Thursday 21 February, 2020, 2:30pm – 4:00pm (ADST)

Rehabilitation Provider Information Session MinutesThursday 21 February, 2020, 2:30pm – 4:00pm (ADST)AttendeesChairClare West Assistant Director, Rehabilitation Program SectionAttendees Internal DVA - RehabilitationPresentersClare West, Assistant Director, Rehabilitation Program Section Peach Reid, Stakeholder Engagement ManagerAttendeesDVA Staff from ACT, NSW, QLD, SA, TAS, VIC, WAExternalDVA’s contracted Rehabilitation ConsultantsSecretariatCindy UzzellProgram officer, Rehabilitation Program SectionMinutesITEMSUBJECTLED BY1The Chair, Clare West, welcomed attendees to the February 2020 Rehabilitation Provider Information Session. Attendees were advised that the meeting would have a revised format focusing on training and education specific to the delivery of the DVA rehabilitation program. Clare noted that Assistant Secretary Tim Evans would no longer routinely attend the sessions. However, he will attend if there is relevant information regarding departmental or program matters to be shared. Clare then introduced Peach Reid as the new Stakeholder Engagement Manager (SEM) noting that she will also be presenting in the session. Clare reminded everyone that Pigeonhole Live (the question facilitation app) is no longer being used for the RPIS and encouraged everyone to ask questions at the end of each topic, ensuring they note the slide number to which their question relates to ensure everyone has the same context for the question. Clare then ran through the agenda items for the session then passed to Peach for the SEM update.Clare West 2Stakeholder Engagement UpdateClare introduced Peach as her colleague in the stakeholder engagement team of the Rehabilitation Program Section. Peach then provided an update of recent activities within the stakeholder engagement area. She advised that the quality report provider catch-up is over the halfway mark and an email with updates will be sent out shortly. Peach also advised that the new DVA website launches on the 4 March 2020, with further information to be provided. Peach touched on the email naming conventions used, requesting providers to use the client’s name and the delegate’s name. Peach emphasised that all new client plans must utilise Smart Goals, and advised that information on SMART goals is available in the Plan Development PPG.Peach also reminded providers to go to the client’s incapacity payment delegate, which is a different area to the rehabilitation section, for any information/decisions that affect the client’s incapacity payments.Peach Reid3Provider Procedural Guidelines - updates and changes Reminder regarding study applications Clare began the PPG updates session with a quick refresher regarding applications for study as it is very topical at the moment. She reminded providers of the need for consultants to investigate, through discussion with the client, why the client’s existing skills and qualifications/training cannot be utilised to obtain employment before requesting study. The consultants must ensure that a study application request includes a thorough explanation to the delegate as to why the client’s existing skills and qualifications cannot be utilised.She also reminded consultants to look into other avenues to secure employment for the client such as work trials and job placement before requesting study.Clare then discussed that if study is a suitable option, providers need to be thorough when submitting all required documents otherwise it takes extra work for the delegates to chase it up.Required documentation that must be provided when applying for study includes the D9303 application form, Vocational Assessment, statements from the client acknowledging their commitment to study, medical certificates from the doctor etc. This information is required for the delegate to consider the client’s application. Clare reiterated that the more detailed and meaningful information in the application form the better. Additionally, the consultant should ensure the vocational assessment includes meaningful information such as relevant labour market assessments and an explanation of why the client’s existing skills cannot longer be utilised to obtain employment. Clare then stressed that if consultants have an informal conversation with a delegate about study opportunities for clients, they ARE NOT to treat this as a pre-approval for study or indicate to clients that a pre-approval has been received. PPG UpdateClare informed consultants that her current priority was to update PPGs so they are consistent with information disseminated through the RPIS (such as SMART goals and Goal Attainment Scaling) and via the SEM.The PPGs have not been updated to reflect the SMART goal training yet but this is a will be done asap. Once updated it will be sent out with the SMART goals FAQ sheet that has also been developed.Clare informed attendees that E-Learning modules will also be reviewed to ensure they are consistent with the PPGs and training in relation to SMART goals and GAS. Clare also advised that the Medical certification requirements to support proposed activities and outcomes on a plan will also be clarified in the PPGs as this requirement has (somewhat) recently evolved.Clare advised that the Rehabilitation Program Section is currently working with the Rehabilitation Services Section in relation to vocational assessment requirements and usage, and once this is finalised