WELCOME [www.austinschools.org]

Clayton Elementary School


Student and Parent Handbook


Amy Lloyd, Assistant Principal

Dru Robinett, Principal

7525 LaCrosse Avenue, Austin, Texas 78739


Fax 841-9201


Welcome to Clayton Elementary School where Clayton Cardinals are Soaring to New Adventures in Learning. Students, staff, parents and members of the community will be working together to realize the vision of Clayton Elementary.

The faculty and staff of Nan Clayton Elementary share a vision of the future in which all students are challenged to develop a lifelong love of learning. We strive to provide a safe, secure and nurturing environment that encourages teamwork, cooperation, and instills an appreciation of diversity among people. We believe that literacy, independent thinking and problem solving are all essential building blocks to becoming responsible individuals.

Our Beliefs:

• All children should be provided the best educational opportunities to achieve at the highest levels.

• All children should be allowed to develop to their potential emotionally, socially, academically and physically.

• All children and teachers are entitled to a physically and emotionally safe environment.

• The best educational environment includes active participation by students, teachers, families and other community members.

• All children possess special gifts, talents, skills and potential, which must be discovered and nurtured.

• Innovative teaching methods supplement traditional classroom teaching techniques to reach students with many learning styles.

• Personal integrity and responsibility are key in fostering student resilience towards current and future challenges.

• Teachers should be given the opportunity to grow professionally and should be given the resources with which to implement newly acquired knowledge.

• As a school, we should encourage and demonstrate positive values.

Our Commitments:

• Parent and Community Partnerships

• Enriching and Differentiated Curricula

• Science and Technology Integration

• Interdisciplinary Teaching

• Authentic, Hands-on Learning

• Teaching for Understanding

• Warm, Nurturing Classrooms

• Well-trained and Experienced Teaching Faculty and Staff

• Opportunities for Student Leadership

• Multicultural and Global Emphasis


Parents are a key ingredient for the success of Clayton students. You can be a part of the Clayton school community by working daily with your child at home, reading with him/her, and asking questions that connect with his/her learning experiences. In addition, you can further participate in the following ways:

1) JOIN AND ACTIVELY PARTICIPATE IN PTA. Many parents who work inside and outside of the home find creative ways to share their time with children at Clayton. PTA membership can help to facilitate participation and additional volunteerism at our campus or on behalf of our school in the community.


You are WELCOME to visit us at Clayton. When planning to visit the classroom, please try to make an appointment at least one day in advance with your child’s teacher. This helps us avoid scheduling conflicts, especially when extended visits are planned. Classroom visits are typically limited to thirty minutes per visit. Longer visits may cause disruptions to learning. If you desire a conference with your child’s teacher, please call or send a note in advance to schedule the conference. A planned conference with the teacher provides the optimal conditions for positive and productive interaction.

Unfortunately, teachers cannot stop teaching to visit with parents who ”pop in.” Visiting parents need to sign in at the office and pick up a badge before going to the classroom or other teaching areas. Please limit your visit to 30 minutes or less, and do not bring younger children to the class with you. Teachers will be happy to discuss what you observed during your visit at a mutually convenient time.

Again, all visitors must register at the office. Teachers have been instructed to ask anyone who has not registered in the office to do so before a child is released to him/her. Thank you for remembering this and for complying.

3) HAVE LUNCH WITH YOUR CHILD. Adults are welcome in our cafeteria. Check your child’s lunch schedule and sign in at the office before joining your child in the cafeteria for lunch. Please meet the class at the cafeteria, not in the classroom.


Every week watch for the “Clayton Chatter” newsletters sent electronically to the Clayton Googlegroup. They contain important articles to keep you informed about events, routines and activities at Clayton Elementary.


7:15 Doors open for student arrival,

Gathering in the Cafeteria for K-2 and Gym for 3-5

7:35 Morning assembly for all

students in cafeteria on Mondays. Students Report to Class on all other days for announcements/ Daily News

7:45 Classes begin

2:40 K, 1 and 2 Classes and bus riders are dismissed.

2:45 3, 4 and 5 are dismissed. Please be punctual when picking up your children.

