QS Global 200 Business Schools Report 2012 - IREG Observatory

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QS Global 200 Business Schools Report 2012

By Nunzio Quacquarelli MA Cambridge, MBA Wharton



1. Summary: fast facts .................................................................... 5 2. Introduction................................................................................. 7 3. Methodology ............................................................................... 9 4. Methodology: sample ............................................................... 11


5. North America .......................................................................... 12


6. Europe ........................................................................................ 16

7. Asia-Pacific ................................................................................ 19

8. Latin America ............................................................................ 23

9. Middle East and Africa ............................................................ 25

SPECIALIZATION RATINGS 8. Corporate social responsibility ............................................... 26 9. Entrepreneurship ...................................................................... 29 10. Finance....................................................................................... 32 11. Information management ........................................................ 35 12. Innovation ................................................................................. 38 13. International management ...................................................... 41 14. Leadership ................................................................................. 44 15. Marketing .................................................................................. 47 16. Operations management .......................................................... 50 17. Strategy ...................................................................................... 52 18. Conclusion ................................................................................. 54 19. Appendix ................................................................................... 58

About the contributors Author: Nunzio Quacquarelli is founder and Managing Director of QS Quacquarelli Symonds Ltd, publisher of the leading MBA information hub and organizers of the QS World MBA Tour. Nunzio has an MA from the University of Cambridge and an MBA from The Wharton School and has been responsible for publication of the QS Jobs & Salary Trends Report since 1990

report must be credited to: QS Global 200 Business School Report with a live link to: global-200-12

Point of contact: Simona Bizzozero, Head of Public Relations at QS. She and is available to provide further information and to put the media in touch with the QS experts for commentaries or interviews.

Analyst: Susan Gatuguta Gitau is a research Email: simona@

analyst and member of the QS Intelligence Unit. Tel: +44 (20) 7284 7248,


Business education journalist: Kin Ly

+44 (0) 7880 620 856,

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Other research by QS

QS Applicant Survey 2011 The QS Applicant Survey 2011 is the largest survey of the mindset and aspirations of MBA applicants ever conducted. The results provide detailed insight into the status, attitudes, goals and ambitions of MBA applicants worldwide and how they and the employment and education markets for young professionals are changing. This survey allows valuable insight into the changing trends of worldwide MBA applicants.

Visit: applicant-survey-11

QS Jobs and Salary Trends Report The QS Jobs and Salary Trends Report reveals upcoming MBA recruitment levels and salaries reported by MBA employers around the world. The leading report contains unparalleled data and expert analysis on which industries will pay, and hire the most MBA graduates and alumni in the coming years.

Visit: jobs-salary-report-11-12

1. Summary: fast facts




Regional ratings in the QS Global 200 Business

region, although it is continually being

Schools Report 2012

challenged. This year, 11 of the 36 Asia-

Pacific business schools are based in

North America


US business schools continue their


Heightened demand in India and China has

dominance with rare movement among

thrusted top performing business schools

the top rated business schools, signifying

into international employer's spotlights


a very developed market which is difficult

as the two country's economic importance

for growing institutions to penetrate at a

continues to develop.

high level.


Many of Asia's business schools lack in

Movement lower down the largest regional

international student enrollment, causing

rating in the QS Global 200 Business

concern among employers looking for

Schools Report points toward an extremely

graduates to work in a multinational

competitive range of management

environment. Exceptions include business

education offerings, consistently striving

schools in Hong Kong and Singapore, plus

for perfection.

Australia if looking at the wider Asia-

Page 12

Pacific region.

Page 19


A large number of European business Latin America

schools situated in the top cluster testifies


MBA employers in the region continue to

to the quality of European business schools,

look toward North American and European

challenging the traditional dominance of

MBA graduates to hire their management

business schools in the US.

staff, while local companies tend to hire

Though the UK remains the largest

within their own country. Therefore, just

contributor of business schools in the

10 business schools appear in the QS

European rating, Spanish and French

Global 200 Business Schools Report's Latin

business schools are also prominent,

American rating.

reflecting global MBA applicant


Compared to last year's Latin American


regional rating, there have been big

Eight new entrants to the European

changes, signifying the ever evolving

business school rating suggest the region

nature of management education in a

is still evolving in terms of employer

region that is still developing its MBA

recognition of management education.


Page 16


Large and increasingly globally important

economies are strong in terms of employer


opinion of business schools in the region,

Rapid improvement in the quality of the

translating into possible future regional

region's MBA programs has translated

management education hubs in Chile and

into 26 business schools entering the


report since 2004, impressing international

Page 23

employers with their graduates.

Australia continues its dominance in this





Summary: fast facts

Middle East and Africa


MBA program curricula have changed as


While the Africa and Middle East region is

a result of the ongoing global economic

in the very early stages of its development

issues, resulting in employers valuing

of management education, shown by few

recent and future MBA graduates more so

schools appearing in the QS Global 200

than ever. Graduates from schools located

Business Schools Report, investment in the

in or near global financial capitals appeal


sector coupled with huge political changes

particularly to employers.

in the region show great promise for new

Page 32


and existing business schools to grow in

Heightened demand from employers

international prominence.

looking for MBA graduates with a specific

Page 25

knowledge in information management

has developed considerably as a result

Specialization ratings in the QS Global 200

of technological innovation. Schools in

Business Schools Report 2012

certain regions in North America are on

employer's radars more so than most.


