Minutes for Community Services Committee October 6, 2008 ...

Community Services Committee Minutes

October 6/7, 2008

|Members: |Present: |

|K. Leibovici, Chair |K. Leibovici |

|D. Iveson, Vice-Chair |D. Iveson |

|T. Caterina |T. Caterina |

|S. Mandel |S. Mandel |

|D. Thiele |D. Thiele |

Also in Attendance:

Councillor B. Anderson

Councillor J. Batty

Councillor B. Henderson

A. Maurer, City Manager

A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk


A.1. Call to Order

Councillor K. Leibovici called the meeting to order at 1:35 p.m.

Councillor T. Caterina was absent.

A.2. Adoption of Agenda

Moved D. Iveson:

That the October 6/7, 2008, Community Services Committee meeting agenda be adopted with the following addition:

E.5. Construction of the New Animal Control Facility


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

A.3. Adoption of Minutes

Moved D. Iveson:

That the September 22, 2008, Community Services Committee meeting minutes be adopted.


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.


B.1. Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items

The Committee selected the following items for debate: D.1., E.1., E.2., E.3., E.4., E.5., E.6., E.7., E.8., E.9., E.10., E.11. and J.1.

B.2. Time Specifics and Decision to Hear

Moved D. Thiele:

That the following items be postponed until October 7, 2008:

E.4. Fred Broadstock Pool Redevelopment – Budget Adjustment

E.5. Construction of the New Animal Control Facility

E.6. John Janzen Nature Centre, Phase One Addition Budget Adjustment - Partnership with Edmonton Nature Centres Foundation

E.9. Impact of New Gymnasium Fee Structure

J.1. Winter Litter (B. Henderson/K.Krushell)


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.


D.1. Public Safety Concerns – Panhandling

D. Aitken, Planning and Development Department, answered Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

|That the revised due date of January 26, 2009, be approved. |Planning & Dev. |

| |Due: Jan. 26/09 |


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.


E.1. Open Tenders - Edmonton Police Service

B. Gibson, Chair, Edmonton Police Commission, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved D. Thiele:

|That Administration award the tender projects, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the July 9, 2008, |Edmonton Police Service |

|Edmonton Police Service report 2008POAC08, and enter into all relevant agreements, such tenders | |

|to be in accordance with Administration’s normal tendering guidelines. | |


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

E.2. Peace Officers

A. Jarman, City Solicitor, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. A. B. Maurer, City Manager; G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and Development Department; B. Gibson, Chair, Edmonton Police Commission; D. Aitken, Planning and Development Department; and A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved K. Leibovici:

|That Administration provide a report to the February 9, 2009, Community Services Committee |Corporate Svcs |

|meeting, on any overlap of the role of City of Edmonton Peace Officers with Police Officers, as |Planning & Dev. |

|well as identifying opportunities for better integration with the Edmonton Police Service. The |Due: Feb. 9/09 |

|report will also provide information on municipal oversight of City of Edmonton Peace Officers. | |


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

E.3. Planning for Civic Land Needs in Growth Areas

P. Ohm, Planning and Development Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. E. Backstrom, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Councillor T. Caterina entered the meeting.

L. Brenneis, Asset Management and Public Works Department; and

G. Klassen, General Manager, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Mayor S. Mandel entered the meeting.

G. Klassen, General Manager, and P. Ohm and E. Backstrom, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved S. Mandel:

|That Administration provide a report to the December 8, 2008, Community Services Committee meeting |AMPW |

|that: | |

|Outlines a process for working with Urban Development Institute to come up with a formula for the |Due: Dec. 8/08 |

|purchase of land at pre-development rates. | |

|• Evaluates the City of Edmonton’s opportunity to implement a Community and Recreation Levy. | |

|• Outlines the use of 1% of the Municipal Reserve for other municipal purposes, as well as the | |

|implications to other users such as parks and schools. | |

|That Administration write a letter to the Regional Growth Board asking for their response to the | |

|direction as outlined in Part 1. | |


For the Motion: T. Caterina, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel,

D. Thiele.

E.4. Fred Broadstock Pool Redevelopment - Budget Adjustment

Moved T. Caterina:

That item E.4. be dealt with now.


For the Motion: T. Caterina, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel, D. Thiele.

Opposed: D. Iveson.