Help your child build the valuable behaviors of…



Few would argue with the fact that there is a direct correlation between good attendance and success in school--and later in life, too! Please do all that you can to ensure that your child is at school whenever possible. Illness, family emergencies, and other unavoidable reasons for absences are understandable. Vacations, extended trips, and other recreational activities, which can be scheduled during holidays or during the summer, should be avoided during instructional time. AISD now requires a note from the parent explaining reason for absence. Please send a note with your child when he/she returns to school.

Students are expected to attend school regularly and to arrive punctually. Official attendance is taken at 10 a.m. daily. To be considered “present” for the day, a student must be physically present on campus at this time. If a student is not present at 10 a.m., the student is counted absent unless he/she returns to school the same day with a note from a medical professional indicating that the absence was due to a doctor’s appointment.

Model Outstanding Punctuality – When arriving at school, students go directly to the cafeteria (Pre-K-2) or gym (3-5), find their class row, and be seated. Students should read, study, write or draw until the school-wide assembly begins on Mondays at 7:35 or until they are released to their classrooms on all other weekdays. Please try to have your students here by that time. Students are not permitted to wait outside the classroom while Monday morning assembly is going on or prior to being released to their teachers. Please instruct your children to go to the cafeteria or gym on all days up until 7:35. On Mondays, morning assembly is our opportunity to build our school community, make important announcements and celebrate our successes. On other weekdays, we will share such community via daily news and announcements. Children arriving after 7:45 are tardy and should check in at the office accompanied by a parent.

Rewarding Perfect Attendance – Students who earn perfect attendance will be rewarded each nine weeks and at the end of the school year. Perfect attendance is a goal all of us strive for in our business and school careers. However, when students are running fever and ill, it is important that they stay home to rest and get regular doses of medications. A fever is a temperature of 100.4 or higher. If your child has a fever, they should not return to school until they are fever free for 24 hours with NO medication. Please check your child’s temperature the night before and the morning of the day they return to school to be sure there is no fever. Please help your child’s recovery and keep other students well by keeping your sick children at home.

Absence – When a student must be out because of illness or family business, please send a note stating the reason for the absence the day your child returns or the absence will be considered unexcused. In case of extended illness (more than 3 days), work missed will be provided. Teachers need at least 24 hours notice to prepare assignments for students who are absent. Per AISD policy, leaving early constitutes a partial day absence.

Religious Holy Days – The State Board of Education has specified that students shall be excused from attending school for the purpose of observing religious holy days when it is a tenet of their faith that they must be absent from school during such time, provided a written request is sent in advance by the parent or guardian. Students are not counted in attendance and will be given the opportunity to make-up work.

Trips/Vacations – Many families take vacation throughout the school year. Be advised these absences are unexcused absences (per district policy) and cannot be approved as “excused.”


The safety and security of each student and adult in the Clayton school community is of paramount importance. Students should not bring items to school that are dangerous, expensive, or distracting to themselves or other students.

Arrival and Dismissal -- The circle drive in front of the school is for car pick-up and drop-off. The drive to the back of the school is for faculty and AISD vehicles and the lane to the east side of the building is for bus and childcare vans only. All vehicles (except school busses) must exit the drive by turning right. There are limited visitor parking spaces available in front of the school. Please park in designated spaces or on the street, but not within the crosswalks. Cars parked in fire lanes or no parking areas are subject to ticketing and towing.

Students who walk, ride scooters, skateboards or bikes should be aware of car and bus traffic. Bike racks are located in front of the school on the east side and to the rear of the campus. Students who ride their bikes or walk from the rear of the campus should enter directly through the rear doors or the playslab entrance into the cafeteria or gym each morning. After school, they will be released to the back of the campus to retrieve their bicycles, scooters, etc. and return home.

Such students should remain on sidewalks, on the bike/foot paths, or in bike lanes at all times. Please walk bikes on campus. At all times, scooter, skateboard and bike riders should wear helmets to protect from injury. Students should cross streets only in marked crosswalks. Please DO NOT let your child cross between cars.

Students depend on adults for safety!

ALWAYS . . .

• Stop at crosswalks.

• Park in marked visitor parking spaces in front or on the street.

• Follow the traffic signs.

• Model safety.

In order to provide safe arrival and departure of Clayton students, the following traffic patterns have been established for the front drop-off and pick-up of students before and after school:

• Cars should line up on the right hand side of the front parent loop. Cars should use the left hand lane of the parent loop for leaving the area following drop off or pick up or pulling into parent visitor spaces.

