1 Essential EnergyMugs Products (Updated 6/23)


|Energy Mug(s) |

|The energized water encased in all the non glass energy products is now rated at 5 million Bovis (i.e. Bio-Photons, or BA: Bio-Angstrom), upgraded from the original |

|800,000 that came out at around 1995. This new Energy Mug is actually old-style, like the very first mugs. Not merely having an energized pad in its base, it is |

|double-wall constructed, where the space between the inner and outer shells is filled with high energy, 5 million Bovis water, from the base all the way to the top |

|where the shells connect. This surrounding energy ensures the quickest and highest energy transfer to the liquid you are treating, with the added benefit of being |

|insulated. So now you no longer have to drink 'dead', lifeless tap, bottled, or even perfectly filtered water. These are all rated at around 3-5,000 Bovis, and |

|actually rob you of energy when you drink them, as they're lower than the 6,000 Bovis neutral point needed by the human body. This negative, lifeless information in |

|today's polluted water is reversed by the Energy Mug back to a positive, energizing, highly charged, life-giving state! This state allows the cells of the body to stay|

|hydrated (full of water), and not get 'puckered up' and old. This positively polarized Mug gives virtually any substance a positive, 'left' spin (a left spin is |

|healthy and energy-enhancing, while a 'right' spin is unhealthy and draining). Although one cannot see the difference, most people claim that foods and liquids that |

|come into contact with the unique water found in the Mug, taste fresher, sweeter and smoother. When any hot or cold liquid or food substance (also vitamins, cosmetics,|

|etc) is placed in the Mug for 2 or more minutes, positive 'energy information' is transferred from the Mug to the new substance. The electrons in the new substance |

|take on a positive left spin. Their free radical nature is virtually eliminated! And once the liquid or food is removed from the Mug, it does not lose its energy, |

|unless x-rayed or microwaved. Made from study, BPA-free, polypropylene plastic that meets FDA requirements for food contact. The 20-ounce Mug comes with a 2-year |

|limited warranty. (Scientific info on Bovis, i.e. Bio-photons, or subtle light-energy: => |

|Pitcher with Energized Center Cylinder (81 oz) |

|New oversize, 80 oz. Pitcher is functionally very similar to the original Foodtainer but has a handle and spout to facilitate pouring. Maximize the effectiveness of a|

|detoxification regime and ward off the health dangers of dehydration by energizing your drinking water a pitcher at-a-time. Liquids may be placed within the pitcher |

|for a few minutes to energize and change the spin, and if liquid is left in overnight, it will be energized to about 1.5 Bovis! Pitcher is premium quality, extremely |

|durable, ABS plastic, which does not contain BPA (Bispehol A). Nearly 16 ounces of 5 Million Bovis energized water in the walls between the inner and outer shells |

|allow for fast, robust energizing of your liquids. Pitcher is 10.5 inches tall, has full-handle design, and lid. Do not freeze, but 'fridge is fine. |

|Refrigerator/Laundry/Dishwasher Ball | |

|The 2-inch Energy Ball triples as a refrigerator, laundry/spa, and dishwasher ball! Place the | |

|Ball in the center shelf of the refrigerator, or in food storage cabinets. The Ball will create| |

|an amazing difference in virtually all food and beverages. Foods will taste smoother and |Auric changes pictured at left: |

|sweeter and stay fresher, retarding spoilage for days and weeks! A farmer's goat's milk in his |before drinking 800,000 Bovis energy water |

|refrigerator now lasts over a month, where without the Ball, it lasted only 3-4 days, he told |on the left, and 2 minutes after on the right. |

|me. Put this 5 Million Bovis Ball in your clothes washer and put a healthy left spin on all | |

|your clothes. Those other 'laundry disks' actually put a right spin on your clothes, which is | |

|unhealthy. You will feel the difference when you wear your clothes and you'll also negate the | |

|toxins in the clothes. Due to the ball's positive energy information, the water changes its | |

|molecular structure and is able to remove dirt with very little detergent (many users report | |

|cutting down by 25-50%). Place the Ball in the upper dishwasher rack and also save. The | |

|minerals in the dishwasher water change their status also and there are nearly no stains on the| |

|glasses or silverware. Numerous other uses - energize your whole bath or spa, like being in | |

|natural high energy vortex mineral springs (also reduces the chlorine and other toxins), | |

