
Strategies for Facilitating Synchronous Webinars

A webinar is an online real-time session using the Adobe Connect tool, which has been licensed by Johns Hopkins University. Adobe Connect provides the ability to create user polls, a Q&A function with the audience of course participants, audience attentiveness meters, and a text-based chat feature.

The Technology

Adobe Connect (formerly Macromedia Breeze) is entirely web-based, and works equally well on Macs and PCs, and web browsers Internet Explorer and Firefox. You won’t have to purchase, or even upload, software to use the tool. You will need to download a small add-in in order to act as a presenter.

Webinars are broadcast using Voice Over IP (VOIP). To present a webinar, you will need a USB headset with microphone for your computer (Logitech or Plantronics models work best). The webinar may be recorded using the VOIP to provide audio.

Adobe Connect is able to show PowerPoint presentations and more. It is designed to handle other media such as web pages, images, video and audio clips. Participants feel more engaged with multimedia and other interactive features than a PowerPoint alone. However, one consideration to keep in mind when using media is that it will take more time to convert media into the appropriate file types that Adobe Connect can recognize.

Also, the Adobe Connect interface includes a camera/voice pod. This will allow you to broadcast yourself to the participants through either a webcam or microphone.

If you are interested in learning more about the platform, please feel free to sign up for one of Adobe’s free tutorials at .

Tips and Strategies

Developing a Webinar Presentation

• Provide the objectives or an overview of the key topics of the presentation up front on a slide. At the end of the presentation, provide a brief summary of the key points that you shared.

• Plan to focus on just a few key topics throughout your presentation.

• Consider developing one content slide for every 1 ½ minutes of presentation time (not including opening/summary slides which can go much more quickly). Plan a 20-30 minute presentation. CTE will help you hone your slide presentation prior to the webinar.

• There will be a question and answer period after your presentation. Consider building in opportunities throughout for participants to ask questions about specific aspects of your presentation. Participants will be able to type questions into a text-based chat box throughout your presentation for you to address at the end.

• Consider incorporating video and images into your presentation, and minimize the amount of text on each slide. Videos must be in .flv (Flash) format and music must be in .mp3 format.

• Create an outline of what you plan to say to help you be more comfortable and ensure you reach your content objectives. You can use a script, but the most highly rated presenters balance scripted notes and natural speech.

• Be sure that your presentation appeals to the specified audience. Incorporating interactive elements such as polls or the use of the whiteboard feature will keep the participants thoroughly engaged. Polls are a great way to learn about your audience, their experiences with the topic, and their expectations for the presentation. You can also pose questions to the participants and ask that they respond by typing in the chat box.

• Create poll questions that can be used to break the flow, check audience attention, and check audience knowledge of your topic. Avoid poll questions that do not relate to your topic. You will need to identify poll questions and responses prior to your webinar rehearsal, as they require to be set up ahead of time.

Delivering a Webinar Presentation

• Maintain engagement throughout the presentation to keep your participants interested. Unless you are using a webcam, the participants will not be able to see you so make sure to be animated. Smiling and keeping an upbeat, steady tone are evident to your listeners.  

• Speak slightly slower than your normal pace.

• Stay on task by keeping your notes or cue cards by your computer. Be aware of the time.

• Participate in the rehearsal just as you would in the live session. This will give you a chance to familiarize yourself with all of the features of the Adobe Connect platform, manage time, and practice presenting.

• If any technology issues occur during the presentation do not panic. Establish protocols for how to address technical support – keep that private between the student and tech support person, rather than in the open discussion forum. Consider teaching tech savvy students to troubleshoot their own technology needs.

• Minimize distracting background noises by conducting the session in a closed room.

Tips for Virtual Classroom Management

• Establish standards/rules/guidelines/etiquette for the chat spaces.

• Aim for less clutter – be judicious about the spacing of pods on the Adobe Connect screen, and allow the presenter window to be the focus.

• It is helpful to see the whole attendee list so you can see checkmarks and hand-raising.

• Ensure that the directions for break-out rooms are very clear. Ask participants to use a check to show their understanding. Ensure that the “why” and relevance is clear. Also, explain how students will be moved from room to room.

• Do not rush back from break-out rooms – give adequate time for each room’s activities.

• Microphones should only be used when students can all purchase adequate equipment and test it prior to the session.

• Be clear about who can use the microphone to contribute and when. Set microphone permissions so that two people are not talking at the same time.

• Clearly state whether you will accept audio or typed responses.

• Practice. Practice. Practice. Practice makes perfect!


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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