University of London

Creating your case for employer sponsorship for the University of London Global MBATemplate This is designed as an example only. It should not be regarded as a comprehensive proposal that is suitable for your specific organisation, nor as any guarantee of success with your application. It is provided to supply ideas about how to structure a proposal and to illustrate the features of the programme that may best support your case.Summary[Here, you can introduce your proposal, summarise why you are applying for sponsorship, and specify what you believe your employer will need to know.]I have been an employee of the organisation for X years, and would be grateful if you would consider my application for sponsorship to study for the University of London’s Global MBA as part of my ongoing career development programme.This application signals my commitment to further my career with *Company*. While many MBA candidates are required to postpone their career, the flexible nature of this online programme will cause minimal disruption to my working pattern. The course will enable me to develop further a range of business, finance and management-related skills, the benefits of which will improve my contribution to the firm from the beginning and make a significant impact to my performance in the longer term.Below, I have included the following information to support this proposal for sponsorship:Why the University of London Global MBA is the right option.Details about the programme, and how it will enable me to benefit the organisation.How this will fit around my existing commitments.The pricing structure and how the organisation could help.Suitability of the University of London Global MBA[Here, you can highlight the benefits of the programme that are most likely to influence your employer’s decision. Amend/delete as appropriate.]After comparing the market, I have concluded that the University of London Global MBA is the best fit for my situation. My reasoning is as follows:The programme is flexibleThis MBA is designed to allow people to continue working. It can be completed in up to five years. I can plan my studies around my standard working commitments and adjust the level of intensity if my work requirements require me to do so.The programme is portableAs an online programme, it is accessible from anywhere in the world. If I need to travel for work, I can maintain my study commitments.A reputable providerThe University of London is the world’s oldest provider of distance-learning programmes, so has developed an outstanding reputation for quality.Numerous accreditation benefitsThe University of London MBA is accredited by CMI and CIMA. I gain membership of these organisations (depending on my module choices), which will offer further training and networking opportunities. I will also have the option to gain Chartered Manager status through one of the core modules.Academic credibilityThe programme receives academic leadership from Queen Mary University of London, a Russell Group member whose teaching and research has an international dimension and impact.The global outreach of the programmeBecause of the global nature of the University of London’s offering, I will get the chance to network and collaborate with students of many different backgrounds and nationalities. I will be able to exchange real case studies and scenarios, discover in detail how business climates operate, and understand how common business problems get resolved in different environments.How it compares on priceCompared to similar online MBAs (for example: Leicester at ?13,600; the Open University at c. ?15,300-?17,000 for UK and higher elsewhere in the EU; Newcastle [not currently running] at ?18,000), the University of London is among the most competitively priced for the place it occupies in the market: ?8,730 / ?13,230*. A pay-as-you-study option is also available.[*The fee differs by region. See the fees section of the Global MBA programme page to confirm the correct fee.]Alumni bursaryAs a former student of Queen Mary / the University of London, I receive a 10% bursary on the course fee.Recognition of prior learningI have prior qualifications that should grant me exemptions from select modules of the MBA. The MBA therefore complements my skillset and will be time- and cost-efficient to complete.Flexible entry criteriaThough I do not meet the standard entry criteria for the majority of MBA programmes, this Global MBA has an alternative entry route. Having enquired, I should be eligible if I take an online preparation course.About the programmeThe Global MBA is comprised of six core modules (15 credits each), four optional modules (15 credits each), and a Strategic Project (30 credits).Core modules include:Strategic ManagementAccounting and FinanceEconomics for ManagersMarketing for ManagersSuccessful LeadershipOrganisational Behaviour and HRMOptional modules include topics from the following specialist areas:AccountancyEntrepreneurshipFinanceHealthLaw LeadershipCore ModulesThe core modules cover all the bases to become a successful manager, from finance to marketing to leadership skills. Given my background, I expect to perform very strongly in *module(s)* and to make significant advances in *module(s)*.OptionsOptions are available in six subject areas. I anticipate taking a broad selection of modules, whereby I will graduate with a general MBA –OR– I anticipate taking at least three optional modules and my Strategic Project in *category*, which means I will earn a specialist MBA in that discipline.Given our current and forecasted business needs at *company*, I anticipate that the firm will benefit if I gain greater strategic knowledge in *discipline(s)*. More