• Safety Patrol members will be stationed along the right curb to open doors for students entering or exiting cars.

• Please drive carefully in our drop off loop.

• For dismissal, please use a Clayton identification card and put your child’s name, grade level and teacher’s name in right front window to better assist dismissal and traffic flow. For safety, please remove these cards from your window when you are not at dismissal.

• Vehicles waiting for a student may pull into a parking space, park in the street, or circle through the line of traffic again while you wait for your student to come out of the building. Please do not block the flow of traffic by waiting in line for a late arriving child. Encourage your child to watch for their vehicle and quickly enter it.

• ALL vehicles (with the exception of AISD buses) must turn right onto LaCrosse when exiting pick-up and drop-off loops.

Please do not leave vehicles unattended along the right hand curb area. This is a fire lane and unattended cars parked here cause a safety hazard. If you need to come into the school, please park in a visitor parking place or on the street.

Safe transit for both students and parents is important to all of us. The Clayton staff and parents appreciate your assistance in providing a safe environment for all children.

Bus Behavior and Safety -- Children are responsible for their behavior on the bus. Students should wait at the assigned bus stop. Students must remain in their seats while on the bus. All school rules apply on the bus as well. In hazardous weather, listen to local radio and television stations for school closings and bus information.


All visitors are required to sign-in at the office and obtain a “Guest” sticker. Clayton staff will be happy to assist you when signing in as you arrive. This identifies you and keeps students safe. Outside doors and gates will be locked from 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. Entry will only be permitted through the front door of the campus.


When it is necessary to check your child out of school prior to dismissal, please sign the student out in the office. Office personnel will call the classroom and have the student sent to meet you in the office or office staff will issue you a release pass to be given to the teacher. Please be prepared to show your identification in the office. For safety reasons, teachers will not dismiss students without a pass or call from the office. Students must remain in the classroom until they are checked out in the office.


It is essential that the school office have current home, work, and emergency numbers for each child. If a child is sick or hurt, we need to be able to contact a parent immediately. These numbers must be kept up to date. Please notify the school office of any telephone or address changes as soon as possible.


Birthdays are acknowledged each Monday at the morning assembly. If you choose to provide a healthy birthday treat, please distribute it during your child’s lunchtime. Be aware that many students in our school have food allergies. Some in particular are extremely allergic to peanuts. Please check with your child’s teacher for information regarding the dietary needs of classmates. Please do not send invitations, party favors or balloons for distribution at school.


In order for AISD staff to administer medication to a student, a parent must sign a “REQUEST FOR ADMINISTRATION OF MEDICATION BY SCHOOL PERSONNEL” form. These forms are available in the school office. All medication MUST be in the ORIGINAL container and clearly show the student’s name and dosage to be given. Students should come to the office to take medication when needed. If your student needs to be reminded, please write a note to the teacher. Teachers may not administer medications, except in the case of field trips.


Clayton Cardinals are respectful, responsible, motivated, kind and honest. Our students will:

• Make good choices!

• Do their best!

• Cooperate with others!

Being a good citizen and productive member of the Clayton School community is a daily goal for everyone. Appropriate behavior is taught and positively reinforced. We believe developing self-discipline is a school and family responsibility and process.


Clayton follows the AISD dress code set forth by the Board of Trustees with two exceptions: (1) Clayton students MUST WEAR closed shoes (toe and heel, without wheels) daily and tennis shoes on PE days, and (2) Shorts must be worn under all skirts and dresses.

Per AISD policy, examples of inappropriate dress are:

• Improperly fitting clothing: baggy pants, oversized shirts, elongated armholes, overly tight garments, and clothes that improperly expose body parts;

• Tops that are strapless or backless, spaghetti straps, or have low cut necklines;

• Shorts or skirts that are short enough to be distracting;

• Makeup and artificial nails;

• Gang associated clothing or colors;

• Hats or caps worn inside the building (except for religious requirements).

Students violating the AISD dress code will be asked to call parents for a change of clothes. If parents are unavailable, the child will be given appropriate clothes to wear.

Please see for more information about the AISD dress code.


Providing good nutrition in a courteous atmosphere is our goal. Breakfast is available before 7:40 a.m at a cost of $1.25. Student lunch is available for $2.10 and $3.00 for adults. Lunch menus are sent home monthly from AISD and they are available at .

