07:30 – Inscriptions

07:50 – Opening – Dr. Mario Paranhos (SP).

08:00 – Peyronie’s disease

Moderator: Dr. Adriano Fregonesi (SP).

• Is there anything exiting in clinical treatment of Peyronie’s disease?

Dr. Miguel Rivero (Argentina).

• Natural history and clinical follow-up of Peyronie’s disease.

Dr. Geraldo Faria (SP).

• Local treatment of Peyronie’s disease.

Dr. Carlos Da Rós (RS).

• Peyronie’s disease evaluation. Why the controversy?

Dr. Ernani Rhoden (RS).

• Is surgery an effective treatment for Peyronie’s disease?

Dr. Enrico Andrade (SP).

• Complications in surgery for Peyronie’s disease.

Dr. Joaquim de A Claro (SP).

• Types of surgical approaches. What are the best results?

Dr. John Mulcahy (USA).

• Discussion.

09:50 – Coffee break

10:15 – Sexual dysfunction - Answers in three slides.

Moderator: Dr. Mario Paranhos (SP).

• Are patients discovering that erectile dysfunction exits?

• Recreational drugs. What are the real effects in erectile dysfunction?

• Oral treatment has failed. What’s next?

• Oral drugs for erectile dysfunction and urogenital functions. Are there relations to be explored?

Dr. Sidney Glina (SP).

• Is erectile dysfunction a precocious manifestation of cardiovascular disease?

• Can cardiovascular alterations be treated without development of erectile dysfunction?

• Is sex forbidden in cardiovascular diseases?

• Treatment of patients with erectile dysfunction and cardiovascular disease. How to prescribe prudently?

Dr. Carlos Serrano (SP)

• How to approach patients with erectile dysfunction and co morbidities?

• Is sexual function altered in obese men?

• Erectile dysfunction and androgen deficiency. Is treatment necessary for both?

• Can we improve sexual quality of life of patients over 50 years?

Dr. Miguel Rivero (Argentina).

• Sex in internet: Is there any influence over the patient and his partner?

• Is sexual dysfunction an alteration of the couple?

• Can the use of PDE-5 inhibitors improve sexual satisfaction in relationships?

• Can lifestyle changes actually influence sexual response?

Dra. Carmita Abdo.

• Can erectile function be restores after prostate cancer treatment?

• Can LUTS and erectile dysfunction be symptoms of the same disease?

• Can treatment of LUTS influence sexual function?

• LUTS and erectile dysfunction. Can we avoid and treat precociously?

Dr. Luiz Otávio Torres (MG).

• What’s the future in erectile dysfunction treatment?

• Choose of PDE-5 inhibitor: what should we seek for the patient?

• Can injectable drugs actually solve the patient’s problem?

• What is the necessary evaluation of patients with erectile dysfunction in the PDE-5 inhibitors?

Dr. John Mulcahy (USA).

12:00 – Lunch (Johnson & Johnson).

Ejaculation and orgasm alterations.

Moderator: Dr. Mario Paranhos (SP).

• Ejaculation alterations and its impact on the 21th century men.

Dr. Miguel Rivero (Argentina).

• Epidemiology and physiopathology of premature ejaculation.

Dr. Claudio Teloken (RS).

• Premature ejaculation: View of the patient and his partner.

Dr. Sidney Glina (SP).

• How to begin treatment for premature ejaculation and erectile dysfunction?

Dr. Ronaldo Damião (RJ).

• Treatment of premature ejaculation: Is there a place for psychotherapy?

Dra. Carmita Abdo (SP).

• New developments of pharmacotherapy for premature ejaculation.

Dr. Luiz Otávio Torres (MG).

• Retrograde, retarded and absent ejaculation: diagnosis and treatment.

Dr. Eduardo Bertero (SP).

• Discussion.

14:00 – Penile prosthesis

Moderator: Dr. Joaquim de A. Claro (SP).

• How, when and to whom indicate a penile prothesis?

Dr. Luis Otávio torres (MG).

• Types of penile prosthesis: what is the best choice?

Dr. Mario Paranhos (SP).

• Infections in penile prosthesis implantation: Prevent, diagnose and treat.

Dr. Miguel Rivero (Argentina).

• Intra-operative complications of penile prosthesis implantation.

Dr. John Mulcahy (USA).

• Post-operative complications of penile prosthesis implantation: Prevention and treatment.

Dr. Geraldo Faria (SP).

• Important factors in penile prosthesis implantation and in final results.

Dr. Sidney Glina (SP).

• Long term results of penile prosthesis.

Dr. Ronaldo Damião (RJ).

• Discussion.

15:50 – Coffee break.

16:15 – Surgery (Alive transmission)

Three-volume prosthesis implantation.

Dr. John Mulcahy (USA).

Interactive discussion with the audience and demonstration in prosthesis models.

Technique description with discussion of personal experience.

Dr. Geraldo Faria (SP).

• Cavernous bodies and prosthesis preparation - Dr. Claudio Teloken (RS).

• Valve and reservoir preparations. - Dr. Adriano Fregonesi (SP).

• Connections and finalization. - Dr. Leonardo Messina (SP).


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