Business schools around the world are

Page 35

placing greater importance in the teaching


Huge class diversity in many of Europe's

of corporate social responsibility, partly as a

business schools see the continent's

result of the huge economic developments

institutions perform particularly well in

in recent years. This is not only in North

terms of MBA employer opinion. North

America and Europe, but developing

American schools also see good results,

management education destinations in

while Asian business schools suffer from


difficulties in attracting international

Page 26



A diverse range of nations represented

Page 41

in the QS Global 200 Business Schools


Due to the economic woes in Europe

Report's entrepreneurial rating signifies

and North America, MBA employers are

the importance placed by both businesses

looking to graduates versed in leadership

and governments on future entrepreneurial

in order to steer them away from possible

talent emerging from MBA programs.

future difficulties. Currently, business

Page 29

schools in the US, UK, and other European

destinations are among the most respected

by employers.

2. Introduction

The QS Global 200 Business Schools Report originated *MBA specialization refers to a business school's perceived area of

in the early 1990s as an alternative to business school expertise among MBA employers. Throughout the report the above

rankings. The ratings provide a detailed overview 10 areas of expertise are referred to as `MBA specializations'.

of the most popular business schools around the

world, based on details provided to QS by over 2,000 Global employability: business school rankings or

employers who actively recruit MBA graduates. ratings?

Without inferring any overall rankings, QS' objective The objective of the QS Global 200 Business Schools


is to provide a resource to help prospective MBA Report is to provide an indication of the employability

students identify the business schools from which of an MBA upon graduation. As such, QS believes a

employers most actively recruit. The research is ratings system as opposed to the traditional business

intended to be of use to MBA employers, prospective school rankings provides a reliable measure of the

MBA students and institutions worldwide that are employability outcome of an MBA program.

interested in international business education and

recruitment trends.

Traditional rankings assess on average 15 to 20 criteria

in order to provide an overarching indication of

At the heart of the report is the definitive list of 200 student satisfaction. These vary but are mostly based

business schools from which employers prefer to on general aspects: academic peer review, citations

recruit MBAs. This list is compiled from an annual per faculty, faculty-student ratio, and international

survey of human resources (HR) managers and line students, for example.

managers with recruiting responsibilities at companies

around the world. Each year, employers recommend The QS Global 200 Business Schools Report only measures

new schools to be added to the list. This is then sent to one indicator ? the employability outcome of an MBA

other recruiters to rate.

program by region and specialization. Focusing solely

on employers' views provide a reliable insight as to

The research provides ratings of the most popular which business schools produce MBA graduates and

businessschoolsaccordingtotwodefinitivecategories: alumni that are favored by recruiters. This is derived

Regional ratings:

from employers' votes as to which schools they prefer

Africa and the Middle East;

to recruit MBA graduates.



Employers and HR decision makers worldwide are

Latin America;

at the forefront of witnessing the worth of an MBA.

North America.

QS believes that they are in the best position to judge

MBA specialization* ratings:

the value of a business school's graduates, and have

Corporate social responsibility (CSR);

among the most objective and informed opinions


as to which are the `best' business schools. When an


HR department selects a business school to recruit

Information management;

MBAs from, the decision will often be the result of an


intensive research exercise: evaluating the strength of

International management;

faculty, the facilities and the relevance of the course to


the employee and the company's needs.


Operations management;

Similarly, when HR managers choose which business


schools to recruit from, they will draw from a wide

ss sss

s sss s s s sss


range of information sources. They assess the There is a greater focus on regional MBA trends and in

quality and efficiency of the schools' career services order to provide data to help students and recruiters

and the reputation of the school, for example. HR choose which schools to apply to and recruit from, QS

decision makers look beyond rankings and examine has categorized its business school ratings by region.

the facilities, the course content and the quality of

students. Year-on-year, this survey reveals remarkable MBA specialization ratings


consistency in school selection. Allegiance to particular According to the QS TopMBA Applicant Survey, school

schools is not gained or lost by one good or bad student specializations are the eighth most important criterion

but by a sustained experience over several years.

for school selection. According to the survey, which

is the largest of its kind, school specializations are

Providing regional MBA ratings

more important to applicants than MBA rankings,

Management education is globalizing. The past convenience of location, or recommendations from

decade has seen an increase of accredited business peers, colleagues and even employers.

schools open in emerging markets such as in the

BRIC countries (Brazil, Russia, India, and China). The MBA curriculum is changing to respond to this in

While business schools in the US and Europe remain the offering of MBA specializations. For professionals

the most popular study destinations among MBA who want to further their careers in the field that they

students, schools elsewhere in the world such as are already working in, an MBA with a specialist focus

those in Asia-Pacific are growing in popularity. The would be a viable option. In developing ratings on

proliferation of accredited programs around the globe MBA specializations, QS' aim is to provide a useful

has led to a wider choice for MBA applicants over the resource for prospective students and employers'

past few years. Recent trends indicate that there is alike to help aid decisions over which schools to apply

greater onus on choosing the right country as well as to, or which to recruit from. MBA programs that do

the right business school. According to the TopMBA. not offer specializations can still produce graduates

com Applicant Survey 2011, over 50% of MBA that excel in specialist fields.

students are choosing schools based on the country in

which they wish to work.

The results of the QS Global 200 Business Schools Report

are based on MBA recruiters' opinions and as such,

Furthermore,internationalMBArecruitingisnolonger employers also voted on general MBA programs

the domain of a few prestigious US and European that provide training and education in any one of 10

companies. A growing number of HR managers in specialist fields, as well as programs that specialize in

the Asia-Pacific region, Latin America, and the Middle a particular field. There is now greater diversity in the

East are informed about MBA education. Managers in many MBA specializations on offer, but QS rates the 10

these regions have been asked to share their views on core MBA specializations.

the schools they would prioritize for MBA hiring.


In order to avoid copyright disputes, this page is only a partial summary.

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