Each child has a personal identification number (PIN) for a cafeteria account. Please send cash only in an envelope with your child’s name, grade, teacher, and amount enclosed. You may purchase several meals in advance to avoid sending money daily or you may prepay & track your child’s lunch account using credit or debit cards through . You will need your child’s student ID number to initiate an account. Please check with his/her teacher. Check your child’s account balance periodically to avoid owing money. Milk, juice and healthy items may also be purchased. Please make lunches from home nutritious. Soft drinks and gum should not be sent in the child’s lunch.

Cafeteria Behavior -- Lunch is part of the social development of children. General expectations include:

• Students will walk in the cafeteria at all times;

• Students will use quiet voices & good manners;

• Students will stay in their seats and raise hands to get help;

• Students will keep hands, feet and belongings to themselves; and

• Students will clean up after themselves.


It is the responsibility of the school to issue, collect, care and account for all state adopted textbooks. The school furnishes book covers. All textbooks must be covered as required by law. Text and library books that are lost, damaged, or destroyed by a student must be paid for at the cost established by the State Board of Education.


Our Campus Advisory Council is a committee of teachers and other school employees, parents, and community members that serves in an advisory capacity to the principal. Typical areas of responsibility are related to curriculum, instruction, budget, and staffing. Other topics may be discussed when district officials ask for this level of campus input. The CAC meets a minimum of nine times during the school year. Meeting dates and times are announced as soon as they are determined. Agendas and meeting minutes are posted in the main hallway. Please notify the principal if you would like an item to be placed on any meeting agenda. All CAC meetings are open to the public, and everyone is invited to attend.


Weekly Folders -- Teachers send a weekly folder home with each student at the beginning of each school week. The Clayton weekly folder is a communication instrument between school and home. The folder may contain a monthly class newsletter (including units/topics of study, skills and concepts that have been or will be introduced, class events, activities, etc.), student work, and a calendar of school events, AISD information, PTA information, and school or community communications. Parents are requested to carefully read the information in this folder and return the folder with the child the following day. This system is designed to enhance home-school communication by packaging information and sending it home on a predictable day. If you do not receive a weekly folder, be sure to ask your child where it is or contact your child’s teacher. Your cooperation is appreciated.

Newsletters -- The school sends out an information newsletter, Clayton Chatter, on a regular basis, at least twice per month. The Chatter is sent electronically and copies are available in the front office.

Individual teacher notices, letters, newsletters, and weekly or monthly calendars are also sent home throughout the year. Each class or grade level will send home at least one newsletter per month. We must rely on the students to deliver all communiqués to parents promptly. Please check your child’s backpack weekly.

Parent-Teacher Conferences -- Communication between parents and teachers is essential for each student’s progress. Parent-teacher conference days are held in the fall and spring of each year on the dates indicated on the AISD calendar. Your child’s teacher will prearrange conferences on the set day or sometime within the two weeks before or after that day. If you are unable to attend, please notify your child’s teacher and reschedule the meeting. At the conference,

teachers and parents discuss a child’s strengths and areas of need, and teachers review work portfolios, school-based assessments, and teacher observations. In the event that a parent is unable to attend a conference with the teacher, the parent may request a telephone conference.

If a child has learning or behavioral difficulties, additional conferences can be scheduled at mutually agreed upon times. Teachers have a planning and preparation period each day, and they may have time available at 3 p.m. (We often have faculty and staff meetings after school, so please check with your child’s teacher). At a parent or teacher’s request, a conference may be held at such times.

Classroom Telephones -- Each teacher has a telephone in his/her classroom. Incoming phone calls during instructional time should go directly to the teachers’ voice mail, so please do not expect teachers to answer their phones when classes are in session. Teachers will check voice mail messages during their planning time and after school. For emergency messages, contact the school office at 841-9200.

E-mail -- All our teachers have school e-mail. In most cases, the e-mail address is the teacher’s first name initial, last name, and the @ at the end (up to 8 characters). Like the telephone, teachers will not be able to answer email during instructional time. Parents are also encouraged to give their e-mail address to the teachers, if desired. This will help facilitate communication between the teacher and the parents.


Students living more than two miles from school but within the school boundaries are eligible for bus service. Other students who live in areas where they would have to cross a highway (hazardous routes such as 45, 1826, or 290) may also be eligible for this service. The school office will receive copies of the bus routes and designated stops. Also, parents can check for routes online at .

