Specific Role Information for TUSC - SHIPLEY CENTRE

Specific Role Information for TUSC

1) Chairperson

As Chairperson you will be in charge of the meeting and must:

1. Get a copy of the “Chairperson’s Agenda” from the TUSC binder and fill in the names on the blank lines PRIOR to the meeting.

2. Keep the meeting running smoothly.

3. Introduce each speaker.

4. File the “Chairperson’s” Agenda” in the TUSC Binder at the end of the meeting.

5. Tolerate no interruptions or noise.

2) Secretary

As Secretary you will be in charge of taking notes and must:

1. Get a copy of the “Secretary’s Report” from the TUSC Binder and read it over ahead of time.

2. Be prepared with a sharp pencil/computer.

3. Fill in all necessary information at the meeting.

4. File the “Secretary’s Report” in the TUSC Binder at the end of the meeting.

5. Read the report orally at the beginning of the next meeting.

The “Chairperson’s Agenda” and the “Secretary’s Report” are on the pages that follow.

Chairperson’s Agenda for TUSC

Date: __________________________ Chairperson’s Name: _____________________________

1. I will call this meeting of TUSC to order. The time is ________________. I would like the Secretary, ___________________, to read the minutes from the last meeting.

Are there any errors? (Remind secretary to make any corrections)

I move the minutes be put into the TUSC binder as read. Is there a seconder? ___________________________

2. I now call the Artist, ___________________________.

3. A news update from our World News Reporter, _________________________.

4. __________________________ will tell us a story or tell us what they are grateful for.

5. ___________________________ will be present our Citizenship award.

6. A Demonstration will be presented by ___________________________.

7. We will hear about a movie or TV show or find out a great place to visit from _____________________.

8. __________________________ will give us a stretch break as our Yoga Instructor.

9. Our Zoologist _______________________ will share some interesting animal facts.

10. What Happened on this day in History? Now, from our Historian ___________________.

11. And now with a few jokes, here is our Comedian ______________________.

12. _______________________ will lead us in an Artifact Talk.

13. Here comes ______________________ to tell us about their Video or Board Game or keep us up with technology with their website or app review.

14. Now for a Musical Moment by ___________________________.

15. And now for a Commercial Break from ____________________________.

16. ________________________ is going to catch us up on all the Sports or tell us about the

biography of the week.

17. Next, we will see a cool concoction from our Chef.

18. Our mover and shaker, taking us through the Seventh Inning Stretch is _______________________.

19. We are getting close to the end of our meeting. Let’s hear from our Community Correspondent __________________________.

20. Next, we will hear about an amazing invention by our scientist, ____________________.

21. Almost there. _____________________ is our Photo Analyst today.

22. Our next presenter is ____________________, who will show us a talent of theirs.

23. Finally, ________________ is going to thank everyone for attending the meeting and give us three highlights.

This concludes our meeting. Would someone move the meeting to be adjourned? ___________________________. The time is _____________________.

Secretary’s Report for TUSC

Date: _______________________ Secretary’s Name: _________________________

Time Begun: ______________

Time Ended: ______________ Total Time: _____________________

The Chairperson, _____________________________, opened the meeting. The secretary, _______________________, read the minutes of the last TUSC meeting and adopted them as read. The minutes were seconded by _______________________________.

1) Artist ___________________________ expressed themselves using the art form of ___________________________________.

2) World News Reporter _________________________ shared information on _________________________________________________________________________________________

3) Storyteller _________________________ shared a story about _________________________________________________________________________________________ OR ___________________________ shared his/her Optimism with us.

4) _______________________presented the Citizenship Award to ________________________for_____________________________________________________________.

5) ______________________presented a demonstration. He/She demonstrated ________________________________________________________________________________________.

6) ______________________ talked about how amazing it would be to travel to ____________________________________. OR _____________________ presented a Movie/TV review on __________________________.

7) Yoga Instructor ________________________ had us try _______________________________.

8) Zoologist ____________________________ shared interesting facts about __________________________________________________________.

