant image files must be attached to and travel along with the electronic patient record enabling a clinician to open and view those files at anytime within the existing Epic EMR interface. OCR scanning and population of all fields of the record within the EMR is not required. Prioritization for record digitization is as follows:“Current” patients who have visited a UMG clinic > 1x in each of the past two years. “Active” patients who visit a UMG clinic at least 1x/year over the past two years. New patients providing documents from other providers. Physician to approve and initial which documents within the supplied paper chart needs to be digitized. On an as-needed basis (one week turnaround time) for “inactive” patients who have not been to a UMG clinic in the past 2 years, but have an upcoming appointment. Inactive patient records will otherwise not be digitized. Each paper chart is comprised of an average of 10 pages/document. Documents include patient medication/allergy records and problem lists, immunization records, last available radiology reports, laboratory, and cardiac diagnostic test reports, hospital discharge summaries, annual physical exam progress notes and consultation reports. The paper charts all have a patient summary sheet. Based on all above, the following chart provides an estimate of required volume of paper to be scanned:Current Patient DocumentsActive Patient DocumentsInactive Patient Documents1,664,000998,400665,600UMG will maintain a small scanning operation in a centralized location to accommodate any on-going digitization requirements for new information. Physicians will be required to initial any paper documents provided to them by new patients prior to being scanned at the central location. With respect to document scanning:If providing document scanning services, either on- or offsite, contractor (as a covered entity) certifies that processes and procedures are in place to protect personal health information (PHI) based on HIPAA requirements. Contractor indemnifies UMG from any liability that results from a breach related to PHI. All document handling/scanning work will be done in the United States. Some document scanning capabilities will be required in all clinics initially, with volumes decreasing until only new patient-supplied documents will need to be scanned at individual sites. The project team will provide contractor samples of documents that are representative of the quality of the input. Contractor will provide scans at various resolutions, and project team and CMIO will approve standard resolution requirement.As the largest provider of physician services to University Hospital, UMG has arranged with University administration to have a scanner in the hospital HIM department set up for scanning of hospital discharge summaries and other appropriate documents for upload into the UMG EMR. Once scanned, documents will be stored at UMG’s 3rd party storage facility, and shredded in accordance with mandated guidelines. UMG IT infrastructure requirements are:All locations will have 10/100/1000 network capabilities. There will be a minimum 100 MB of free bandwidth on the LANThere will be a minimum of 1.5 MB of free bandwidth on the WANEach of the 10 satellite clinics are connected back to the data center, housed in the main office, via a 10Mb/s metroE connection.Documents will be stored locally in the UMG Data Center. Servers will be maintained in a virtual environment.The virtual environment will be run on VMware Websphere.The virtual environment will be maintained by UMG’s IT department.The virtual environment will run on agreed upon Dell servers and SAN.Billing and coding departments may be required to deploy the new document management system if needed. EMR vendor (Epic) has provided assurances regarding interface functionality between their system and that of contractor. The vendor will provide a clear understanding regarding:Responsibility for user certification and access to patient records. Document encryption/decryption.HIPAA regulated storage of patient records when taken off site via phone/portable computer. Responsibility for application uptime.Responsibility for beta-tested product updates. Contractor will be responsible for training all staff members at UMG in the processes for scanning, storing, and retrieving documents from the Document Management System. The contractor has deep experience in successfully implementing document management systems in a healthcare delivery environment similar to or larger than UMG’s, and can provide at least 5 references willing to discuss in detail their work processes/product. Contractor will provide details on its financials for current and prior year, including income statements, statements of cash flow, and balance sheet data. This information will be kept strictly confidential, and used only to assess the financial viability of the provider. Contractor will be paid based on acceptance criteria for each project deliverable. UMG reserves the right to stop/start/discontinue the project based on contractor performance against deliverables/schedule. Project financial hurdles are met in terms of level of CapEx required, NPV, IRR, and payback period for the investment. 