Old Amish Original Formulas Mission Statement


Old Amish Original Formulas

Old Amish Original Formulas is a company dedicated to the self-health restoration or maintenance of clean body conditions conducive to strong immune system performance and proper health. Here we will examine and explore the best health strategies designed to eliminate Acid, Parasites, Pollutants, Mucous and provide cleansing, nourishing and water hydration methods determined by many to restore or maintain good health.

The elimination of ACID accumulation in the body should be your primary goal. While the correct alkaline/acid balance is being achieved, one should also simultaneously begin to eliminate Parasites, Pollutants(chemicals, heavy metals, mercury amalgams, etc.), Mucous blockage, and damage done by improper Food Usage. Valuable body changes can be provided by Body Clean-up, House Clean-up, Dental Clean-up methods, herbal cleansing, nourishing via nutritional supplements. Adopting a sound dietary intake regimen plays a very important role in achieving and maintaining your good health. Proper water hydration with salt added daily and regular soft stool lower bowel performance all contribute in a major way to good health. PREVENTION should be your goal.

It is far better to provide an overall body cleansing and nourishing program than to attempt healing by only attacking and moderating the sensation of pain, discomfort or irritation by putting chemicals in your body designed to only block or temporarily relieve these annoying symptoms. Remember the symptoms are not your problem, you must go beyond the symptoms and discover and eliminate the source of the symptoms in order to get full and lasting body relief.

The principles used to restore your immune system to full functioning potential have been discovered and re-discovered periodically over the past hundreds of years. They have been re-discovered and put into a usable format by this writer - a former NASA Senior Scientist.

Research and study over the past 30 years has uncovered sound self-health methods which are now being employed daily to provide healing to damaged bodies.

ELIMINATE: Acid Parasites Pollutants Mucous

PROVIDE: Cleansing Nourishing Water (Hydration)

AVOID: Chemical, environmental, food damage

TO RETAIN: Body conditions conducive to good health!

The health philosophies of three important self-health authors are given in these quotes:

Dr. Hulda Reghr Clark said in her book, “The Cure for all Diseases”

" Diseases are caused by Parasites and Pollutants".

Dr. John R. Christopher said, “Disease can be eliminated by cleansing and nourishing" and "Mucous is the cause of over 90% of all diseases".

Dr. William Howard Hay said, " Disease is caused by excess ACID accumulation" and Disease is not something you CATCH but something you CREATE –

to eliminate your disease STOP CAUSING IT".

We are causing our own body disease conditions by eating the wrong food types, the wrong food combinations (Fats, Carbs, Protein) and the wrong (excessive) food volumes. Dr. Howard Hay said we are eating as much as 10 times the amount of protein actually required for daily protein maintenance.

Due to the daily influx of parasites, viruses, bacteria and human body pathogens so prominent in our protein intake sources (meat, fish, eggs, dairy, milk, cheeste, etc.) it can be very effective to use the healing method outlined in Dr. Hulda Reghr Clark's book, "The Cure for All Diseases". In this and related books she advised the effectiveness of eliminating parasites and pollutants in regaining our immune system's ability to maintain a healthful condition.

For improvement in your body symptoms adopt her Parasite Cleanse, Parasite eliminating Pulse Generator, Kidney Cleanse, and Liver Cleanse method of body healing while also adopting her Body Clean-Up, House Clean-Up and Dental Clean-Up Rules. To assist you with easily adopting these methods, Old Amish Original Formulas presents an offering of products formulated to provide the essential ingredients of Dr. Clark's methods but in simple, easy and convenient all-in-one bottle means. This will allow a more convenient way to utilize Dr. Clark's healing methods in your goal of returning to good health.


Old Amish Original Formulas provides a Parasite Cleanse (Old Amish Dewormer) and Kidney Cleanse (Old Amish Kidney Cleanse) in a unique all-in-one formula which avoids the inconvenience of gathering herbs and then making a tea and re-boiling every few days to maintain sterility. Old Amish Dewormer is a body parasite cleanse containing: Green Hull Black Walnut (for Adult Parasites), Wormwood ( for mid-larvae stages), Cloves ( for egg structures), Olive Leaf Extract (effective for hundreds of body pathogens), Pumpkin Seed (effective for certain specific parasites as round worms, pinworms and shigellas) and a base of pure vegetable glycerine, Oil of Oregano and grain alcohol. This dewormer along with Dr. Clark’s parasite pulse generator is effective to normalize the body and clean house of interfering body parasites. Simultaneously with the use of the Dr. Clark Parasite Cleanse (Old Amish Dewormer) one would use the Old Amish Kidney Cleanse to help normalize the kidney function for a period of six weeks.

