With More Than 170 Exercises

French Grammar Basics and Beyond

Easy explanations in English of French Grammar with more than 200 exercises, and solutions!

This grammar book is for students of the A1 levels (total beginners) to B1 level (intermediate level).

Click here to order this e-book at Special Price Only $24.50/ 21.90 / ?18.99!

Paperback and Kindle version also available ? Details here

French Grammar Basics and Beyond

?2020byLearn French at Home.Allrightsreserved. Nopartofthisebookmaybereproducedinanywrien,electronic,recording,orphotocopyingwith outwrienpermissionofthepublisherorauthors. Publishedby:Learn French at Home Authors:C?lineVanLoanandAnnickStevenson 3rdedition.1steditionpublishedin2011. DateofPublication:2020. ISBN:9798664830743 Coverphoto: Paris,theRodinMuseum?C?lineVanLoan Backcoverphoto: C?lineVanLoan?MartyVanLoan


French Grammar Basics and Beyond

AboutLearn French at Home

Learn French at Home, created in 2004 by C?line and Vincent Anthonioz, has helped thousands of Frenchlearners,eachwithverydierentlearninggoals.Themainingredientofoursuccessliesinour teamofprofessionalandfriendlynativeFrenchteacherswhotakethetimetopersonalizeeverysingle lessonaccordingtothestudentspersonalandprofessionalgoal.Ourmainpurposeistodelivertrue qualityservicetoeachstudent. Sincethelessonstakeplaceinthestudentshomeorworkplace,itdoesntmaerwhereyoulive. TheteachersarelocatedinEuropeandinNorth,CentralandSouthAmerica. When yourereadyto take your French learning toanother level,Learn French at Home cansetyou upwithoneonone personalized French lessons with aprofessional andencouragingFrench native teacher. Everylesson is given on Skype orZoom. Whetheryou needto learnthe languageto preparefor yourupcomingtriptoaFrenchspeakingcountry,orwhetheryouneedittoworkonanyprofessional objectives,oryousimplywishtoenjoycommunicatinginFrench,youllndtheappropriateprogram onourwebsite.WealsooerFrenchlessonsforkids,whichareabigsuccessamongparentswishing thattheirchildrenbecomeuentinaforeignlanguage. DuringthesessiononSkypeorZoom,theteacherprivilegesthattimetostimulatethelearnerto speakinFrench,andexplainsgrammaticalpoints.Youllgetrealpracticeasthoughyouweretravel ingorlivinginFrance!Weoer9dierentlessonformats,youcanreadaboutthemon:

TondoutiflearningFrenchonSkypeorZoomisrightforyou,scheduleafree oneonone evalu ation:freefrenchlessons AlanguageadvisorwillbehappytoevaluateyourFrenchlearningneedsandsuggesttheright lessonformatforyou.

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? bient?t !



French Grammar Basics and Beyond

FrenchGrammar BasicsandBeyond

EasyExplanationsinEnglishofFrenchGrammar with200ExercisesandSolutions

C?lineVanLoan andAnnickStevenson



French Grammar Basics and Beyond


--Say It with a French Accent. French Grammar in Context: 40 llin scenarios with audio. Pa perback and eBook (pdf). 2020.

--Learning French? How to Make it Happen. A selfhelp book that addresses the questions that most people who want to learn French feel the need to ask when they start. With a multitude of tips, tricks and tools. Paperback, Kindle and eBook (pdf). 2020.

--Traveling in France: Essential Communication for the Smart Tourist. An easy guide of every day French expressions and vocabulary indispensable for foreigners traveling in France. Paper back and eBook (pdf) with audio links. New edition 2020.

--12 Short suspense Stories in French for French Learners: Le bruit des vagues (Nr. 1, 2017); Le pays de lamour (Nr. 2, 2018); Le tr?sor (Nr 3, 2019); Le chat qui parle (Nr 4, 2020). Glossaries, grammar tips, cultural notes, exercises with solutions and full audio for each story. Paperback and eBooks (pdf) with audio links.

--Learn French with Fun Activities. A Workbook for kids and teenagers, with songs, poems, exercises and games. For parents or French teachers who will guide the children through the suggested means of studying. Paperback and eBook (pdf) with audio links. New edition 2020.

--EnglishFrench Glossary of the United Nations, NGOs and International Relations. 12,000 words and expressions about the new challenges of todays world. Paperback and eBook (pdf). 2020.

frenchaudiobooks All these books are also available on Amazon: author/annickstevenson

Our Magazine

French Accent Magazine: The unique and FREE emagazine (pdf) for French learners, with a cen tral theme, articles on topics such as politics, culture, grammar, etc. Scenarios and vocabulary with audio links are included as well.



French Grammar Basics and Beyond

By learning a new language I discover mine, I analyse it more, I understand much beer my own grammar.


isaCanadiannovelistwhowrites primarilyinFrenchandtranslates



French Grammar Basics and Beyond


FOREWORD Page15 1.Bonjour ! Page17 EXERCISE Page18

2.Spellingandthealphabet Page19 EXERCISES Page19

3.?tre (tobe) Page20 ?Tu andvous Page20 ?On andnous Page21 ?Les naonalit?s(Naonalies) Page21 ?Quelques adjecfs (Afewadjecves) Page21 ?Themoreusualnegaveconstrucon(ne...pas) Page22 EXERCISES Page23 ?C'est vsIlest Page26 EXERCISES Page28

4.L'heure et la fr?quence(Expressionsofmeandfrequency) Page30 EXERCISES Page32 5.Wordsgenderanddenite/indenitearcles:le,la,les,un,une,des Page33 EXERCICES Page36 6.Avoir (tohave) Page38 EXERCISES Page39 ?Il y a Page44

EXERCISES Page44 ??tre et avoir Page46 EXERCISES Page46



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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