9) Historian ____________________________ shared that ______________________________________________________________________ happened on this day in ___________.

10) ___________________________ told us a few funny jokes.

11) _________________________ brought in ____________________ for an artifact talk.

12) _______________________ shared the video/board game with us called ___________________________________________________. OR ___________________________________ was a Website/App that ____________________ reviewed for us.

13) _____________________ shared _______________________________________ for our Musical Moment.

14) Our Commercial Break was about ________________________ and brought to us by _________________________.

15) Our Sports Reporter, ________________________, talked about ___________________________________. OR Our Biographer, ____________________________, talked about _______________________.

16) _________________________ brought in ____________________ for the Recipe and shared it with the class.

17) We all gave it our best when ______________________ took us through the 7th Inning Stretch.

18) _________________________ shared some community news with us about __________________________________________________________________________________.

19) ________________________ told us about the ___________________________ invention.

20) ________________________ showed us a photo of ________________________________.

21) The talented _____________________________ showed us ___________________________.

22) __________________________ thanked everyone for their hard work and commented on _____________________________, _____________________________, and _____________________________________.

The Chairperson asked to adjourn the meeting. He/She moved for adjournment and _________________________ seconded the motion. The meeting ended at _________________________.

3) The Artist

You will have an opportunity to express yourself as an artist. People express themselves through different art forms, such as visual arts, music, dance, or drama. Decide what you would like to share.

1. What art form will you share with the class? _____________________________________________________________________________

2. Explain how you came to be interested in this art form and why it is important to you. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Provide an example through a demonstration. In other words, show a piece you’ve drawn or painted, perform a song or dance, act a short scene etc…

4) World News Reporter

1. Choose 2 important events that are happening or have happened recently, around the world. Don’t forget the W5’s (who, what where, when, why, and how)

Some resources you may wish to use for your report:

• Newspapers, TV News, Radio News, Internet Websites, Your parents

Event 1:


Event 2:


5) Storyteller OR Optimist

You will have an opportunity to share a favourite story that you have seen or heard, something that has happened to you or someone in your family.

1. Prepare ahead of time, make notes and make sure that your story has a beginning, middle, and end.


2. Practice telling your story to your friends and/or family members.

3. Share your story with the class.


You get to talk for up to a minute about what makes you happiest. Spend this time telling us about one or two things that you are grateful for and explain why they make your day.

1. First thing you are grateful for:


2. Second thing you are grateful for:


6) Citizenship

1. You will watch how your classmates interact for the week prior to your TUSC meeting. Watch for acts of kindness and kind words used toward others. Decide who deserves to be granted a citizenship award _________________________________________________________________________________

2. You need to create a special citizenship award to be granted to that person. (Please make sure to choose someone who is deserving and try not to choose someone who has won the award already)

3. Announce the citizen of the week to the class and present the award to this student at our meeting. Explain why you have chosen this student (they are kind, caring, cooperative, environmentally friendly, helpful, honest etc…)

__________________________________ is _____________________________________

__________________________________and ____________________________________.

7) Demonstrator

1. Show or demonstrate how to do something. The demonstration should flow from beginning to end and cannot last more than 5 minutes.

Examples: How to make a paper airplane, wrap a present, tape a hockey stick, how to make Kool-Aid, how to make a bracelet etc… Think of something that you have learned how to do that you would like to share with the class. (please do not repeat someone else’s demonstration).

2. I will demonstrate how to _________________________________________________

3. Here are the steps to my demonstration:

a. ________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________________

d. ________________________________________________________________________

e. ________________________________________________________________________

f. ________________________________________________________________________

g. ________________________________________________________________________

h. ________________________________________________________________________

8) Travel Agent OR TV/Movie Critic

1. Introduce us to a great place to visit. It can be a place you have gone or some place where you would like to go.

Place I have chosen: _________________________________________________________

2. Find out where your place is on the map, so you can show the class. Pictures would be great, especially if it is somewhere you have visited/lived. You may also use the media cart and internet to show us pictures (have this planned with Ms. Shipley ahead of time please).