At the sixth week and eighth week do a Dr. Clark Liver Cleanse. See method for making the two part Dr. Clark Liver Cleanse by looking it up on her internet website at

The Liver Cleanse takes about 12 hours, say on a Friday night starting with the first of four

Part 1 - Epsom’s Salts drinks at 6 pm and 8 pm and at, no earlier than 6 am and 8 am on Saturday morning. It is done in the evening following a day of Fat free Breakfast and a Fat free Lunch. Stop eating at 2 pm and drink a quart of distilled or pure water to fully hydrate your body. This will help the cleanse result. Take the Part 2 – Olive Oil and pink grapefruit juice (no pulp or seeds) drink at 10 pm. The Epsom’s Salt drinks serves to open and allow liver stones to pass from liver, ducts, gallbladder without pain or injury. Dr. Clark says one can void from 1000 to 2000 stones and over time with successive liver cleanses can empty the liver and gall bladder of problem-some stone accumulation. These cleanses are performed in pairs two weeks apart, and are normally done on the sixth and eighth week of the Dr. Clark cleansing program.

Many testimonials have been written and are also included in Dr. Clark’s website shown above.

Another very useful oral hygiene cleanse is to use concentrated Oil of Oregano drops ( Old Amish Oil of Oregano – 1 oz. bottle) to provide great oral hygiene and control of Clostridium - an anaerobic bacteria which sources in the mouth, causes bad mouth odor, and is said by Dr. Clark to initiate cancer tumours in other places in the body. Old Amish Original Formulas is proud to provide the most highly concentrated pure undiluted Oil of Oregano harvested in the hills of Turkey. Only one drop on your toothbrush – say once or twice each day is necessary to provide great oral hygiene. Brush in a regular way with Fluoride free toothpaste and then add one drop to the brush, don’t need to rinse the toothpaste foam away from the brush. Brush again carefully hitting all teeth and gums gently with the brush now loaded with the drop of Oil of Oregano. Notice the intense cleansing action which results. The feel of clean teeth is evident. Some report the tongue having a love affair with their teeth. After a few days the teeth will feel smooth, and brightly polished. Tooth plaque, mouth odor, loose teeth, inflamed gums, receding gums, deep pockets are all symptoms which are reported to be eliminated over a short period of use of the Old Amish Oil of Oregano drops. Continued use (a few weeks) has demonstrated that clean, smooth, bright and shiny teeth will result. After a time your dental hygienist will have very little to do on your next six-month cleaning check up.

The body’s retention of liver stones in the liver, ducts and gall bladder are unwelcome guests in your body, but are a great flag to signal you to make the changes and do the cleansing and nourishing your body desperately needs. When your body is overloaded with pollutants, such as liver stones, it is not necessarily warranted to remove the Gall Bladder, just because it is full of stones. It is a very useful body organ and is required for optimum body function and should not be removed, but instead just emptied. This can be easily accomplished by the liver cleanse. The results witnessed are just short of amazing. Elimination of nagging body symptoms, back pain, shoulder pain, sciatic pain, migraine headaches and many other more serious body symptoms diagnosed as disease are also remedied by this simple liver cleanse.

Instead of obliterating these nagging body symptoms which signal the presence of un-needed parasites and pollutants and mucous, we must foster or encourage or facilitate by any means possible that does not interfere with Nature’s indicated efforts. There is not doubt that any task of elimination that Nature undertakes, she is able to complete on her own, if left strictly alone, or if the accumulation of debris targeted by Nature is eliminated by your self applied methods. These are the methods promulgated by such men as Jennings, Trail, Walter, Page, and Tilden

Certain drugs are violent poisons. Many drugs can cause death even when carefully taken. Most drugs have secondary and deleterious side effects in organs or body symptoms outside those intended to be benefited or aided.

Food in order to replenish the body must be only food so in selecting your food, make sure first that it is really food. No harmful additives, sugar substitutes or chemical additives. Take in fresh, enzyme laden fruits and vegetables. Eat raw fruit and raw vegetables as often as possible. Take in additional beneficial items as green barley powder drinks, wheat grass drinks, freshly squeezed organic or pure carrot juice daily.