4.0 RisksThere are several risks to the Project’s success. These include:RiskRisk MitigationPhysician group fails to agree on what data should be moved to the electronic record. CMIO and business owner/super user will work to gain consensus on requirements prior to engaging contractor. CMIO will have final decision rights on what is/is not scanned into the recordScanner resolution of the handwritten records does not permit adequate legibility of the information. The project team will provide contractor samples of documents that are representative of the quality of the input. Contractor will provide scans at various resolutions, and project team and CMIO will approve standard resolution requirement. Physicians resist/refuse to migrate to the new electronic system/workflow, and the perpetuation of the paper record. Today overall cost of maintaining records held at UMG corporate level. Post-implementation, cost of paper chart support staff, space will be allocated directly to those physicians who continue to require paper chart support, and not subsidized by all physicians.Internal competition for resources—either capital or human—delays the project. UMG continues to incur additional costs Ensure resource and capital requirements are fully and accurately scoped/prioritized. Confirm with lenders that adequate credit facilities are in place if project financing is required. Put contingency plan together for contract resources to be added during the implementation phase. Contractor delaysPublish weekly status updates indicating tasks that are red/yellow/green v. project plan. Steering Committee meets with UMG Project Team weekly during implementation phase, and monthly with contractor. Contractor insolvencyBeyond detailed review of contractors’ financials as detailed in section 3.0, require that contractor place source code in escrow in the event of bankruptcy/business closure. 5.0 Scope of WorkThe contractor will deliver a document management system that will act as a shared repository for patient information across the UMG enterprise. The system must be compatible and integrated into the current Epic EMR system. In addition to the system, the contractor should propose a process for digitizing the existing paper chart archive being held at each location, as well as a process for on-going ingestion of paper-based documents. 5.1 InclusionsTasksResourcesProcess map of the current “as is” workflow for paper documents in each location, including number of FTEs required to maintain paper charts. ContractorUMGEstimate of cost (both staff and space) for existing workflowContractorUMGConfirm volume of paper to be digitized, by # of pages.ContractorEstimate of space available after elimination of paper chart storageContractorOptions for digitizing current records either on-site or off-site, including recommendations for prioritization.ContractorOptions for ingestion of documents on an on-going basis, either on-site or off-site. ContractorRecommended new workflow, including an estimate of potential staff reductions in each location.ContractorUMGCost to digitize paper charts, per page, in on-site or off-site scenario.ContractorTiming for digitizing records based on prioritization levels in Section 3. ContractorRecommended scanning resolution for document digitization. ContractorEstimates on productivity in terms of increasing number of patients seen, decreasing patient wait time with fully digitized records. ContractorUMGCost of system, both one-time and recurring charges, including reps/warranties, maintenance charges. ContractorTraining plan for staff.ContractorTransition plan for document management/shredding activities currently being provided by Iron Mountain. ContractorUMGIron MountainCoordination of workflow/best practices with University Hospital for document scanning and upload.ContractorUMGUniversity HospitalProject Status UpdatesUMGContractorProject ManagementContractorUMG5.2 ExclusionsThis project is strictly limited to document management, and does not include replacement of any of the functionality that currently exists in the Epic EMR system (ex: CPOE, ePrescribe, etc). Document storage, either prior to or post- scanning, is not a contractor responsibility. 