Guests of children riding the bus must give the driver written permission from a parent or guardian, signed by the Principal, before entering the bus.

If a student violates one or more rules for riding the bus, the bus driver will report the violation to the Principal or Assistant Principal. The student will have a conference with school staff and the student’s parents will be notified. For subsequent offenses, the student may be suspended from the bus. If so, the student’s parents will be notified and the school staff will issue a written warning of consequences for future violations.


Homework is assigned as needed and appropriate at each grade level. For a more specific description and explanation of our philosophy regarding the expectations regarding homework, please attend Back to School Night or visit with your child’s teacher.


Any student leaving our campus during school hours must be signed out by the parent or designated adult in the main office. The office staff will issue a permit to leave school, which must then be presented, to the teacher before the child can be released. Please do not go directly to a child’s classroom. Students are not allowed to call home to check out after they get to school, except in case of emergency. As a safety precaution, positively no one is to leave our campus at any time during the school day without permission from the office. Students will be released only to parents/guardians or other adults who are on the official emergency card. We need written permission from the parent or guardian if other individuals are to take students from school. Persons who are picking up students must provide identification in the office upon request.

If a child has permission to eat with another adult off campus or outside the cafeteria, this must be prearranged, and the teacher or office staff must have a note so indicating.


If there are any court decrees or other legal documents which might determine who is and is not eligible to see your child, receive information about him/her, etc., please be sure our school office has a copy. We cannot request assistance from the police or other law-enforcing agency without such supporting documentation.


We do not wish for students to unnecessarily miss school, so we will do our best to work with all families whenever head lice is a problem. However, we will enforce the district’s policy regarding lice. Students with live lice may not attend school until they are free of the live lice. A student is encouraged to return to school the same day that he/she is sent home for treatment as long as our nurse, school health assistant, secretary, clerk, assistant principal, or principal has checked the student’s head and determined that no live lice are present. Those students with recurring lice problems may be periodically checked, and parents will be notified if the problem persists.

Your patience and understanding regarding this matter are really appreciated. Because this is a problem that is easily transmitted among students, we must take precautions to prevent an epidemic.


The process for screening students with specific needs (e.g., learning difficulties, speech difficulties, physical difficulties, acting out behaviors, etc.) includes a referral to the Impact Team. The Impact Team will analyze the student’s referral information such as strengths and weaknesses, attendance/academic concerns, health history, dominant language, educational history, family situation, interventions, modifications/instructional alternatives offered, and teacher/student relationship. The Impact Team will also develop a student action plan, establish an intervention evaluation timeline, and assign an advocate for follow-up. The classroom teacher will monitor student progress, review, and modify the student’s action plan as appropriate. If the Impact Team feels that the teacher has tried all interventions to help the student succeed, the Impact Team can recommend academic testing. The associate superintendent will review all information sent in by the Impact Team. After her review, she may approve academic testing to proceed. A Local Support Team (LST) meeting will convene. Parents are informed and invited to the meeting to discuss educational concerns, suspected disability and possible evaluation. A referral packet is completed and after assessment results are available, the committee reconvenes as an Admission, Review, and Dismissal (ARD) meeting. At the ARD meeting, the committee will determine appropriate intervention for the student. This might include interventions in various settings and/or services available through special education if the student is so eligible. If you have such concerns about your child, be sure to convey these to his/her homeroom teacher.


When items are found at school they will be placed in the “Lost and Found” located in the hallway behind the cafeteria. Children and parents are asked to check this area for items that are lost. After a few weeks, unclaimed items are donated to a local charitable organization. Notice of such a donation will be sent or emailed home in case a last-minute search through any lost-and-found items by students or parents is desired. Please label all belongings, and we will do our best to return lost items to the proper owners.


All teachers care about the health of their students. Notes from parents about special health concerns, extended or severe illness, allergies, or the need for temporary restriction of physical activities will help us do a better job. Students with communicable diseases (e.g., chicken pox, pink eye, strep throat, etc.) are not allowed to attend school until the disease is no longer a threat to other students. If your child has a fever of 100.4 or more he/she must be picked up and should not return to school until clear of fever for 24 hours. Also, if your child has been vomiting the night before or the morning of class, please keep him/her home until clear for 24 hours.