it will be updated in the PPGs.She also advised that today’s presentation which will provide information about the relationship between rehabilitation and other relevant programs e.g. Defence programs, will also be included in a PPG. Additionally, Clare advised that in line with the Heads of Workers’ Compensation Authorities’ release of revised Principles of Practice, PPGs will be updated to comply with any new or revised principles. Lastly Clare emphasised the importance of reading and understanding all of the PPGs and requested providers to email the mailbox if anything is unclear.Questions taken from participants through unmuting conference speaker were:When will the further information mentioned in the SMART goals presentation be sent out? Clare advised it will be sent out asap. There has been a delay whilst the PPG has been updated to match the presentation.Clare West 4Information Session on: Goal Attainment Scaling (GAS)Please see the GAS power point presentation for information on updates to GAS. Clare noted that this presentation is DVA’s view on GAS and how it might work best for our clients. She reminded everyone GAS scores are not used as a performance measure or indicator for the providers. It is also not a measure of success for the client, it is simply a way of gathering data about what clients are achieving after completing their DVA rehab program. Key point for developing and using the scale:Ensure outcomes are specific so you can clearly see the difference between the points on the scale Ensure scale reflects the clients goalAvoid phrases such as ‘successfully engage with’ or ‘adopt a healthy lifestyle’ as they do not provide a way to objectively measure when the goal is achieved.Ensure scale has only one variable (not more than one)Have a consistent approach to setting the GAS scale. Ensure outcomes are variables the client can influence/controlEnsure that goals are scored appropriately where a goal and/or plan is amended.Ensure the expected outcome on the scale is what the client is should achieve by the end of the planned activities not what they could be expected to achieve at the time of setting the scale.Questions taken from participants through unmuting conference speaker were: How do consultants address client study requests to University, particularly in relation to own business or park ranger vocations?Clare confirmed that the consultant and client must first discuss the client’s existing skillset and identify if it can be used to advance future vocational opportunities. Additionally they should utilise work trials, job placement or industry shadowing days to introduce clients to vocations that may be suitable based on their skills.Can DVA provide the goal that would go with the examples of ‘well written goal scales’? Clare advised these will be written and distributed. Is the Life Satisfaction Indicator questionnaire meant to be completed by the client every 3 months in line with the progress reports or every 6 months, as the presentation said 3 months but the form template say 6 months? Clare confirmed it is 3 monthly. Clare advised she will liaise with the team who manage the templates to have them updated to reflect the three month requirement.Can you clarify what slide 12 means ‘certification to support GAS outcomes’. As medical certification is already obtained to support the goals and activities on the plan - with the outcomes on the GAS scale already reflected in these goals and activities - additional medical certification should not be required when developing the outcomes. The certificate obtained for the goal development will also cover the development of the outcome scale. How should consultants approach the situation where a medical certificate states the client can’t do something now however the client wants to list it as an expected outcome? How do we avoid ‘squashing the hope’ of the client?This question was taken on notice as it is a valid, yet an administratively complicated issue. Ideally certificates could include a timeframe for projected capacity to achieve forecasted outcomes. What happens if clients have not obtained medical certification at the INA phase for fitness for rehabilitation, or for specific clearance for goals despite this being a program expectation/requirement? This may be because DVA clients may not be linked up to doctors when entering the rehabilitation program. Clare reiterated the need for the consultant’s support in linking clients to medical practitioners. She also expressed that it is important to ensure we have certification to support goals and outcomes so as to minimise the risk for consultants when they allow clients to participate in program activities that are not safe/suitable for them. Rehabilitation relationship to other DVA programsPlease see the Relationship between Rehabilitation and other programs power point presentation for information. Clare advised this presentation is to provide a better awareness about the relationship between the rehabilitation program and other DVA programs. It is not to be used as a source of information on the actual programs. Questions taken from participants through unmuting conference speaker were:What is the time limit to access the streamlined access to incapacity payments provision?The streamlined access applies for 2 years. Where the client’s employment is being monitored for the initial month or so, should the rehabilitation plan be kept open or should