|vitalize your fish and clean your fish tank 75% less often... | |

|Energized Water Wand – 24” |

|You asked for it - the new Water Wand is now flexible so it can attach easily to any existing incoming water pipe configuration, even if space is limited or you have |

|curving pipes. Two inches longer than the previously sold polycarbonate tube, this 24" energizing Wand is constructed from 3/4" ID, braided-reinforced, |

|double-walled, clear, pvc vinyl tubing. It's filled with highly charged and specially energized, positive polarizing water, rated at 5 million Bovis. This unit |

|backtreats and transfers information into the water in your home waterpipe, so that your entire home water changes into positive. You will feel, smell and taste the |

|difference! Simply place it parallel to your main incoming home or business water pipe with the included cable zip ties. A spectacular device because it continually |

|treats your whole home water system with zero maintenance. Other appliances costing thousands can't duplicate the left-turning, energized and healthy spin of the |

|resulting water. Many users report now seeing perfectly clear water in their commode holding tanks, where before it was rusty! Others marvel at the difference their |

|water feels when showering and seeing the positive results of washing their hair and clothes. One man happily told us he saved thousands by not having to replace his |

|hot water heater, where before it had become rusty with use. The Water Wand turns hard minerals soft, and many owners have done away with their water softeners! |

|Another parent told us his children commented on how good the water was tasting as after he installed the Wand without their knowledge. Compare at less than 1/2 the |

|price of the previous model!! Usage temperature range: 15 degrees to 150 degrees F. Guaranteed for 3 years. |

|Energized Rigid Water Wand |

|Brand New! 9" by 1.5" Rigid Water Wand, filled with 5 million Bovis water, is made of durable styrene acrylonitrile (SAN plastic), which features improved |

|weatherability, stress, and crack resistance. It is food grade and BPA-free, so use anywhere you want to energize liquids or foods. Also use for bodily pains, as a |

|dishwasher stick, and can also be used as a pool energizer to energize up to a 30-gallon pool, but you must provide your own attaching method, as there is no eyelet or|

|hook. Compare at less than half the cost of the previous pool energizer. This Wand can also be used like the old Well Wand. It is lowered into your water well, down |

|into the water, using a nylon cord or rope that you must somehow attach to the Wand. Farmers have saved their cattle that were dying because of hard water in their |

|wells by using the Well Wand to energize and turn these hard minerals soft. |

| | |

|Big Stick The Energy Stick (7") is made exactly like the water wand above, but much smaller. It can be used|Little Stick |

|anywhere you want to change negative energy to positive. It contains highly charged and specially |The Little Energy Stick (5"), is just like the Big Stick |

|energized, positive polarizing water. This water transforms positive, left-spinning information wherever |but smaller. Perfect for carrying in your pocket or purse.|

|you place the Stick. Slightly flexible, with soft rubber ends. Place on your body, and erase aches and pain|Energize your food or water on-the-go. |

|like magic! Rated at 5 million Bovis. | |

| |


|Glass Energy Mug - (13oz) Beer Mug (16oz) |

|New glass energy products are all rated at 12 million Bovis! This Mug is made of highly charged and specially energized, positive polarizing glass. The glass |

|transfers its positive energy information into the drink you put into the mug. It takes about 60 seconds until the drink in the mug is changed to positive. In |

|addition, it imparts a serious 'left' spin to the liquid, illuminating its negative effects, (of caffeine, chlorine, toxins, etc.) and makes (soft) drinks much softer.|

|You will taste the difference and you can try it with every drink you like. Careful - if left in too long, some drinks (like tea) may become bland. In that case, it's |

|best to energize the water first, then make tea. Or, after you prepare the tea, just let it cool down a bit and then pour it into the mug. Do not pour boiling water |

|into the mug as it might crack. Coffee from the coffee machine is no problem. |

| |

|Glass Energy Pitcher – (66 oz) The new glass Pitcher, like the new mug, is made of highly charged and specially energized, positive polarizing glass, rated at 12 |

|million Bovis. Beautifully hand-made from Mexico. Energize liquids for at least 2 minutes to change to a left spin and make it positive energy. We highly recommend |

|leaving your liquids in longer, if possible to 24 hours (or at least overnight, so you’ll have a full pitcher of highly energized water the whole next day). Also, the |

|Pitcher can energize anything having just a minimal water content (even a cookie!) Therefore it’s a great idea to also energize all your food by placing in the |

|Pitcher. So use it for fruits, vegetables, meat, cosmetics, vitamins and more. (Some people claim they can cut their meds down to half by 1st energizing them!) Also |