5.3 DeliverablesKey DeliverableResponsibilityAcceptance CriteriaApproval RequiredStatement of WorkProject TeamUse UMG SOW templateSteering CommitteeBusiness Requirements DocumentIT Application LeaderIT Infrastructure LeaderUse UMG BRD templateCMIO, Business Owner, Project TeamDesign SpecificationsIT Application LeaderIT Infrastructure LeaderUse UMG DS templateProject TeamDocument Imaging PlanContractor Project TeamSamples provided from UMG; contractor to scan at several resolutions. UMG to choose best output. Project TeamInstall System in One UMG Location as PilotIT Application LeaderIT Infrastructure LeaderSystem functional for at least 10 users for 30 days. Steering CommitteeReview Pilot Results, Refine SystemProject TeamMeasured against stated project deliverablesSteering CommitteeProject TeamLarge Scale System ImplementationContractor Project TeamIT Application LeaderIT Infrastructure LeaderMeasured against stated project deliverablesSteering CommitteeProject TeamTrack Success MetricsProject TeamMeasured against stated project deliverables, user and patient satisfaction, and business goals. Steering CommitteeProject Team5.4 MilestonesKey DeliverableResponsibilityTimeframeApprovalStatement of Work completeProject Team10/15/11Steering CommitteeProject Team RFP approved for distributionProject Team10/31/11Steering CommitteeRFP distributedProject Team11/1/11Steering CommitteeConference call to answer questions on RFP (all contractors to participate). Project TeamContractors11/15/11General CounselRFP response deadlineContractorsProject Team12/1/11n/aContractor presentations, including system demonstrationsContractorsProject Team1/6/12 thru 2/1/12ContractorsProject TeamVendor selection, contractingProject Team2/1/12 thru 3/1/12 Steering CommitteeProject TeamContractorScanning and system development underwayContractor3/1/12 thru 5/1/12ContractorSystem testing and acceptanceContractorProject Team5/1/12 thru6/1/12Pilot implementationContractor Project TeamProject Team6/1/12 thru 7/1/12Project TeamContractorPhased enterprise-wide implementation, including trainingContractor Project Team7/1/12 thru 12/1/12Project TeamContractor6.0 Work ApproachTo achieve the objectives, this project will:Bring together organizational representatives to analyze our current document management processes, identify how the process can be improved utilizing an electronic document management system, and identify the data exchange requirements necessary to support the new process. This process will require interaction between our organization, the document management vendor and technical contacts with our EHR provider.Request onsite vendor proof of concept presentations, including system demonstrations, utilizing comparable network and server technology. Design and develop the document management system, utilizing standards defined in the above sections. These standards include:Improving patient careLeveraging our EHRFacilitating physician acceptanceImproving workflow; allowing for increased patient visits Improving patient satisfactionComplying with Meaningful UseProviding access to government stimulus fundingReducing non-revenue generating office spaceReducing staff overheadReducing third-party paper-based records managementTighter adherence with record retention complianceImplement document scanning approach, including the following:Pre-selected documents from each active patient record to be scanned into the EMR system by clerical support staffThis will follow a three-tired priority level discussed aboveClerical support staff will continually manage and scan subsequent paper records.Physicians will be engaged in the process of providing future paper (from their patients and which is desirable to have in the EMR) to a designated secure area where it will be scanned to the EMR in a timely manner. This method will require the physicians to initial the pages that are to be scanned.Utilize system testing and acceptance requiring a joint operating between the contractor and UMG’s project team. This testing will include:An adjusted spiral-testing model.Pilot the use of the newly developed document management system with at least 10 users for 30 days. Measures derived from the stated project requirements will be tested.Scoring of these measures will come from steering committee, management committee, and users groups. Reassessment of system functionality vs. project requirements based on scored measures.Adjust system operability if necessary, progress to next stage if possible.Large-scale system implementation.Utilize the previous testing procedures however, with limited reassessment and adjustment due to scale of deployment.7.0 Completion Criteria and Final Acceptance Criteria …N/A(For Assignments 1 and 2, MMI 408 Students are to think about this Section 7, but we will not cover the concept of Acceptance Testing until later in the course, so do not include this section in your Assignments 1 or 2 deliverables.)7.1 Completion CriteriaThe focus of this section is to define the process for submitting, approving and rejecting tasks and deliverables7.2 Final AcceptanceDescribe in detail the precise definition of the conditions and criteria that will be applied to determine that the contract has been successfully completed8.0 ScheduleContractor will be held accountable to the following schedule. Tasks that are shaded represent project gates. The Steering Committee reserves the right to stop or cancel the project if key deliverables, dates, or assumptions change. Key TasksDateAnalysis of current workflow, and proposal for future workflow. Includes validation of UMG assumptions regarding:document volumecurrent space requirementsstaffingpotential productivity (capacity) or cost benefits3/15/12Review by Steering Committee for go/no go decision3/16/12Document conversion complete for 50% of “Current” patients5/1/12System development, integration complete. 