Foundation teacher transition visits to kindergartens ...

Foundation teacher transition visits to kindergartens – Term 4 2020Guidance on Foundation teacher visits to kindergartens to support a positive transition to school for the 2021 cohort.The Victorian Government is providing additional funding in Term 4 to support children transitioning to school in 2021, in response to the ongoing impact of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.objectives of foundation teacher transition visits to KindergartenSGood relationships between children, families and early childhood/school teachers and educators are key to positive transitions. Positive transitions occur when children feel a sense of belonging and familiarity in their new learning environment.As many of the usual face-to-face transition activities that build these relationships may not be undertaken this year due to coronavirus (COVID-19) restrictions, support is being provided to enable Foundation teachers to visit children and early childhood teachers and educators at kindergartens.These visits will provide an opportunity for early childhood teachers to discuss their educational program and the pedagogical approach they use to support children’s learning. It will also provide Foundation teachers with the opportunity to observe and interact with children in the kindergarten learning environment.Children’s transition into school has long lasting impacts on how they engage with school. Providing time for children to interact with their Foundation teacher and build a relationship before starting school can reduce their anxiety and stress about starting school.Providing opportunities for teachers across early childhood and schools to visit each other can also be a powerful way of deepening professional understanding of early childhood and school-based learning environments and practices.Outcomes of these visits for teachers and educators are:that relationships are built and strengthenedthere is a deeper understanding and familiarity of each other’s programs, curriculum and philosophical frameworks that insight into the bigger picture for children and families is gained that ideas can be shared and solutions jointly explored during the delivery of educational programs that teachers and educators feel supported and less isolated in their workApproach to visitsSchools and kindergarten settings will need to organise the visits to best meet the needs of their programs and adhere with current health advice and requirements.?Schools will be contacting kindergartens in Term 4 to plan for these visits and we encourage early childhood services to consider appropriate timing based on their program and children’s readiness to engage.You may have children at your service attending a range of schools. It may be useful to plan how to best support these visits and avoid multiple visitors at the one time.If you have not heard from a school that you know a child will be attending in 2021, we encourage you to contact them and speak to their Foundation teacher/s. If you require support to identify school contacts, please liaise with your Regional Office.When planning for a visit, it may be useful to consider:activities which support the Foundation teacher to observe and interact with children in the familiar kindergarten contexts and environmentstalking about how daily routines are supported and strategies used to assist children to manage their own behavioursharing program planning/curriculum development ideas and strategies discussing effective transition experiences with the Foundation teacher that maximise continuity of learning and development for children discussing opportunities to work in partnership to further support transition this year and in future years.As per usual transition arrangements, individual child level information is shared through the Transition Learning and Development Statements (TLDS).Parents/carers should be notified in advance of a visit by a Foundation teacher as they are a critical partner in effective transitions.-20118589342Suggested activities to support children prepare for starting school:Use photos of the school environment to develop story books and discussion.Read stories about starting school and discuss the various elements and expectations raised in these. Ask children what they would like to know about school – what are they excited about, are they worried about anything? Provide a range of materials in play areas to stimulate discussion about school. Promote role plays or scenarios that relate to school.00Suggested activities to support children prepare for starting school:Use photos of the school environment to develop story books and discussion.Read stories about starting school and discuss the various elements and expectations raised in these. Ask children what they would like to know about school – what are they excited about, are they worried about anything? Provide a range of materials in play areas to stimulate discussion about school. Promote role plays or scenarios that relate to and safety This advice has been prepared having regard to the directions and advice issued by the Victorian Chief Health Officer.Given the evolving nature of the response to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, this advice is subject to change. All kindergartens are encouraged to review the latest advice and directions issued by the Victorian Chief Health Officer at Schools will take a number of actions when visiting a kindergarten setting that you should take into consideration:Schools will contact kindergarten settings to ask what measures in relation to hygiene and physical distancing will be in place for their visit. Kindergarten settings are encouraged to share their COVIDSafe Plan and ensure all visitors adhere to the requirements.Schools will notify kindergarten settings of the key health and safety measures that they will be taking, for example, physical distancing, stopping the transition visit if they observe coronavirus (COVID-19) symptoms in children or other adults at the service. Ensure there is a supply of alcohol-based hand sanitiser to be used before, during and after the visit.When greeting the Foundation teacher, do not shake hands. Maintain physical distance with other adults to the extent practical in the kindergarten setting. Where required to touch surfaces, avoid touching your face and wash your hands with soap for more than 