details of my anticipated module choices and the business needs they address are provided below.Strategic ProjectThe Strategic Project provides an opportunity for me to develop independent research skills and to apply my knowledge and development to a real-world business scenario. It requires me to develop a methodology and use research skills to collect and analyse data that is relevant to the business challenge I have identified.As this can include my current employer, the firm will benefit from a consultancy review as part of my course. This project will demonstrate my consolidated learning while addressing one of the firm’s active business problems.How does the MBA meet the company’s needs?The Global MBA will broaden my skillset, develop my independent research skills, and allow me to offer more in terms of management and strategic input. Below are the relevant business needs this MBA will cover, based on my module selection. *Amend to your requirements.*Accounting and Finance (Core)Alongside the main principles of accounting and finance, this module will help me understand how businesses perform and the issues they face, how financial information is prepared and communicated, and how it is used as an effective tool for decision-making and control.Key business needs:Understanding financial informationFinancial decision-makingEconomics for Managers (Core)This module explains central economic concepts and models. I will also gain a better understanding of the business environment in which firms operate, how economic theory determines decision-making, and how economic events influence the world economy.Key business needs:Key economic problemsEconomic determinants to the business environmentMarketing for Managers (Core)This module will help me evaluate the marketing process, explain the importance of understanding customers and the marketplace (in domestic and international contexts), and understand how to develop and implement a successful marketing strategy.Key business needs:Understanding customer behavioursDeveloping a marketing strategyOrganisational Behaviour and Human Resource Management (Core)This module explains the key issues relating to human resource management and strategic HR policies. Discovering more about how organisations behave and how they manage their people will help me become a more effective leader and boost my organisational performance.Key business needs:Human resource managementEffective leadershipStrategic Management (Core)This module will explain the key concepts, frameworks and practices of strategic management. It will prepare me to respond quickly to today’s challenging business climate and understand the role of strategy in maintaining or achieving competitive advantages.Key business needs:Strategy managementDeveloping competitive advantagesSuccessful Leadership (Core)This module will prepare me for strategic leadership and transformational roles. It will explore current leadership theory and how it fits against contemporary expectations of people in organisations, using case studies to apply a real-world context. It will also help me evaluate and hone my own personal leadership style.Key business needs:Strategic leadershipPersonal leadershipRisk Management and Decision-Making (Specialist: Finance)This module offers a detailed analysis of tools and processes used by the financial industry to manage risk. Using case studies, I will learn about the value-at-risk approach. I will also analyse the management of risk portfolios, and discover more about firms’ approach to decision-making.Key business needs:Risk managementDecision-making psychologyNegotiation and Conflict Management (Specialist: Leadership)To lead an organisation, I should be able to negotiate with stakeholders, identify and manage different types of conflict, and employ dispute resolution methodologies. By taking this module, I will learn highly practical skills used in negotiation and conflict management by government personnel (among others), helping to make me a highly effective leader.Key business needs:Negotiation and conflict management techniques Effective leadershipLeadership, Transformation, and Organisational Change (Specialist: Leadership)This module is designed for anyone pursuing a career in business management. Using case studies, I’ll develop the ability to respond to complex, dynamic issues and situations that arise in working environments, as well as a deep understanding of the contribution of strategic leadership to organisational change and transformation.Key business needs:Managing transformational and organisational changeEvent response in the workplaceLeadership and Ethical Decision-Making (Specialist: Leadership)This module will prepare me for strategic leadership and transformational roles, building on the Successful Leadership core module to help me recognise how my own moral approach affects and determines leadership approaches when confronted with ethical dilemmas. I will explore case studies and examples of real-world ethical dilemmas.Key business needs:Ethical decision-making for leadersAnalysing leadership approachesStrategic Project (Theme: Leadership)The project allows me to develop my independent business research skills and apply them to a real world business scenario on the theme of leadership. I must develop a methodology and use research skills to identify, collect, and analyse data in relation to this issue. Drawing upon my learnings from the modules above, I will analyse the problem, explore alternative solutions, and apply judgements based on a full assessment of the evidence, before presenting this in a professional document.Key business needs:Consultancy on an active business problemAcquiring and