|especially use if food is a GMO, or has been irradiated. Allow at least 15 minutes for these, up to the 24-hour maximum. Do not pour boiling water into the pitcher, |

|it might crack. |

|Pool Energizer |Glass Dinner Plate – (10.5 inches) NEW! |

|Charge your Pool, Spa and Hot Tub positive! The LPG Cocoon Water Activator is a PVC Cartridge with charged and |Energize your food while you eat. Beautiful, clear |

|specially energized, positive polarizing glass spheres and nothing more, rated at 12 million Bovis. The glass |glass plate is energized to 12 million Bovis. |

|emanates subtle energies that affect very powerful but gentle and healthy changes on the water and everything the| |

|water interacts with. Just hang it somewhere into the water, attach it to the ladder or put it directly into the | |

|skimmer basket. Depending on the size of the pool, it might take 3-5 days until the chlorine smell is gone and | |

|you can realize a difference in the water structure. Check you chlorine level frequently, you will not need | |

|nearly as much as before. And monitor the ph - once balanced, it will adjust pretty much by itself. (affects up | |

|to a 30,000 gallon pool) | |

|Energized Pyramid ( 4 x 4 inches ) |

|The Whole-House Solution! Beautiful in appearance, this pyramid is designed to bring the environment within the home and surrounding land to a low level, positive |

|energy, life force energy field of approximately 10-12,000 Bovis (depending on the original level). Extraordinary as it sounds, according to Manfred Bauer (the Energy |

|Mug inventor), the effect extends to a 150' sphere! It does the same thing the Mug does, just over a bigger area. It will not charge the area to the same degree the |

|Mug can charge water, but it creates a subtle energy field that is health-giving, not life draining. This device is capable of changing dextrorotatory ( right-turning|

|) negative energy fields into levorotatory (left-turning) positive energy fields. The time needed to change the negative energy fields is about 24 hours. Another |

|benefit is that pests and insects are less likely to inhabit positive energy fields. (They actually need negative fields.) Mr. Bauer discovered that often times |

|people who get cancer or other debilitating diseases live in a 'negative' energy field. They may have their bed over an underground stream, which creates negative |

|energy. And the parallel and perpendicular lay lines that circle the earth about every 6 feet apart are negative, and where they intersect, are very negative. By |

|being exposed to this negative energy, their biological systems eventually weaken, and they are more prone to sickness. The Pyramid alleviates this problem. Now you|

|can ensure that you live in a 'positive' energy field. To get optimum results, place the Pyramid in the center of your house, always on the first (lowest) floor. |

|Never place in a bedroom or under chairs, sofas, etc.. Keep clear of electrical outlets and do not place on TV's, microwaves or similar electric devices. Guaranteed |

|for 5 year, this unit should last a lifetime. Important: Changing the Energy Field of your bed location and your house to positive might result in an increase of |

|existing symptoms over a short period of time. For example, if you have back pain, caused by negative energy fields, it might increase for some days before it gets |

|better, because your body has to get used to ‘normal’ or positive Energy. Also because like anything that starts to heal, the toxins or negative conditions that are |

|released, tend to make the body appear and feel worse, until it is healed enough, and flushed out of your system. To get optimum results, place the Pyramid in the |

|center of your house always on the lowest floor. Robert Bernardini, mistakenly put the pyramid in his bedroom, but couldn't sleep! He had too much energy! He |

|called Manfred, who told him to move the pyramid about 25 feet away. "Since then, I've been sleeping like a baby," he said. Individual glass spheres are all |

|energized to 12 million Bovis. Guaranteed for 5 years. |

|Glass Power Bead small |

|Simply put the power bead in your pocket and enjoy the regenerative Energy! You can use it for joint or back pain - just attach it overnight or during the day with a |

|band aid or tape, etc. In case of burn wounds, put it over the burn area as soon as possible; you might not even get a blister. Do not use a Power Bead if you intend |

|to fly! In case you have to empty your pockets and it will be X-Rayed, it will turn the X-Ray screen black! No fun! (Large is about twice the size as the small.) |

|(All beads and pendants are rated at 12 million Bovis.)l |

|Glass Power Bead large |

|The Large Bead measures at about 1.25 inches in diameter - about twice the size of the smaller one. And the extra-large, about 2”. Both the Large Beads and the small |

|one can be used to energize your refrigerator's and pantry's contents, just like the old 'fridge egg was used for, or place inside and energize a 5-gallon water |