20 seconds or apply alcohol-based sanitiser at regular intervals.A visit will be postponed if any teacher/educators or children displays symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). Anyone with symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19), however mild, should get tested and self-isolate until they receive their resultsFace masksIn line with advice from the Victorian Chief Health Officer, all Victorians must wear a face mask when they leave home.In?kindergarten settings, it is not mandatory for teachers and educators to wear a face mask while working with children, but those who wish to do so can. Early childhood teachers and educators should wear face masks when not working with children in other areas of the service, for example, in reception areas, staff rooms and foyers, when providing first aid or taking temperatures.Foundation teachers will not be required to wear a face mask while meeting with children, but those who wish to do so can. Teachers should wear face masks in other areas of the kindergarten setting when not meeting with children, and when travelling to and from the for schools and early childhood servicesA funding contribution will be given to providers of kindergarten programs and primary schools to support this activity.This will support:additional time for Foundation teachers to visit kindergarten settings, meet the children and develop relationships prior to children starting school in 2021additional time for early childhood teachers to prepare, connect and meet with Foundation teachers during these visits.Funding will be provided to kindergarten service providers based on a per child rate and confirmed enrolments in 2020.Kindergarten settings do not need to apply for this funding. Kindergarten service providers will receive the funding automatically through regular funding processes in Term 4.Transition Learning and Development Statements (TLDS)It is important to note these visits are supplementary and complementary to the TLDS. The visits themselves do not replace the need for the TLDS, which will remain critical this year, as we support children transition to school in 2021. The TLDS provides important information at the child level to support continuity of learning and development. It is a kindergarten funding requirement that every child transitioning to school has a TLDS.Funding was provided to service providers in June 2020, as a contribution towards time release for early childhood teachers to write the TLDS.Workshops are being delivered for early childhood teachers on writing the TLDS in the context of coronavirus (COVID-19). The workshops provide guidance on the information that should be included and how best to write it. Further information on these workshops can be accessed on the coronavirus website.ADDITIONAL Transition supports for children accessing the Kindergarten inclusion Support (kis) programEarly childhood teachers will also be provided up to six hours of release time to support the transition to school for each child attending their kindergarten program who is supported by the KIS program. Early childhood educators should also identify key personnel and activities to support a child with a disability or developmental delay to start school. Many early childhood educators already do this by arranging Program Support Group meetings early in the year. The Program Support Group brings together key people to collaborate and support inclusive planning from the time a child is enrolled in the kindergarten program and through to their transition to school.A Program Support Group helps support families through the transition out of kindergarten and into school, and to feel confident that their child’s interests, abilities and requirements are understood. It will be similar to other Kindergarten Inclusion Program Support Group meetings held throughout the year, but will also include Foundation teachers and other school professionals including Outside School Hours Care providers who will be involved with the child and family at school. Early childhood teachers are encouraged to use this funding to establish a Program Support Group specifically focusing on the development of a plan to support the child’s move to school. The meeting will include:the parent/s or guardian/s and their advocate if desiredthe early childhood teacher and educator (where appropriate)a key school contact (preferably the Foundation teacher) and other relevant professionals as required (for example, an ECI professional, additional school personnel and an OSHC educator). Consulting with families about the time and place of this meeting is essential. The purpose of meetings are to:enable the family and others who know the child to highlight the child’s abilities, strengths and requirementsdiscuss approaches and initiatives that have supported the child’s participation and engagement in the early childhood programconsider how this information might inform planning for the child’s inclusion at school, for example, any adjustment, adaptations or supports that might be required to assist the child’s active and successful participation at schoolappoint a kindergarten-to-school transition coordinator. This could be the early childhood educator, relevant school personnel, or another early childhood professional supporting the childdiscuss the school’s orientation program and additional opportunities to visit the schoolconsider, where appropriate, whether an application should be initiated for the Program for Students with Disabilities or equivalent program in Catholic and Independent schools, if this has not yet occurredconsider, where appropriate, whether the child should be enrolled in a special developmental schoolagree to further actions required, including who will take responsibility for which action and by when.Additional informationAdditional information on supporting effective reciprocal visits can be found on the Department’s website. If you require any additional information or guidance on Foundation teacher visits to kindergartens, we encourage you to contact your Early Childhood Improvement Branch. You can also email the Department’s Positive Start to School Transition Team at psts@education..mon questions and answersWhen are on-site kindergarten transition activities permitted under the roadmap for reopening?On-site kindergarten transition activities are not permitted under the Second Step of