We must chew our food thoroughly in order to allow the Law of Digestion to work. The law says that plants thoroughly fertilized, therefore more robust and resistant, will resist the attack of parasites, have we any grounds for a belief that the body will not be subject to the very same law.

Good restful sleep with fresh air in sleeping quarters is an essential ingredient to good health. Make sure you receive at least 8 hours of continuous restful sleep. Make sure you have not overeaten or eaten too late in the day so your stomach won’t keep you up while you are digesting your bedtime snack. Good restful sleep is important to allow the body quiet time to digest your daily requirement of food and to produce during the night the needed Glycogen necessary for tomorrows daytime activitys.

Todays prescriptions do not include such strange things as toads, toenails or bat’s tongue, but they are no more effective in the relief or cure of disease than were the ancient nosodes. We are still treating disease as if it were something, an entity, blaming is on germs or other extraneous influences, and of course this holds us to the idea of extraneous cures. Only those who know what disease is are in a position to administer effective treatment, not waiting until the pathology develops, but doing something now to get the body back into the ways of health before definite pathology develops.

Now, what is disease, anyway, where does it come from, what is it’s occasion, and what is the object. What we call disease is definite pathology, disease in full operation, but this is a late manifestation of diseased states of the body. Every acute disease is merely evidence that the body gives of it’s desire and intention to keep its internal affairs in normal working order. It is the evidence put out by a body struggling to keep itself clean inside. Every eruption is but this evidence as the body throws out through the skin various toxins or poisons created internally, just as every catarrhal (mucous) condition is this same evidence as pertains to the mucous membranes.

Every FEVER is but the evidence of a heightened oxidation necessary to elaborate unusual internal waste matters, the body struggling in this way to burn up it’s wastes.

Dr. Hay said, “If we could see disease as just this, just Nature’s efforts to clean house, what a change it would make in our practice!”

Instead of trying to obliterate symptoms we would foster these or assist by any harmless means that would not tend to interfere with Nature’s indicated efforts, and as remarked before, there is not doubt that any task in elimination that Nature undertakes she is able to go through with, if let strictly alone, and if the accumulation of debris is interdicted at once.

These ideas will never be popular with the present medical profession, just as it was not popular with this organized profession over 275 years ago, for the simple reason that to adopt such a view, generally, would mean the near extinction of the lucrative medical profession and leave surgery but the correction of deformities and the repair of catastrophic un-natural accidents or wounds.

ALL WE CAN DO ABOUT DISEASE, AFTER ALL, IS TO STOP CREATING IT DAILY, AS WE DO, BY YOUR NORMAL CUSTOMARY HABITS OF LIVING. There is normally no money for medicine in this idea, much less for the undertaker or the druggist, so this class will never be found among those in the front ranks of the boosters for such an idea.

No, DISEASE is not what we have always been taught to believe it, but is merely the evidence Nature puts forth in her struggle to keep its’ own affairs in good working order. These concepts come from not the original work of a Naturpath but from Dr. Hay, M.D., a surgeon of thirty nine years experience, but who has seen the hopelessness and futility of the medical plan treatment from the very first, and who while retaining his connection with the regular medical societies were not afraid to speak against their viewpoint on disease and their means for correcting disease.

When the body has reached it’s limits of toleration for accumulating toxins it begins a housecleaning process that may take various forms: diarrhea, headache, cold, skin eruptions, abscesses or boils, rheumatism, inflammation of special organs, catarrhs, chills, fevers, anything that we recognize as acute disease, and it is here that one should know whether these processes are normal or whether they are abnormal and to be counteracted.

Every such manifestation is but Nature’s expression of a necessary detoxication and should be encouraged rather than suppressed, unless we wish to run the risk of interfering with Nature’s processes.

Whatever aliments have been suppressed by former treatment of some previous disease will again show, and the body will find no rest until the suppression has come to light and the disease thrown off again.

Sir William Arbuthnot Lane, one of the really great surgeons of the world and of all time, once said, when entertained by the staff of Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical College: “Gentlemen, I will never have Cancer; I will never die of Cancer, and what I am doing to prevent it any one can do”. He said at another time, “After all, there is but one disease – deficient drainage”.

Dr. George W. Crile of Cleveland, one of the greatest surgeons from America once said, “There is no natural death; all deaths from so-called natural causes are merely the end-point of a progressive ACID SATURATION.”

He said the same thing as Sir William, but in a little different form, and he, like Sir William, is a surgeon who sees only the end-results of disease.

