Greg Pitchford - Missouri Botanical Garden


Call for Technical Papers and Posters

2008 Missouri Natural Resources Conference

Tan-Tar-A Resort and Golf Club, Lake of the Ozarks

January 30 – February 1, 2008

Get Ready for Change: Ensuring Resource Sustainability in an iPod® World

This is a call for workshops, technical papers and posters for the 2008 Missouri Natural Resources Conference. While papers and posters that are related to the conference theme are strongly encouraged, paper topics are not limited to that subject. Workshops or presentations dealing with any aspect of forestry, fisheries, wildlife, or soil and water conservation are welcome. Suggested topics include: Motivating different generations, intergenerational transfer of land, conservation friendly development, managing small parcels, potential impact of 2007 Farm Bill, and the challenges of ensuring resource sustainability.

Those interested in hosting a workshop may submit the theme - OR - those interested in presenting a technical paper or poster are asked to submit an abstract of not more than 250 words, using the format attached to:

Tim French


1907 Hillcrest

Columbia, MO 65201

Phone: 573-884-6861; Fax: 573-882-9807


Indicate on the abstract whether the proposal is a paper or poster presentation

● Abstracts must be received no later than October 1, 2007.

● Submissions that best fit the conference theme and its suggested topics will be given priority.

● A total of 20 minutes will be allotted to each technical paper, including questions.

● We encourage you to focus your presentation on the consequences of your research or topic to field managers. We are most interested in explaining the meaning of your results and how that might affect future resource conservation efforts.

● Computers, data projectors, and screens will be provided; no overheads.

● Submission by e-mail would be greatly appreciated but not required.

● Posters will fit onto a 4 X 4 ‘ board to be provided.

● Workshop hosts and authors of selected papers will be notified around November 1, 2007.

For more information see our website:

Abstract Instructions

Please include the paper, poster title, author name(s), affiliation, address, phone number, and abstract following the example below as a guide. If more than one author is listed, underline the name of the person who will be giving the paper. Type all information to fit neatly on a single 8.6 by 11-inch piece of white paper with 1-inch margins on the top and sides. In a cover letter indicate if the abstract is being submitted as a paper (to be presented during a workshop or technical sessions) or a poster.

Submission by e-mail is strongly encouraged: Tim.French@mdc.

Sample Abstract

Nocturnal field use by wintering woodcock.

Berdeen, James B., and David G. Krementz. Kootenai National Forest, Canoe Gulch Ranger Station, Libby, MT 59923 USA (JBB); U.S.G.S. Biological Resources Division, Warnell School of Forest Resources, University of Georgia, GA 30602 USA (DGK)

American woodcock (Scolopax minor) move from forest habitats to open habitats during the evening crepuscular period. Openings are thought to be used for feeding, courting, roosting, and avoiding predators. Because limited data is available regarding the use of the fields at night on the wintering grounds, we examined the nocturnal habitat use patterns of woodcock in the Piedmont of Georgia (1994-95). Crepuscular flight surveys and radiotelemetry data were used to compare the use of fields of different sizes (40.0 ha) and types (seed tree/clearcuts, hayfields, fallow/old fields, and pastures). Fields ≥5.5 ha were used more frequently than those ................

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