3. Research so you can tell us 5 reasons why it would be a great place to visit (interesting facts, history, fun things to do) and don’t forget to tell us how far away it is from Stittsville (in kilometers).

Reasons to visit:

a. ____________________________________________________________________

b. ____________________________________________________________________

c. ____________________________________________________________________

d. ____________________________________________________________________

e. ____________________________________________________________________

Movie / TV Critic

Choose a movie/TV show that you have watched recently. Make sure the show is appropriate for a grade 7 audience. Check with Ms. Shipley if you are unsure (the movie must be rated “G” or “PG”) Movies/TV shows without violence or swearing should be used.

1. Tell the class the title and genre of the movie or TV show and name any major stars.

Name: ______________________________________________

Genre: ______________________________________________

2. Present a general summary of the movie/TV show without giving away the plot (so you can entice people to watch it if they choose). __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Give an honest opinion about the movie/TV show. Rate it on a scale of 1 – 10 (10=excellent). Who would you recommend this movie/TV show to and why? __________________________________________________________________________________________________________


9) Yoga Instructor

1. Pick a yoga pose or some other type of stretch to do with the class ___________________________________________________________________________________

2. Share it with the class and get us all to try it out.

3. Remember, slow breathing is important in yoga :o)

10) Zoologist

1. Pick an animal that is your favourite or that you find interesting.

Animal: _____________________________________________

2. Find out the following about your animal

Natural Habitat: _________________________________________________


Predators of my Animal: _______________________________________________________

3. Three interesting facts you found on your animal.

a. ________________________________________________________________________

b. ________________________________________________________________________

c. ________________________________________________________________________

4. Pictures would be great, plan to show a couple of pictures on the Media Cart.

11) Historian

1. Confirm the date of the next TUSC meeting. Date: _________________________________

2. Now, research that date using the internet to see what happened on that day in history.

What happened: __________________________________________________________________

3. Use the 5W’s to share the information. You may use Power Point to create a short slideshow or have a website to share with the class.

Who? __________________________________________________________________________________

What? _________________________________________________________________________________

Where? ________________________________________________________________________________

When? _________________________________________________________________________________

Why? __________________________________________________________________________________

12) Class Comedian

The Class Comedian must come prepared with 2 – 3 appropriate joke or riddles. You may find your jokes in a book or online. Remember that timing and enthusiasm matter when telling a joke.

1. First Joke: ______________________________________________________________________________-_


2. Second Joke: _________________________________________________________________________________________________


3. Third Joke: __________________________________________________________________________________________________


13) Artifact Talk

1. You must choose an interesting object to share with the class. It could be a special treasure, something unusual, from another country or very old.

Object: ___________________________________________________________

2. Tell the class where it came from _______________________________________________

What is it used for? ______________________________________________________________

Why is it special to you? ___________________________________________________________________

What memories does it hold for you? ____________________________________________________


14) Video / Board Game Reviewer OR Website/App Reviewer

1. Choose a video game or board game that you would like to share with the class. ______________________________________________________________

2. Explain how to play it, or bring it up on the computer for the class to see.


3. Make sure to rate it out of 10, with a reason why. Include who the game is or is not appropriate for.


Website/App Reviewer

1. Choose a website or app that you would like to share with the class. List the URL here: ________________________________________________________________________

2. Explain what it is about and why it is helpful/fun, bring it up on the computer for the class to see.


3. Make sure to rate it out of 10, with a reason why. Include who the website / app is or is not appropriate for.


15) Music Moment

You will choose a piece of music that you really like and know well. The music can be any genre, but you need to choose music that is appropriate for a school environment! Please clear the music choice with Ms. Shipley ahead of time. Also, keep in mind that you need to have access to a recording of the music that can be played in class or you can access on Youtube (check ahead of time please).

1. Your song: ______________________________________________________________

2. Your presentation should include:

The title of the song, the solo artist or group name, the name of the album that it came from.