5/1/12Document conversion complete for 50% of “Current” patients, and 100% of “Active” patients6/1/12Pilot implementation in one site6/1/12Review of pilot site results by Steering Committee; go/no go decision based on results. 7/1/12Phased enterprise-wide roll-out of system complete12/31/12System testing and acceptance complete. 12/31/12Review of key project metrics, including but not limited to:cost savingsproductivity (capacity) gainsuser satisfaction/acceptancepatient satisfaction 1/30/139.0 Project Management 9.1 Enterprise PMOProject staffing will be coordinated by the Project Management Office Team (PMOT), including the right to determine which of its personal to be assigned to a particular portion of the project or team. The subject matter experts (SME) will be scheduled and utilized with approval of their direct management. The subject matter experts must be experienced users with the current EMR. During the project the SME will follow the communications of PMOT office when it pertains to the defined project. No one shall enter into a third party contract pertaining to this project without notifying the (PMOT) and the Steering Committee. Training will be provided by the contractor. Training will follow a trend approach. First will be PMOT, then super-users, followed by users. If space is available, and with permission from department managers and the PMOT, others may sit in during the training.9.2 Project Status ReportsReports DueReports created byReport given toReport containsEvery Friday by 5 PMDepartment heads to be assignedPMOT LeadProject status report.-Deliverables on time-Deliverables signed off-Deliverables function as need at current phase-Staffs operating as needed- Staffs attitude is appropriateEvery Monday by 12 PMPMOT Lead Steering committeeProject status report.-Deliverables on time-Deliverables signed off-Deliverables function as need at current phase-Staffs operating as needed- Staffs attitude is appropriate- Budget- Timelines- Issues- Concerns WeeklyPMOTProject TeamSteering CommitteeProject status report.-Deliverables on time-Deliverables signed off-Deliverables function as need at current phase-Staffs operating as needed- Staffs attitude is appropriate- Budget- Timelines- Issues- ConcernsUpon completion of a delivery stageAssigned staffPMOT LeadEvaluations10.0 Relevant Organizational Policies Standards, Supported Software and Computing EnvironmentContactor must comply with UMG's most current and up to date Policies, Standards, and Computing Environment. All enterprise information systems must comply with the policies of the UMG. UMG publishes policies, standards, and guidelines documents. UMG maintains and implements policies in Administration and Planning, Finance, Acquisition/Procurement, Staff Management, Research and Development, Networking and Communications, Risk Management, and Public Relations. The organizational document policies are available online at policies/default or may send a copy request to: PMO Consultants, Matt Reid, 2020 Enforcer Way, Pluto, 75309, Phone: (111) 222- 3434, Email:mreid01@.UMG's computing environment is operated and managed from an enterprise perspective. The following provides an overview of the technical architectures environment specific to the DMS project. UMG uses a mainframe that is connected to the LAN and TCP/IP.The operating systems use Microsoft Windows NT.UMG currently uses 500 computers, Windows servers, backup storage system, connected by switches.The standard and supporting operating systems are Windows 2000 and Windows XP.UMG IT staff provides technical support for the hardware and software in these standards.The desktop software standard is Microsoft Office 2000, 2003, and Office XP.The protocol for the LAN is TCP/IP.The network connects all UMG clinics by routers.The LAN will use the Ethernet networking topology, with speeds of 4Mb or 16 Mb.The clinic sites maintain servers for is the standard the file and print operating systems.The enterprise directory service uses Directory and Oracle Internet Directory for Oracle applications.The UMG IT staff provides help desks from 8am - 5pm, Monday - Friday. On-call service is available 24hrs/day.The internet portal passes through a firewall in the LAN.Oracle will be used as the enterprise database standard.The CEO and CFO will be responsible for managing and overseeing the accounting and budgets.A complete list of software products and standards used by UMG is available at policy/software/default or may send a copy request to: PMO Consultants, Matt Reid, 2020 Enforcer Way, Pluto, 75309, Phone: (111) 222- 3434, Email:mreid01@.UMG uses cryptographic keys for security measures, and requires all users to authenticate and receive authorization for use.UMG audits, monitors, and tracks system usage.UMG supports intrusion detection and containment controls.Support security awareness and provide technical training for users to be aware of the rules, behavior, and their responsibilities.Support and require physical security (automatic logout, access keys).11.0 Timeline and Period of PerformanceThe period of performance for this project will start on March. 