Announcing our first


Announcing our “Biggest Jeep Freek Contest”

Tell us why YOU are the BIGGEST JEEP FREEK & you could

WIN a $500 shopping spree at All Things Jeep!

Reap some reward from all the blood, sweat and tears you pour into your Jeep. Send us your story as to why you are absolutely the biggest Jeep fanatic out there and you could walk away with a $500 shopping spree to All Things Jeep, the best place to find all the fun stuff for your Jeepin’ lifestyle. We will also award a $200 shopping spree to a second place winner.


Anyone that loves Jeeps. Or, if you have a best friend or loved one with a Jeep passion and want to enter on their behalf, that’s ok too. (They do need to know about it because we need their permission to publish the submission.)


You enter the contest by writing (and illustrating, if you so desire) a one-to-two page submission (approximately 1000 words) documenting why YOU are the biggest Jeep Freek out there. This should include some written documentation (perhaps a story, essay, poem, autographs of everyone you ever swapped a part with, photocopies of tickets you’ve received from having your Jeep lifted too high, etc) and may include photos or a collage of your Jeep, your scars, your receipts from the local Jeep shop, the hate mail your neighbors send you, the divorce papers of seven wives who left you because you loved your Jeep more than them, etc. (You get the idea.) Be creative, have fun, but don’t send a book. We have to review all of these!

Entries must be received by March 15, 2007. (See full details below.)


The employees of All Things JP LLC will spend countless hours pouring through the various entries we receive. We will judge them on creativity, pure pleasure reading, the ability to make us laugh, to impress us, to say, “Wow, how’d she do that?” and on sheer enthusiasm.. In other words, whoever dazzles us the most with their submission. The employees will choose their top 5 potential winners.

The top 5 entries as judged by the employees of All Things JP LLC will be posted on the website during the last week of March 2007 and visitors to the site will be invited to vote for their favorite. The entry with the most votes will win a $500 shopping spree at . A runner up will win a $200 shopping spree. In the case of a tie, the employees of All Things JP LLC will determine the winner.


The Grand Prize Winner will win a $500 Gift Certificate to .

A Second Prize of a $200 Gift Certificate to will be awarded to the second place winner.


All entries must be submitted between February 1, 2007 and 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time on March 15, 2007.

Entries should be e-mailed to:

info@ OR Mailed to:

All Things Jeep


12 Easterbrook Road

Lunenburg, MA 01462

Please include your full name, address, phone number & email address on ALL materials sent to us.

Entries become the property of All Things JP LLC and will not be returned. See details below.


Winners will be announced by April 7th on the website and published in the April / May issue of JPFreek Adventure Magazine (), a bi-monthly online adventure magazine for Jeep owners and Jeep enthusiasts. Winners will also be notified via phone. Prizes will be awarded by April 15th, 2007.


• All entries must be submitted by 11:59pm Eastern Standard Time, March 15th, 2007. Entries received after that will not be accepted.

• Only one entry is accepted per person.

• The author’s name, address, phone number & e-mail address must accompany their submission. In addition, we need the model & year of your Jeep (along with its name, if it’s got one!)

• By submitting an entry into the contest you certify the following statement

o "I certify that I am the author of the material I am submitting to and its licensees may reproduce, distribute, publish, display, edit, modify, create derivative works and otherwise use the material for any purpose in any form and on any media. I agree to indemnify for all damages and expenses that may be incurred in connection with the material."

• A Grand Prize Winner and a Second Prize Winner will be announced the first week of April 2007, on the home page. Winners will also be notified via phone. In the event we are unable to contact the winners within 7 days of the awarded, other winners will be chosen.

• The Grand Prize Winner will be awarded a $500.00 Gift Certificate to . The Second Prize Winner will receive a $200 Gift Certificate to . Prizes are not transferable or redeemable for cash. All taxes on prizes, including income taxes, and any incidental expenses associated with collection of prizes are the responsibility of the winner. Winners assume all liability for any damages caused or claimed to be caused by participation or by any prize and release All Things JP LLC from any such liability. Acceptance of prize constitutes permission (except where prohibited by law) to use winners' name for purposes of advertising, promotion and publicity without additional compensation.

• All Things JP LLC is not responsible for telephone, network, electronic or computer failures of any kind, or for entries that are stolen misdirected, incomplete, garbled, or delayed by computer transmissions. In the event this contest is compromised in any way, electronically or otherwise, that is beyond the control of All Things JP LLC, All Things JP LLC reserves the right to withdraw the transmission of the contest and award the prize in a random drawing from among entries received prior to the date of the withdrawal. We reserve the right to cancel, modify or suspend drawing without notice.

• Eligibility - The sweepstakes is open to legal residents of the United States. Prizes won by eligible minors will be awarded in name of parent or guardian.

• Terms - Entrants agree to abide by these Official Rules and by the decisions of All Things JP LLC, whose decisions are final. Failure to comply with these rules may result in disqualification from the contest. All Things JP LLC reserves the right to permanently disqualify from any contest any person it believes has intentionally violated these rules.

For additional information, contact info@.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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