Deutsch I - Willkommen!

Deutsch 2

Frau Nagle


Guten Tag! Willkommen in der Deutschklasse!

Dieses Jahr werden wir sehr viel Deutsch lernen! Während der Stunde werden wir Deutsch sprechen und Deutsch üben. Hoffentlich haben wir einen guten Sommer gehabt und ich bin ganz begeistert mit euch wieder in der Schule zu sein. Habt ein gutes Jahr und mach’s gut!

The book for this class is Deutsch Aktuell 1. We will be using these starting the second week of class.

Classroom Expectations

1. Have LCN PRIDE:

Perseverance – Consistent effort brings success

Respect – Treat others politely & with dignity

Integrity – Work & actions reflect honesty & promote trust

Dedication – Be in class, be prepared, & get involved

Excellence – Always give your personal best

In addition to having LCN PRIDE, also remember the 3 R’s:

a. Be Respectful. Please respect your peers, yourself, or any visitors and the teacher at all times. (i.e. complete attention is given when someone is speaking, you will not make fun of or disrupt any classmate, you will not leave your seat at inappropriate times or without the permission of the teacher)

b. Be Responsible. You are responsible for your grade in this class. You are responsible for keeping track of your own materials, homework deadlines, and dates for quizzes and tests. You are responsible for asking questions or asking for help if you feel like you need it. If you have a question or concern about your standing or progress in the class, don’t hesitate to come talk to me about it directly. The sooner you let me know you have a concern, the better. Be proactive!

c. Be Ready to Learn. Make sure you have all of the materials you need in class every day (textbook, binder, paper, something to write with, etc.). Have your homework done when you walk in the room. Be attentive in class. Act in a way that is safe for yourself and those around you.

2. Your textbook must be covered with a book cover. You can use a paper bag or construction paper (anything that will cover your book). Your parents may know how to make one and if not, I can help you.

3. You need a 1 or 1.5 inch binder for German. The binder must have 5 tabbed dividers (one each for Vorspeise, Hausaufgaben, Notizen, Klassenaufgaben, and Assessments) loose-leaf lined paper, and a folder. You will need to be able to find papers and notes quickly. Don’t throw away notes, tests, or quizzes that you get back; hold on to them for possible test corrections. There will be random binder checks to check for organization.

4. No food or drinks, except for water. There is carpet in the room that we need to keep clean.

5. You must do your homework. In this class, homework is practice, and it is extremely important to keep up with the work we do. If you fall behind in a foreign language, it becomes increasingly more difficult to catch up. Homework will be a significant portion of your grade.

6. You must be willing to speak up. A major, graded portion of this class deals with spoken German. You must be willing to speak German here, at home, on the bus, with your parents, and everywhere else you go. The more you say what we learn, the better you will retain the language.

Tardy Definition

You must be in the room by the time the bell rings and you must be headed toward your seat.

Contact Information

My email address at the school is nagleca@lc-. This is the easiest way to contact me.


Your grade in this class is based on a few different categories.

1. Homework - Homework will always be checked by me for completion and corrected. This is an extremely important part of this class. Every homework assignment will be worth at least 10 points.

2. Quizzes and Tests - There may be pop quizzes at any time. All chapter tests will be announced well in advance of the test day. Most tests will include a speaking component.

3. Participation – This part of your grade is based on your responses in class, your ability to stay on task, and the amount of time you participate in class. There are many different ways to participate in this class.

Late Work/Makeup Policy:

• Late homework can and should be turned in – but only for partial credit. In German, homework is practice, so it is very important that any homework is turned in before the quiz or test for the chapter in which the homework was assigned. Late homework turned in before a quiz or test can earn up to 60% of the original points. No late homework will be accepted after the quiz or test for which it was assigned. It is your responsibility to keep track of missing assignments, and it is always in your best interest to complete and turn in late work.

• Quizzes and tests - if you have a quiz or test that you did not do well on, you may schedule a time to meet with me to review the work and discuss the possibility of making up some of those points. Unless I say otherwise, you must come meet with me to earn back points.

• Absence Policy – If you are absent, you have the number of days you were gone to turn in late work. It is your responsibility to find out what you missed while you were gone, either from a friend in the class or from me. Make sure you get any worksheets, assignments, or notes from when you were gone. There may be additional makeup work, depending on the material and length of time missed. If you miss the day of a quiz or test, it must be taken as soon as you return to class. If you miss an extended amount of time, come see me as soon as you get back.

Cell Phone and Electronics Use Policy

Room 204 will primarily be a red zone. This means that students should not have cell phones or any other electronic device (mp3 players, gaming devices, tablets, etc.) within view at any point during class. Devices (and accessories, such as headphones) should be out of sight and silenced. Failure to follow this policy will result in the device being taken from the student. Students will be able to pick up any confiscated devices at the end of the day.

At certain points throughout the semester, Room 204 may become a yellow zone. This means that certain devices may be used for academic purposes only. There will be a sign indicating when the room changes from a red to a yellow zone. When using phones or other devices during yellow zone times, students may use only the LEO German dictionary website/app, unless another app or website is approved by the teacher.

If students have an emergency that requires them to use a phone, they must first ask the teacher for permission to use their phones.

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German 2

I have read and understand the class syllabus and the cell phone and electronics use policy.

Student name: _________________________________________________________

Student signature: ______________________________________________________

Parent/Guardian signature: ______________________________________________


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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