1, 2012 and all work tasks are to be completed by Dec. 31, 2012. Detail on specific Deliverables and Milestones can be found in sections Sections 5.3 and 5.4. On-going support beyond the system implementation date will be addressed in a separate agreement by the Contractor and UMG, and covered in a separate contract. The Organization has the right to extend or terminate this SOW at its sole discretion.12.0 Compensation and Payment ScheduleContractor invoices must include detailed breakdown of hours worked, by whom, including role and tasks performed associated to specific deliverables. The organization will pay upon receipt in accordance with standard practice after review and signed authorization by the organization project manager. UMG will hold back 20% of payment for each phase of the implementation, and upon final acceptance, the project manager will authorize the payouts be made to the contractor. Hours worked beyond contracted estimates must be approved in advance by the organization project manager. Contractor will provide pricing for the following:Initial planning and analysis stageScanning and upload of documents, by page.Software licenses, as well as any maintenance agreementsSystem development costsTraining costsOn-going system support costsPhaseUpon CompletionPaymentInitiation Phase:Analysis of current workflow, and proposal for future workflow. Includes validation of UMG assumptions regarding:document volumecurrent space requirementsstaffingpotential productivity (capacity) or cost benefits10%Document conversion Complete for 50% of “Current” patients10%System development complete UMG document management system meets business and technical requirements, and is ready for pilot implementation. 20%Document conversion complete 50% of “Current” patients, and 100% of “Active” patients10%Pilot implementation in one site30 day pilot for at least 10 users20%TrainingTargeted training delivered to:PhysiciansNursesSupport/clerical staff10%Phased enterprise-wide roll-out of system completeAll current and active patient documents are digitized and linked to the EMR.All documents are tagged for access through the Epic EMR. All UMG practice locations are linked to document management system. 20%System testing and acceptance complete. Final system acceptance for all UMG sites. Release of all holdbacks.Payment terms are net 60 days. Penalties will be assessed for work not completed per the approved Schedule. If a delay is anticipated due to failure to meet obligations on the part of the organization, contractor must be able to provide proof the issue was escalated to UMG Project Leader in a timely manner, as well as raised the UMG Monthly Steering Committee. Organization shall reimburse Contractor for travel and other expenses as identified in this SOW, or as authorized in writing, in advance by Organization. No payment of travel expenses will be made to Contractor for routine travel to and from Organization’s location. Contractor shall provide a detailed itemization of expenses as requested by Organization. The amount reimbursed to Contractor is included in calculating the “not to exceed” amount per final negotiated contract. 13.0 MiscellaneousContractor agrees to resolve any contractual issues through a mediation process, and in accordance with the laws of the State of Illinois. Service Level Agreements (SLAs), Acceptance Testing, and Performance Standards are addressed in section 7.014.0 AppendicesAppendix A: Project CharterAppendix B: Project PlanAppendix C: Formal Request for Proposal sent to potential vendorsAppendix D: Standard UMG Contract Language, Terms and ConditionsAppendix E: Epic documentationAppendix F: Map of UMG current network infrastructureAppendix G: List of supported hardware, softwareAppendix H: Epic documentationAppendix I: Map of UMG current network infrastructureAppendix J: List of supported hardware, softwareAppendix K: UMG security standardsExecution/Signature BlocksIn Witness Whereof, the parties hereto, having read this SOW for a Document Management System for UMG LLC in its entirety, do agree thereto in each and every particular.SO AGREED.SO AGREED.UMG LLC[Contractor]SignatureSignaturePrint or Type NamePrint or Type NameTitle: Title: Date:Date:[Use this space for other applicable Organization signatures] ................

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