the roadmap for reopening.On-site kindergarten transition activities are permitted under the Third Step of the roadmap for reopening (e.g. one Foundation teacher can meet an early childhood teacher and children in kindergartens).What if some of the children at the kindergarten won’t be going to the Foundation teacher’s school? Won’t this be confusing to some children?Children attending kindergarten settings will be used to talking about starting school and will be aware that not everyone is going to the same school. We encourage early childhood teachers to work in partnership with Foundation teachers to agree how they will talk to children about why the Foundation teacher is visiting the setting. It is helpful for children to know:all children will have an opportunity to meet teachers from their school, if this doesn’t happen at the kindergarten there will be other ways for them to meetall teachers cannot visit the kindergarten on the same day - we have to be careful because of the virus and follow the rulesall teachers are excited to meet all of the children, but particularly excited to meet those that will be starting at their primary school next yearWhen will Foundation teachers visit the kindergarten?We are encouraging schools and kindergartens to work together to plan visits at a time that meets the needs of children, teachers/educators and the educational settings. It will be important to consider a range of factors including:there are different restrictions in place for regional Victoria and metropolitan Melbournethe plan for the educational program across both settings; and the availability of teachers across each setting to effectively plan for and engage with the visit.Schools which have kindergartens on-site are encouraged to make arrangements with that kindergarten directly.What if children are going to a number of different schools? Will kindergartens be expected to host all Foundation teacher visits?Where kindergartens are aware that children are attending multiple schools, it may be useful to identify a number of opportunities for these visits. This will assist in conversations with Foundation teachers to arrange the timing of visits. Only one Foundation teacher may visit a kindergarten setting at a time.Schools are expected to make reasonable effort to visit children enrolled in their 2021 Foundation program at the kindergarten they are currently attending. Visits may need to be prioritised, and schools are encouraged to take a common sense approach to establishing the relationships between children and Foundation teachers that are critical to support a positive start to school. There are a range of other ways Foundation teachers can start to build these relationships, including virtual meetings and for small groups of children to visit a Foundation teacher at the school.Can parents come to the kindergarten when the Foundation teacher visits? No. Visits to kindergarten settings are restricted to those essential to the delivery of the program. As a result, parents/carers will not be able to participate in Foundation teacher visits to kindergartens.There are a range of ways for schools to commence building relationships with parents, and schools are encouraged to design an approach that meets the needs of their community. This may include:virtual meetings with small groups of parents and Foundation teachersCan more than one teacher or a teacher with existing school students (e.g. potential buddies) visit a kindergarten together?No, in line with the advice from the Department of Health and Human Services, only one Foundation teacher may visit a kindergarten setting at a time. Schools are encouraged to limit service visits to one per service where practical.Will any children starting school in 2021 be able to visit the school on site?Yes, visits to schools by incoming Foundation children are allowed under the Third Step of the roadmap for reopening in regional Victoria. The Department has been advised that: Schools may host groups of no more than 10 incoming Foundation children, their parents and/or early childhood educators on-site. This number does not include the Foundation Teacher or other school staff member facilitating the visit.No intermixing with other children at the school is permitted as part of the visit. Schools will only be allowed to have one small group visit the school at any one time (i.e. there may not be multiple groups of 10 visiting the school at the same time).No child, parent or kindergarten educator may visit a school if they are unwell or have any symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19). If unwell with symptoms they should get tested, stay home and self-isolate while they await their test result.Kindergartens organising visits to schools for the purposes of supporting the transition to school must ensure the existing requirements around excursions are met such as the requisite number of kindergarten teachers and educators to safely facilitate the visit. Kindergarten teachers and educators undertaking the visit form part of the maximum group size of 10. Visits to schools by incoming Foundation children are not permitted under the Second Step of the roadmap for reopening in metropolitan Melbourne.Can children with a disability or highly complex needs and their parent/carer/s visit the school on site (for example, for essential assessments or to decide on a school)?The Department has been advised that:Under the Second Step, schools are not to conduct on-site school tours for prospective students and their families at this time. Schools can however consider exemptions at a local level to support essential educational planning and decision making for students with disability or highly complex needs. Under the Third Step, children with disability starting school in 2021 are permitted to attend on-site for individual assessments required for enrolment and transition planning that cannot be done remotely, including for the Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD). This is in addition to kindergarten transition programs permitted as a limited activity under the Third Step.? State of Victoria (Department of Education and Training) 2020. Except where otherwise?noted, material in this document is provided under a?Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Please check the full?copyright notice? ................

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