analysing data to solve this problem NotesAs I have at least three years’ work experience, I intend to apply for Chartered Manager status. I can achieve this by applying to CMI and submitting work from the Successful Leadership module.I am prepared to discuss alternative optional modules if managers / HR believes the organisation would derive greater benefit from the other disciplines available.Managing my commitmentsFlexible programmeThe University of London Global MBA is a flexible programme that is designed to be studied online. For the majority of the time, I will be able to work from home. If I need to travel for work, I will be able to keep up my study commitments from anywhere in the world.Optional teaching support [If relevant]Some modules will be supported at local teaching centres. I anticipate seeking additional support with the *Accounting and Finance* core module to compensate for my lack of experience in this area and to ensure that my performance is equally strong in this component of the course.Projected commitmentI plan to complete the MBA in *three* years by completing four modules in year one, four modules in year two, and two modules plus the Strategic Project in year three.Each module represents about 150 hours of study (300 for the Project), which equates to 6-8 hours per week on average based on a 22-week session – though this will vary around deadlines and exams.By this measure, my standard study schedule would demand 12-16 hours per week for 44 weeks of the year. I believe this to be perfectly achievable.Additional needsMy course should not interfere with my work. If I need to adjust my study commitment, I can take on more or fewer modules. This will be particularly useful if my working commitments change. Nevertheless, I will need to sit exams (which I can do locally) in accordance with the University’s exam schedule. I would anticipate taking up my full allocation of *five training days* per calendar year. These will be used to prepare for exams, to sit exams, and to prepare assignments ahead of submission deadlines.Costs, and how the organisation could help.[Here, you should explain the options and how your employer could support you. You may have to consider guarantees that will safeguard the firm’s investment, or propose that the firm sponsors you for part of the fee rather than the whole amount.]Programme FeesAs I plan to complete my MBA over *1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5* years, it is important to find an institution that offers a suitable payment option. With the University of London, the options are: to pay for the whole course fee, or to pay as you study.As I am studying in *country*, the full course fee will be *?8,730 / ?13,230*. This represents a 5% discount on the cost of paying for the modules individually and guards against annual fee reviews, which apply from October 2018. Alternatively, if the firm is willing to sponsor me on a pay-as-you-go basis to monitor my performance, I will be able to provide a breakdown of costs at regular intervals.ValueUnlike many MBA programmes, the module fee includes all course materials. Additional supplementary costs will include:Examination centre costs (required)Applications for recognition of prior learning (if relevant)Cost of the preparatory online course (if relevant)Additional tuition at a local centre (if relevant)A survey of the market shows the University of London Global MBA to be among the most competitively priced online programmes for direction by a Russell Group University (or the Open University). Compare with the following online MBAs:University of London / QMUL?13,230Open University?13,540 - ?16,991, Higher in EU.University of Newcastle?18,000Durham University?21,000University of Liverpool?21,400Warwick University?30,000Imperial College London?34,800Correct at the point of composition. Please check online for the latest pricings.How the organisation could helpGiven my length of service and performance history, I would like you to consider supporting _percentage_ of my MBA course fee.To support this claim, I have attached:Reference(s) from my line manager / supervisor / Regional Head.My appraisals / performance reviews.Relevant information about the programme.Confirmation of my offer to study from the University of London.I am willing to discuss terms concerning assurances that will safeguard the firm’s investment: Minimum performance criteria on the MBA that I must maintain for ongoing support. (I am / am not willing to allow the university to release my examination results.)An acceptable minimum tenure at the firm following the completion of the course, and the process of repaying any sponsor contribution should I leave before this point.The process of paymentAs described above, there are different methods of payment. Neither the firm nor I would be required to make full payment up-front (although there are some cost benefits to doing so).If I register separately for each module, I could specify an amount or an agreed percentage that the firm would become responsible for. The main stipulation is that the fee for a module is to be paid before I can access the course content.More information: Employers: How do I sponsor an employee?SummaryUndertaking an MBA is a serious commitment, and one that I would not consider without appropriate thought and planning. I am optimistic that the programme will complement my work responsibilities and prepare me to continue my career at senior level with *company*. I would be glad if you would consider supporting me for this programme.Additional InformationFurther information about the Global MBA programme can be found here. ................

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