Dictionaries and Translators - Weebly

[Pages:4]Dictionaries and Translators

Dictionaries are useful tools in learning a language. I still frequently refer to a dictionary to help me learn my native language of English better. For example, I just learned the difference between setup and set up. Now dictionaries don't only come as books, but also as electronic gadgets, software, online resources, and even as apps to be loaded on your cell phone.

Do a Google search for "WordWeb". Download and install the free version of the program on your computer.

(*A back-up instillation copy of Wordweb can be found in the 302 Assignments folder. But it's probably better for you to gain the experience of learning how to find and download software.)

Using WordWeb, look up these common words up.

Car Definition: A motor vehicle with four wheels; usually propelled by an internal combustion engine o 10 Parts: Accelerator, buffer, car mirror, cowl, bonnet, trunk, horn, engine, grille, gas pedal, hood, glovebox, o 10 Types SUV, taxi, station wagon, Model T, bus, ambulance, Cadillac, coupe, compact, jeep limousine, race car, runabout.

Shirt Definition: A garment worn on the upper half of the body o 10 Parts: Dickie, Shirt button, shirtfront, shirtsleeve, shirttail, shirting, o 10 Types camise, daishiki, dress shirt, evening shirt, kurta, polo shirt, T-shirt, tank top, work-shirt, hair shirt, sport shirt.

Bad Definition: Having undesirable or negative qualities o 10 Similarities: abominable, awful, evil, terrible, worse, worst, crummy, uncool, tough, uncomfortable, unfavorable, severe,

setup or set up

o Differences: SETUP is a noun meaning "The way something is organized or arranged", "Equipment designed to serve a specific function" or "An act that incriminates someone on a false charge"; SET UP is the verb which means to build, organize, or establish.

List several online dictionaries and give an example entry of a word you looked up.


ex. tech?nol?o?gy

?noun 1. the branch of knowledge that deals with the creation and use of technical means and their interrelation with life, society, and the environment, drawing upon such subjects as industrial arts, engineering, applied science, and pure science. 2. the terminology of an art, science, etc.; technical nomenclature. 3. a technological process, invention, method, or the like. 4. the sum of the ways in which social groups provide themselves with the material objects of their civilization.

Dictionary 1


1: a throwing of a person or thing out of a window 2: a usually swift dismissal or expulsion (as from a political party or office) -- de?fen?es?trate transitive verb


de- + Latin fenestra window First Known Use: 1620

Dictionary 2

Go/Sell like hot cakes to be bought quickly and in large numbers His new video game is apparently selling like hot cakes.

Dictionary 3


Love is a feeling of deep affection, passion or strong liking. (noun)

1. An example of love is what a mother feels when looking at her sleeping baby. 2. An example of love is what a husband feels when his wife winks at him from across the

room. 3. An example of love is what friends feel when sharing a beautiful moment together.

Love means to show or have deep attraction, affection or emotional attachment to a person, people or thing. (verb)

1. An example of love is showering someone with kisses. 2. An example of love is greeting a good friend with a big hug. 3. An example of love is watching an amazing dancer dance.

Note: Search for Online Collocation Dictionary if time.

Translators (Bilingual Dictionaries) In the old days, one had to use a bilingual dictionary when doing translation work. Now there are several online resources that can translate not only words, but whole phrases or sentences. Even Microsoft Word has a translate function.

Use an electronic translator to translate these following sentences into English. Spanish: Mis alumnos son los mejores estudiantes en todo el mundo.

English Translation: My students are the best students anywhere in the world

French: Mon chien mang? mes devoirs.

English Translation: My dog ate my homework

Hebrew: ? (This is not correct Hebrew, because it is written left to right instead of

right to left. But this is what I got from several different translators.)

English Translation: Where can I buy this book

Russian: .

English Translation: Brother Christensen is my favorite teacher

Chinese (Taiwan):

English Translation: Red sports car on the road is very fast

Chinese (PRC):

English Translation: When I was young, the girl next door I fell in love

Japanese: Brother Wyman makes very hard tests. (Sorry, too hard for the translator programs. Can you find one that works?)

Japanese Translation:

Korean: .

English Translation: Skip to school in Hawaii, I would like to



English Translation: I need to drink water because food is spicy hot.

Tongan: Oku ou fia kai ia.

English Translation: I'm hungry.

Do you think translator programs have a place in the L2 classroom? Explain.

Answer: Hmmm, maybe. I think that they can help if they are used with wisdom. I know that students often how their little translator dictionaries and I definitely think this is positive for individual study. In the classroom I'm not so sure. But then also if you are translating things with software it might not be as natural as it could.

Finishing Touches

Blog after every class about what you are learning.

Add a background color to this document, but make sure it is still easy to read. [Check out the answers to the translations below. Cool? huh!]

Name this document "Dictionaries" and save it as a PDF or Word Document in your portfolio folder.

Link the file to your Home Page.


Spanish: My students are the best students in the whole world.

French: My dog ate my homework.

Hebrew: Where can I buy this book?

Russian: Brother Christensen is my favorite teacher.

Chinese (Taiwan): The red sports car drove down the road very fast.

Chinese (PRC): When I was young, I was in love with the girl next door.

Japanese: Brother Wyman makes very hard tests.

Korean: I want to go to school in Hawaii.

Tai: I need a drink of water because this food is spicy hot.

Tongan: I'm hungry.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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