Clint FITT and PROS - Healthy Living The Natural Way

Clint FITT and PROS

Carl is a 21 year old male that is 5’ 11” and weights 181 lbs and a junior in college. The FITT principles for him are as follows. For the Cardiovascular activity he should do running twice a wee at a high intensity level. He should do this activity for about 75 minutes a week. For his muscular strength and endurance Carl should do the YMCA Bench Press- 80 lbs for 8-12 repetitions at a low intensity level at least 2 times a week. For flexibility, Carl should do the sit and reach of 15 inches activity at low intensity at least one or two days a week. The PROS principles for Carl are as follows. For the cardiovascular activity Carl needs to add 5 minutes to his time each week. He will continue his routine of 2 times a week. Carl’s cardiovascular activity should be added to by increasing his speed and endurance. Most of the activities will be around running. For muscular strength and endurance Carl needs to increase the amount of weight as he achieves his goals and to add on additional days to his exercise routine. This is to build his upper body strength. He should not skip any workouts. For flexibility Carl could add Yoga. Yoga is good for stretching and to increase his flexibility. Carl should challenge himself by stretching farther every time.

Sally is a 65 year old adult that is obese and has diabetes and she is a full time administrative assistant. For her cardiovascular activity she should exercise for a short period of time during the day for about 4 times a week. She has health issues so she should start off slowly and gradually increase her activity. Walking would be the best exercise for her to get her heart rate up to 40 to 60 percent. For her muscular strength and endurance Sally should use lite weights to do 10 to 12 reps easy and comfortably. She should do this for 5 to 10 minutes 2 times a week. For her flexibility Sally should do stretching to increase her flexibility. This should be done for 5 to 10 minutes, 5 days a week. Sallies stretching exercises should start off slow where she stretches as far as she can before pain. When she increases it she can stretch farther. PROS principles for Sally’s cardiovascular activity, walking is the best exercise to increase her speed. The time should be lengthen from 10 to 15 minutes to reach her goal of 150 minutes a week. Her overall goal would be to increase to 30 minutes or more at a time. For her muscular strength and endurance, Sally needs to strengthen her lower body strength because she is on her feet a lot. The exercises need to be changed up and Sally should increase the weights as she progresses. Sally needs to increase her flexibility and balance by stretching and Yoga. Doing Yoga not only can help her flexibility but it also can help with her mental state.

Jennifer is a 35 year old female who is a working mom with 3 kids. She has very little time for herself. The FITT cardiovascular activity should be walking. She should start off slow and do it as she is able. Her goal would be about 150 minutes per week to get her heart rate up to 70 to 80 percent. This should be about 30 minutes a day. For her muscular strength she should do squats, sit-ups and pushups. This needs to be done 30 minutes a day at moderate intensity for 2 days a week. For flexibility Jennifer should do Yoga. This will help her be more flexible and also help with her stress levels. This should be done everyday for 15 to 20 minutes a day. For the PROS principles the cardiovascular activity she should do HITT with a jog/walk interval. Jennifer should jog for 30 seconds and walk for 60 seconds. This should be done 5 days a week. For muscular strength sit-ups and squats should be done at home. The amount done should be increased gradually. This should be done 2 days a week with an increase as she goes along. Flexibility is needed to keep her active. Stretching along with Yoga can help her expand her limits. This should be done before exercise or at least everyday. Jennifer also needs to make time for herself, even if it is just a long bath, or taking a long walk. This will help with her stress level.

Justin is a 13 year old male in the 7th grade. The FITT principles for cardiovascular activity should be running and involvement in sports. This should be done at moderate or vigorous intensity for about 60 minutes every day. His muscular strength should be squats, sit-ups or pushups. He could also use weights. This should be done at least 30 minutes a day 3 days a week to improve his body composition and strength. Flexibility activity should be stretching. This should be done 5 to 10 minutes before activity everyday. This will help prevent injury. He needs to push the stretch as he goes along. For the PROS principles cardiovascular activity, Justin needs to improve his coordination, speed, and endurance. He needs to do 60 minutes or activity everyday to improve his flexibility. For muscular strength he needs to focus on full body exercises. He needs to make the exercise harder as he goes along to improve his muscular strength. This should be done 3 days a week. For flexibility, Justin needs to do toe touches, and reaching. The need to stretch further each time will improve his flexibility. This should be done everyday when the muscles are warm.


Howley, E., Thompson, D. (2012). Fitness Professionals Handbook. Human Kinetics.

United States.


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