M. Koziol, General Manager, and C. Ward, Capital Construction Department, made presentations. L. Cochrane, General Manager, Community Services Department, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. M. Koziol, General Manager, and

C. Ward, Capital Construction Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

(E.4. continued on page 6)

The meeting adjourned at 3:32 p.m.

The Committee reconvened on October 7, 2008, at 1:33 p.m.

Councillor D. Thiele was absent.

B.2. Time Specifics and Decision to Hear

Moved D. Iveson:

That Community Services Committee hear from the following speakers and that the speakers for Item E.8. be heard in a panel:

E.4. Fred Broadstock Pool Redevelopment – Budget Adjustment

Herb Flewwelling, Aquatic Council of Edmonton

E. 8. Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool – Redevelopment Project

1. Herb Flewwelling, Aquatic Council of Edmonton

2. John Stobbe, Friends of the Queen Elizabeth Pool

3. Chris Nelson, Aquatic Council of Edmonton


For the Motion: T. Caterina, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel.

Absent: D. Thiele.


E.8. Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool Redevelopment Project

R. Smyth, Community Services Department, made a presentation.

Councillor D. Thiele entered the meeting.

Herb Flewwelling, Aquatic Council of Edmonton; John Stobbe, Friends of the Queen Elizabeth Pool; and Chris Nelson, Aquatic Council of Edmonton, made presentations and answered the Committee’s questions.

L. Cochrane, General Manager, Community Services Department;

C. Ward and M. Koziol, General Manager, Capital Construction Department; and C. Jordon, Vice President, Jen-Col Construction Ltd., answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved S. Mandel:

|That Administration construct an outdoor six-lane pool at the Kinsmen site for a maximum of $5.5|Construction |

|million. | |


For the Motion: T. Caterina, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel,

D. Thiele.

E.4. Fred Broadstock Pool Redevelopment - Budget Adjustment

(continued from page 4)

Herb Flewwelling, Aquatic Council of Edmonton, made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions.

L. Cochrane, General Manager, Community Services Department;

M. Koziol, General Manager, and C. Ward, Capital Construction Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

The Committee recessed at 3:30 p.m.

The Committee reconvened at 3:45 p.m.

L. Cochrane, General Manager, Community Services Department;

M. Koziol, General Manager, and C. Ward, Capital Construction Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved S. Mandel:

That Administration complete the redevelopment of Fred Broadstock Pool within the original project budget of

$5.478 million and realize the cost saving options as outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 30, 2008, Capital Construction Department report 2008CC7678rev.

Amendment Moved K. Leibovici:

That “and realize the cost saving options as outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 30, 2008, Capital Construction Department report 2008CC7678rev” be deleted.


For the

Amendment: T. Caterina, D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel,

D. Thiele.

Motion as Amended, put:

|That Administration complete the redevelopment of Fred Broadstock Pool within the original |Construction |

|project budget of $5.478 million. | |

C. Ward, Capital Construction Department; A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk; L. Cochrane, General Manager, Community Services Department, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion

as Amended: T. Caterina, S. Mandel, D. Thiele.

Opposed: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici.

Analysis of the Life Cycle Cost for the Fred Broadstock Pool – Reduced Scope Versus Original Scope

Moved D. Iveson:

|That Administration provide a report to the February 9, 2009, Community Services Committee meeting |Construction |

|on an analysis of the Life Cycle Cost for the Fred Broadstock Pool reduced scope versus original |Due: Feb. 9/09 |

|scope including: | |

|revenue impact of closures | |

|roof renewal costs | |

|pool tank refurbishment | |

C. Ward, Capital Construction Department; A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk; and L. Cochrane, General Manager, Community Services Department, answered the Committee’s questions.


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Opposed: T. Caterina, S. Mandel.


J.1. Winter Litter (B. Henderson/K. Krushell)

Moved D. Iveson:

That item J.1. be dealt with now.


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

Moved D. Iveson:

|That the following report be postponed to the |Community Svcs. |

|October 14/20, 2008, Community Services Committee meeting: |Due: Oct. 14/20, 2008 |

|J.1. Winter Litter (B. Henderson/Krushell) | |

|September 25, 2008, Community Services Department report 2008CSW028 | |


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.


