N I G H T COMBAT - U.S. Army Center of Military History

 ? CMH Pub 10-1-3


-'I'hls publlcatl on replaces DA l'flm 20-236, JUlie 1953.

Fncsim ile Edition , 1982, 1986

(;entel' of Military History United States Army \Vnshington , D.C.


T he mnwl'inl fol' this study w as prepllred fOl' t.he H istol'ical Division, EUCOU, by a group of fornu!I' Gcnnnn gCllcl'l1is and gcncl'al staff ofliccl's. The IH'incipnl author, forllHll' Brig. Gen. Alfred Toppe, and most of h is nssocilltcs scrved fol' extended pcdods on the R ussinn Front during '''orld "Val' IT. M OI'CM CI', most of them held assignments involving troop tl'aining.

The render is reminded that publicntions in the GERMAN REPORT SERIES were written by GCl'mnns f('Om the Gerlllan point of view, find that the procedurcs, tnblcs of organization and equip? lIIent, CQmlmL docLrine, find staff methods of the German Army differed widely from dlOSC of the U.S. Army. It is intcresting to note, howe\'er, that, in con formity with the GCl'lnnlll'CCOlllmcndatiolls Illll.de in t.his st.udy, our own progrn ms are placing increasing emphasis on nig ht. combat trnining.

Final editing of this study was done in the Fore ign Studies Brnnch, S pecial Studies Division , Office of the Chief of Military History. T he draft. t ranslation of the original German text was first reviS ................

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