it be closed?The plan should be kept open for the initial period of monitoring. It does not need to be kept open after this initial period for the client to access streamlined access to incapacity payments. With regards to the Veterans Payment program rehabilitation plans, what is the time limit for submitting the initial assessment report and plan? The timeframe is 6 days to submit the report and plan (where a plan is appropriate). ** A further question was received after the session clarifying whether it is 6 days from the date of referral or 6 days from the date of assessment. Currently it is 6 days from referral but this is now being reviewed due to the fact we acknowledge that if often takes longer than 6 days to obtain a meeting with these clients. It was raised that DVA appears to have a number of different medical certificate templates and that none of them are available on the DVA forms page as an official form.Clare acknowledged that this is the case and that we are currently working within DVA to create a single medical certificate template and make this available as a form on the DVA website. A consultant provided some valuable insight on the issue of medical certification particularly templates: The medical certificate is not compatible with the doctors systems. Currently, doctors have to print, write and then scan the certificate, which is very time consuming. Also there are three different certificates that are currently being used. Advised that the Comcare template has some good content that may be valuable in our redesign process.Section C of the medical certificate document regarding medical management does not have enough space. NO field on our current templates to provide information on physiological capacity (Advised ComCare template has this).The template asks for hours per day of capacity but not overall hours per week.The wording on our template around level of capacity is outdated and not overly useful – it currently uses light, moderate and heavy. There is nowhere on the current templates for the doctor to date when they signed the certificate. This feedback was much appreciated, and Clare undertook to include all this feedback in the development of the new form.It was asked if the sliding scale showing the impact on incapacity payment when participating in a work trial could be added into the PPG.Clare agreed this would be done. More information was requested on specific guidelines around what is considered a barriers to rehab under the VVRS. Particularly in relation to situations where what the client sees as barriers and what the provider sees as barrier differs? This question was in relation to a particular case relating to a client wanting to pursue self-employment. Clare advised the consultant to email their question to the SEM. However Clare noted that clear guidelines on barriers to rehabilitation under the VVRS program are not currently available but she would follow this up and disseminate them when they are available. Should the consultants be advising clients that the study step up scheme is ceasing 30 June 2022 as this may affect clients who are starting to study now? Consultants should make their clients aware that the step-up program has a current end date of 30 June 2022. Is there a different Rights and Obligations for Veterans’ Payment clients considering their obligations under rehabilitation are different to ‘standard’ rehabilitation?Not that we are aware of, but it is a valid point that there possibly should be. * Update - There is not currently a different rights and obligations form for Veterans’ Payment clients to sign. Further investigation on the creation of a separate rights and obligations form will be done.If study isn’t approved by the delegate and clients self-fund the study there seems to be different messages from different consultants about how this will impact on the clients rehab plan. Some delegates seem to close the plan, some don’t.We will clarify and disseminate clearer information. * Update – the plan should not be closed unless the client has achieved all their identified goals. If their self-funded study is affecting their ability to participate appropriately and fully in their rehab program, and the client is unwilling to improve their participation, closure of the plan can also be considered. It was raised that sometimes medical certification states the client has capacity for full time study but no capacity for vocational activities, and that this is hard to manage in terms of managing expectations and capability. Clare agreed this is challenging and is already on DVA’s radar to clarify and address. Are the plans the same for VVRS as for MRCA/DRCA rehabilitation? The same plan and report templates are used for MRCA/DRCA/VVRS rehabilitation. The only difference with regards to documentation is that under VVRS there is an application form (D1000).Clare reminded consultants to always return the signed plan and costing page separately as a copy of the signed plan is given to the client. Clare West 5Open forum for provider input:What topics and processes do you want more information/guidance on?No comments Other issues/ideas you want to raise. No comments 6Other BusinessThere was nil other business raised.8CloseA video recording of the meeting is available on YouTube. You can access it through the following link Clare West Close4.00pm ................

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