|container! |

| |

|This 'special' large bead is just like the large power bead above, but is imprinted with 6 different Harmonic Frequency Spectrums! Really rocks the boat! When, for |

|example, some cells in the body become chaotic, ie. cancer cells (remember physics "Chaos Theory"), and are in a chaotic state, the body no longer has the ability to |

|communicate with them. and they can grow out of control. These frequencies can harmonize any chaotic imbalance and can enable the body to communicate with these out of|

|control cells and take care of their elimination, and promote enhanced health to the rest of the cells. |

|Glass Power Energy Pendants |Large |

|Small in gold, silver, or red |in gold, silver, or red |

| | |

|Due to its unusual natural imprint, these pendants will balance your |Anyone with health issues would be advised to use the larger Pendants. |

|chakras, and regenerate and harmonize your body. Within |The large Pendants are the same as the large Glass Beads, but with the pendant wiring. The |

|hours you will feel more relaxed, and more powerful at the same time. You|'special' is also the same, |

|can wear the pendant overnight, but you might have too much energy to |but is imprinted with 6 harmonics. |

|sleep soundly. (Available in gold (brass wire) or permanently-colored |(All beads and pendants are rated at 12 million Bovis.)l |

|silver or red wire). | |

|Glass Power Meter Bead, ( similar to large Power Bead above ) |

|Simply stick the Power Meter Bead onto the outside wall behind your home's power meter (on the other side of the wall). It will not interfere with the transmitted |

|signals, but neutralize the radiation and make it harmless for humans. Test results have shown that the radiation effects go down from 100% to 5-10%. Rated at 12 |

|million Bovis. |

| |

|"Your Power Meter Bead seemed to be too simple of a fix for all the microwave radiation hitting my home every 30 seconds of the |

|day and night along with the horrible health conditions I encountered. However, since the digital electric meter has been on my |

|house, I've had constant headaches, most of the time migraines, and I had horrible ringing in both my ears so badly day and night |

|for years that it was hard to get to sleep at night. Eventually I kind of got used to the noise. And then the heart palpitations |

|that became very irregular at least once or twice a day was the last straw as I knew it must have been effecting all parts of my body |

|sitting in this home, working here day and night. And the only way I knew it was my home causing my health issues, as when |

|I was on the road all day, or took a vacation, I started feeling better almost within the first couple hours! |

| |

|So, then, I put your bead on my electrical box one day ~ which is on the opposite side of my electrical digital meter, and within 2 days, |

|the ringing in my ears completely stopped. That was amazing as I had that for a long time. Then, within less than a week my headaches starting easing up & less than |

|two weeks they were GONE - after years of thinking my headaches were just from my hormones/change of life, and spending all kinds of money on different hormone |

|supplements to NO avail. It was amazing to find out my headaches were just from the disrupting high constant frequencies in my home! And, as for the WiFi in my house,|

|for years I've kept it unplugged, unless I'm on my computer. And at night, I would even shut if off at the breaker box for the 1/2 of my house that's on the side I |

|sleep. And I even rearranged my bed in my bedroom to put it in the middle of the room away from the walls/electrical areas all in hopes to help not get the serious |

|health effects from all the electrical/microwave signals. However, none of that ever helped! Only your Power Meter Bead brought me the results - |

| |

|My irregular heart issues have become less since the Bead is on my electrical box, though I still get them and it's probably the damage that was already done as my |

|digital smart meter was put on my home back in April, of 2006. I didn't start using your BEAD until just months back unfortunately. And, when I leave my home, I wear |

|my smaller bead on a chain around my neck for the same protection when I'm out - because if the large one at my electric meter is working so well IN my home, I can |

|imagine the help I'm getting from the one around my neck when I go OUT! D J |

| |

|My health is a witness to that this Bead certainly disrupts and neutralizes the dangerous frequencies coming from components in this new Smart Grid era, such as the |

|meters, the WiFi, Towers, and cellular phones ~ etc etc! |

|Thank you for something so small in size, however, that works in such a BIG way! Your Bead is a blessing in my life ~ D.j." |

|Phone Order/Inquiry: 720-755-0836 |

|Order Securely Online: ; If Dist ID is known, order at ?xxxxx ( xxxxx is Dist ID ) |

|Fax order: 1-509-693-8805 |

|Email: support@ |

|Note: when ordering, calling or emailing, please give your Sponsor's Distributor ID #, if known, for their commission. |


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