E.10. Licence Agreement with Edmonton Minor Hockey Association for 2008/2009 Winter Ice Arena Rentals

Move D. Iveson:

That item E.10. be dealt with now.


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

L. Cochrane, General Manager, and R. Smyth, Community Services Department, answered the Committee’s questions

Moved D. Iveson:

|That a Licence Agreement with the Edmonton Minor Hockey Association for City of Edmonton arena |Community Svcs. |

|ice usage for the 2008/2009 winter ice season, as outlined in Attachment 1 of the September 17, | |

|2008, Community Services Department report 2008CSR034, be approved. | |

|That the Licence Agreement be acceptable in form and content to the City Manager. | |


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, S. Mandel D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

E.5. Construction of the New Animal Control Facility

C. Ward, Capital Construction Department; made a presentation and answered the Committee’s questions. M. Garrett, Planning and Development Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

Mayor S. Mandel left the meeting.

M. Koziol, General Manager, and C. Ward, Capital Construction Department; M. Garrett, Planning and Development Department; and A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Councillors D. Iveson and K. Leibovici requested that this item be referred to City Council without a Committee recommendation.

E.11. Volunteerism - Recognition Program

Moved D. Thiele:

That item E.11. be dealt with now.


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved D. Thiele:

|That the September 26, 2008, Community Services Department report 2008CSW017 be received for |Community Svcs. |

|information. | |


For the Motion: D. Iveson, , K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

E.7. Best Practices to Minimize Water Usage for Parks, Sports Fields and Golf Courses – Feasibility of Using Non-potable Water Sources

E.9. Impact of New Gymnasium Fee Structure

Moved D. Iveson:

|That the following reports be postponed to the |Community Svcs |

|November 3, 2008, Community Services Committee meeting: | |

|E.7. Best Practices to Minimize Water Usage for Parks, Sports Fields and Golf Courses – |Due: Nov. 3/08 |

|Feasibility of Using Non-potable Water Sources | |

|August 28, 2008, Community Services Department report 2008CSR018 | |

|E.9. Impact of New Gymnasium Fee Structure | |

|September 16, 2008, Community Services Department report 2008CSR024 | |


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

Moved D. Iveson:

That Orders of the Day be extended to complete the agenda.


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.

E.6. John Janzen Nature Centre, Phase One Addition Budget Adjustment - Partnership with Edmonton Nature Centres Foundation

L. Cochrane, General Manager, and R. Smyth, Community Services Department, answered the Committee’s questions.

A. Giesbrecht, Office of the City Clerk, answered the Committee’s questions.

Moved D. Iveson:

|That the September 20, 2008, Community Services Department report 2008CSR031rev be referred|Community Svcs. |

|back to Administration to consider other options including scope change and re-tendering |Construction |

|when appropriate. | |


For the Motion: D. Iveson, K. Leibovici, D. Thiele.

Absent: T. Caterina.


Councillor K. Leibovici asked whether there were any Notices of Motion. There were none.


The meeting adjourned at 5:36 p.m.

________________________ ________________________

Chair City Clerk



OCTOBER 6/7, 2008


A.1. Call to Order 1

A.2. Adoption of Agenda 1

A.3. Adoption of Minutes 1


B.1. Items Selected for Debate and Vote on Remaining Items 2

B.2. Time Specifics and Decision to Hear 2/5


D.1. Public Safety Concerns – Panhandling 2


E.1. Open Tenders - Edmonton Police Service 3

E.2. Peace Officers 3

E.3. Planning for Civic Land Needs in Growth Areas 3

E.4. Fred Broadstock Pool Redevelopment - Budget Adjustment 4/6

E.5. Construction of the New Animal Control Facility 8

E.6. John Janzen Nature Centre, Phase One Addition Budget Adjustment - Partnership with Edmonton Nature Centres Foundation 10

E.7. Best Practices to Minimize Water Usage for Parks, Sports Fields and Golf Courses – Feasibility of Using Non-potable Water Sources 9

E.8. Queen Elizabeth Outdoor Pool Redevelopment Project 5

E.9. Impact of New Gymnasium Fee Structure 9

E.10. Licence Agreement with Edmonton Minor Hockey Association for 2008/2009 Winter Ice Arena Rentals 8

E.11. Volunteerism - Recognition Program 9


J.1. Winter Litter (B. Henderson/K. Krushell) 7





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