Class parties will be held only three times during the school year:

• Winter Holiday--on Thursday, December 20, 2007

• Valentine's Day--on Thursday, February 14, 2008

• End-of-Year--any day between June 2-4, 2008

Homeroom parents help with the parties and happily accept help from any other parents in the class.


Students are expected to have the necessary supplies for school each day. These supplies should be clearly labeled unless the teacher has asked that they not be marked individually. A supply list is available from your child’s teacher or in the school office. Please check your child’s supplies periodically and replenish when needed. If assistance is needed with acquiring school supplies, the parent should notify the school counselor at 841-9200. Students must also have appropriate tennis shoes for P.E.


Each year the PTA prints a directory of student phone numbers and addresses. The directory contains the name of each student by grade and class and his/her address and telephone number. Addresses and phone numbers for faculty and staff, PTA officers, and Campus Advisory Council (CAC) members are also included when the individuals involved grant permission. Each family is provided with a free copy of the directory upon joining the PTA. These are distributed in the fall to the oldest child who is a student at Clayton. Additional copies are available for a small fee.

If you do not wish for your family’s information to be included in this directory, be sure that you have so indicated on your child’s Student Participation and Release Information form, which was completed at time of registration.


Parents will be notified in advance whenever children leave campus on study trips. Permission forms will require a parent signature whenever private transportation is used. This includes the use of chartered buses. Permission for trips using AISD buses is given or denied on the Student Participation and Release Information form completed at registration.


Parent cooperation in preventing your child from bringing unnecessary items to school is appreciated. Such items include cards (e.g., baseball, Pok-E-Mon, etc.), dolls, stuffed animals, balls, action figures, radios, recorders, CD/cassette tape players, electronic games, etc. Such recreational items and toys tend to interfere with the learning process or promote arguments or disagreements. Personal belongings of this nature are sometimes lost, damaged, or ruined, and the school will not be responsible for such.

If a teacher approves the presence of these or other things on specially designated days, the items brought to school should be used appropriately and only during the specified time of the day. Typically, the teacher will notify the parent if such a day has been designated and will receive permission from the campus administration.

Children are not allowed to bring any item to school that is dangerous, too dear to be lost or damaged, or that distracts other children. In general, children should check with the teacher as to whether or not it is permissible to bring an item in question. Inappropriate items will be collected by the teacher and returned at the end of the school day. Dangerous items will be sent to the school office for pick-up by the parent after notification.

Confiscated items will be kept in the school office and may be retrieved by a parent. The student is expected to let his/her parent know that the items are available for pick-up.

NOTE: Elementary students are prohibited, by district policy, to have pagers, cell phones, and other communication devices. These items will be confiscated and kept in the school office for retrieval by a parent.


Parents are needed to assist with parties, class enrichment activities, study trips, and refreshments. Parent volunteers are given advance notice of activities so that working parents who want to participate may do so. The PTA encourages assistance from all parents--whether it is through baking, telephone calling, driving, contributing items, or other tasks. Small sacrifices can make large differences in our children’s education. We could never do everything that we currently offer without the assistance of our parents and other volunteers!

If making copies for teachers, volunteers are respectfully asked to relinquish the use of the copiers to teachers and other staff members should they need them. Sometimes these individuals have a limited period of time in which to make needed copies. Your understanding and cooperation are always appreciated.

Volunteers sometimes need to work in the workroom or kitchen area. The actual teacher workroom/lounge is intended for faculty and staff use only during the school day. Please work in the classroom, in the VIP room, or in another acceptable location if you are cutting out things, drawing, painting, or making other items. We ask that all parents when visiting/volunteering to sign in at the office and put on a Visitor’s Badge.

Preschoolers who come with volunteers are welcome at Clayton. However, we ask that they not disrupt the classroom setting. Preschoolers should not be in the workroom or kitchen area and they should be closely supervised at all times. We care about their safety, too!

We’re looking forward to a wonderful year at Clayton Elementary. Thank you for your support.

Receipt of

Clayton Elementary School Handbook


I have received the Clayton Elementary School Parent/Student Handbook for 2007-2008.

I assume responsibility for reviewing its contents and school-wide policies.

Name of Parent: ____________________________________________

Signature: _________________________________________________

Student Name(s) Teacher(s)

_________________________________ ________

_________________________________ ________

_________________________________ ________

_________________________________ ________

Please sign and return to your child’s teacher. Thank you!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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