3. What is the song about? Tell us why you like it.


4. Prepare and practice your presentation. Make sure you have your music ready (CD, iPod or Youtube) so that it is ready to go before the TUSC meeting starts.

16) Commercial Break

You will prepare a commercial break for TUSC members. You will do your best to pitch a product to the class that they would like to buy. Make sure that your product and commercial appeals to your audience. Try to use some of the techniques of advertising to sell your product. You must make sure you have the appropriate props, people and/or materials to make it work.

1. Name of Product: ________________________________________________________________

2. What is the storyline/plot for your commercial?


3. What kinds of props or materials will I need to make this a successful commercial?


17) Sports Reviewer OR Biographer

Choose an interesting sports story from the newspaper, internet, radio, or TV. Talk about your favourite sports team, important games/playoff scores/championship titles etc…

1. Topic: ___________________________________________________________________

2. Use your own words to tell the class about it.




Choose someone famous to report on.

1. Famous figure: ___________________________________________________________________

2. Describe the background of the person and why they are/were famous.


18) Chef

1. Share a favourite recipe with the class.

My recipe is for: _______________________________________________

2. List the ingredients and explain how to make it.


3. Include a small sample if possible (this is optional)

4. Give 2 reasons why you like this recipe


5. Place a copy of your recipe in the TUSC binder in the “recipe section”.

19) 7th Inning Stretch

You will provide us with a task that will get us standing up and stretching for the last 6 presentations of the TUSC meeting. This activity should have us moving but not around the room. Think of some fun stretches or some cool little movement to get the wiggles and jitters out during the last part of our meeting.

1. Describe the stretch/movement the class is going to perform.


20) Community Correspondent

Your task will be to share 2 community news items with the class. Choose 2 events that have happened and describe them OR tell us about 2 up and coming events in the community.

1. Event 1: __________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________ Location: ______________________________

Description: _________________________________________________________________


1. Event 2: __________________________________________________________________

Date: ______________________________ Location: ______________________________

Description: _________________________________________________________________


21) Scientist

1. Present an invention that has made an impact on our world.

Invention: ___________________________________________________________________________

Inventor: ___________________________________ Date of Invention: __________________

2. Describe why you believe it is an important invention (made things more efficient, cut costs of manufacturing etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

3. Who is / was the invention most helpful to and why?



22) Photo Analyst

You can learn a lot from a picture. Find a picture on the Internet and interpret it. Give it a title and project the picture so that the TUSC members can see it during the meeting. Answer the following questions when analyzing the picture:

Picture Title: ________________________

Other possible titles: _______________________________________________________

Picture Source: _____________________________________________________________

1. Explain the following to the class:

a) Senses:

What might you hear, smell, taste or touch?


What colors, textures, sounds or movements do you experience?


b) Images

What details in the photograph create vivid pictures in your mind?


c) Words

What powerful words describe the scene?


What might you think, wonder, say if you were there?


d) Feelings

What do you feel when you look at this image?


What might the people in the image be feeling?


23) Talent Show

1. Show your talent (something you can do well – play an instrument, recite a poem, act something out, dance, juggle, sing etc.)

My talent is: _________________________________________________________________

2. How long ago did you discover your talent? How much practice did it take to get so good at it?


3. Share your talent with the class.

24) Thanker

In this role, you will need to pay close attention to all the speakers. Read the questions over carefully BEFORE the TUSC meeting so that you can take jot notes as you are listening.

1. Highlight 3 speakers that shared something you found particularly interesting, enlightening, or entertaining during our TUSC meeting and expand your thoughts on each one.

Speaker 1: __________________________________ took on the role of ______________________________________ was particularly good because


Speaker 2: __________________________________ took on the role of ______________________________________ was particularly good because


Speaker 3: __________________________________ who took on the role of ______________________________________ was particularly good because


2. Thank all the participants of the TUSC meeting for being prepared and for being such good listeners.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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