Now this is just what disease really is, a progressive acid saturation, a deficient drainage, an inability of the body to keep as clean as it should, and what can we do about this except quit fouling the fount at it’s source.

And so in our consideration of disease, unless we recognize the source of disease, acknowledge it and eradicate this we are doing nothing constructive for the disease condition.

When each person realizes that he creates either HEALTH or DISEASE at the food table, then each will think that a certain amount of time and thought and study spent on the subject of nourishment is not a wholly bad investment for any one in any walk of life, at any age or in any state of health or disease.

You would not go upstream from a town on a river and throw toxins, pollutants, acid and human body pathogens into the river daily and not expect the town people who use this water for drinking and washing to remain clean and free of contamination. The townspeople would suffer the consequences of the upstream contamination just as all humans suffer disease as a consequence of their earlier body contamination by improper consumption of food types, food combinations, and food volumes and toxins, pollutants, parasites and preservatives and acids.

Although this concept may disturb those who insist they should be able to consume what they want, eat what they wish and eat as much as they wish, it is comforting to know that disease is related to past consumption practices, because then; indeed, it is possible to reverse the effects of these practices (DISEASE) by changing the practices.

Conditions no matter how hopeless the symptoms entice you to believe, can be reversed by modifying your dietary habits and taking care in adopting beneficial Parasite and Pollutant eradication methods, healthful Cleansing and Nourshing methods, eliminate Mucous forming foods by avoiding excessive dairy products, adjust dietary food intake to control food types, food volumes, minimize food combinations, control ACID/ALKALINE body balance and proper cell hydration by drinking about ½ gallon of distilled or pure drinking water each day and by eating 80% Alkaline producing foods and only 20% ACID forming foods and assure body alkalinity by weekly pH testing of saliva and urine to assure the acceptable pH range of pH = 6.5 – 7.5.

Remember every food that grows out of the ground and edible in the form in which Nature produces it is natural food, nothing else is. Natural foods in their natural state, if eaten in not too great excess, and combined in such manner as to remove all chemical incompatibilities, are sufficient guarantee against toxin formation , and will insure long life in perfect working efficiency.

Disease develops always and only from violation of these simple tenets of Nature’s immutable laws, and can in every case be obviated by strict adherence to these.

Future paragraphs to be added will contain:

* Essential water and NaCl consumption habits! Daily or weekly all-over sun exposure.

* Effective use of Old Amish Original Formulas Lower Bowel Balance capsules.

* Effective use for 2 weeks of Old Amish Original Formulas Slippery Elm Bark and Licorice Root Formula for sealing and healing of leaky gut potentially due to Candida infestation during symptoms of Fibromyalgia. Weeks 3 and 4 use Old Amish Original Formulas Pau D’Arco Bark/Black Walnut Bark - 50/50 combination formula for final step in eliminating Candida infestation occurring during Fibromyalgia symptoms.

* Eliminate dangerous substitutes including Aspartame, sugar substitutes, Chlorine, Chlorides, Fluorine, Fluorides. Check for Iodine level insufficiency due to consumption of halogens – Chlorides, Fluorides in water or dental products or treatments.

* Eliminate Mercury, Thimerosol, Lead, Aluminum from daily environment or dietary intake, dental procedures or vaccinations. Remember a form is available from ALL State Health Departments to gain a waiver to avoid all dangerous vaccinations to allow children to attend school without requirement to have vaccinations.





Olive Leaf Comb. Capsule - 550

150 herb combination “Lazarus” Drops

4 Oz.

Cayenne Comb. Drops – 4 Oz.

Heart Drops – 4 Oz. bot.


Prepare 25 For Sale papers

Health Literature – Purchase


Prepare 10 free papers

Vitalherb, Calc Tea, Olive Leaf Caps

550 caps.

Lower Bowel Balance

550 Caps

Kidney Cleanse – 8 oz.

Parasite Cleanse (Dewormer) – 16 oz.

Acid/Alkaline Food Chart & Strategies

Prepare For Sale paper

pHydrion - pH Test Kit

Map also contains future products not yet available.

Free Health Strategies

Control of ACID

Nourishing Products

Cleansing Products

Anti-Plague Syrup/Tinct. - 16

Olive Leaf Capsules - 550

Natural Herbal Tooth Paste Paste

Health Literature


Male/Female Hormonal Balance

550 Caps



In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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